The Cosmic Citizen

Apr 28, 2010 · 2h 1m 43s
The Cosmic Citizen

Sioux Oliva, Ph.D,has been a reader of The Urantia Book since 1974 and is currently writing a history of Dr. William S. Sadler to place him in his time and...

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Sioux Oliva, Ph.D,has been a reader of The Urantia Book since 1974 and is currently writing a history of Dr. William S. Sadler to place him in his time and place to assist us in thinking through the work of Matthew Block.     Please join Ann Garner during the one-hour Wednesday broadcast interacting with Sioux.     Sioux is a historian and lecturer. As a historian, her clients’ include Gard Jameson (wrote his family history in three parts), Mrs. Robert F. Kennedy (lived with Ethel for 3 months while she organized her historic papers), the estate of Marilyn Monroe (wrote a proposal for a traveling exhibition about her life), Sally Quinn and Ben Bradlee (organized the Grey Gardens papers into 23 volumes), The Getty & The City of Los Angeles (compiling the Civil Rights history of Los Angeles), and The Autry Museum of the American West (rewriting docent training to add the Native Voice). A person who likes how science informs philosophy and religion, Sioux suggests DNA testing as for clients due to the additional genealogical and historical information it provides. She is soon to go on a speaking tour to talk about the importance of compiling a family history, how to create one, how DNA can give a broader picture of one’s ancestry, and share her experiences as a professional historian.
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Author Paula Thompson
Organization Paula Thompson
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