
Snowfall and Farewell: Ivan's Winter of Change

Jan 13, 2025 · 15m 49s
Snowfall and Farewell: Ivan's Winter of Change

01 · Main Story

1m 43s

02 · Vocabulary Words

12m 23s


Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Snowfall and Farewell: Ivan's Winter of Change Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Hr: Zima je obavila kampus sveučilišta u...

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Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Snowfall and Farewell: Ivan's Winter of Change
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Story Transcript:

Hr: Zima je obavila kampus sveučilišta u bijelo, a Ivan je zurio kroz prozor zajedničke sobe studentskog doma.
En: Winter had enveloped the university campus in white, and Ivan was staring out the window of the common room in the student dormitory.

Hr: Snijeg je padao u velikim pahuljicama, pokrivajući sve poput mekane deke.
En: Snow was falling in large flakes, covering everything like a soft blanket.

Hr: U sobi je vladala tiha užurbanost; studenti su šaptali, listali bilješke i pripremali se za završne ispite.
En: In the room, a quiet hustle prevailed; students whispered, flipped through notes, and prepared for final exams.

Hr: Na prozorskoj dasci stajala je hrpa knjiga i čaša s čajem koja je puštala tanku traku pare.
En: On the windowsill stood a pile of books and a glass of tea that was releasing a thin trail of steam.

Hr: Ivan je bio poznat kao mirotvorac među prijateljima.
En: Ivan was known as a peacemaker among his friends.

Hr: Njegova sposobnost rješavanja sukoba bila je zadivljujuća.
En: His ability to resolve conflicts was remarkable.

Hr: Ali sada, suočen s iznenadnom vijesti o Majinom odlasku, borio se s vlastitim emocijama.
En: But now, faced with the sudden news of Maja's departure, he was grappling with his own emotions.

Hr: Maja, njegova draga prijateljica, morala je napustiti studij zbog hitnog obiteljskog slučaja.
En: Maja, his dear friend, had to leave her studies due to an urgent family matter.

Hr: Ivan je odlučio organizirati oproštajnu zabavu.
En: Ivan decided to organize a farewell party.

Hr: Želio je da to bude posebno.
En: He wanted it to be special.

Hr: No, osjećao je pritisak, kao da je teret svijeta na njegovim ramenima.
En: Yet, he felt the pressure, as if the weight of the world was on his shoulders.

Hr: Viša sila ga je pozvala u akciju, a Ivan je okupio sve što je mogao.
En: A higher power called him to action, and Ivan gathered all he could.

Hr: Napravio je popis stvari koje treba obaviti: napisati pozivnice, urediti zajedničku sobu, osigurati omiljenu grickalicu.
En: He made a list of things to do: write invitations, arrange the common room, ensure the favorite snacks.

Hr: U međuvremenu, pokušavao je naći način kako spojiti gomilu prijatelja s različitim rasporedima i tjeskobom oko ispita.
En: Meanwhile, he was trying to figure out how to bring together a bunch of friends with different schedules and exam anxieties.

Hr: Organizirao je sastanak s Lukom, svojim dobrim prijateljem, koji je također želio pomoći.
En: He organized a meeting with Luka, his good friend, who also wanted to help.

Hr: "Ne mogu doći", reče Luka, gledajući u pod. "Suočavam se s nekim svojim stvarima."
En: "I can't come," said Luka, looking at the floor. "I'm dealing with some of my own stuff."

Hr: Ivan je osjetio kako mu srce tone.
En: Ivan felt his heart sink.

Hr: Luka je bio ključna osoba u njihovoj grupi, netko tko bi mogao učiniti oproštaj značajnim.
En: Luka was a key figure in their group, someone who could make the farewell meaningful.

Hr: Ali nije bilo vremena za očajanje.
En: But there was no time for despair.

Hr: Ivan je morao prihvatiti situaciju.
En: Ivan had to accept the situation.

Hr: Čvrsto uzdahnuvši, nastavio je s pripremama.
En: Taking a deep breath, he continued with the preparations.

Hr: Tijekom oproštajne večeri, zajednička je soba vibrirala toplinom i smijehom.
En: During the farewell evening, the common room vibrated with warmth and laughter.

Hr: Stolovi su bili puni kolača i pića, a Ivan je čak uspio pronaći nekoliko starih fotografija.
En: The tables were full of cakes and drinks, and Ivan even managed to find some old photographs.

Hr: Maja je bila dirnuta i ganuta.
En: Maja was touched and moved.

Hr: Ivan je osjetio olakšanje koje mu je bilo prijeko potrebno.
En: Ivan felt the relief he desperately needed.

Hr: Njegovi prijatelji su se okupili oko njega, uključujući Luku, koji je ipak stigao, otkrivši da je važnije biti tu nego skloniti se u sebi.
En: His friends gathered around him, including Luka, who showed up after all, realizing that being there was more important than retreating into himself.

Hr: U tim trenucima, Ivan je shvatio da nije sam.
En: In those moments, Ivan realized he was not alone.

Hr: Prisutnost prijatelja ujedinjenih u radosti i tugi pomoglo je shvatiti mu važnost zajedništva.
En: The presence of friends united in joy and sorrow helped him understand the importance of togetherness.

Hr: Naučio je nešto važno: nije uvijek potrebno nositi sve terete sam, a zajednički oslonac i pomoći ponekad su najjači izvor snage.
En: He learned something valuable: it's not always necessary to carry all burdens alone, and mutual support and assistance are sometimes the strongest source of strength.

Hr: Oproštaj je prošao savršeno, uz suze i osmijehe.
En: The farewell went perfectly, with tears and smiles.

Hr: A snijeg je i dalje padao, prekrivajući sve još jednim slojem bijele tišine, svjedokom novog početka za Ivana, Majy i Luku.
En: And the snow kept falling, covering everything with another layer of white silence, witnessing a new beginning for Ivan, Maja, and Luka.

Vocabulary Words:
  • enveloped: obavila
  • flakes: pahuljicama
  • hustle: užurbanost
  • whispered: šaptali
  • sill: dasci
  • trail: traku
  • peacemaker: mirotvorac
  • conflicts: sukoba
  • grappling: borio
  • farewell: oproštajnu
  • pressure: pritisak
  • shoulders: ramenima
  • higher power: viša sila
  • gathered: okupio
  • bunch: gomilu
  • meeting: sastanak
  • despair: očajanje
  • vibrate: vibrirala
  • warmth: toplinom
  • touched: dirnuta
  • moved: ganuta
  • relief: olakšanje
  • presence: prisutnost
  • togetherness: zajedništva
  • burdens: terete
  • mutual: zajednički
  • assistance: pomoći
  • strongest: najjači
  • perfectly: savršeno
  • witnessing: svjedokom
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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