
Unexpected Feast: Lian's Dumpling Delight in Shanghai

Dec 8, 2024 · 12m 31s
Unexpected Feast: Lian's Dumpling Delight in Shanghai

01 · Main Story

1m 45s

02 · Vocabulary Words

9m 38s


Fluent Fiction - Mandarin Chinese: Unexpected Feast: Lian's Dumpling Delight in Shanghai Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Zh: 在繁忙的上海市中心,有一家著名的饺子店,店里热闹非凡,空气中弥漫着饺子的香气和节日的欢笑声。 En: In the busy...

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Fluent Fiction - Mandarin Chinese: Unexpected Feast: Lian's Dumpling Delight in Shanghai
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

Zh: 在繁忙的上海市中心,有一家著名的饺子店,店里热闹非凡,空气中弥漫着饺子的香气和节日的欢笑声。
En: In the busy downtown area of Shanghai, there is a famous dumpling shop, bustling and filled with the aroma of dumplings and festive laughter.

Zh: 今年冬至,连、简和美决定去那里庆祝。
En: This year's Winter Solstice, Lian, Jian, and Mei decided to celebrate there.

Zh: 连是一位认真的年轻职员,但时常心不在焉。
En: Lian is a diligent young employee but often absent-minded.

Zh: 今天,她特别激动,因为她想在同事面前展示自己对美食的热情。
En: Today, she was especially excited because she wanted to showcase her passion for food in front of her colleagues.

Zh: 连走进店里,心想:“吃几个热腾腾的饺子,真是再好不过了。
En: As Lian entered the shop, she thought, "Having a few steaming dumplings would be just perfect."

Zh: ”她走到柜台前,对店员微笑着点头:“我要五份饺子。
En: She walked up to the counter, smiled, and nodded at the shop attendant, "I would like five servings of dumplings, please."

Zh: ”然而,由于一时大意,她说错了数量,店员记录成了五十个。
En: However, in a moment of carelessness, she misspoke, and the attendant recorded it as fifty.

Zh: 连并没有注意到错误,兴致勃勃地回到座位上,满心期待。
En: Lian didn't notice the mistake and eagerly returned to her seat, full of anticipation.

Zh: 过了一会儿,店员推着满满一车的饺子过来。
En: After a while, the attendant came over with a cart full of dumplings.

Zh: 连的眼睛瞪得圆圆的,“不,我只要五个!
En: Lian's eyes widened, "No, I only wanted five!"

Zh: ”她惊呼道。
En: she exclaimed.

Zh: 然而,一切都太迟了。
En: However, it was all too late.

Zh: 简和美忍不住笑起来,连感到脸颊发烫。
En: Jian and Mei couldn't help but burst into laughter, while Lian felt her cheeks burning.

Zh: 看着一大堆饺子,连深吸一口气,镇定下来。
En: Looking at the huge pile of dumplings, Lian took a deep breath and calmed down.

Zh: 她灵机一动,决定邀请更多的朋友过来,举办一个即兴的饺子派对。
En: She had a sudden inspiration and decided to invite more friends over, turning it into an impromptu dumpling party.

Zh: 连也迅速跟饺子店老板商量,建议他可以提供一个特别折扣,吸引其他顾客也加入。
En: Lian quickly discussed with the dumpling shop owner, suggesting he offer a special discount to attract other customers to join.

Zh: 就这样,消息快速传播出去,饺子店很快挤满了人。
En: Thus, the news spread quickly, and the dumpling shop was soon packed with people.

Zh: 笑声、祝福声在空气中回荡。
En: Laughter and blessings echoed in the air.

Zh: 人们互相分享饺子和快乐,连的担心也一扫而光。
En: People shared dumplings and happiness with each other, and Lian's worries evaporated.

Zh: 她意识到,分享不仅避免了浪费,也带来了意想不到的快乐。
En: She realized that sharing not only avoided waste but also brought unexpected joy.

Zh: 活动结束时,店主感激地对连说:“谢谢你带来了这么多人,让我们这个冬至更加温暖。
En: At the end of the event, the shop owner gratefully said to Lian, "Thank you for bringing so many people and making this Winter Solstice warmer for us."

Zh: ”连笑着点点头,心里也满是温暖。
En: Lian nodded with a smile, her heart filled with warmth too.

Zh: 那天晚上,回家路上,连看着天空中闪烁的灯笼,心中感到无比满足。
En: That night, on her way home, Lian looked at the glowing lanterns in the sky and felt incredibly satisfied.

Zh: 她明白,无论何时,分享和善意总能让人心生喜悦。
En: She understood that no matter when, sharing and kindness always bring joy to the heart.

Vocabulary Words:
  • bustling: 热闹非凡
  • aroma: 香气
  • diligent: 认真
  • absent-minded: 心不在焉
  • showcase: 展示
  • steaming: 热腾腾
  • servings: 份
  • carelessness: 大意
  • misspoke: 说错
  • exclaimed: 惊呼
  • burst: 忍不住
  • burning: 发烫
  • inspiration: 灵机一动
  • impromptu: 即兴
  • discount: 折扣
  • attract: 吸引
  • packed: 挤满
  • echoed: 回荡
  • evaporated: 一扫而光
  • gratefully: 感激
  • glowing: 闪烁
  • lanterns: 灯笼
  • realized: 意识到
  • satisfied: 满足
  • sharing: 分享
  • kindness: 善意
  • joy: 喜悦
  • festival: 节日
  • colleagues: 同事
  • anticipation: 期待
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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