
Trapped in Time: A Fateful Welsh Castle Trip

Nov 21, 2023 · 15m 37s
Trapped in Time: A Fateful Welsh Castle Trip

01 · Main Story

1m 43s

02 · Vocabulary Words

11m 52s


Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Trapped in Time: A Fateful Welsh Castle Trip Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Cy: Ar un diwrnod o haf...

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Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Trapped in Time: A Fateful Welsh Castle Trip
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Story Transcript:

Cy: Ar un diwrnod o haf poeth ac heulog, roedd tri ffrind - Gwen, Rhys ac Eleri - yn penderfynu ymweld â Chastell Conwy, un o gestyll hynafol a mawreddog Cymru.
En: On a hot and sunny summer day, three friends - Gwen, Rhys, and Eleri - decided to visit Conwy Castle, one of Wales' oldest and most majestic castles.

Cy: Roedd hi'n ddiwrnod perffaith i antur; yr awyr glir, yr adar yn canu a'r hanes yn fyw o'u cwmpas.
En: It was a perfect day for an adventure; the sky was clear, the birds were singing, and history was alive all around them.

Cy: Wrth gerdded o amgylch y castell hynafol, roedd Gwen yn synnu at y normyddion a'r ystafelloedd mawr.
En: As they walked around the ancient castle, Gwen was amazed by the dungeons and the grand chambers.

Cy: Sylweddolodd fod y lle'n llawn o gyfrinachau a straeon.
En: She noticed that the place was full of secrets and stories.

Cy: Yn y neidio, dyma hi'n gweld arfwisg enfawr o flaen ei llygaid.
En: Then, she spotted a huge suit of armor in front of her eyes.

Cy: "Edrychwch ar hyn!" galwodd Gwen at ei ffrindiau, Rhys ac Eleri, gan eu tynnu tuag at yr arfwisg hudolus.
En: "Look at this!" she called to her friends, Rhys and Eleri, pulling them towards the magical armor.

Cy: Rhys, a oedd yn gwybod llawer am hanes a chwedlau Cymru, esboniodd fod yr arfwisg yn perthyn i un o arwyr mwyaf y castell, a bod llawer o straeon yn sôn am ei ddewrder.
En: Rhys, who knew a lot about the history and legends of Wales, explained that the armor belonged to one of the castle's greatest heroes, and many stories spoke of his bravery.

Cy: Yn eu swyno gan y chwedlau, anghofiodd Gwen am beryglon y byd go iawn.
En: Enchanted by the tales, Gwen forgot about the dangers of the real world.

Cy: Gan fod hi mor dan gamp a chwilfrydig, penderfynodd Gwen roi cynnig ar y wisg haearn trwm.
En: Feeling daring and curious, Gwen decided to try on the heavy iron suit.

Cy: Er gwaethaf rhybuddion Rhys ac Eleri, llithrodd hi'i breichiau a'i choesau i mewn i'r darnau metel disglair.
En: Despite Rhys and Eleri's warnings, she slipped her arms and legs into the shiny metal pieces.

Cy: Ond wedi ei gwisgo, dechreuodd hi ddioddef; roedd y wisg yn rhy fach, a dyma Gwen yn sownd!
En: But once she had it on, she started to suffer; the suit was too small, and there was Gwen, stuck!

Cy: Dechreuodd hi gael poen a phanic.
En: She began to feel pain and panic.

Cy: "Rhys! Eleri! Helpwch fi!" llefodd hi'n ofnus o'r tu mewn.
En: "Rhys! Eleri! Help me!" she cried nervously from inside.

Cy: Dechreuodd Rhys a Eleri chwilio am ffordd i'w rhyddhau hi.
En: Rhys and Eleri began to search for a way to free her.

Cy: Gwaith caled oedd o, wrth iddynt dynnu a gwthio'r arfwisg o gwmpas, ond roedd yr haearn yn ormod o her.
En: It was hard work, as they pulled and pushed the armor around, but the iron was too much of a challenge.

Cy: Yn ffodus, daeth hen warchodwr y castell, a oedd wedi gweld llawer o ymwelwyr yn ei flynyddoedd, i'r adwy ac aeth i helpu.
En: Fortunately, an old castle guardian, who had seen many visitors over the years, came to the rescue.

Cy: Dangosodd iddynt sut i ryddhau Gwen, gan ddefnyddio llechen o'r mur a oedd yn agor y cloeon rhyngosod o'r arfwisg.
En: He showed them how to release Gwen, using a slab from the wall that opened the interlocking clasps of the armor.

Cy: Chydig yn fwy, ac roedd Gwen yn rhydd unwaith eto! Roedd hi'n teimlo cywilydd o'i hanfodlondeb ond yn llawn diolchgarwch at Rhys, Eleri, a'r hen warchodwr am eu cymorth ac amynedd.
En: Before long, Gwen was free again! She felt embarrassed by her recklessness but was full of gratitude towards Rhys, Eleri, and the old guardian for their help and patience.

Cy: Gwen, wedi blino ond yn hapus i fod yn rhydd, pwysleisiodd gwerth cyfeillgarwch a pherygl hunan-or-wylio.
En: Gwen, tired but happy to be free, emphasized the value of friendship and self-watchful danger.

Cy: Fel triawd, roeddent wedi goresgyn anhawster, ac roedd y diwrnod yn un i'w gofio am byth.
En: As a trio, they had overcome hardship, and the day was one to be remembered forever.

Cy: Ar ôl y digwyddiad anturus, penderfynodd y ffrindiau y byddent yn mwynhau gweddill y diwrnod yn rhyfeddu at hanes y castell, yn dawel ac yn ddiogel.
En: After the adventurous event, the friends decided they would enjoy the rest of the day marveling at the castle's history, peacefully and safely.

Cy: Ac felly, acabodd y trip gyda Gwen, Rhys, ac Eleri yn rhannu chwerthin a stori i'w hadrodd am genedlaethau.
En: And so, the trip ended with Gwen, Rhys, and Eleri sharing laughter and stories to be told for generations.

Vocabulary Words:
  • summer: haf
  • friends: ffrindiau
  • visit: ymweld
  • oldest: hynafol
  • majestic: mawreddog
  • castle: castell
  • adventure: antur
  • sky: awyr
  • birds: adar
  • singing: canu
  • history: hanes
  • alive: fyw
  • amazed: synnu
  • dungeons: normyddion
  • grand: mawr
  • chambers: ystafelloedd
  • secrets: cyfrinachau
  • stories: straeon
  • armor: arfwisg
  • heroes: arwyr
  • bravery: dewrder
  • enchanted: swyno
  • dangers: peryglon
  • real world: byd go iawn
  • daring: chwilfrydig
  • curious: chwilfrydig
  • heavy: trwm
  • iron: haearn
  • warnings: rhybuddion
  • slipped: llithrodd
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