
A Winter's Warning: Friendship and Health on Tkalčićeva

Jan 11, 2025 · 16m 7s
A Winter's Warning: Friendship and Health on Tkalčićeva

01 · Main Story

1m 43s

02 · Vocabulary Words

12m 44s


Fluent Fiction - Croatian: A Winter's Warning: Friendship and Health on Tkalčićeva Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Hr: Tkalčićeva ulica u Zagrebu prekrivena...

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Fluent Fiction - Croatian: A Winter's Warning: Friendship and Health on Tkalčićeva
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Story Transcript:

Hr: Tkalčićeva ulica u Zagrebu prekrivena je laganim snijegom.
En: Tkalčićeva Street in Zagreb is covered in a light snow.

Hr: Unutra, u toplom i ugodnom kafiću, Ivana i Goran sjede za malim stolom pored prozora.
En: Inside, in a warm and cozy café, Ivana and Goran sit at a small table by the window.

Hr: Miris svježe kuhane kave ispunjava zrak, dok se žamor gostiju lagano talasa oko njih.
En: The aroma of freshly brewed coffee fills the air, while the murmur of guests gently swirls around them.

Hr: Izvana, sve djeluje mirno i spokojno, ali unutar kafića, Goran se nosi s nemirom.
En: Outside, everything seems calm and peaceful, but inside the café, Goran is dealing with unease.

Hr: Ivana ga pažljivo promatra.
En: Ivana observes him carefully.

Hr: Primjećuje da Goran nije sav svoj.
En: She notices that Goran is not quite himself.

Hr: On često dodiruje prsa i povremeno zatvori oči zbog vrtoglavice.
En: He often touches his chest and occasionally closes his eyes due to dizziness.

Hr: Ivana zna da Goran prolazi kroz težak period na poslu, a novogodišnje slavlje uopće mu ne pomaže.
En: Ivana knows that Goran is going through a tough time at work, and the New Year's celebration isn't helping him at all.

Hr: Iako mudra i praktična, brine se za zdravlje svog prijatelja.
En: Though wise and practical, she worries about her friend's health.

Hr: "Gorane, sve u redu?
En: "Gorane, are you okay?"

Hr: " pita ga nježno.
En: she asks gently.

Hr: Goran se osmjehne, ali osmijeh ne dopire do očiju.
En: Goran smiles, but the smile doesn't reach his eyes.

Hr: "Proći će.
En: "It'll pass.

Hr: Samo sam malo umoran.
En: I'm just a little tired."

Hr: "Ivana se naginje naprijed, ne popuštajući.
En: Ivana leans forward, not relenting.

Hr: "Znam da te puno toga muči, ali tvoj san nije razlog za tu bol.
En: "I know a lot is bothering you, but your sleep isn't the reason for that pain.

Hr: Trebao bi otići liječniku.
En: You should see a doctor.

Hr: Možemo odmah.
En: We can go right now."

Hr: "Goran odmahne glavom, malo nervozno.
En: Goran shakes his head, a bit nervously.

Hr: "Ne želim sada razmišljati o tome.
En: "I don't want to think about it now.

Hr: Previše toga imam na poslu.
En: I have too much going on at work."

Hr: ""Vidim koliko se trudiš, ali što će posao ako se ti ne brineš za sebe?
En: "I see how hard you're working, but what good is work if you don't take care of yourself?"

Hr: " Ivana nije spremna odustati.
En: Ivana is not ready to give up.

Hr: Njene riječi snažne su i iskrene.
En: Her words are strong and sincere.

Hr: Iznenada, Goran se naglo ukoči.
En: Suddenly, Goran stiffens abruptly.

Hr: Njegova šalica kave sklizne iz ruke i razbije se o pod.
En: His cup of coffee slips from his hand and shatters on the floor.

Hr: Svi u kafiću okrenu se prema njemu, a Ivana brzo skoči na noge.
En: Everyone in the café turns towards him, and Ivana quickly jumps to her feet.

Hr: Oči su joj pune zabrinutosti.
En: Her eyes are full of concern.

Hr: "Gorane, ne možemo više čekati.
En: "Gorane, we can't wait any longer.

Hr: Idemo odmah," inzistira odlučno.
En: Let's go now," she insists firmly.

Hr: Goran oklijeva, kratko pogleda snježni prizor kroz prozor, a zatim svojoj prijateljici.
En: Goran hesitates, briefly glancing at the snowy scene through the window, then at his friend.

Hr: Strah mu je u očima, ali istovremeno vidi njenu odlučnost i brigu.
En: Fear is in his eyes, but he also sees her determination and concern.

Hr: "U redu," tiho kaže, "idemo.
En: "Alright," he says quietly, "let's go."

Hr: "Sat vremena kasnije izlaze iz klinike, Goran s olakšanjem.
En: An hour later, they exit the clinic, Goran with a sense of relief.

Hr: Većina nalaza ukazuje na stres i iscrpljenost.
En: Most results point to stress and exhaustion.

Hr: Goran obećava Ivani da će ubuduće bolje paziti na sebe.
En: Goran promises Ivana that he will take better care of himself in the future.

Hr: "Zanemarivao sam tvoje brige i svoje zdravlje.
En: "I ignored your concerns and my health.

Hr: Hvala ti, Ivana," kaže s iskrenim priznanjem.
En: Thank you, Ivana," he says with sincere acknowledgment.

Hr: Ivana mu se nasmiješi, umirena.
En: Ivana smiles at him, reassured.

Hr: "Svi smo mi samo ljudi, Gorane.
En: "We're all just human, Gorane.

Hr: Sreća je što smo tu jedni za druge.
En: It's a blessing that we are here for each other."

Hr: "Dok hodaju natrag kroz Tkalčićevu, Goran osjeća kako im prijateljstvo daje toplinu u hladnoj, snježnoj noći.
En: As they walk back through Tkalčićeva, Goran feels how their friendship provides warmth on a cold, snowy night.

Hr: Tajnovita i snažna povezanost može nadvladati svaku težinu, čak i kad su praznično svjetlo i veseli ugođaj u zatišju.
En: A mysterious and strong connection can overcome any burden, even when the festive lights and joyful atmosphere are subdued.

Hr: Zajedno, kao pravi prijatelji, kroče kroz snijeg, sigurni da će buduće izazove dočekati uzajamno podržavajući se.
En: Together, as true friends, they tread through the snow, confident that they will face future challenges by supporting each other.

Vocabulary Words:
  • cozy: ugodan
  • murmur: žamor
  • swirls: talasa
  • unease: nemir
  • dizziness: vrtoglavica
  • observes: promatra
  • bothering: muči
  • relenting: popuštajući
  • shakes: odmahne
  • nervously: nervozno
  • insists: inzistira
  • concern: zabrinutost
  • hesitates: oklijeva
  • exhaustion: iscrpljenost
  • acknowledgment: priznanje
  • reassured: umirena
  • burden: težina
  • festive: praznično
  • subdued: u zatišju
  • determination: odlučnost
  • relief: olakšanje
  • promptly: odmah
  • trail: kroče
  • gently: nježno
  • trudge: hodaju
  • tread: kroče
  • overcome: nadvladati
  • amid: usred
  • celebration: slavlje
  • clinic: klinika
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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