Corrected: September 8th, RM 347 missing Device Motorola Device TerryDwayneAshford Reporting

Sep 8, 2022 · 8m 36s
Corrected: September 8th, RM 347 missing Device Motorola Device TerryDwayneAshford Reporting

September 8th, RM 347 missing Device Motorola Device TerryDwayneAshford Reporting - went missing between 810 AM and 855 AM during bath - Hispanic Woman of Scott like Vehicle parked having...

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September 8th, RM 347 missing Device Motorola Device TerryDwayneAshford Reporting - went missing between 810 AM and 855 AM during bath - Hispanic Woman of Scott like Vehicle parked having been watched for over a 6 months at the window parallel seemed to have been watching for the crimes. The phone device was used to beat them last night downing the computer during the broadcasting. Proof points the two broadcast one at 830 pm that was downed - the 9 pm one that recovered and beat the internet network ploy. —- notating is the blue attire medical scrub wearing woman that was checked into the room Number 345 yesterday and that May and appears as being the proximity ploy to have snuck such an activity that we were watching for. And the device missing may just be it. Same as the iPhone on the day of the thankfulness speech. Gotcha boo. Waiting


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Author Terry Ashford CEO TaTMedia Co.
Organization Terry Ashford CEO TaTMedia Co.
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