Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll follows a little kid named Alice who tumbles down a dark hole into a fantastical world. There, she experiences odd animals like the...
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Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll follows a little kid named Alice who tumbles down a dark hole into a fantastical world. There, she experiences odd animals like the Cheshire Feline, the Frantic Hatter, and the Sovereign of Hearts. All through her excursion, Alice encounters bizarre changes in size and explores the strange rationale of Wonderland. She goes to a turbulent casual get-together, plays a strange round of croquet with residing flamingos, and countenances a clever preliminary where the guidelines have neither rhyme nor reason. As she collaborates with the unconventional occupants, Alice attempts to figure out this impossible to miss world. Eventually, she awakens to observe that her undertakings were all essential for an unusual dream. The novel investigates topics of interest, craziness, and the difficulties of growing up - Summary by Dream Audiobooks - .
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Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll follows a little kid named Alice who tumbles down a dark hole into a fantastical world. There, she experiences odd animals like the...
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Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll follows a little kid named Alice who tumbles down a dark hole into a fantastical world. There, she experiences odd animals like the Cheshire Feline, the Frantic Hatter, and the Sovereign of Hearts. All through her excursion, Alice encounters bizarre changes in size and explores the strange rationale of Wonderland. She goes to a turbulent casual get-together, plays a strange round of croquet with residing flamingos, and countenances a clever preliminary where the guidelines have neither rhyme nor reason. As she collaborates with the unconventional occupants, Alice attempts to figure out this impossible to miss world. Eventually, she awakens to observe that her undertakings were all essential for an unusual dream. The novel investigates topics of interest, craziness, and the difficulties of growing up - Summary by Dream Audiobooks - .
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