Li Wei's Heartfelt Chinese New Year Away from Home

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Li Wei's Heartfelt Chinese New Year Away from Home
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Fluent Fiction - Mandarin Chinese: Li Wei's Heartfelt Chinese New Year Away from Home Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Zh: 在一个寒冷的冬季,李伟正忙着布置他的大学宿舍。 En: On...
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Story Transcript:
Zh: 在一个寒冷的冬季,李伟正忙着布置他的大学宿舍。
En: On a cold winter's day, Li Wei was busy decorating his college dorm room.
Zh: 他准备迎接中国新年,尽管他远离家乡。
En: He was preparing to celebrate Chinese New Year, even though he was far from home.
Zh: 房间里挂满了红色的纸灯笼,窗边粘着各式各样的春联。
En: The room was adorned with red paper lanterns, and various chunlian were stuck to the windows.
Zh: 空气中弥漫着传统食物的香味,温暖了整个空间。
En: The air was filled with the aroma of traditional foods, warming the entire space.
Zh: 李伟是一个有决心的年轻人。
En: Li Wei was a determined young man.
Zh: 他想把传统带到学校,让朋友们感到节日的欢愉。
En: He wanted to bring traditions to the school and let his friends feel the joy of the festival.
Zh: 他特别关心的是他的好朋友美琳。
En: He was especially concerned about his good friend Mei Lin.
Zh: 美琳最近一直在思念家人,对参加庆祝活动不太热心。
En: Mei Lin had recently been missing her family and was not very enthusiastic about attending the celebrations.
Zh: 准备工作不止这些。
En: The preparations were not easy.
Zh: 李伟发现难以在校园附近找到正宗的新年装饰和食材。
En: Li Wei found it challenging to find authentic New Year decorations and ingredients near the campus.
Zh: 但他不想放弃。
En: But he did not want to give up.
Zh: 他召集宿舍的朋友们,大家群策群力,终于找到了一些替代品。
En: He gathered his dorm friends, and with everyone's combined efforts, they finally found some substitutes.
Zh: 虽然简单,但也洋溢着浓浓的节日气氛。
En: Although simple, they still exuded a strong festive atmosphere.
Zh: 美琳坐在宿舍角落,面露愁苦。
En: Mei Lin sat in a corner of the dorm, looking troubled.
Zh: 她真的很想家,这让她不想参与太多的活动。
En: She really missed home, which made her reluctant to participate in too many activities.
Zh: 然而,当她看到李伟和其他学生一起忙碌,脸上带着兴奋的笑容时,心底有了一丝温暖。
En: However, when she saw Li Wei and the other students bustling about with excited smiles on their faces, a warmth filled her heart.
Zh: 庆祝活动如期开始,房间里充满了欢声笑语。
En: The celebration began as scheduled, the room filled with laughter and joy.
Zh: 李伟热情地邀请美琳加入他们,给了她一个温暖的拥抱。
En: Li Wei warmly invited Mei Lin to join them, giving her a warm hug.
Zh: 在这一刻,美琳感受到了朋友们的关怀和支持。
En: In that moment, Mei Lin felt the care and support from her friends.
Zh: 活动中,李伟讲述了一些关于家乡的新年故事,大家都听得入迷。
En: During the event, Li Wei shared some New Year stories from his hometown, and everyone listened intently.
Zh: 美琳被李伟的努力深深打动,她决定加入庆祝活动,并感觉到了友情的温暖。
En: Mei Lin was deeply moved by Li Wei's efforts, and she decided to join in the celebration, feeling the warmth of friendship.
Zh: 不久,她的脸上也绽放出笑容。
En: Soon, a smile appeared on her face too.
Zh: 派对结束后,美琳心怀感激,对李伟说:“谢谢你,你让我觉得不再孤单。
En: After the party ended, Mei Lin gratefully said to Li Wei, "Thank you, you made me feel not so alone."
Zh: ”李伟微笑着点头,他知道自己成功了。
En: Li Wei nodded with a smile, knowing he had succeeded.
Zh: 这次庆祝活动让李伟更加自信,他相信可以在异乡找到家的感觉。
En: This celebration made Li Wei more confident, believing that he could find a sense of home even far away.
Zh: 而美琳也意识到,即使远在他乡,她也能拥有暖心的朋友和支持。
En: And Mei Lin realized that even though she was far from home, she could still have warm-hearted friends and support.
Zh: 宿舍里渐渐平静下来,外面的寒风却显得不再那么凛冽了。
En: The dorm gradually became quiet, but the cold wind outside seemed no longer so biting.
Vocabulary Words:
- decorate: 布置
- adorned: 挂满
- aroma: 香味
- determined: 有决心
- enthusiastic: 热心
- authentic: 正宗
- gathered: 召集
- substitutes: 替代品
- exuded: 洋溢
- festive: 节日
- corner: 角落
- reluctant: 不想
- bustling: 忙碌
- warmth: 温暖
- hug: 拥抱
- intently: 入迷
- deeply moved: 深深打动
- gratefully: 心怀感激
- confident: 自信
- sense of home: 家的感觉
- warm-hearted: 暖心
- support: 支持
- gradually: 渐渐
- biting: 凛冽
- celebrate: 迎接
- lanterns: 纸灯笼
- traditional foods: 传统食物
- troubled: 愁苦
- celebration: 庆祝活动
- participate: 参与
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Organization | Kameron Kilchrist |
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