
Strings of Bratislava: An Unplanned Serenade

Mar 13, 2024 · 18m 14s
Strings of Bratislava: An Unplanned Serenade

01 · Main Story

1m 40s

02 · Vocabulary Words

14m 35s


Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Strings of Bratislava: An Unplanned Serenade Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sk: V stredu poobede, keď nebo nad Bratislavou...

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Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Strings of Bratislava: An Unplanned Serenade
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Story Transcript:

Sk: V stredu poobede, keď nebo nad Bratislavou bolo prekryté šedivými mrakmi, sa v úzkych uličkách Starého Mesta pohybovala skupina turistov.
En: On Wednesday afternoon, as the sky above Bratislava was covered by gray clouds, a group of tourists moved through the narrow streets of the Old Town.

Sk: Medzi nimi kľučkovala mladá dáma menom Jana.
En: Among them, a young lady named Jana maneuvered through.

Sk: Všade okolo nej bola atmosféra plná histórie a tajomstva, ktorou je toto historické srdce Slovenska preslávené.
En: Everywhere around her was an atmosphere full of history and mystery, for which this historical heart of Slovakia is famous.

Sk: Nekďaleko Michalskej veže, ktorá stráži jednu z vstupných brán do staromestskej časti, sedel na lavičke mladík menom Michal.
En: Not far from Michael's Gate, which guards one of the entrances to the old town, a young man named Michal sat on a bench.

Sk: Bol zamyslený nad knihou, ktorá ho tak pohltila, že si okolitý svet vôbec nevšímava.
En: He was engrossed in a book that absorbed him so much that he didn't notice the surrounding world at all.

Sk: Pred ním stál otvorený kufor na husle, ktoré dostal od svojho dedka a neboli mu len tak hocijakým nástrojom.
En: In front of him was an open case containing a violin, which he received from his grandfather, and they were not just any instrument to him.

Sk: V ten istý moment sa blížil Pavol, Michalov dobrý priateľ, ktorý vlastnil malé kaviarenské bistro ďalej dolu po ulici.
En: At the same time, Pavol, Michal's good friend who owned a small café bistro down the street, was approaching.

Sk: Pavol mal na Michala dohliadnuť, pretože ho poznal ako nositeľa pokladov, akými historické husle rozhodne boli.
En: Pavol was to keep an eye on Michal, as he knew him to be a bearer of treasures, which historical violins certainly were.

Sk: Jana s radostným úsmevom objavila Michala, ako sedí pri otvorenom kufri a verila, že sa chystá na predstavenie.
En: Jana joyfully discovered Michal sitting by the open case, and she believed he was getting ready for a performance.

Sk: Vo vzduchu cítila čaro hudby a v jeho tichu očakávala začiatok koncertu.
En: She felt the enchantment of music in the air and eagerly anticipated the beginning of the concert in his silence.

Sk: S radosťou spĺňajúcou jej tvár začala tlieskať, chystajúc sa byť svedkom jeho talentu.
En: With a joyous expression on her face, she began to clap, preparing to witness his talent.

Sk: Michal zdvihol hlavu ohromený. Hľadel na Janu a nevedel, ako reagovať. Nechcel byť hrubý, ale zároveň sa necítil pripravený na koncert pred náhodnou diváčkou.
En: Michal looked up, astonished. He looked at Jana and didn't know how to react. He didn't want to be rude, but at the same time, he didn't feel prepared for a concert in front of a random audience.

Sk: Pavol sa medzitým širokým úsmevom blížil k lavičke a uzrel Janu tlieskajúcu.
En: In the meantime, Pavol approached the bench with a wide smile and saw Jana clapping.

Sk: Zavše robila radosť, keď videl ako ľudia prejavujú ocenenie umeniu.
En: It always brought him joy to see people appreciate art.

Sk: A tak sa prihovoril Jani.
En: So, he addressed Jana.

Sk: "Viete, že Michal vlastne nie je pouličný umeliec, že?" začal Pavol s úsmevom.
En: "Do you know that Michal isn't actually a street performer?" Pavol began with a smile.

