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  • Beyond The Vail - With Fringe

    24 JUN 2024 · Join us as we delve into the extraordinary life of our guest, Fringe. A retired police officer with decades of experience, she has investigated crimes, testified in court, and maintained an unwavering facade of stability. But behind the badge lies a hidden truth—one that defies logic and challenges our understanding of reality.Discover how Fringe’s law enforcement background intersects with her encounters, from undercover work to shadowy figures that defy explanation. Hear about her ongoing battle against abduction—snatched from her bed at night or even in broad daylight by malevolent entities that defy the laws of time and space.As we explore the blurred boundaries between reality and the unexplained, we invite you to join the conversation. What lies beyond the veil? Is there a cosmic dance between aliens, shadows, and our deepest fears? Tune in for a riveting exploration of the unseen.Remember to subscribe, rate, and share this episode with fellow truth-seekers. Our journey awaits—buckle up for a cosmic ride! 🚀🌌 Fringe - fringedotcom.com Alien Addict - https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbU81d1oyN2tqZFVJOFNDMFRLUFpiZDFScWRBZ3xBQ3Jtc0tuREtrM2JFYXBEUFhXS05Mek5hOHdmWG9xaFBPb21UdHhGTVc2RlkxcHFQZHV1elE2YU1jcWk4SFFWVlVYVlNLN2p5Z3pfMU5LcmRjTTl4VU1ZazhvdzZKYUdMMkZGSkx1R0VWZ21RVTlYOG1KZGh3cw&q=https%3A%2F%2Flinktr.ee%2Falienaddict&v=JPQlHS1BSsc  Email us alienaddictuk@gmail.com
    Played 1h 31m 14s
  • *Alien Addict Classic Episode* Interview With Avery Warner AKA 'The Chiller Queen'

    17 JUN 2024 · Embark on an extraordinary exploration with Alien Addict, the podcast where the unexplained and controversial converge. Join us as we sit down with Avery Warner, The Chiller Queen and star of 90 Day Fiancé, to delve into the enigmatic world of UFOs, unravel the mysteries behind Pizzagate, and confront the chilling realm of demons. Each episode promises to be a riveting journey through some of the most bewildering and intriguing topics of our time. Tune in for thought-provoking discussions, eye-opening revelations, and a touch of the supernatural, all wrapped up in one unmissable podcast. 🎙️👽🔍
    Played 2h 29m 54s
  • The Future of Ufology is Magic

    13 JUN 2024 · Dive into the mystical realms of the unknown with Alien Addict, the podcast that explores the UFO phenomenon from a spiritual and magical perspective. Forget the nuts and bolts; we’re here to uncover the ethereal and otherworldly aspects of unidentified flying objects. Each episode, we’ll question the conventional technological narrative and consider the possibility that these sightings might be manifestations of a higher consciousness or interdimensional entities. From ancient astronaut theories to modern-day encounters, we’ll examine the evidence that suggests a magical essence behind the UFO enigma. Join us on a transcendent journey as we seek to understand the spiritual significance of these celestial visitors. 🌠✨🛸
    Played 1h 19m 7s
  • What Dose Tucker know the truth about UFOs?

    10 JUN 2024 · Embark on a cosmic journey with Alien Addict, the podcast that ventures beyond the stars to uncover the spiritual essence of UFOs. In our latest episode, we delve into Tucker Carlson’s riveting interview with Sean Ryan, where they discuss the profound implications of UFOs as ancient, spiritual entities entwined in an eternal struggle between light and darkness. Join us as we dissect their conversation, exploring the notion that these unidentified phenomena are not just visitors from another world, but participants in a celestial battle that has spanned the ages. Tune in to Alien Addict for a thought-provoking exploration of the supernatural dimensions of extraterrestrial life and their impact on our understanding of good and evil. 🌠👽
    Played 2h 9m 53s
  • Non-Human Entity's with Investigate Earth Podcast

