
Embracing the Storm: Finding Beauty Amid Chaos in Guilin

Dec 5, 2024 · 12m 58s
Embracing the Storm: Finding Beauty Amid Chaos in Guilin

01 · Main Story

1m 47s

02 · Vocabulary Words

10m 10s


Fluent Fiction - Mandarin Chinese: Embracing the Storm: Finding Beauty Amid Chaos in Guilin Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Zh: 江水轻轻流淌,漓江两岸的喀斯特山峰在冬季的薄雾中若隐若现。 En: The...

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Fluent Fiction - Mandarin Chinese: Embracing the Storm: Finding Beauty Amid Chaos in Guilin
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

Zh: 江水轻轻流淌,漓江两岸的喀斯特山峰在冬季的薄雾中若隐若现。
En: The Jiangshui gently flows, with the karst peaks on both sides of the Lijiang looming in and out of the winter mist.

Zh: 剑和李娜行走在岸边,空气中弥漫着湿润的气息。
En: Jian and Lina walk along the riverbank, the air filled with a damp fragrance.

Zh: 他们计划在桂林度过一个浪漫而充实的假期。
En: They plan to spend a romantic and fulfilling holiday in Guilin.

Zh: 剑是个安静的艺术家,常常沉浸在自己内心的世界。
En: Jian is a quiet artist, often immersed in his inner world.

Zh: 他希望在这个地方找到灵感,创作出一幅完美的山水画。
En: He hopes to find inspiration here to create a perfect landscape painting.

Zh: 而李娜则是他热情开朗的伴侣,是一位旅行博主,期待为她的粉丝们记录精彩的旅途。
En: Meanwhile, Lina, his enthusiastic and cheerful partner, is a travel blogger eager to document the exciting journey for her followers.

Zh: 然而,计划总是赶不上变化。
En: However, plans often can't keep up with changes.

Zh: 就在剑准备画布,李娜开始准备相机时,天空突然乌云密布,暴风雨不期而至。
En: Just as Jian was preparing his canvas and Lina was getting her camera ready, the sky suddenly filled with dark clouds, and a storm arrived unexpectedly.

Zh: 雨点打在江面上,溅起无数道水花。
En: Raindrops hit the river surface, splashing up countless sprays.

Zh: 大风呼啸,令时间似乎都凝固。
En: The strong wind howled, making time seem to stand still.

Zh: 剑面露忧虑,手中的画笔停在空中。
En: Jian looked worried, his paintbrush paused in mid-air.

Zh: 他不知道如何在这种情况下继续。
En: He didn't know how to continue in such conditions.

Zh: 他的画布湿透了,风吹得他快要站不稳。
En: His canvas was soaked, and the wind nearly knocked him off balance.

Zh: 李娜走过去,握住剑的手,微笑道:“或许我们可以换个角度看这场暴风雨。
En: Lina walked over, held Jian's hand, and smiled, "Perhaps we can look at this storm from a different perspective.

Zh: 风和雨有它们的美丽,你试试看。
En: The wind and rain have their beauty; you should give it a try."

Zh: ”剑深吸一口气,看向翻腾的江水和飘动的山峦。
En: Jian took a deep breath and gazed at the turbulent river and the shifting mountains.

Zh: 他发现,在风雨的冲刷下,山水变得充满诗意,流动的水雾也增添了神秘的气氛。
En: He realized that under the cleansing of the storm, the landscape became poetic, and the flowing mist added a mysterious atmosphere.

Zh: 瞬间,剑有了新的灵感。
En: In that moment, Jian was struck with new inspiration.

Zh: 他重新执起画笔,笔触流畅地在画布上舞动起来,捕捉风雨交织的魅力。
En: He picked up his paintbrush again, letting it dance fluidly across the canvas, capturing the intertwined beauty of wind and rain.

Zh: 李娜在一旁拍摄,记录下这场令人心动的自然奇观。
En: Lina filmed alongside him, recording this heart-stirring natural spectacle.

Zh: 暴风雨渐渐消退,太阳从云层后探出头来,雾气散去,露出了一个令人屏息的景色。
En: As the storm gradually subsided, the sun peeked out from behind the clouds, the mist cleared, revealing a breathtaking scene.

Zh: 剑终于完成了他的画作,而李娜也充实地更新了她的博文。
En: Jian finally completed his painting, and Lina had richly updated her blog post.

Zh: 剑望着面前的画,微微一笑。
En: Jian looked at his painting with a slight smile.

Zh: 这场风暴让他学会了在变幻莫测中发现美丽,而李娜则领悟到静下心来,享受内心的宁静。
En: The storm taught him to find beauty amid the unpredictable, while Lina learned to calm her mind and enjoy inner tranquility.

Zh: 漓江的风,继续轻轻地吹,故事也随之缓缓结束。
En: The wind on the Lijiang continued to blow gently, as the story slowly came to an end.

Vocabulary Words:
  • gentle: 轻轻
  • karst: 喀斯特
  • riverbank: 岸边
  • damp: 湿润
  • fragrance: 气息
  • inspiration: 灵感
  • landscape: 山水
  • enthusiastic: 热情
  • cheerful: 开朗
  • document: 记录
  • unexpectedly: 不期而至
  • splashes: 水花
  • howled: 呼啸
  • worried: 忧虑
  • paused: 停
  • balance: 站不稳
  • perspective: 角度
  • turbulent: 翻腾
  • shifting: 飘动
  • poetic: 诗意
  • flowing: 流动
  • mysterious: 神秘
  • intertwined: 交织
  • gradually: 渐渐
  • peeked: 探出
  • breathtaking: 屏息
  • slight: 微微
  • amid: 中
  • unpredictable: 变幻莫测
  • tranquility: 宁静
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