
Winter Friendship Warmth: Finding Peace on Jūrmala Beach

Jan 14, 2025 · 13m 57s
Winter Friendship Warmth: Finding Peace on Jūrmala Beach

01 · Main Story

1m 41s

02 · Vocabulary Words

10m 40s


Fluent Fiction - Latvian: Winter Friendship Warmth: Finding Peace on Jūrmala Beach Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Lv: Ziemas saule spīdēja vājš Jūrmalas...

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Fluent Fiction - Latvian: Winter Friendship Warmth: Finding Peace on Jūrmala Beach
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Story Transcript:

Lv: Ziemas saule spīdēja vājš Jūrmalas pludmalē, kur mūžīgais jūras vējš atnesa ledainu skarbumu.
En: The winter sun shone weakly on the Jūrmala beach, where the eternal sea wind brought an icy harshness.

Lv: Raimonds, Ilze un Arta sāka izkravāt savu piknika segu baltajā smiltī.
En: Raimonds, Ilze, and Arta began to unpack their picnic blanket on the white sand.

Lv: Aiz muguras, koka takas veda uz klusajām krastmalām, un jūras vilnis viegli triecās pret krastu tālumā.
En: Behind them, wooden paths led to the quiet shores, and in the distance, the sea waves gently crashed against the coast.

Lv: Viss bija kluss, un visapkārt bija mierīgs.
En: Everything was quiet, and a sense of peace was all around.

Lv: Raimonds tikko bija kļuvis par jaunu darba pienākumu īpašnieku.
En: Raimonds had just taken on a new job role.

Lv: Sirdī viņam bija lepnums, bet arī nemiers.
En: In his heart, he felt pride, yet also anxiety.

Lv: Viņa galva bija pilna ar domām par nākotni.
En: His mind was full of thoughts about the future.

Lv: Viņš vēlējās tikai nedaudz atpūsties šajā dienā ar draugiem, bet nemiers neizdega.
En: He simply wanted to relax a bit with friends on this day, but the unease didn't fade.

Lv: "Mums vajadzētu paspēlēties ar kaut ko," piedāvāja Ilze, lauzot klusumu.
En: "We should play something," suggested Ilze, breaking the silence.

Lv: Viņas sārtais deguns liecināja par skarbumu ārā, bet sirdī viņa bija sirsnīga.
En: Her rosy nose showed the harshness of the outdoors, but her heart was warm.

Lv: Arta piekrita ar smaidu.
En: Arta agreed with a smile.

Lv: "Jā, bet vai Raimonds būs ar mums, vai viņš slīdēs atpakaļ savā telefonā?
En: "Yes, but will Raimonds be with us, or will he slip back into his phone?"

Lv: " Viņa acīgajai piezīmei bija draudzīgs nodoms.
En: Her keen comment had a friendly intent.

Lv: Raimonds pasmaidīja, nedaudz negribīgi, bet izlēma, ka ir pienācis laiks atslēgties.
En: Raimonds smiled, a bit reluctantly, but decided it was time to disconnect.

Lv: "Neviena zvana, neviena ziņa šodien," viņš izlēma, noliekot telefonu malā.
En: "No calls, no messages today," he decided, putting his phone aside.

Lv: Viņš pielika to pie segas un devās pie draugiem.
En: He set it on the blanket and went to join his friends.

Lv: Sākumā jūra šķita ļoti auksta, bet drīzumā viņu spēles un smiekli sildīja sirdis.
En: At first, the sea seemed very cold, but soon their games and laughter warmed their hearts.

Lv: Raimonds sajuta, kā rūpju smagums izgaist, un pamanīja sevī brīvības sajūtu.
En: Raimonds felt the weight of his worries disappear and noticed a sense of freedom within himself.

Lv: Viņi skrēja kā bērni, ķerdami viens otru pa pludmali.
En: They ran like children, chasing each other across the beach.

Lv: Ledainā seja apsārtusi no aukstuma, bet sirdī karstā draudzība.
En: Faces were reddened from the cold, but the friendship in their hearts was warm.

Lv: Saules rieta laikā viņi atradās atpakaļ uz segas, apņemot sevi ar siltām pledēm.
En: As the sun began to set, they found themselves back on the blanket, wrapped in warm throws.

Lv: Stāsti par pagātni un nākotnes sapņiem tika dalīti, bet vairāk nekā tas – izlija smiekli un sapratne.
En: Stories of the past and dreams of the future were shared, but more than that, there was an outpouring of laughter and understanding.

Lv: Raimonds saprata, cik svarīgs ir draugu atbalsts un cik ļoti tas palīdzēs viņam nākamajos mirkļos.
En: Raimonds realized how important the support of friends is and how much it would help him in the moments to come.

Lv: Kad saules staru vietā iestājās krēsla, Raimonds jutās stiprāks.
En: When twilight replaced the sun's rays, Raimonds felt stronger.

Lv: Viņš zināja, ka ar Ilzi un Artu viņš varēs pārvarēt jebkuru izaicinājumu.
En: He knew that with Ilze and Arta, he could overcome any challenge.

Lv: Tieši šajos brīžos Raimonds atrada mieru un līdzsvaru.
En: It was in these moments that Raimonds found peace and balance.

Lv: Viņš bija gatavs nākamajam solim, ar sirdi, kas bija silta un droša savā draudzībā.
En: He was ready for the next step, with a heart that was warm and secure in friendship.

Vocabulary Words:
  • eternal: mūžīgais
  • icy: ledainu
  • harshness: skarbumu
  • unpack: izkravāt
  • blanket: sega
  • quiet: kluss
  • pride: lepnums
  • anxiety: nemiest
  • unease: nemiers
  • rosy: sārtais
  • keen: acīgajai
  • intent: nodoms
  • reluctantly: negribīgi
  • disconnect: atslēgties
  • freedom: brīvības
  • reddened: apsārtusi
  • twilight: krēsla
  • support: atbalsts
  • overcome: pārvarēt
  • challenge: izaicinājumu
  • balance: līdzsvaru
  • harsh: skarbumu
  • message: ziņa
  • phone: telefonā
  • laid: noliekot
  • observed: pamanīja
  • pursue: ķerdami
  • embrace: apņemot
  • pouring: izlija
  • realized: saprata
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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