    5 JUN 2024 · Welcome to Alien Addict, the podcast that delves into the enigmatic world of non-human entities and unearths the secrets of our planet. Each episode, we invite experts, enthusiasts, and eyewitnesses to share their encounters and insights into the unknown. From close encounters to government cover-ups, we investigate the broader conspiracies that challenge our understanding of reality. Join us as we explore the evidence, debate the possibilities, and seek the truth about the extraterrestrial presence among us. Whether you’re a skeptic or a believer, Alien Addict is your gateway to the extraordinary. Tune in, and let’s unravel the mysteries together! 🛸🌌 Investigate Earth Conspiracy Podcast https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbTJyNW9IQm85Q2ZGNHhYemcxNksxQ1hkYWJsQXxBQ3Jtc0trd2NEWmotV2pyVTdKV1pNOG9nN3NZVU5WbHUxNW43dE13SzBzVXZ2bDlnekxMZE9vSk5qbjllOHVkV3BJNUl6cXNUSThSLWk1Y3p5b191RFlwQlhTNVdZbHZxMVdvZHhFWHNyMXZTV1hzQ0lWQ0haYw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fopen.spotify.com%2Fshow%2F6GOuwDq..&v=cuOimaW94bc. Terrestrial Material https://youtube.com/@TerrestrialMaterial Our Link Tree https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbVRIaUV6WFJWc2lCTm54bDdRUGlFWEFXak1UUXxBQ3Jtc0tsV0tCd0VFYmRsVlVTSE8zc3lYRWUwdkJidjVCM1EyWHh5SVpub0RmNXpFNVh0azdaNXl5S1R0VGYycl82c0NKdWVaZTR1Yk5RQW8zVVJuS0YzS1JLZGQtWldQR0tIbHRSNkdFa3lrcWFGMzFQYzVOdw&q=https%3A%2F%2Flinktr.ee%2Falienaddict&v=cuOimaW94bc Email us at alienaddictuk@gmail.com Become a channel member https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7cMfw8haRjf4LjwbyuSYiQ/join Our Merch https://teespring.com/en-GB/stores/alien-addict-2?utm_medium=product_shelf&utm_source=youtube Patreon help support the channel. https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbGNuR2E1NXNVc1ltNVVZYjVPdnlDYW00U2t1UXxBQ3Jtc0tsd24tNzhTMWNYQjFXSXZ0dW1RZjQ1RDZLSjhxZmQweTJjdEduWXc0QmlSSkNtWWhidW95N1B6eDFRZjVZMkhBdDlWTHNIXy1SSkt4SmhvWkprM3NvZGpYR1lYMmppSWZkNFNNeXNTNjUyMnUyMUhIYw&q=https%3A%2F%2Ft.co%2F9AomUcIrFX%3Famp%3D1&v=cuOimaW94bc Sport Rock Epic by Infraction https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0VsSNEmf0v0&t=0s "Ouija" by Cold Cinema Link: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbFZGbjdfRjlBOTdWY2Y2bWI5amp2NGIxRFR3UXxBQ3Jtc0trM1J6dmFReGhkTnZlSU5JV2xhMS01LW9xSVBXQUVpci13Wm1uZVFaMjBJYTFQVU93bTRfVGVCOG9BYzlOejRPdmg1TC0zQkxEVVF1eFYtb2JPWjNycHlRd1hYMXk3TEFLWVRCdHpQTlZ5Q3VKbXZhNA&q=https%3A%2F%2Fbit.ly%2F3ZIwtNJ&v=cuOimaW94bc
    Played 2h 20m 42s
  • The 3rd Truth with Sean Hanlon

    3 JUN 2024 · In this thought-provoking episode of [Your Podcast Name], we welcome the insightful historian and author Sean Hanlon. Sean takes us through the pages of his compelling books, “The Hidden Hand of History - The Enemy Within” and “The 3rd Truth: The Global Lockdown and the Coming Great Reset.” With a blend of meticulous research and bold narratives, Sean explores the undercurrents that have shaped our history and the potential forces that could redefine our future. Engage with us as we dissect the layers of secrecy and discover the truths that could unlock a new understanding of the world. Tune in for a session that promises to challenge perceptions and ignite conversations. Seans Website if you like what you hear go support the man, he has put a hell of a lot of work into this. the3rdtruth.com Our Link Tree https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbXRJNXM0cllQd2F0UHlFUWZacnJlU1JFamJJd3xBQ3Jtc0ttdzk4SXFlcnNSZ3R2ZXJSYkpBdlZkdTJsdXZNZHZWWkNlNE5iUHlFVkpGYjh3SWxrMnFfM3I2aXNNTDFqMy1zbHRXMnBBVXlNczlGM1V1TVBxTGI4VldoZjFCQ1diN0Vrdmpxa0M3c1JBUDdROGtJMA&q=https%3A%2F%2Flinktr.ee%2Falienaddict&v=QuZlp6AzBaM Email us at alienaddictuk@gmail.com Become a channel member https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7cMfw8haRjf4LjwbyuSYiQ/join Our Merch https://teespring.com/en-GB/stores/alien-addict-2?utm_medium=product_shelf&utm_source=youtube Patreon help support the channel. https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbDA1M0ZNWEtRUlBXT1ZRWUVnNG9yazZBSWdyd3xBQ3Jtc0tuSWZfcW01TXhOLV9oNEZMS3VXRndxVUV3N1p1SXFSUWl5c2RwTnlIbUVzbE1PNmE1UDZ3XzBOYnN4UkFhUF83WTZyRnFwR3BHTVROOU1oS0MxQ3MwSGFQbWFUTWxnQzF1dnhlejc1c0M5eGFhcnY0aw&q=https%3A%2F%2Ft.co%2F9AomUcIrFX%3Famp%3D1&v=QuZlp6AzBaM Sport Rock Epic by Infraction https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0VsSNEmf0v0&t=0s
    Played 1h 55m 19s
  • The Future Unleashed: Ashton Forbes and the Quest for Free Energy