Sk: Jana razom ustrnula, červenaná od miernej hanby, ktorú cítila za svoje omylné domnienky.
En: Jana suddenly froze, red with slight embarrassment for her mistaken assumptions.

Sk: "Pardon, myslela som, že..." začala Jana, ale Michal ju prerušil milým spôsobom:
En: "Sorry, I thought that..." Jana began, but Michal interrupted her in a kind manner:

Sk: "V poriadku je, som rád, že ste aspoň za chvíľu považovali moju prítomnosť za niečo špeciálne. A ak chcete, môžem vám zahrať kúsok," navrhol Michal s pokorou a začal prípravu na hru.
En: "It's okay, I'm glad you at least considered my presence special for a moment. And if you'd like, I can play you a piece," Michal suggested humbly and began preparing for the performance.

Sk: Atmosféra okolo sa zmenila a všetci traja pocítili niečo výnimočné.
En: The atmosphere around them changed, and all three of them felt something exceptional.

Sk: Jana uchvátená sľubom prekvapenia, Michal s nervozitou muzikanta pred estetickým výkonom a Pavol s pohľadom znalca, ktorý vedel, že sa chystá počuť nádheru.
En: Jana was captivated by the promise of surprise, Michal was nervous as a musician before an aesthetic performance, and Pavol had the look of a connoisseur who knew he was about to hear something beautiful.

Sk: Michalove prsty jemne položené na strunách začali spievať pieseň, ktorá bola stará rovnako ako samotné mesto.
En: Michal's fingers delicately placed on the strings began to sing a song that was as old as the city itself.

Sk: Nádherné tóny sa niesli Starým Mestom a dotkli sa sŕdc všetkých okoloidúcich.
En: Beautiful tones echoed through the Old Town and touched the hearts of all passersby.

Sk: Janu omámil príval emócií, ktoré hudba pobudila.
En: The music overwhelmed Jana with a rush of emotions it evoked.

Sk: Po skončení krátkeho koncertu sa Jana s ospravedlnením a úsmevom poďakovala Michalovi za nečakané predstavenie.
En: After the short concert ended, Jana thanked Michal for the unexpected performance with an apology and a smile.

Sk: Pavol s chválou poplácal Michala po ramene a pozval ho a Janu do svojho bistra na osviežujúcu limonádu.
En: Pavol patted Michal on the shoulder with praise and invited him and Jana to his bistro for a refreshing lemonade.

Sk: Tak skončil neplánovaný koncert, ktorý spojil týchto troch ľudí nečakaným priateľstvom.
En: And thus, the unplanned concert ended, bringing these three people together in an unexpected friendship.

Sk: Jana, Michal a Pavol strávili zvyšok popoludnia v teplej konverzácii, zdieľajúci príbehy o Bratislave, hudbe a nepredvídaných zážitkoch, ktoré život prináša.
En: Jana, Michal, and Pavol spent the rest of the afternoon in warm conversation, sharing stories about Bratislava, music, and the unforeseen experiences that life brings.

Vocabulary Words:
  • atmosphere: atmosféra
  • bench: lavička
  • bearer: nositeľ
  • captivated: uchvátená
  • connoisseur: znalec
  • enchantment: čaro
  • engrossed: pohltila
  • exceptional: výnimočné
  • expression: výraz
  • fingers: prsty
  • instrument: nástroj
  • joyfully: radostným
  • maneuvered: kľučkovala
  • mistaken: omylné
  • musician: muzikanta
  • overwhelmed: omámil
  • patting: poplácal
  • performance: predstavenie
  • prepared: pripravený
  • rude: hrubý
  • surprise: prekvapenia
  • surrounding: okolitý
  • talent: talentu
  • treasures: poklady
  • unplanned: neplánovaný
  • unexpected: nečakaným
  • violin: husle
  • witness: byť svedkom
  • guarded: stráži
  • approaching: blížil
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