Finding Strength in Unity: Ivana's Journey to Balance

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Finding Strength in Unity: Ivana's Journey to Balance
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Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Finding Strength in Unity: Ivana's Journey to Balance Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Hr: Ivana je sjela za svoj...
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Story Transcript:
Hr: Ivana je sjela za svoj stol u uredu.
En: Ivana sat at her desk in the office.
Hr: Sunce se provlačilo kroz velike prozore, oslikavajući šarene tragove jesenskog lišća na podu.
En: The sun filtered through the large windows, painting colorful traces of autumn leaves on the floor.
Hr: Kava se kuhala u kutu, a miris se polako širio cijelim prostorom.
En: Coffee was brewing in the corner, and its aroma slowly spread throughout the space.
Hr: Bilo je utješno, ali Ivana nije osjećala mir.
En: It was comforting, but Ivana did not feel at peace.
Hr: Srce joj je brže kucalo nego inače.
En: Her heart was beating faster than usual.
Hr: Pred njom je bio dokument s rokovima projekta koji je trebao biti gotov za dva tjedna.
En: In front of her was a document with project deadlines that needed to be completed in two weeks.
Hr: Ivana je bila posvećena svom poslu.
En: Ivana was dedicated to her job.
Hr: Kao projektni menadžer, uvijek je bila spremna na izazove.
En: As a project manager, she was always ready for challenges.
Hr: No, dan ranije primila je vijest koja joj je promijenila perspektivu.
En: But, the day before, she received news that changed her perspective.
Hr: Dijagnoza.
En: A diagnosis.
Hr: Liječnik je rekao da mora promijeniti svoj način života, odmah.
En: The doctor said she needed to change her lifestyle immediately.
Hr: Trebala je više odmora, manje stresa, ali projekte nije mogla jednostavno ostaviti.
En: She needed more rest, less stress, but couldn't simply leave the projects.
Hr: Marko, njezin kolega, prošao je pored nje s hrpom papira.
En: Marko, her colleague, walked past her with a stack of papers.
Hr: "Ivana, trebaš li pomoć?
En: "Ivana, do you need help?"
Hr: " upitao je, primijetivši njen zamršeni izraz lica.
En: he asked, noticing her perplexed expression.
Hr: Ona se nasmijala, ali nervozno, ne želeći otkriti koliko je zapravo umorna.
En: She smiled, but nervously, not wanting to reveal how truly tired she was.
Hr: Marko je bio podrška, uvijek je mogao pronaći vrijeme za nju, ali i on je bio pretrpan poslom.
En: Marko was supportive, he always found time for her, but he too was overwhelmed with work.
Hr: Katarina je sjedila na drugom kraju ureda, užurbano tipkajući.
En: Katarina was sitting at the other end of the office, typing rapidly.
Hr: Bila je nova u timu, ali već je pokazala ambiciju.
En: She was new to the team but had already shown ambition.
Hr: Ivana je znala da može računati na nju, no nije bila sigurna hoće li Katarina prihvatiti dodatni zadatak.
En: Ivana knew she could count on her, but wasn't sure if Katarina would accept an additional task.
Hr: U srijedu ujutro održan je sastanak u konferencijskoj sali.
En: On Wednesday morning, a meeting was held in the conference room.
Hr: Ivana je imala glavnu riječ.
En: Ivana was leading the presentation.
Hr: Znala je što mora prezentirati.
En: She knew what she had to present.
Hr: No, dok je stajala pred ekranom i osjećala kako soba postaje sve manja i tiša, njen puls se ubrzao.
En: But as she stood before the screen and felt the room getting smaller and quieter, her pulse quickened.
Hr: Soba se počela vrtjeti.
En: The room started to spin.
Hr: Morala je sjesti.
En: She had to sit down.
Hr: "Žao mi je, trebam trenutak," rekla je, glas joj je podrhtavao.
En: "I'm sorry, I need a moment," she said, her voice trembling.
Hr: Svi su je pogledali iznenađeno.
En: Everyone looked at her in surprise.
Hr: Marko je ustao i tiho prišao, Katarina također.
En: Marko stood up and quietly approached, Katarina did as well.
Hr: Težak, ali bitan trenutak odluke stigao je.
En: A difficult but crucial moment of decision had arrived.
Hr: "Marko, Katarina, trebam vašu pomoć," priznala je s odlučnošću koja joj je iznenada došla.
En: "Marko, Katarina, I need your help," she admitted with a determination that suddenly came upon her.
Hr: Marko je odmah preuzeo prezentaciju, a Katarina je sjela pokraj Ivane, spremna preuzeti zaduženja.
En: Marko immediately took over the presentation, and Katarina sat next to Ivana, ready to take on responsibilities.
Hr: Ivana je osjetila olakšanje.
En: Ivana felt relieved.
Hr: Pred njima je bio zahtjevan zadatak, ali sada su bili tim.
En: A challenging task was ahead, but now they were a team.
Hr: Nakon sastanka, Ivana je razgovarala s menadžmentom.
En: After the meeting, Ivana spoke with management.
Hr: Objasnila je svoju situaciju.
En: She explained her situation.
Hr: Nadu je polagala u svoje kolege, u njihov talent i posvećenost.
En: She placed her hope in her colleagues, in their talent and dedication.
Hr: Onaj strah od delegiranja se rasplinuo.
En: The fear of delegating dissipated.
Hr: Naučila je da snaga nije samo u mogućnosti da sve učiniš sama, već u sposobnosti osloniti se na druge i time im omogućiti da zasjaje.
En: She learned that strength isn't just in being able to do everything alone, but in the ability to rely on others and enable them to shine.
Hr: Jesen je vani bila u punom sjaju, a Ivana je prvi put nakon dugo vremena mogla uživati u pogledu, duboko dišući svježi zrak.
En: Outside, autumn was in full splendor, and for the first time in a long while, Ivana was able to enjoy the view, taking deep breaths of fresh air.
Hr: Njihov projekt je uspio, a Ivana je pronašla nešto još važnije – ravnotežu i zdravlje.
En: Their project succeeded, and Ivana found something even more important—balance and health.
Vocabulary Words:
- filtered: provlačilo
- traces: tragove
- aroma: miris
- dedicated: posvećena
- diagnosis: dijagnoza
- perspective: perspektivu
- lifestyle: način života
- perplexed: zamor
- ambition: ambicija
- responsibilities: zaduženja
- presentation: prezentaciju
- relieved: olakšanje
- crucial: bitan
- management: menadžmentom
- delegating: delegiranja
- dissipated: rasplinuo
- strength: snaga
- splendor: sjaju
- peace: mir
- overwhelmed: pretrpan
- screen: ekranom
- trembling: podrhtavao
- determination: odlučnošću
- talent: talent
- enable: omogućiti
- shine: zasjaje
- view: pogled
- breaths: dišući
- successful: uspio
- balance: ravnotežu
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Organization | Kameron Kilchrist |
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