
The Secret Tunnels of Stellenbosch: A Mystery Unraveled

Jan 10, 2025 · 14m 38s
The Secret Tunnels of Stellenbosch: A Mystery Unraveled

01 · Main Story

1m 43s

02 · Vocabulary Words

11m 25s


Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: The Secret Tunnels of Stellenbosch: A Mystery Unraveled Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Af: Die son skyn fel oor...

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Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: The Secret Tunnels of Stellenbosch: A Mystery Unraveled
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Story Transcript:

Af: Die son skyn fel oor Stellenbosch Internaat.
En: The sun shines brightly over Stellenbosch Internaat.

Af: Dit is hoogsomer, en 'n hittegolf hou die studente binne hul klaskamers of sit rustig onder bome in die skaduwee.
En: It is midsummer, and a heatwave keeps the students inside their classrooms or sitting quietly under the trees in the shade.

Af: Maar iets is nie reg nie.
En: But something is not right.

Af: 'n Student het skielik verdwyn.
En: A student has suddenly disappeared.

Af: Terwyl die skoolbestuur sê dit is 'n ongeluk, glo Jaco daar is meer om te weet.
En: While the school administration says it is an accident, Jaco believes there is more to know.

Af: Jaco, 'n nuuskierige en avontuurlustige student, sit op 'n bankie met sy beste vriendin, Ina.
En: Jaco, a curious and adventurous student, sits on a bench with his best friend, Ina.

Af: "Ons moet uitvind wat regtig gebeur het," sê hy ferm.
En: "We need to find out what really happened," he says firmly.

Af: Ina kyk skepties.
En: Ina looks skeptical.

Af: "Jaco, wat as dit regtig net die hitte was?
En: "Jaco, what if it was really just the heat?

Af: Wat as hy net verdwaal het in die veld?
En: What if he just got lost in the fields?"

Af: " Maar Jaco skud sy kop.
En: But Jaco shakes his head.

Af: "Ek glo nie dis so eenvoudig nie.
En: "I don't believe it's that simple."

Af: "Op daardie oomblik stap Leandra verby.
En: At that moment, Leandra walks by.

Af: Sy is nuut in die skool en gedra haar altyd bietjie geheimsinnig.
En: She is new to the school and always acts a bit mysterious.

Af: Sy lyk altyd asof sy meer weet as wat sy sê.
En: She always seems to know more than she says.

Af: Jaco frons.
En: Jaco frowns.

Af: "Ons moet met Leandra praat.
En: "We need to talk to Leandra.

Af: Dalk weet sy iets.
En: Maybe she knows something."

Af: "Later daardie aand, toe die son begin sak agter die berge, ontmoet Jaco en Ina vir Leandra by die ou klipmuur aan die agterkant van die skool.
En: Later that evening, when the sun begins to set behind the mountains, Jaco and Ina meet Leandra at the old stone wall at the back of the school.

Af: "Leandra, ons moet weet wat jy oor die verdwyning weet," sê Jaco direk.
En: "Leandra, we need to know what you know about the disappearance," says Jaco directly.

Af: Sy kyk hulle uitdrukkingloos aan, en sê dan sag: "As julle regtig die waarheid wil hê, volg my.
En: She looks at them expressionlessly, then says softly, "If you really want the truth, follow me."

Af: "In die donkerte van die nag, lei Leandra hulle na 'n versteekte ingang onder die skool.
En: In the darkness of the night, Leandra leads them to a hidden entrance under the school.

Af: "Ek het dit toevallig ontdek," verduidelik sy.
En: "I discovered it by accident," she explains.

Af: Hulle kruip deur die smal tonnel.
En: They crawl through the narrow tunnel.

Af: Binne is versteekte dokumente en 'n klein kamer vol ou boeke en informasie.
En: Inside are hidden documents and a small room full of old books and information.

Af: Jaco snuffel daardeur en ontdek leidrade wat wys dat die vermiste student by iets onwettigs betrokke was.
En: Jaco rummages through it and discovers clues that show the missing student was involved in something illegal.

Af: "Dit is hoekom ek stil was," verklaar Leandra.
En: "That's why I was quiet," Leandra explains.

Af: "Ek het probeer keer dat julle betrokke raak in iets gevaarliks.
En: "I was trying to prevent you from getting involved in something dangerous."

Af: " Ina byt op haar lip.
En: Ina bites her lip.

Af: Sy verstaan nou, en Jaco ook.
En: She understands now, and so does Jaco.

Af: Die volgende dag gaan hulle na die skoolhoof.
En: The next day they go to the head of the school.

Af: Die skoolbestuur luister hulle storie en ondersoek die saak verder.
En: The school administration listens to their story and investigates the matter further.

Af: Die waarheid kom uit, maar die skool hou dit stil om 'n skandaal te vermy.
En: The truth comes out, but the school keeps it quiet to avoid a scandal.

Af: Jaco het nie net die waarheid ontdek nie, maar ook meer geleer oor vertroue.
En: Jaco not only discovered the truth but also learned more about trust.

Af: Hy weet nou dat mense se motiewe nie altyd sleg is nie, selfs al lyk dit so.
En: He now knows that people's motives are not always bad, even if they seem so.

Af: Met die saak opgelos, sit hy en Ina weer saam op hul gunsteling bankie, hierdie keer met Leandra ook by hulle.
En: With the matter resolved, he and Ina sit together again on their favorite bench, this time with Leandra also with them.

Af: Die wêreld voel net 'n bietjie veiliger, en die son skyn steeds helder oor die antieke klipgeboue van die internasionale skool in Stellenbosch.
En: The world feels just a bit safer, and the sun still shines brightly over the ancient stone buildings of the international school in Stellenbosch.

Vocabulary Words:
  • shines: skyn
  • heatwave: hittegolf
  • disappeared: verdwyn
  • accident: ongeluk
  • curious: nuuskierige
  • adventurous: avontuurlustige
  • skeptical: skepties
  • mysterious: geheimsinnig
  • expressionlessly: uitdrukkingloos
  • darkness: donkerte
  • hidden: versteekte
  • tunnel: tonnel
  • rummages: snuffel
  • clues: leidrade
  • illegal: onwettig
  • prevent: keer
  • dangerous: gevaarliks
  • understands: verstaan
  • administration: bestuur
  • investigates: ondersoek
  • scandal: skandaal
  • trust: vertroue
  • motives: motiewe
  • resolved: opgelos
  • ancient: antieke
  • buildings: geboue
  • stone: klip
  • shade: skaduwee
  • firmly: ferm
  • lost: verdwaal
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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