PurePerformance Cafe 002: Velocity 2016 with Adam Auerbach & Topo Pal

Jun 28, 2016 · 9m 47s
PurePerformance Cafe 002: Velocity 2016 with Adam Auerbach & Topo Pal

Adam and Topo discuss how CapitalOne measures and optimizes the throughput of their pipeline, how important early performance testing is and how they use a lot of open source tools...

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Adam and Topo discuss how CapitalOne measures and optimizes the throughput of their pipeline, how important early performance testing is and how they use a lot of open source tools to run large scale functional and load tests. In addition, hear about their DevOps Dashboard which they've open sourced on github:

****Adam Auerbach: @Bugman31
****Topo Pal: @TopoPal
****Andi Grabner: @grabnerandi
****Brian Wilson: @emperorwilson
*Feedback: #PurePerformance @Dynatrace
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