Are The FAANGs Losing Their Bite on Our Economy: Hugh Anderson Fills Us In

Sep 3, 2019 · 24m 26s
Are The FAANGs Losing Their Bite on Our Economy: Hugh Anderson Fills Us In

First, here is the report you should read: It says the FAANGs -- which stand for Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix, and Google -- might not be on top of...

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First, here is the report you should read:
It says the FAANGs -- which stand for Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix, and Google -- might not be on top of the financial throne as new tech and changes happen.
Hugh Anderson explains it all. He is the Managing Director of High Tower Las Vegas, a comprehensive wealth management firm including proprietary in-house portfolio management. You can reach him at

Full disclosure, Hugh has been guiding me for years all the way back to my news anchoring days in Vegas when he would do the daily stock wrap-up for me on newscasts. Hugh, that will ring some memories in Vegas.
JD: So this report comes from Aoris Investment Management. I will put the website onto the page here for the podcast. It is www dot a-o-r-i-s-i-m dot-com dot a-u OK, Hugh, do you find this report credible?
So why are these stocks -- Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix, and Google – possibly on the downside?
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