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A Course in Miracles (ACIM) Podcast

  • “From Illusion to Reality: The Mind’s Creative Power” - A Tribe of Christ Movie Commentary by David Hoffmeister

    30 JUN 2024 · "From Illusion to Reality: The Mind's Creative Power" - A Tribe of Christ Movie Commentary by David Hoffmeister In this exploration of consciousness and perception, David delves into Jesus' teachings and the concept of manifesting. We discover that our minds hold immense power beyond mere brain function. By shifting from wrong-mindedness to right-mindedness, forgiving, and recognizing our creative potential, we can move from illusion to a more authentic reality. Love, light, and holistic perception guide our journey toward awakening. Jesus teaches us that we are not victims of anything we perceive in the world because we made it up with the power of our minds. By coming to a pristine state of mind of non-judgment, we can look upon the happy dream or the real world. To participate online in a Tribe of Christ Movie Workshop with David Hoffmeister, join our online community: https://programs.the-christ.net/products/communities/tribe-of-christ If you want to know more about David Hoffmeister and Living Miracles events, here is more information: https://circle.livingmiraclescenter.org/events. Recorded, June 29, 2024, at La Casa Quantico, Chapala, Mexico.
    Played 2h 41m 5s
  • A Course in Miracles (ACIM) Podcast: Faith Beyond the Concept of Ownership

    25 JUN 2024 · In Purpose there are no possessions, no ownership, and nothing to protect or defend. In Purpose there is a feeling of timelessness. In Purpose there are no goals in form and no expectations or agendas. In Purpose nothing is clung to, organized, or planned. All things are welcomed in the gentle Gaze of forgiveness. Everything is included in mind and nothing is seen as separate or apart. All things work together for good for there is no attempt to judge or divide what is obviously whole and complete. Certainty of Purpose yields certainty. And contentment comes at last to a mind that is Still an instant. Nothing else could ever be.
    Played 29m 19s
  • “Forgiveness and Awakening: Embracing the Holy Instant” - A Tribe of Christ Movie Commentary by David Hoffmeister

    17 JUN 2024 · "Forgiveness and Awakening:  Embracing the Holy Instant" - Movie Commentary by David Hoffmeister The Saturday Movie Workshop presents a fantastic film that opens us to the Holy Instant and God's love through relationships. It uses the metaphor of interpersonal relationships and the Holy Spirit to help us understand the truth of Life and the importance of relationships. The film uses the symbol of interpersonal relationships to take us beyond the personal perception of things and toward the vast perspective of the Holy Spirit. Right-minded seeing, which is the residence of the Holy Spirit, can only see love. When giving ourselves over to spiritual awakening, we want the perspective of the Holy Spirit, which is what forgiveness is. Jesus does not see error, and we must raise our minds to the light and cleanse our minds of erroneous ego beliefs so that we can see with the vision of Christ and the light of truth. We need the Holy Spirit and Jesus to help us separate the true from the false because human perception combines right-minded and wrong-minded perceptions. To participate online in a Tribe of Christ Movie Workshop with David Hoffmeister, join our online community: https://programs.the-christ.net/products/communities/tribe-of-christ If you want to know more about David Hoffmeister and Living Miracles events, here is more information: https://circle.livingmiraclescenter.org/events. Recorded, June 15, 2024, at La Casa Quantico, Chapala, Mexico.
    Played 2h 19s
  • “Beyond Perception: A Journey to True Awakening” A Tribe of Christ Movie Commentary by David Hoffmeister

    2 JUN 2024 · “Beyond Perception: A Journey to True Awakening” A Tribe of Christ Movie Commentary by David Hoffmeister David is excited to present a new classic movie, which has won many awards. The movie highlights the importance of unlearning the perceptual world and the five senses present with it. The world is a linear nightmare that has been accepted as real, and our attempts to establish an identity and make-believe body personality are not valid. Jesus teaches that we come without a self and make one as we go along, taking on roles such as mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, and parents. The movie touches on many deep themes, such as suicide, death, memory, opportunity, autonomy, possession, ownership, control, jealousy, commitment, unlearning, discovering purpose, curiosity, independence, repression, pleasure, pain, hedonism, money, sex, poverty, abundance, philosophy, socialism, and forgiveness. With the Holy Spirit's help, we can empty our minds of false concepts, beliefs, and emotions, leading to a more fulfilling life. David also discusses ACIM Lesson 153, "In my defenselessness, my safety lies," which emphasizes the importance of staying with Jesus in the Spirit and letting go of the falsity of the ego. David hopes this movie will help address these daily urges, desires, and distractions and bring the mind back to forgiveness. Hopefully, this movie will be the last one we ever need, as it touches something profound and essential inside. To participate online in a Tribe of Christ Movie Workshop with David Hoffmeister, join our online community: https://programs.the-christ.net/products/communities/tribe-of-christ If you want to know more about David Hoffmeister and Living Miracles events, here is more information: https://circle.livingmiraclescenter.org/events. Recorded, June 1, 2024, at La Casa Quantico, Chapala, Mexico.
    Played 1h 41m 22s
  • “Awakening from the Dream: Embracing Atonement and the Illusion of Time” - A Tribe of Christ Movieworshop Commentary by David Hoffmeister