    29 MAY 2024 · In this groundbreaking episode of Alien Addict, we’re joined by the visionary Ashton Forbes, who is not just unraveling the mysteries of the MH370X case but is also on the cusp of revolutionizing our world. Ashton discusses his latest research into the perplexing disappearance of the MH370 plane and how this journey led him to a remarkable breakthrough – a free energy device with the potential to transform the energy landscape. Discover Ashton’s daring ambition to bring this game-changing technology to the mass market, offering a glimpse of a future powered by limitless, clean energy. Don’t miss this enlightening conversation that bridges the past’s enigmas with tomorrow’s innovations, only on Alien Addict Ashton Forbes https://youtube.com/@JustXAshton Our Link Tree https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbHYtdTVJNS10ck0tRXAwbXl6ZzY2Ql9BUkZ3d3xBQ3Jtc0tsTmxydXExSGlWdmtPOWFoNTdzS0RvSm9hYTZacDkzMDBwTHdDbnFvTFRsMEN3ZTNVNTdYak1Iazh3VzdfWHVCR2ZjbzBmQlQ2QzZTMzNLZkJZZS1qQmU4cHNjSl9HeEtVUnJ2NFZCVEhLMy1QMTY5dw&q=https%3A%2F%2Flinktr.ee%2Falienaddict&v=jITpde1duHQ Email us at alienaddictuk@gmail.com Become a channel member https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7cMfw8haRjf4LjwbyuSYiQ/join Our Merch https://teespring.com/en-GB/stores/alien-addict-2?utm_medium=product_shelf&utm_source=youtube Patreon help support the channel. https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbjEyek9uY3BfUVhsZWdkNGhDZHdDby1vd2IyQXxBQ3Jtc0tuTllIWXMwN1hHN25qZXV1VV9yMDRCd3RmRU1TVlMxOUhORnl1bEwwTGRPRUp6Z0tsWkpRWGNnWDFEbjBPTllDZVRhT1dTYW5yUUVUWlg0eGs2bTl2NlY3dTVxVk1vUW9TWS00NkhUN1E1ZG5oWWFiVQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Ft.co%2F9AomUcIrFX%3Famp%3D1&v=jITpde1duHQ
    Played 1h 43m 44s
  • Contact Confirmed: Karl Nell And The Points Between Disclosure (With Patrick AKA Vetted)

