Snowy Solace: Facing Fears with Friendship in Ljubljana

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Snowy Solace: Facing Fears with Friendship in Ljubljana
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Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Snowy Solace: Facing Fears with Friendship in Ljubljana Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sl: Zimsko jutro v Ljubljani je...
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Story Transcript:
Sl: Zimsko jutro v Ljubljani je bilo sveže in hladno.
En: A winter morning in Ljubljana was fresh and cold.
Sl: Tivolski park je bil prekrit z nežno plastjo snega, ki se je bleščal v sončni svetlobi.
En: Tivoli Park was covered with a gentle layer of snow, which sparkled in the sunlight.
Sl: Poti so bile skoraj prazne, le nekaj smučarskih prog je bilo komaj vidnih na svežem snegu.
En: The paths were almost empty, with only a few ski tracks barely visible on the fresh snow.
Sl: Jure in Nina sta hodila po parku, oblečena v topla plašča.
En: Jure and Nina were walking through the park, dressed in warm coats.
Sl: Jure je kašljal.
En: Jure was coughing.
Sl: "Kaj pa če je kaj resnega?
En: "What if it's something serious?"
Sl: " je rekel Jure z zaskrbljenim glasom.
En: Jure said with a worried voice.
Sl: "Kaj takega?
En: "What kind of thing?"
Sl: " je vprašala Nina in ga pogledala s toplimi očmi.
En: asked Nina, looking at him with warm eyes.
Sl: "Verjetno je le prehlad.
En: "It's probably just a cold.
Sl: Vsekakor pa moraš k zdravniku.
En: But you definitely should see a doctor."
Sl: "Jure je zmajal z glavo.
En: Jure shook his head.
Sl: Bil je previden in pogosto je mislil na najslabše.
En: He was cautious and often thought of the worst scenarios.
Sl: Strah ga je bilo, da bi slišal kaj resnega od zdravnika.
En: He feared hearing something serious from the doctor.
Sl: "Zdravniki včasih preveč strašijo," je rekel tiho.
En: "Doctors sometimes over-alarm," he said quietly.
Sl: "Ne skrbi Jure," je Nina vztrajno govorila.
En: "Don't worry, Jure," Nina insisted.
Sl: "Karkoli je, bolje je vedeti in takoj zdraviti kot pa se mučiti.
En: "Whatever it is, it's better to know and treat it immediately than to suffer."
Sl: "Park je bil tih, zrak je bil hladen in svež.
En: The park was quiet; the air was cold and fresh.
Sl: Golci dreves so se bleščali pod zmrznjenimi vejami.
En: The bare trees glittered under frozen branches.
Sl: Jure je ljubil ta park, še posebej pozimi.
En: Jure loved this park, especially in winter.
Sl: Njegova mirnost mu je ponujala uteho.
En: Its tranquility offered him solace.
Sl: A zadnje čase ga je njegov kašelj skrbel.
En: But lately, his cough had been worrying him.
Sl: "Nina, res ne vem," je spet začel Jure, a Nina ga je že prej prijela za roko.
En: "Nina, I really don't know," Jure started again, but Nina had already taken his hand.
Sl: "Grem s tabo," je rekla odločno.
En: "I'll go with you," she said decisively.
Sl: "Ne boš sam.
En: "You won't be alone."
Sl: "Jure je vedel, kako dobra prijateljica je Nina.
En: Jure knew what a good friend Nina was.
Sl: Njena prisotnost mu je ponudila utemeljitev, ki je ni znal najti sam.
En: Her presence offered him the confidence he couldn't find within himself.
Sl: Sprejel je odločitev.
En: He made a decision.
Sl: Naredil bo prvi korak.
En: He would take the first step.
Sl: Čez nekaj dni sta se Jure in Nina vrnila iz parka, a tokrat iz druge smeri.
En: A few days later, Jure and Nina returned from the park, but this time from a different direction.
Sl: Sta namreč šla k zdravniku.
En: They had just been to the doctor.
Sl: Jure je bil živčen, vendar s trdno odločenostjo.
En: Jure was nervous yet steadfast in his determination.
Sl: "Vse je v redu," je rekel Jure, ko sta končno zapustila ordinacijo.
En: "Everything's fine," Jure said as they finally left the office.
Sl: "Rekel je, da gre za blag prehlad.
En: "He said it's just a mild cold."
Sl: "Nina se je nasmehnila.
En: Nina smiled.
Sl: "Kaj sem ti rekla?
En: "What did I tell you?
Sl: Videl boš, vse bo bolje!
En: You'll see, everything will get better!"
Sl: "Ko sta hodila po parku, je Jure občutil neverjetno olajšanje.
En: As they walked through the park, Jure felt an incredible relief.
Sl: Bil je hvaležen Nini za njeno vztrajnost in pomoč.
En: He was grateful to Nina for her persistence and support.
Sl: Zdaj je vedel, da ne sme dovoliti, da strah prevlada nad njim.
En: Now he knew he shouldn't let fear take over.
Sl: Spoznal je, kako pomembno je skrbeti za svoje zdravje in se zanašati na prijatelje.
En: He realized how important it is to take care of one's health and rely on friends.
Sl: Zimski Tivoli park je bil še vedno čudovit in miren, a tokrat Jure ni gledal naokoli z obremenjenim srcem.
En: Winter Tivoli Park was still beautiful and peaceful, but this time Jure wasn't looking around with a heavy heart.
Sl: Bil je sproščen in poln novega upanja.
En: He was relaxed and full of new hope.
Sl: Ko sta z Nino hodila po snežnih poteh, je začutil toplino kljub hladnemu zimskemu vetru.
En: As he and Nina walked along the snowy paths, he felt warmth despite the cold winter wind.
Sl: "Naslednjič, ko pridem, bom s sabo pripeljal sani," je dejal Jure z nasmehom.
En: "Next time I come, I'll bring a sled," Jure said with a smile.
Sl: Tako je Jure našel nov način za soočanje s svojimi strahovi in spoznal, da ni vse tako strašno, če imaš ob sebi prave ljudi.
En: Thus, Jure found a new way to face his fears and realized that nothing is too scary when you have the right people by your side.
Vocabulary Words:
- coughing: kašljal
- worried: zaskrbljen
- decisively: odločno
- treat: zdraviti
- solace: uteho
- tragedy: tragedija
- tranquility: mirnost
- presence: prisotnost
- confidence: utemeljitev
- nervous: živčen
- relief: olajšanje
- persistence: vztrajnost
- support: pomoč
- fear: strah
- health: zdravje
- rely: zanesti
- snowy: snežnih
- barren: golci
- glittered: bleščali
- branches: vejami
- determination: odločenost
- mild: blag
- hope: upanje
- dreary: burne
- solemn: resen
- vigor: moč
- sledge: sani
- stubborn: trmast
- helpless: nemocan
- contentment: zadovoljstvo
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