    22 MAY 2024 · "Awakening from the Dream: Embracing Atonement and the Illusion of Time" - A Tribe of Christ Movieworshop Commentary by David Hoffmeister  The workbook lesson of the day, lesson 139, on accepting atonement for ourselves, is synchronized with this movie workshop, which shows the end of choice. Jesus's teachings about perception 2,000 years ago emphasize the importance of distorted perception. When our minds are asleep and when we dream of exile from God, our perception is distorted. This distorted perception leads to delusions, distortions, and fantasies, which are fiction and unreal. The defining characteristic of linear time and space is their unrealness. The ego, a tricky puff of nothingness, makes up illusions and dreams, covering itself in the unconscious mind. This complex world of time and space is temporary, constantly shifting and changing. The first change experienced was the fall from grace, as there is no such thing as change in heaven. Jesus tells us that as we move toward the light in our spiritual awakening, we still experience fear associated with every change. This fear and terror often arise when we move towards the light beneath the darkness. Jesus emphasizes that we cannot judge our advances from our retreats; we must move toward the light. To participate online in a Tribe of Christ Movie Workshop with David Hoffmeister, join our online community: https://programs.the-christ.net/products/communities/tribe-of-christ If you want to know more about David Hoffmeister and Living Miracles events, here is more information: https://circle.livingmiraclescenter.org/events. Recorded, May 18, 2024, at La Casa Quantico, Chapala, Mexico.
    Played 2h 50m 59s
  • “The Illusion of Time: Unraveling Ego, Guilt, and Unconditional Love” -  David Hoffmeister in a Tribe of Christ Movie Commentary.

    8 MAY 2024 · “The Illusion of Time: Unraveling Ego, Guilt, and Unconditional Love” -  David Hoffmeister in a Tribe of Christ Movie Commentary. Today’s movie talk invites us to dissolve past attachments and judgments, which is a common human experience marked by guilt, fear, and pain. Undoing Special Relationships and Clearing Away the Cobwebs of the Past. For years, films have guided us toward enlightenment, emphasizing the importance of the present—the closest thing to eternity. Mystics and sages, like Ram Dass and Eckhart Tolle, urge us to live in the now, the gateway to eternity. Yet, staying present is challenging; our minds wander to the past or future, which are merely distractions from the now. Jesus taught that the past is over and the future is imagined, both defenses against the present. We must break free from this cycle, recognizing that the past is not our current reality. The journey is inward, to embrace and love the present moment. To participate online in a Tribe of Christ Movie Workshop with David Hoffmeister, join our online community: https://programs.the-christ.net/products/communities/tribe-of-christ If you want to know more about David Hoffmeister and Living Miracles events, here is more information: https://circle.livingmiraclescenter.org/events. Recorded, May 4, 2024, at La Casa Quantico, Chapala, Mexico.
    Played 2h 45m 49s
  • Awakening to Spirit: Embracing Eternity Beyond the Ego’s Realm - A Tribe of Christ Movie Workshop Commentary with David Hoffmeister

    25 APR 2024 · Awakening to Spirit: Embracing Eternity Beyond the Ego’s Realm The movie workshop addresses the authority problem, which refers to believing in a world separate from the Spirit. This belief can lead to death, sickness, suffering, and pain, as well as ego rebellion. Jesus' teachings emphasize that we are guilty in time and guiltless in eternity.  The movie workshop also highlights the importance of understanding oneself in the environment in which we were created, namely the Spirit. The cosmos and world are the ego's playing field, with our schedule like a football game. Moving closer to pure nonjudgment makes us feel like our life is not ours. We are birthed in God, and we value the images of time and space less. As we forgive, we grow deeper into forgiveness and burst into laughter, resulting from inner joy and innocence. This journey toward spiritual awakening can be long and challenging, but the reward is beyond everything we can imagine. To participate online in a Tribe of Christ Movie Workshop with David Hoffmeister, join our online community: https://programs.the-christ.net/products/communities/tribe-of-christ If you want to know more about David Hoffmeister and Living Miracles events, here is more information: https://circle.livingmiraclescenter.org/events. Recorded, April 20, 2024, at La Casa Quantico, Chapala, Mexico.
    Played 2h 20m 26s
  • "The Divine Script: Exploring Destiny Through Cinema" - A Tribe of Christ Movie Workshop with David Hoffmeister

