
Creating a Home Away from Home: Wei's Spring Festival Adventure

Jan 13, 2025 · 14m 49s
Creating a Home Away from Home: Wei's Spring Festival Adventure

01 · Main Story

1m 42s

02 · Vocabulary Words

11m 59s


Fluent Fiction - Mandarin Chinese: Creating a Home Away from Home: Wei's Spring Festival Adventure Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Zh: 魏正在宿舍里翻看书本,但心里总是不安。 En:...

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Fluent Fiction - Mandarin Chinese: Creating a Home Away from Home: Wei's Spring Festival Adventure
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Story Transcript:

Zh: 魏正在宿舍里翻看书本,但心里总是不安。
En: Wei was flipping through books in her dorm room, but she couldn't shake off a sense of unease.

Zh: 春节快到了,这是她第一次在家外过节。
En: The Spring Festival was approaching, and it would be her first time spending the holiday away from home.

Zh: 她的心中有一种深深的思乡之情。
En: She felt a deep sense of longing for her hometown.

Zh: 她想在宿舍里创造一种家的温暖,像往年一样庆祝春节。
En: Wei wanted to create a warm, home-like atmosphere in her dorm and celebrate the Spring Festival just as she did in previous years.

Zh: 她转头看向她的好朋友兼室友林。
En: She turned to her good friend and roommate, Lin.

Zh: "我们应该去买点新年装饰品,把宿舍布置得喜庆一些,你觉得呢,林?"魏问道。
En: "We should go buy some New Year decorations and make the dorm more festive, don't you think, Lin?" Wei asked.

Zh: "当然!听起来很有趣,而且我也想体验一下真正的中国新年。"林总是乐于尝试新事物,她立刻就同意了。
En: "Of course! That sounds fun, and I'd love to experience a real Chinese New Year," Lin replied eagerly, always open to trying new things.

Zh: 外面的冬日,空气冰冷,但是太阳却慷慨地洒下阳光。
En: Outside, the winter air was cold, but the sun generously shone its light.

Zh: 两人裹紧了大衣,走出宿舍。
En: The two bundled up in their coats and left the dorm.

Zh: 她们的学校附近有一些小商店,可以找到不少装饰品。
En: There were a few small shops near their school where they could find plenty of decorations.

Zh: 商店里人很多,许多人也在为春节做准备。
En: The shops were crowded, many people were also preparing for the Spring Festival.

Zh: 魏喜欢红灯笼、剪纸,还有“福”字的装饰。
En: Wei liked red lanterns, paper cuttings, and the character fu (fortune) as decorations.

Zh: 林则对对联充满了好奇。
En: Meanwhile, Lin was curious about couplets.

Zh: 这些都是她想要的家乡的颜色和气氛。
En: These were the colors and atmosphere Wei wanted from her hometown.

Zh: "我们要选得快些,不然好东西都卖完了!"魏微笑着对林说道。
En: "We have to pick quickly, or all the good stuff will be gone!" Wei said smiling to Lin.

Zh: 她们在拥挤的商店中穿梭,寻找最能代表新年气氛的装饰品。
En: They moved through the crowded shops, searching for decorations that best represented the New Year's spirit.

Zh: 时间过得很快,商店里的人越来越多,很多物品都快卖光了。
En: Time flew by, and as more people filled the stores, many items were almost sold out.

Zh: 魏有些焦虑,她不想错过那些重要的传统物品,特别是红灯笼,它象征着希望和好运。
En: Wei felt a bit anxious; she didn't want to miss those important traditional items, especially the red lanterns, which symbolize hope and good fortune.

Zh: 最终,在一家小店里,魏找到了最后一对红灯笼。
En: Finally, in one small store, Wei found the last pair of red lanterns.

Zh: 她脸上露出了满足的笑容。
En: A satisfied smile appeared on her face.

Zh: “看,我找到红灯笼了!”魏兴奋地对林说。
En: "Look, I found the red lanterns!" Wei said excitedly to Lin.

Zh: 回到宿舍后,魏和林迫不及待地开始装饰。
En: Back at the dorm, Wei and Lin couldn't wait to start decorating.

Zh: 尽管宿舍不大,当阳光透过窗户照射进来时,空间顿时焕然一新。
En: Though the dorm wasn't large, when the sunlight streamed through the windows, the space instantly transformed.

Zh: 她们挂起了灯笼,贴上了对联,摆放好了剪纸。
En: They hung up the lanterns, pasted the couplets, and arranged the paper cuttings.

Zh: 整个房间弥漫着春节的气息。
En: The entire room was filled with the atmosphere of the Spring Festival.

Zh: 晚上,她们坐在一起,分享着过去几年新年的故事。
En: In the evening, they sat together, sharing stories of New Year's past over the years.

Zh: 欢笑声充满了宿舍。
En: Laughter filled the dorm.

Zh: 虽然魏心里还是有一点想家,但这次过节让魏明白,朋友的陪伴也能让一个地方感觉像家。
En: Although Wei still felt a bit homesick, this celebration made her realize that the company of friends could also make a place feel like home.

Zh: 她看着林,满怀感激说:“有你在身边,这个春节变得不一样了。”
En: Looking at Lin, filled with gratitude, she said, "Having you by my side has made this Spring Festival different."

Zh: 这样,魏感到乐观,更有信心面对将来的每一个春节,无论在哪里。
En: In this way, Wei felt optimistic and more confident about facing future Spring Festivals, no matter where she was.

Zh: 即便远离家乡,她发现,心中的家乡依然可以通过节日庆祝传达。
En: Even far from her hometown, she found that the sense of home could still be conveyed through holiday celebrations.

Zh: 骄阳洒在红灯笼上,温暖而明亮,象征着美好的未来。
En: The bright sun shone on the red lanterns, warm and brilliant, symbolizing a beautiful future.

Vocabulary Words:
  • unease: 不安
  • approaching: 快到
  • longing: 思乡之情
  • warm: 温暖
  • decorate: 布置
  • festive: 喜庆
  • eagerly: 乐于
  • generously: 慷慨地
  • plenty: 不少
  • crowded: 拥挤
  • symbolize: 象征
  • anxious: 焦虑
  • satisfied: 满足
  • pasted: 贴上
  • streamed: 洒下
  • transformed: 焕然一新
  • share: 分享
  • laughter: 欢笑声
  • homesick: 想家
  • realize: 明白
  • gratitude: 感激
  • optimistic: 乐观
  • confident: 信心
  • conveyed: 传达
  • brilliant: 明亮
  • future: 未来
  • flipping: 翻看
  • coats: 大衣
  • bundled: 裹紧
  • decorations: 装饰品
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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