
Harmony Under the Supertrees: A Team's Journey to Unity

Jan 7, 2025 · 14m 34s
Harmony Under the Supertrees: A Team's Journey to Unity

01 · Main Story

1m 43s

02 · Vocabulary Words

11m 40s


Fluent Fiction - Mandarin Chinese: Harmony Under the Supertrees: A Team's Journey to Unity Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Zh: 新加坡的滨海湾花园在夏日里阳光灿烂,微风轻拂。 En: The...

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Fluent Fiction - Mandarin Chinese: Harmony Under the Supertrees: A Team's Journey to Unity
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Story Transcript:

Zh: 新加坡的滨海湾花园在夏日里阳光灿烂,微风轻拂。
En: The Gardens by the Bay in Singapore is bathed in sunlight in the summer, with a gentle breeze blowing.

Zh: 高耸的擎天树带来一片阴凉,充满生机的绿地给人无尽的灵感和勇气。
En: The towering Supertrees provide a patch of shade, and the vibrant greenery offers endless inspiration and courage.

Zh: 三位学生,怡琳、佳豪和梅,坐在草地上,围绕着一本厚厚的辩论资料。
En: Three students, Yilin, Jiahao, and Mei, sit on the grass, surrounded by a thick debate file.

Zh: 怡琳是个勤奋的高中生,她希望在即将到来的辩论大赛中带领团队获得胜利。
En: Yilin is a diligent high school student who hopes to lead the team to victory in the upcoming debate competition.

Zh: 尽管她表面自信,但是心中的担忧时不时涌上心头,她常常怀疑自己的能力。
En: Although she appears confident on the surface, worries occasionally well up in her heart, and she often doubts her own capabilities.

Zh: 佳豪坐在她旁边,始终冷静而支持。
En: Jiahao sits beside her, always calm and supportive.

Zh: 他心中有个小秘密,他希望与梅和好,不再因过去的小争执而心结难解。
En: He harbors a small secret; he hopes to reconcile with Mei and no longer be burdened by a grudge from past minor quarrels.

Zh: 梅是一名辩论队员,聪明且直言不讳。
En: Mei is a debate team member, smart and outspoken.

Zh: 然而,她一直担心自己会被看作过于咄咄逼人。
En: However, she constantly worries about being perceived as too aggressive.

Zh: “我们先来看看这个题目,”怡琳开口道,她的声音有些紧张。
En: "Let's take a look at this topic first," Yilin said, her voice a little tense.

Zh: “幸福是物质上的,还是精神上的?”
En: "Is happiness material or spiritual?"

Zh: 梅立刻坐直身体,眼睛闪着光芒:“我认为精神上更重要。物质只能带来暂时的快乐。”
En: Mei immediately sat up straight, her eyes shining: "I believe spiritual happiness is more important. Material things only bring temporary joy."

Zh: 佳豪点了点头,但是在心里,他对梅的强势表达感到有些不安。
En: Jiahao nodded, but inside, he felt somewhat uneasy about Mei's assertive expression.

Zh: 悦里的微风让怡琳既清醒又不安,她明白自己需要解决队员间的紧张关系。
En: The gentle breeze in the gardens made Yilin both clear-headed and uneasy, as she realized she needed to resolve the tension among her team members.

Zh: 随后的一次练习辩论中,争论逐渐升级。
En: During a subsequent practice debate, the argument gradually escalated.

Zh: 梅激动地为精神上的幸福辩护,却无意中触碰到了佳豪的一些情感伤口。
En: Mei passionately defended the importance of spiritual happiness but unintentionally touched on some emotional wounds of Jiahao.

Zh: 他们争论不断升温,怨气四起。
En: Their argument heated up, and resentment arose.

Zh: 怡琳看到这种情形,心想,继续下去只会让团队支离破碎。
En: Seeing this situation, Yilin thought that continuing in this manner would only make the team fall apart.

Zh: 她站起来,深吸了一口气。“我们需要说开。”她看着佳豪和梅,“不能再这样下去了。”
En: She stood up and took a deep breath. "We need to talk this through." She looked at Jiahao and Mei, "It can't go on like this."

Zh: 佳豪低下头,梅也停下来,气氛有些尴尬。
En: Jiahao lowered his head, and Mei stopped as well, the atmosphere a bit awkward.

Zh: 过了一会儿,佳豪率先开口:“对不起,梅,我不该对你发火。”
En: After a while, Jiahao was the first to speak: "I'm sorry, Mei, I shouldn't have gotten angry with you."

Zh: 梅叹了口气,微笑着说:“没关系,我也有错,太过于逞强了。”
En: Mei sighed and smiled: "It's okay, I was at fault too, for being too confrontational."

Zh: 怡琳终于露出了轻松的笑容。
En: Yilin finally showed a relaxed smile.

Zh: 她意识到,信任自己的能力并与朋友直面交流是多么重要。
En: She realized how important it is to trust one's abilities and communicate directly with friends.

Zh: 团队的团结比单打独斗更加重要。
En: Team unity is more important than fighting alone.

Zh: 他们在滨海湾花园的备战中找到了新的动力,
En: In their preparations at the Gardens by the Bay, they found renewed motivation.

Zh: 阳光照耀下,三人再度一心,信心满满地朝着大赛走去。
En: Under the shining sun, the three once again united, confidently walking towards the competition.

Zh: 心中的怀疑和争吵被抛在身后,取而代之的是彼此之间牢固的友谊和默契。
En: The doubts and quarrels in their hearts were left behind, replaced by a strong friendship and mutual understanding.

Vocabulary Words:
  • bathed: 沐浴
  • towering: 高耸
  • vibrant: 充满生机
  • diligent: 勤奋
  • competent: 能力
  • reconcile: 和好
  • burdened: 心结难解
  • assertive: 强势
  • perceived: 看作
  • escalated: 升级
  • defended: 辩护
  • unintentionally: 无意中
  • wounds: 伤口
  • resentment: 怨气
  • resolve: 解决
  • tension: 紧张关系
  • confrontational: 咄咄逼人
  • awkward: 尴尬
  • sigh: 叹气
  • unity: 团结
  • motivated: 动力
  • mutual: 彼此
  • understanding: 默契
  • iluminate: 照耀
  • gradually: 逐渐
  • temporary: 暂时
  • capabilities: 能力
  • harbors: 心中有
  • consisted: 一心
  • grudge: 心结
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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