    27 MAY 2024 · In this captivating episode of ‘Alien Addict,’ we sit down with Patrick, the insightful host from Vetted, to dissect a groundbreaking statement from the recent SALT conference. Karl Nel, a respected figure in the field, left the world astir with his unequivocal assertion: we are being contacted by non-human intelligence.As we navigate through this revelation, Patrick sheds light on the nuances of Nel’s declaration and its profound impact on the ongoing discourse of UFO disclosure. How does this contact reshape our understanding of the cosmos? What does it mean for the future of humanity and our place in the universe?Tune in to ‘Alien Addict’ for a deep dive into the unknown, as we explore the intricate dance of secrecy and revelation that surrounds the enigmatic presence of otherworldly visitors. This is not just a conversation; it’s a pivotal moment in the quest for truth, and you’re invited to be a part of it.Feel free to adjust this description to match the tone and content of your podcast. I hope your listeners find the episode both enlightening and thought-provoking! VETTED https://youtube.com/@VETTEDPODCAST?si=jTJMlokSNZOS3IMs Our Link Tree https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbVRVOXVlaHkzcWlQdVJYVVpnZzJPTk1MNkhJUXxBQ3Jtc0trcHh6cVpSb3dHbmZuUlFyTEdZNGhHbURKek1DSzVyVGVhQVhZb2JYVHMwQ1YyRXJNNnFpX3owSmZ6MTdScjNOM1hxVm8yN0t0N3NmOTlsZk1sdDdEZDdUYU1IUGlnMHVRVUZwVkpKeWZOUk54UXN1WQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Flinktr.ee%2Falienaddict&v=2sbqCvEzfis Email us at alienaddictuk@gmail.com Become a channel member https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7cMfw8haRjf4LjwbyuSYiQ/join Our Merch https://teespring.com/en-GB/stores/alien-addict-2?utm_medium=product_shelf&utm_source=youtube Patreon help support the channel. https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbjFYbUZ0bndId25PSUlCd19kUlBuaER4aXFsZ3xBQ3Jtc0trek1kMDJ0Z1NFRHNwNTlMSm51VURUcmFGcGJwellFQ1QwRXBmSmJDeDFxamdUUk1zWVJ2NEZISjB1RlBCU0Z5ZlBrRWRVS0hIVzZzQWdOZG15OHFyWGNxV0tGc2JNQUl1UmlYbEtjLXJfdzJaQzdZTQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Ft.co%2F9AomUcIrFX%3Famp%3D1&v=2sbqCvEzfis
    Played 1h 43m 54s
  • New Paranormal Guidelines From The Vatican: Is the veil thinning? With Greg from Strange Sauna

    22 MAY 2024 · ln this thought-provoking episode of Alien Addict we step into the unknown as we discuss the Vatican’s latest paranormal guidelines, the curious case of King Charles’s portrait with its alleged hidden demon, and the viral alien encounters in Miami and Las Vegas.The Vatican has set new norms for discerning supernatural phenomena, refraining from declaring such events as of supernatural origin, but rather promoting devotion and pilgrimages. Meanwhile, a mirrored image of King Charles’s portrait has sparked a wave of speculation, with some claiming to see demonic figures hidden within.Adding to the enigma, a video from a Miami mall showing a tall figure has fueled claims of an alien invasion, while in Las Vegas, a family’s backyard footage of an alleged alien encounter has experts and skeptics clashing over its authenticity.Are these events mere coincidences, or are they evidence that the veil between our reality and the unknown is indeed thinning? Join us as we explore these mysteries and consider the implications of a world where the paranormal might just be more normal than we think.Feel free to adjust this description to best fit your podcast’s style and audience. Wishing you an intriguing episode!
    Played 1h 59m 34s
  • Elizondo Threatened: The UFO Whistleblowers Saga

    20 MAY 2024 ·  Join Ollie, Dave, and Lee on ‘Alien Addict’ as they lace up their investigative shoes for a deep dive into the shadowy realm of UFO whistleblowers. This episode spotlights Lue Elizondo, a former insider of the Pentagon’s Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, who has come forward with harrowing tales of unidentified aerial phenomena.Despite his efforts to shed light on these mysteries, Elizondo alleges that he’s been the target of a disinformation campaign by the Pentagon, aimed at undermining his credibility. Our hosts explore the spine-tingling narratives of intimidation and career jeopardy faced by Elizondo and his contemporaries. What compels these individuals to confront such formidable risks in the name of truth?‘Ollie, Dave, and Lee’ will guide you through a labyrinth of intrigue and courage, where the stakes are high, and the quest for transparency is even higher. ‘Alien Addict’ doesn’t just recount stories of UFOs; it’s an odyssey of valor, enigma, and the unyielding search for honesty in a world veiled in secrecy.Feel free to make any further adjustments to align with your show’s unique voice. Wishing you an engaging and successful episode!
    Played 1h 18m 25s

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Divining the murcky paths between conspiracy fact and illusion. Astral projecting through the the vail of darkness that clouds our reality from the beyond and surfing the gravitational waves of...

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Divining the murcky paths between conspiracy fact and illusion. Astral projecting through the the vail of darkness that clouds our reality from the beyond and surfing the gravitational waves of truth to the centre awareness of the multiverse, while evading the darkness of those who worship evil. We strive to drag those things and beings who deceive and mislead into the Light. Join us on an adventure into the world hidden in plain sight.

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