    8 APR 2024 · "The Divine Script: Exploring Destiny Through Cinema" - A Tribe of Christ Movie Workshop with David Hoffmeister Today's movie journey delves deeply into the metaphysical realm, intertwining comedy with the profound exploration of destiny. As we embark on this cinematic voyage, we're invited to ponder the intricate tapestry of existence, where destiny guides our ultimate purpose: knowing God and recognizing our divine identity. In David's narrative, destiny transcends the limitations of time and space, echoing teachings found in spiritual texts such as Workbook Lesson 158. The Holy Spirit leads us on a journey of self-discovery, unraveling the mysteries of destiny. Drawing parallels to cinematic works like "Family Man," the film explores the notion of parallel universes and the multiverse, where Jesus orchestrates an array of potential lifetime scenarios. These scenarios, unfolding simultaneously, challenge conventional perceptions of time and offer a glimpse into the boundless nature of existence. Through the cinematic medium, we are reminded that the true purpose of time is to lead us to the realization that time itself is an illusion. As we immerse ourselves in this metaphysical odyssey, guided by the wisdom of the Holy Spirit, we are beckoned to awaken to the eternal present moment, where destiny unfolds in harmony with the divine plan. To participate online in a Tribe of Christ Movie Workshop with David Hoffmeister, join our online community: https://programs.the-christ.net/products/communities/tribe-of-christ If you want to know more about David Hoffmeister and Living Miracles events, here is more information: https://circle.livingmiraclescenter.org/events. Recorded, April 9, 2024, at La Casa Quantico, Chapala, Mexico.
    Played 1h 29m 29s
  • “Quantum Love and the Power of Transformation” - Easter Retreat 3'rd Final Session

    6 APR 2024 · "Quantum Love and the Power of Transformation"—Easter Retreat's third Final Session with David, Lisa, Kirsten, Jason, and Erik. David and his guests discuss forgiveness as a miracle, transforming us into newness and aliveness. This newness is present in our hearts, as the past is gone, making us feel present and alive, and that we are joined in this holy instant to be used and share the good news of this transformation. They recall their childhood experiences of Easter, where they were lost in something, but today, they realize the power of the resurrection and the opportunity to experience this transformation. They also discuss unconditional love, which is not limited to the ego boxes but rather expansive love that cannot be squeezed into these boxes. Forgiveness is about letting go of the past and experiencing purity and innocence. Quantum love, a theme song in their community, is another example of unconditional love. Quantum love is a mysterious field of energy that connects everything in the universe, unlike the traditional definitions of love. Quantum physicists were afraid to publish their findings because they couldn't understand them. Einstein, for example, was scared of the quantum field, calling it "spooky action at a distance." The Jesus: A Gospel of Love Easter Retreat, held from March 29-31, was a transformative three-day in-person event at La Casa de Milagros in Chapala, Mexico. During this retreat, David Hoffmeister unveiled the true essence of Jesus as a symbol of pure love through enlightening talks, parables, Q&As, a movie shared with profound commentary, and inspiring live music.  To participate online in a Tribe of Christ Movie Workshop with David Hoffmeister, join our online community: https://programs.the-christ.net/products/communities/tribe-of-christ If you want to know more about David Hoffmeister and Living Miracles events, here is more information: https://circle.livingmiraclescenter.org/events. Recorded, March 31, 2024, at La Casa de Milagros, Chapala, Mexico.
    Played 3h 1m 16s
  • Letting Go of All the World: What does this Really Mean?

    4 APR 2024 · David and Urpi share what is the Purpose of releasing the world in experience. Speaking from hearts joined and using examples of symbols of the world, the experience emerges. Using movies, songs, and a Netflix series of episodes called “3 body problem” they talk about the dismantling of faulty perception, false identity, and release of the past. The fear of the ego has already been replaced by the freedom of Divine Mind. Our Identity is in Christ and our Creator. Only Love is Real.
    Played 55m 43s

Mystic David Hoffmeister is a living demonstration that peace is possible. His gentle demeanor and articulate, non-compromising expression are a gift to all. He is known for his practical application...

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Mystic David Hoffmeister is a living demonstration that peace is possible. His gentle demeanor and articulate, non-compromising expression are a gift to all. He is known for his practical application of the non-dual teachings of A Course in Miracles ACIM to experience a consistently peaceful state of mind. The purity of the message he shares points directly to the Source. For over 35 years, David has traveled to 44 countries across 6 continents to extend the message that Truth is available for everyone, now.

David’s message speaks to all people, regardless of whether their background is religious, spiritual, scientific, or atheist. He is as comfortable delving into the metaphysics of modern-day movies as he is in pointing to the underlying meaning of the scriptures in the Bible. David’s own journey involved the study of many pathways, culminating in a deeply committed practical application of “A Course in Miracles,” of which he is a world-renowned teacher. His teachings have been translated into 12 languages, and taken into the hearts and minds of millions through the intimate style of his books, audios, and videos.

David’s #1 Bestseller “Quantum Forgiveness: Physics, Meet Jesus” catapults the mind into a true and transcendent experience of Forgiveness, Now.

“The Mystical Teachings of Jesus” is an inspired compilation of Bible verses and "A Course in Miracles" quotes to illuminate the mind!

All David Hoffmeister materials are available here: https://store.livingmiraclescenter.org

Follow us on:
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/DavidHoffmeister
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ACIM.ACourseInMiracles
Learn more about David & Living Miracles: https://livingmiraclescenter.org
Learn more about A Course in Miracles: https://ACIM.biz
David's Spanish Youtube Channel is: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCP9Gw00CldPUmiu43y7fdWw

Contact us:
Email: contact@davidhoffmeister.com
Phone: +1 435-709-2535 (Utah, USA)
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