DEMONS BELIEVE AND TREMBLE James 2:19 This verse monotheism does not save. Even the demons believe that there is one God and tremble. James' readers were not atheists; they believed there was one God. God calls an atheist a fool (Ps. 14:1). Everything in creation cries out, "There is a God." How can one see a flower and question God's existence, observe beauty of tulips, daffodils, and still be an atheist' Equally is animal bird life, and more marvelous human life. Use a telescope on the vast heavens, or a microscope on the tiny microbe, the only answer is "God." The effect of atheism: We have all seen what happens when atheism grips a people auch as Germany with Hitler; in Russia with Stalin. We have seen every vestige of mercy go and the black demons of lust, envy, and hatred sweep across the scene. James is not writing to idolaters either. They believed in "one God." In times past the Jewish nation did sink into idolatry, as we see in Ahab's time, and even in connection with Solomon. However, after the Babylonian captivity the Israelites never again sank into this sin. From then on they always laid great stress on Deuteronomy 6:4, "Hear, O Israel: the Lord our God is one Lord," had a great effect on the Jews. They laid great stress on the word "one," as proof against the trinity thus, the deity of Christ. The devil used it as a trick to keep Christ away from the Jews generally. The Pharisees taught that if one would quote Deuteronomy 6:4 often, holding the word "one" a long time, his life would be prolonged on the earth.Try the Spirits. (Psa. 66:10) means: to test, investigate: examine, prove, tempt, try (trial). The Greek word for "tests" in (I Thess. 2:4), meaning: to test, to approve, allow, discern, examine, and try.
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