
Balancing Dreams: A Beijing Student's Journey to Happiness

Jan 10, 2025 · 12m 54s
Balancing Dreams: A Beijing Student's Journey to Happiness

01 · Main Story

1m 44s

02 · Vocabulary Words

10m 4s


Fluent Fiction - Mandarin Chinese: Balancing Dreams: A Beijing Student's Journey to Happiness Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Zh: 在繁华的北京,有一所古老与现代交织的寄宿学校。 En: In the...

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Fluent Fiction - Mandarin Chinese: Balancing Dreams: A Beijing Student's Journey to Happiness
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

Zh: 在繁华的北京,有一所古老与现代交织的寄宿学校。
En: In the bustling city of Beijing, there is a boarding school where the ancient and modern intertwine.

Zh: 冬天,大雪覆盖了城市,一片宁静。
En: In winter, the city is covered in snow, bringing a sense of tranquility.

Zh: 学校不远处,是古老的寺庙和高耸的摩天大楼。
En: Not far from the school are ancient temples and towering skyscrapers.

Zh: 岳是个用功的学生。
En: Yue is a diligent student.

Zh: 她的梦想是拿到奖学金去国外留学。
En: Her dream is to earn a scholarship to study abroad.

Zh: 这段时间,岳为考试拼命学习。
En: These days, Yue has been studying hard for her exams.

Zh: 她的家人期待她能取得优秀的成绩。
En: Her family hopes she will achieve excellent grades.

Zh: 他们常说:“只要你努力,未来就会光明。”
En: They often say, "As long as you work hard, the future will be bright."

Zh: 莲是岳的同学。
En: Lian is Yue's classmate.

Zh: 她总是充满创意。
En: She is always full of creativity.

Zh: 但在学校里,她感到压抑。
En: But she feels stifled in school.

Zh: “规矩太多,没有想象的空间。”莲常常这样抱怨。
En: "There are too many rules, no room for imagination," Lian often complains.

Zh: 尽管如此,她依然支持岳。
En: Nevertheless, she still supports Yue.

Zh: 她知道岳真正的梦想是成为一名艺术家。
En: She knows that Yue's true dream is to become an artist.

Zh: 嘉是俩人的朋友。
En: Jia is a friend to both of them.

Zh: 她性格外向,总是乐于帮助他人。
En: She has an outgoing personality and is always willing to help others.

Zh: 但她也常常抱怨自己的处境:“我没得选择,父母决定一切。”
En: However, she often complains about her own situation: "I have no choice; my parents decide everything."

Zh: 然而,她总能带给大家欢笑,减轻压力。
En: Yet, she always manages to bring laughter to everyone and alleviate their stress.

Zh: 春节将至,学校的气氛缓了下来,但岳的压力却更大了。
En: With the Spring Festival approaching, the atmosphere in the school has relaxed, but Yue's pressure has intensified.

Zh: 离考试只剩几天,她犹豫徘徊。
En: Only a few days remain until the exam, and she hesitates and wavers.

Zh: 在莲的鼓励下,岳决定直面自己的感受。
En: Encouraged by Lian, Yue decides to face her feelings head-on.

Zh: 考试前夕,她在视频通话中向父母坦白了心中的冲突。
En: On the eve of the exam, she confesses her inner conflict to her parents over a video call.

Zh: “妈妈,爸爸,”岳的声音里有些颤抖,“我真正的梦想是艺术,而不是只为成绩而学。”
En: "Mom, Dad," Yue's voice trembles a bit, "my true dream is art, not just studying for the sake of grades."

Zh: 视频那头,父母沉默了一会儿。接着,他们微笑着说:“岳,我们只希望你快乐。追求你真正的梦想吧。”
En: On the other end of the video, her parents were silent for a moment. Then, they smiled and said, "Yue, we just want you to be happy. Pursue your true dreams."

Zh: 这一刻,岳感到无比的解脱和自信。
En: At that moment, Yue felt an immense sense of relief and confidence.

Zh: 她意识到,沟通是如此重要。
En: She realized communication is so important.

Zh: 从此,岳决定在学业和艺术中找到平衡。
En: From then on, Yue decided to find a balance between her studies and art.

Zh: 在春节的鞭炮声中,北京这座城市继续它的繁忙。
En: Amid the sound of fireworks during Spring Festival, the city of Beijing continues its bustling pace.

Zh: 而岳,也在这一刻,找到了属于自己的道路。
En: And Yue, at that moment, found her own path.

Zh: 她明白,只有勇敢地追随自己的心,才能真正地幸福。
En: She understood that only by bravely following her heart can she truly be happy.

Zh: 故事的结局,岳笑得比以往都灿烂。
En: At the story's end, Yue smiles brighter than ever before.

Vocabulary Words:
  • bustling: 繁华
  • boarding school: 寄宿学校
  • intertwine: 交织
  • tranquility: 宁静
  • diligent: 用功
  • scholarship: 奖学金
  • abroad: 国外
  • achieve: 取得
  • creative: 创意
  • stifled: 压抑
  • imagination: 想象
  • nevertheless: 尽管如此
  • outgoing: 外向
  • alleviate: 减轻
  • approaching: 将至
  • atmosphere: 气氛
  • intensify: 加大
  • wavering: 徘徊
  • confesses: 坦白
  • trembles: 颤抖
  • immense: 无比
  • relief: 解脱
  • confidence: 自信
  • communication: 沟通
  • balance: 平衡
  • fireworks: 鞭炮
  • bravely: 勇敢
  • heart: 心
  • happiness: 幸福
  • path: 道路
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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