
Late-Night Breakthrough: How Friendship Fuels Academic Success

Jan 13, 2025 · 15m 37s
Late-Night Breakthrough: How Friendship Fuels Academic Success

01 · Main Story

1m 44s

02 · Vocabulary Words

12m 8s


Fluent Fiction - Catalan: Late-Night Breakthrough: How Friendship Fuels Academic Success Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Ca: En una nit freda d’hivern, mentre...

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Fluent Fiction - Catalan: Late-Night Breakthrough: How Friendship Fuels Academic Success
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Story Transcript:

Ca: En una nit freda d’hivern, mentre la neu caia suaument a fora, el dormitori de l’estudiant Jordi estava il·luminat per la llum fluorescent que penjava just sobre el seu escriptori.
En: On a cold winter night, while the snow fell gently outside, the student Jordi's bedroom was illuminated by the fluorescent light hanging just above his desk.

Ca: Els llibres i apunts estaven escampats per tota la taula.
En: Books and notes were scattered all over the table.

Ca: L’aire a dins era càlid, però el Jordi se sentia atrapat, com si el pes del món sencer descansés sobre les seves espatlles.
En: The air inside was warm, but Jordi felt trapped, as if the weight of the entire world rested on his shoulders.

Ca: Jordi era un estudiant aplicat, però en les últimes setmanes, el seu cap estava ple de dubtes.
En: Jordi was a diligent student, but in recent weeks, his head was full of doubts.

Ca: Necessitava mantenir la seva beca i demostrar-se a si mateix que podia aguantar aquest ritme universitari.
En: He needed to maintain his scholarship and prove to himself that he could handle this university pace.

Ca: Però ara, el seu objectiu més important se sentia tan llunyà.
En: But now, his most important goal felt so distant.

Ca: Va decidir que la millor manera de concentrar-se era estudiar a la nit, quan tot estava en silenci.
En: He decided that the best way to concentrate was to study at night, when everything was silent.

Ca: Així, no hi hauria distraccions de les rialles o música que sovint omplien el dormitori durant el dia.
En: That way, there would be no distractions from the laughter or music that often filled the dormitory during the day.

Ca: Va sentir que la calma de la nit podria ser la seva aliada.
En: He felt that the calm of the night could be his ally.

Ca: Però aquesta calma no estava ajudant en absolut.
En: But this calm was not helping at all.

Ca: Feia hores que intentava assimilar la informació, mirant les mateixes pàgines sense comprendre res.
En: For hours he had been trying to absorb the information, staring at the same pages without understanding anything.

Ca: El temps passava i la frustració creixia.
En: Time passed, and frustration grew.

Ca: Se sentia sol, sol davant una batalla que semblava impossible de guanyar.
En: He felt alone, alone in front of a battle that seemed impossible to win.

Ca: Just quan pensava en rendir-se, un truc a la porta el va sorprendre.
En: Just when he was thinking of giving up, a knock at the door surprised him.

Ca: Marta, la seva amiga i veïna del pis, estava a fora amb un somriure i un parell de cafès a la mà.
En: Marta, his friend and neighbor, was outside with a smile and a couple of coffees in hand.

Ca: "He pensat que potser necessitaves una pausa", va dir ella, oferint-li una tassa fumejant.
En: "I thought maybe you needed a break," she said, offering him a steaming cup.

Ca: Jordi va acceptar amb gratitud, i la Marta es va asseure al seu costat.
En: Jordi accepted with gratitude, and Marta sat down next to him.

Ca: Van parlar de tot i de res, des dels estudis fins a les petites anècdotes que almenys per uns moments van alleugerir la càrrega que Jordi sentia.
En: They talked about everything and nothing, from studies to little anecdotes that, at least for a few moments, eased the burden Jordi felt.

Ca: A poc a poc, la tensió es va dissipar i, amb aquesta nova energia, Jordi va tornar als llibres.
En: Gradually, the tension dissipated, and with this new energy, Jordi returned to the books.

Ca: Aquesta vegada, les paraules semblaven cobrar sentit i la seva confiança, poc a poc, va tornar.
En: This time, the words seemed to make sense, and his confidence slowly returned.

Ca: Amb Marta a prop, va recordar que no estava sol.
En: With Marta nearby, he remembered that he was not alone.

Ca: L’amistat i el suport podien ser tan importants com els mateixos estudis.
En: Friendship and support could be as important as the studies themselves.

Ca: Quan la nit va anar passant, el dormitori de Jordi es va convertir en un racó de treball on la companyonia va guanyar sobre la pressió.
En: As the night wore on, Jordi's bedroom became a workspace where companionship triumphed over pressure.

Ca: Jordi va aprendre que demanar ajuda era un acte de força, no de debilitat, i aquest coneixement el va acompanyar fins a les aules d’examen.
En: Jordi learned that asking for help was an act of strength, not weakness, and this knowledge accompanied him to the exam halls.

Ca: Amb els primers raigs de llum de l'alba, Jordi es va sentir renovat i preparat per afrontar els exàmens.
En: With the first rays of dawn, Jordi felt renewed and ready to face the exams.

Ca: Ara, sabia que podia comptar amb els seus amics i que les lluites no es guanyen sol.
En: Now, he knew he could rely on his friends and that battles are not won alone.

Ca: Una lliçó valuosa que el seguiria en el seu camí.
En: A valuable lesson that would follow him on his journey.

Vocabulary Words:
  • night: la nit
  • winter: l'hivern
  • scholarship: la beca
  • calm: la calma
  • ally: l'aliada
  • distractions: les distraccions
  • laughter: les rialles
  • dormitory: el dormitori
  • shoulders: les espatlles
  • doubt: el dubte
  • battle: la batalla
  • pressure: la pressió
  • frustration: la frustració
  • support: el suport
  • friendship: l’amistat
  • knowledge: el coneixement
  • exam halls: les aules d’examen
  • dawn: l'alba
  • fluorescent light: la llum fluorescent
  • desk: l'escriptori
  • pages: les pàgines
  • coffee: el cafè
  • gratitude: la gratitud
  • anecdotes: les anècdotes
  • burden: la càrrega
  • confidence: la confiança
  • energy: l'energia
  • silence: el silenci
  • journey: el camí
  • act of strength: un acte de força
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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