The EHRC 2024 Sessions: 9. Scaling up HIV and HCV prevention treatment and care in community-based settings

Dec 10, 2024 · 1h 29m 16s
The EHRC 2024 Sessions: 9. Scaling up HIV and HCV prevention treatment and care in community-based settings

People who use drugs and other marginalised groups, such as people experiencing homelessness, sex workers or migrants, are disproportionately affected by the HIV/AIDS and viral hepatitis epidemics. With stigma, discrimination,...

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People who use drugs and other marginalised groups, such as people experiencing homelessness, sex workers or migrants, are disproportionately affected by the HIV/AIDS and viral hepatitis epidemics. With stigma, discrimination, and criminalisation aggravating health disparities, these communities experience limited access to health services and higher prevalenceof infectious diseases compared to the general population.
In light of these considerations and recognising the urgent need to address these multiple epidemics to improve the health of affected communities and public health in Europe, the BOOST project was launched by CEHRN  to strengthen and support community-based and community-led harm reduction organisations4 in providing high-quality communicable disease services to people who use drugs. These include the scaling-up of good practices in communicable disease awareness, prevention, screening/testing and linkage to care, delivered as an integrated part of people-centred harm reduction interventions.
The session will provide exemples on what challenges organisations face to tackle HIV/HCV in  Portugal and Slovenia and then highlight practical interventions and experiences in the field of data collection, digital skills, community involvement and advocacy for better HIV/HCV policy and practice, based on the experiences of the BOOST project.
Moderator: Ruth Zimmermann
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Organization Rights Reporter Foundation

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