
The Spice of Tradition: A Culinary Quest in Lijiang

Jan 7, 2025 · 14m 3s
The Spice of Tradition: A Culinary Quest in Lijiang

01 · Main Story

1m 45s

02 · Vocabulary Words

11m 9s


Fluent Fiction - Mandarin Chinese: The Spice of Tradition: A Culinary Quest in Lijiang Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Zh: 丽江古城的街道上,白雪轻轻洒落在石板路上。 En: On...

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Fluent Fiction - Mandarin Chinese: The Spice of Tradition: A Culinary Quest in Lijiang
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Story Transcript:

Zh: 丽江古城的街道上,白雪轻轻洒落在石板路上。
En: On the streets of Lijiang Ancient Town, white snow gently fell on the stone pathways.

Zh: 红色的灯笼悬挂在店铺前,空气中弥漫着过年特有的香料气息和节日的兴奋。
En: Red lanterns hung in front of the shops, and the air was filled with the distinctive aroma of the New Year spices and a sense of festive excitement.

Zh: 年轻厨师李威裹紧外套,充满决心地走在这些热闹的街道上。
En: A young chef named Li Wei pulled his coat tighter as he determinedly walked through these bustling streets.

Zh: 春节快到了,他想为家人做一道奶奶的传统年夜饭。
En: With the Spring Festival approaching, he wanted to make a traditional New Year's Eve dinner from his grandmother's recipes.

Zh: 他需要找到一种稀有香料,但这并不容易。
En: He needed to find a rare spice, but this was no easy task.

Zh: 李威并不孤单。
En: Li Wei was not alone.

Zh: 他的朋友明与他并肩走着。
En: His friend Ming walked alongside him.

Zh: 明从小在丽江长大,对当地市场了如指掌。
En: Having grown up in Lijiang, Ming was well-acquainted with the local markets.

Zh: 他告诉李威哪里能找到新鲜的食材,给了李威许多帮助和建议。
En: He told Li Wei where to find fresh ingredients, providing him with much help and advice.

Zh: 然而,即使在明的帮助下,那个特制的香料仍然找不到。
En: However, even with Ming's assistance, that special spice remained elusive.

Zh: 市场上到处都是准备过年的人,人人都在抢购。
En: The market was packed with people preparing for the New Year, and everyone was in a frenzy to buy what they needed.

Zh: 李威有些着急。
En: Li Wei began to worry.

Zh: 他知道还有一个人可以求助,那就是小林。
En: He knew there was one more person he could turn to for help: Xiao Lin.

Zh: 一位卖了多年代用品的小贩,据说他拥有秘方。
En: Xiao Lin was a vendor who had been selling traditional supplies for years and was rumored to hold secret recipes.

Zh: 走到小林的摊位,李威心里充满希望。
En: Approaching Xiao Lin's stall, Li Wei was filled with hope.

Zh: 小林站在摊位后,面容慈祥,却透着精明。
En: Xiao Lin stood behind the stall, kind-faced yet shrewd.

Zh: “你好,小林,我需要很特别的香料,用来做我奶奶的菜。”李威试探性地开口,心里忐忑。
En: "Hello, Xiao Lin, I need a very special spice to make my grandmother's dish," Li Wei said hesitantly, feeling anxious inside.

Zh: 小林皱眉道:“这种香料难找啊。我只有最后一包。”
En: Xiao Lin frowned and replied, "This spice is hard to find. I have only one last package."

Zh: 李威焦虑不已,便把关于他奶奶和那道菜的故事都告诉了小林。
En: Feeling desperate, Li Wei shared with Xiao Lin the story of his grandmother and that special dish.

Zh: 听完故事,李威的情感流露让小林动容。
En: Listening to the story, Li Wei's emotional expression moved Xiao Lin.

Zh: “年轻人,奶奶的心意很重要。”小林微笑,看着李威的眼睛,把香料递给了他。
En: "Young man, your grandmother's intentions are important," Xiao Lin smiled, looking into Li Wei's eyes as he handed him the spice.

Zh: “好好珍惜这袋香料。等你做好了菜,记得来告诉我结果。”
En: "Treasure this bag of spice. Once you finish cooking, remember to come back and tell me how it went."

Zh: 李威感动地接受了香料,心中燃起一股暖流。
En: Li Wei gratefully accepted the spice, feeling a warm current inside.

Zh: 离开市场时,他感受到了一种深刻的欣慰。
En: As he left the market, he experienced a deep sense of comfort.

Zh: 他不仅找到了制作佳肴的材料,还收获了人情的温暖。
En: Not only had he found the ingredients needed for the dish, but he had also gained a warmth of human kindness.

Zh: 回到家,他开始准备菜肴。
En: Returning home, he began to prepare the dish.

Zh: 厨房里,香气四溢,旧日的记忆与希望交织。
En: The kitchen was filled with a fragrant aroma, intertwining memories of old days with hope.

Zh: 李威明白,他不仅是在烹饪一道菜,更是在传承一种文化。
En: Li Wei understood that he was not just cooking a dish, but also preserving a culture.

Zh: 他决心将这种传统传递给下一代,让它成为永恒的宝藏。
En: He resolved to pass on this tradition to the next generation, making it an eternal treasure.

Zh: 丽江的冬天继续寒冷,但李威的心中已是春意盎然。
En: Although winter in Lijiang remained cold, Li Wei felt a budding spring warmth in his heart.

Vocabulary Words:
  • ancient: 古老的
  • pathways: 小路
  • distinctive: 独特的
  • aroma: 香气
  • festive: 节日的
  • determinedly: 坚定地
  • rare: 稀有的
  • task: 任务
  • well-acquainted: 熟悉的
  • elusive: 难以捉摸的
  • frenzy: 狂热
  • vendor: 小贩
  • shrewd: 精明的
  • intention: 意图
  • desperate: 绝望的
  • emotional: 情感的
  • expression: 表达
  • treasure: 珍惜
  • current: 流
  • scent: 气味
  • fragrant: 芳香的
  • intertwining: 交织
  • memories: 记忆
  • preserving: 保存
  • eternal: 永恒的
  • budding: 萌芽的
  • stone: 石头的
  • stall: 摊位
  • kind-faced: 慈祥的
  • hesitantly: 犹豫地
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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