The Peculiar Blend: A Mistake that Birthed a New Wine
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The Peculiar Blend: A Mistake that Birthed a New Wine
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Fluent Fiction - Norwegian: The Peculiar Blend: A Mistake that Birthed a New Wine Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Nb: I Bergen, inni...
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Story Transcript:
Nb: I Bergen, inni et gammelt hus, satt Lars.
En: In Bergen, inside an old house, sat Lars.
Nb: Han laget fest.
En: He was hosting a party.
Nb: Venner skulle komme.
En: Friends were supposed to come.
Nb: Også Ingrid.
En: Including Ingrid.
Nb: Hun var en god venn.
En: She was a good friend.
Nb: Hun kom med en pose i hånden.
En: She came with a bag in hand.
Nb: "Lars, her er mitt brødvin", sa Ingrid.
En: "Lars, here is my bread wine," Ingrid said.
Nb: Lars smilte og tok vinen.
En: Lars smiled and took the wine.
Nb: Han så på etiketten, men forsto ikke helt.
En: He looked at the label, but didn't quite understand.
Nb: "Ah, 'brødvin'.
En: "Ah, 'bread wine'.
Nb: Hvor spesielt!
En: How special!"
Nb: " Han tittet på flasken som glitret i lyset.
En: He looked at the bottle, gleaming in the light.
Nb: Etter en stund, with anighet på hjertet, bestemte Lars seg for å åpne alle vinflaskene.
En: After a while, with an uneasiness in his heart, Lars decided to open all the wine bottles.
Nb: Han så Ingrids vin, men husket feil.
En: He saw Ingrid's wine, but he remembered wrong.
Nb: Han trodde det var brennevin.
En: He thought it was hard liquor.
Nb: Han hadde også en flaske brennevin.
En: He also had a bottle of hard liquor.
Nb: Så han blandet dem.
En: So he mixed them up.
Nb: Festen begynte.
En: The party started.
Nb: Folk kom.
En: People came.
Nb: De lo.
En: They laughed.
Nb: De pratet.
En: They chatted.
Nb: Lars serverte sin blanding.
En: Lars served his mixture.
Nb: Folk visste ikke.
En: People didn't know.
Nb: De tok en slurk.
En: They took a sip.
Nb: Først var smaken rar, men så lo de.
En: At first, the taste was strange, but then they laughed.
Nb: De lo veldig.
En: They laughed a lot.
Nb: Det var noe nytt.
En: It was something new.
Nb: Det var noe merkelig.
En: It was something peculiar.
Nb: Men det var morsomt.
En: But it was fun.
Nb: Ingrid spurte om sin vin.
En: Ingrid asked about her wine.
Nb: Lars så på henne.
En: Lars looked at her.
Nb: Han forsto.
En: He understood.
Nb: Han hadde gjort feil.
En: He had made a mistake.
Nb: Men han sa ikke noe.
En: But he didn't say anything.
Nb: Folk likte det jo.
En: People liked it after all.
Nb: Hun ville kanskje bli sint.
En: She might get angry.
Nb: Han virret rundt og fant en annen vinflaske.
En: He wandered around and found another wine bottle.
Nb: "Ingrid, her er 'brødvin' din, vel bekomme," sa han.
En: "Ingrid, here is your 'bread wine', enjoy," he said.
Nb: "Men, så merkelig", sa Ingrid, "Dette er ikke mitt 'brødvin'".
En: "But, how strange," Ingrid said, "This is not my 'bread wine'."
Nb: Lars ble rød.
En: Lars turned red.
Nb: Han måtte fortelle.
En: He had to tell her.
Nb: Han var nervøs.
En: He was nervous.
Nb: Han tok en dyp pust.
En: He took a deep breath.
Nb: "Ingrid," Lars begynte, "Jeg trodde brødvin var brennevin.
En: "Ingrid," Lars began, "I thought 'bread wine' was hard liquor.
Nb: Jeg blandet dem.
En: I mixed them up.
Nb: Unnskyld.
En: I'm sorry."
Nb: "Ingrid så på ham.
En: Ingrid looked at him.
Nb: Hun blinket.
En: She blinked.
Nb: Så lo hun.
En: Then she laughed.
Nb: Hun lo veldig.
En: She laughed a lot.
Nb: Alle lo.
En: Everyone laughed.
Nb: “Lars, du lager et nytt slag vin", sa Ingrid.
En: "Lars, you've created a new kind of wine," Ingrid said.
Nb: Lars smilte.
En: Lars smiled.
Nb: Det var en lettelse.
En: It was a relief.
Nb: De fortsatte festen, med latter, smil, sang og den merkelige vinen.
En: They continued the party, with laughter, smiles, songs, and the peculiar wine.
Nb: Det viste seg at Ingrid's "brødvin" og Lars' brennevin laget en god blanding, som veldig godt likt av alle.
En: It turned out that Ingrid's "bread wine" and Lars' hard liquor made a good blend, which everyone liked very much.
Nb: De lo og omfavnet det morsomme uhellet.
En: They laughed and embraced the funny accident.
Nb: I Bergen, i det gamle huset, ble en ny type vin født, som var et resultat av vennskap, ærlighet, feil og selvfølgelig god moro.
En: In Bergen, in the old house, a new type of wine was born, as a result of friendship, honesty, mistakes, and of course, good fun.
Vocabulary Words:
- Bergen: Bergen
- inside: inni
- old: gammelt
- house: hus
- Lars: Lars
- hosting: laget
- party: fest
- friends: venner
- Including: Også
- Ingrid: Ingrid
- good: god
- friend: venn
- bag: pose
- hand: hånd
- bread: brød
- wine: vin
- smiled: smilte
- took: tok
- label: etiketten
- understand: forsto
- special: spesielt
- bottle: flaske
- gleaming: glitret
- light: lyset
- uneasiness: med anighet
- heart: hjertet
- decided: bestemte
- open: åpne
- wine bottles: vinflaskene
- saw: så
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Organization | Kameron Kilchrist |
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