I respect your opinion and see where you are coming from i do.. i used to share that same outlook same perspective. If I've learned ANYTHING at all in my last 11 years of research and quest for drama free truth,, its that trusting ourselves has always been and will always be the worst decision we can make.. "Follow your heart or your mind", we say. We defend ourselves against what has been declared from the very beginning because if we don't, we will actually have to look and make an effort to change. Nobodywants to be uncomfortable. Nobody allows for conviction from outside or from within because "God knows my heart". Nobody is allowed to pass judgment or speak the truth unless its the edited perverted version.. and to the point now that what was once known and accepted by all to be the definition of Corruption and Evil, is not only tolerated, and celebrated,, but protected by the law that is supposed to be upheld to defend a very "Christian Nation"....Oh yeah, America is a god fearing nation that trusts in god. Its printed right on our American currency. But the god America trusts in, its not the Lord Jesus Christ, not the Sovereign God of the Holy Bible, but the god of this world, Satan. Let me explain: our justice system has a defendant swear to God on the Holy Bible to tell the truth, so help them god..See, us human beings, we believe, for some reason, that mankind is "generally good", that we all have a "good" nature.... by default; obviously there are the exceptions-the violent criminals being paraded in front of the News cameras and broadcast on the mainstream media- THOSE are the ones who are evil and have evil ways, evil intentions and are really the ones who committ unspeakable acts of violence...your neighbor, your kids teacher, violin instructor, court Judge, police officer, these people are labeled as generally good and good hearted. This is where the world is wrong. We don't get to decide what is Evil what is corrupt what is good as a society or an individual. The content and nature of what is considered evil is portrayed from Hollywood and the entertainment industry as the grotesque looking demonic monsters that play parts in movies and shows; Lucifer is portrayed as a being that is supposed to be ALL EVIL, but really could be seen as a fit husband for your daughters because he's capable of love and decions based on emotional substance when its THE EXACT OPPOSITE. The masses sit in front of their screens and wait to be told when to be afraid, when to be mad, when to let their guard down and who is the best influencer to follow, and idolize....there is no independent thought and those who are able to think independently and begin to understand and see the truth speak out about it and are ridiculed laughed at. Because the truth is hidden in plain sight, it exists under layers of lies, perverted twisted edited truth that seems so so very right....Event 201, and watching Bill Gates say in front of thousands of people that with the new vaccines he has implemented they can lower the population by......%% smiling and proud like Bush in the classroom full of kids on 9/11 before no plane hit the tower and the children were reciting their words which were: Plane, Hit, Kite, Steel, and Bush sitting there acting like an actor does....this life, these rules, seems like it should be and it must be because they wouldn't lie to us, no way...its funny,, we all just assume someone else figured it all out someone way more qualified and smarter than us blindly trusting a government that is so deeply involved in secret societies and the worship of Lucifer as the light bearer