
Discovering 'Koselig': A Tale of Friendship and Norwegian Warmth

Apr 28, 2024 · 13m 3s
Discovering 'Koselig': A Tale of Friendship and Norwegian Warmth

01 · Main Story

9m 23s

02 · Vocabulary Words

12m 22s


Fluent Fiction - Norwegian: Discovering 'Koselig': A Tale of Friendship and Norwegian Warmth Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Nb: Lars var en mann...

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Fluent Fiction - Norwegian: Discovering 'Koselig': A Tale of Friendship and Norwegian Warmth
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Story Transcript:

Nb: Lars var en mann fra Oslo. Astrid var hans beste venn.
En: Lars was a man from Oslo. Astrid was his best friend.

Nb: En dag møtte de en dame. Dama var fra England. Hun het Molly. Molly var på ferie i Norge. Hun var forvirret. Hun hørte mange folk si "koselig". Molly spurte Lars, "Hva er koselig?"
En: One day they met a lady. The lady was from England. Her name was Molly. Molly was on vacation in Norway. She was confused. She heard many people say "koselig". Molly asked Lars, "What is 'koselig'?"

Nb: Lars lo og sa, "Koselig er et ord vi bruker i Norge. Det er ikke så lett å forklare direkte."
En: Lars laughed and said, "Koselig is a word we use in Norway. It's not so easy to explain directly."

Nb: Astrid nikket, "Det er sant. Det er et veldig norsk konsept."
En: Astrid nodded, "That's true. It's a very Norwegian concept."

Nb: Molly så forvirret ut. Hun sa, "Kan dere vise meg da?'
En: Molly looked confused. She said, "Can you show me then?"

Nb: Lars tenkte på dette. Han sa til Molly, "Vi skal vise deg 'koselig'."
En: Lars thought about this. He said to Molly, "We will show you 'koselig'."

Nb: Først tok Lars og Astrid Molly til Operahuset. De satt på taket og så på solnedgangen. Det var vakkert. Det var koselig.
En: First, Lars and Astrid took Molly to the Opera House. They sat on the roof and watched the sunset. It was beautiful. It was koselig.

Nb: Så tok de henne til en liten kafé i Gamlebyen. Inne var det masse lys og folk lo og pratet lavt. Det føltes varmt og behagelig. Det var koselig.
En: Then they took her to a small café in the Old Town. Inside, there were lots of lights and people laughing and talking quietly. It felt warm and comfortable. It was koselig.

Nb: Deretter tok de Molly til Karl Johans gate. Folk gjikk i gatene; noen shoppet, noen pratet med hverandre. Det var livlig og gøy. Det var koselig.
En: Next, they took Molly to Karl Johans gate. People walked the streets; some were shopping, some were talking to each other. It was lively and fun. It was koselig.

Nb: Til slutt gikk de til Frognerseteren. De satte seg ned ved peisen med varme pledd, med kaffe, sjokolade og kanelboller. De pratet og lo sammen. Det var koselig.
En: Finally, they went to Frognerseteren. They sat by the fireplace with warm blankets, with coffee, chocolate, and cinnamon buns. They talked and laughed together. It was koselig.

Nb: Molly forsto da. Hun sa, "Jeg skjønner. 'Koselig' kan ikke oversettes direkte. Man må oppleve det."
En: Molly understood then. She said, "I get it. 'Koselig' can't be translated directly. You have to experience it."

Nb: Lars og Astrid smilte. De sa, "Nettopp! Det er 'koselig'."
En: Lars and Astrid smiled. They said, "Exactly! That is 'koselig'."

Nb: Da Molly dro hjem til England, tok hun med seg minnet om 'koselig'. Hun ville vise sine venner og familie hva det betydde.
En: When Molly went back to England, she took with her the memory of 'koselig'. She wanted to show her friends and family what it meant.

Nb: Lars og Astrid var glade. De hadde klart å forklare 'koselig' til en utlending.
En: Lars and Astrid were happy. They had managed to explain 'koselig' to a foreigner.

Nb: Fra den dagen, hver gang de sa "koselig", tenkte de på Molly. Det var en god dag. Det var koselig. Virkelig, virkelig koselig.
En: From that day on, every time they said "koselig", they thought of Molly. It was a good day. It was koselig. Truly, truly koselig.

Nb: Og Molly? Vel, hun planlegger sin neste Norge-tur. Hun vil igjen oppleve 'koselig'.
En: And Molly? Well, she is planning her next trip to Norway. She wants to experience 'koselig' again.

Vocabulary Words:
  • friend: venn
  • lady: dame
  • England: England
  • Norway: Norge
  • confused: forvirret
  • vacation: ferie
  • concept: konsept
  • explain: forklare
  • directly: direkte
  • experience: oppleve
  • beautiful: vakkert
  • lights: lys
  • laughing: lo
  • talking: pratet
  • warm: varmt
  • comfortable: behagelig
  • lively: livlig
  • fun: gøy
  • fireplace: peis
  • blankets: pledd
  • coffee: kaffe
  • chocolate: sjokolade
  • cinnamon buns: kanelboller
  • understood: skjønner
  • translated: oversettes
  • memory: minnet
  • happy: glade
  • foreigner: utlending
  • planning: planlegger
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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