A Spicy Surprise: Lili's New Year Revelation

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A Spicy Surprise: Lili's New Year Revelation
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Fluent Fiction - Mandarin Chinese: A Spicy Surprise: Lili's New Year Revelation Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: https://www.fluentfiction.com/zh/episode/2025-01-08-08-38-20-zh Story Transcript: Zh: 热闹的除夕夜,Lili家的大客厅里挂满了红色的灯笼,香火与欢笑充盈其间。 En: On the lively...
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Story Transcript:
Zh: 热闹的除夕夜,Lili家的大客厅里挂满了红色的灯笼,香火与欢笑充盈其间。
En: On the lively New Year's Eve, the large living room of Lili’s home was adorned with red lanterns, filled with incense and laughter.
Zh: Lili站在厨房,心里满是紧张与期待。
En: Lili stood in the kitchen, feeling both nervous and excited.
Zh: 她为这一天准备了很久,不仅是那些五花八门的饺子,还有她的秘密——新工作。
En: She had prepared for this day for a long time, not only making a variety of dumplings but also for her secret—a new job.
Zh: 她的表弟Wei不安分地在厨房出入,“Lili姐,让我来帮你吧!
En: Her cousin Wei restlessly moved in and out of the kitchen, "Sister Lili, let me help you!"
Zh: ”他说着,兴奋地跑来跑去,像个小旋风。
En: he said, running around excitedly like a little whirlwind.
Zh: Lili笑着点头,但小心翼翼地摆放她特别制作的饺子,并在心里计划着如何宣布自己的消息。
En: Lili smiled and nodded, but carefully arranged her specially made dumplings, all the while planning how to announce her news.
Zh: 不远处,Ming正在准备他的新实验饺子,听说里面加了惊人的辣椒。
En: Not far away, Ming was preparing his new experimental dumplings, rumored to have surprising amounts of chili inside.
Zh: 他豪爽地说,“家里人从来没吃过这样辣的饺子,今晚一定会是个惊喜!
En: He boasted, "The family has never had dumplings this spicy; tonight will surely be a surprise!"
Zh: ”晚宴开始了,亲戚们围坐在大桌旁,桌上摆满了美味的菜肴,饺子是必不可少的主角之一。
En: The dinner began, with relatives seated around the large table, which was laden with delicious dishes, and dumplings were an essential highlight.
Zh: 就在Lili犹豫不决之际,魏搅得一手好热闹,快意地帮忙端饺子,却无心地把Lili和Ming的饺子打了个对换。
En: Just as Lili hesitated, Wei stirred up the atmosphere by helping serve the dumplings, inadvertently swapping Lili’s and Ming’s dumplings.
Zh: 时机成熟之际,众人一个个夹起饺子,一瞬间,脸上浮现出诧异的表情。
En: As the moment was ripe, everyone picked up a dumpling, and in an instant, surprised expressions appeared on their faces.
Zh: Lili正准备起身,家里的笑声终于爆发:“这饺子太辣啦!
En: Lili was about to stand up when laughter finally erupted in the house: "These dumplings are so spicy!"
Zh: ”眼泪都笑出来了。
En: Tears of laughter were shed.
Zh: Lili见状,不禁乐了,她趁机说道:“各位,我有件事情想告诉大家。
En: Seeing this, Lili couldn't help but laugh and seized the moment to say, "Everyone, I have something I want to tell you."
Zh: ”在热闹与笑声中,Lili大声说出她的新闻:“我在别的城市找到了一份新工作!
En: Amidst the liveliness and laughter, Lili loudly announced her news: "I’ve found a new job in another city!"
Zh: ”家人们一时愣住,但很快祝福声跟上。
En: Her family was momentarily stunned but quickly followed with congratulations.
Zh: Ming还调侃说:“看看,这可比我的辣饺子更具惊喜啊!
En: Ming even joked, "See, this is an even bigger surprise than my spicy dumplings!"
Zh: ”Lili惊喜地发现,家人们虽然惊讶,但更多的是满心为她感到高兴。
En: Lili was pleasantly surprised to find that although her family was surprised, they were even more genuinely happy for her.
Zh: 伯伯说:“放心去吧,我们永远支持你。
En: Her uncle said, "Go confidently, we will always support you."
Zh: ”家人的言语让Lili倍感温暖,内心的紧张随之消退。
En: Her family’s words made Lili feel very warm, and her inner tension disappeared.
Zh: 除夕夜在温馨的气氛中度过,Lili望着周围的一切,心中充满了勇气。
En: New Year's Eve passed in a warm atmosphere, and Lili looked around at everything, feeling full of courage.
Zh: 她知道,无论去到哪里,家人的支持都会伴她同行。
En: She knew that no matter where she went, her family's support would accompany her.
Vocabulary Words:
- lively: 热闹的
- adorned: 挂满了
- incense: 香火
- nervous: 紧张
- excited: 期待
- variety: 五花八门
- whirlwind: 小旋风
- carefully: 小心翼翼
- experimental: 实验的
- boasted: 豪爽地说
- spicy: 辣
- seated: 围坐
- laden: 摆满了
- hesitated: 犹豫不决
- inadvertently: 无心地
- swapping: 对换
- ripe: 成熟
- erupted: 爆发
- congratulations: 祝福声
- joked: 调侃
- stunned: 愣住
- genuinely: 满心
- confidently: 放心
- support: 支持
- tension: 紧张
- atmosphere: 气氛
- accompany: 伴随
- gathering: 聚会
- experimental: 实验的
- encouragement: 鼓励
Author | FluentFiction.org |
Organization | Kameron Kilchrist |
Website | www.fluentfiction.com |
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