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Anomaly Archives PodVodCasts

  • Anomaly-NOW! 6/26/2024 - Archives, Books, Libraries, Lucid Dreams, UFOs and UAPs

    27 JUN 2024 · Anomaly-NOW! 6/26/2024 - Archives, Books, Libraries, Lucid Dreams, UFOs and UAPs Anomaly-NOW! Is the Live Weekly News RoundUp show, Wednesdays @ 7pm CDT, from the 501c3 nonprofit Anomaly Archives in Austin, Texas. https://www.anomalyarchives.org/ Check out the latest Anomalous News Headlines at the Anomaly Archives Flipboard magazine: https://flipboard.com/@anomalyarchives/anomaly-archives-rjme4hbvz Anomaly-NOW! Archive Directory https://anomalyarchives.org/video/anomaly-now/ https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/anomaly-archives-podvodcasts--4388190  https://play.headliner.app/podcast-details/_cpf_clo3as5jv0000dko4t47bwivw  Watch LIVE at these links… - https://www.youtube.com/@AnomalyArchives/live  - https://www.twitch.tv/AnomalyArchives - https://x.com/AnomalyArchives/  - https://www.facebook.com/AnomalyArchives/  News Headlines available at… https://wp.me/P16Wvn-7ks  https://anomalyarchives.org/video/anomaly-now/anomaly-now-20240626/  New Monthly Lecture Series featuring Brent Raynes in June, Professor WHAM in July, Joshua Cutchin in August and more to come. Anomaly Archives Launches Patreon Community and New Anomaly Academy Monthly Lecture Series https://wp.me/p16Wvn-7fR  https://www.patreon.com/AnomalyArchives  New Anomaly Academy Monthly Lecture Series https://anomalyarchives.org/events/anomaly-academy-monthly-lecture-series/  Anomaly Academy Lecture with Brent Raynes: June 29th, 2024  https://www.patreon.com/posts/anomaly-academy-106877155 UFO records archive to move into Rio Rancho school  https://www.kob.com/new-mexico/ufo-records-archive-to-move-into-rio-rancho-school/  Press Release: Rio Rancho Public Schools and National UFO Historical Records Center Announce Groundbreaking Partnership  https://www.kob.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Rio-Rancho-Public-Schools-and-National-UFO-Historical-Records-Center-Announce-Groundbreaking-Partnership.pdf A Small-Town Texas Librarian's Big Stand Against Book Bans  https://www.texasobserver.org/library-books-censorship-smalltown-texas/  500,000 Books Have Been Deleted From The Internet Archive’s Lending Library  https://www.techdirt.com/2024/06/20/500000-books-have-been-deleted-from-the-internet-archives-lending-library/  BEYOND THE LIGHT BARRIER, Official Trailer (2023)Amazon Prime 6 October 2023 - Towerkop Creations  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eyyck0yfL6Q Encounter 202: The Saucer (Love) Life - October 2017 https://saucerlife.com/2017/10/29/encounter-202-the-saucer-love-life/ Steven Greer UFO archive - list of Disclosure Project files and getting them organised / assimilated  https://isaackoiup.blogspot.com/2024/06/steven-greer-ufo-archive-list-of.html Grant Cameron's UFO archives now online + Tests of "Grant" AI chatbot with 30,000+ pages  https://isaackoiup.blogspot.com/2024/06/grant-camerons-ufo-archives-now-online.html  Journal for the Study of Religious Experience (JSRE)  Current Issue Vol 9 No 1 (2023): JSRE Vol. 9 No. 1 (2023) Published: 2024-06-17  https://rerc-journal.tsd.ac.uk/index.php/religiousexp/index Oops! Geoengineering Trick to Cool Brutal Heat Could Spike Temperature Elsewhere, Scientists Say  https://futurism.com/the-byte/geoengineering-trick-spike-temperature-elsewhere  Lucid dream startup says engineers can write code in their sleep. Work may never be the same  https://fortune.com/2023/11/30/lucid-dream-startup-prophetic-headset-prepare-meetings-while-sleeping/ Police Report: Suicide Victim Was Fascinated with Skinwalker Ranch  https://www.expandingfrontiersresearch.org/post/police-report-suicide-victim-was-fascinated-with-skinwalker-ranch  Contact Us At: Anomaly Archives  PO Box 152252 Austin, TX 78715  Phone/Voicemail: (512) 842-9046 Email: Contact@AnomalyArchives.org
    Played 27m 33s
  • Anomaly-NOW! 6/19/2024 - SOL of Austin UFOs Sensing Sasquatchean Monoliths

    20 JUN 2024 · Anomaly-NOW! 6/19/2024 - SOL of Austin UFOs Sensing Sasquatchean Monoliths Anomaly-NOW! Is the Live Weekly News RoundUp show, Wednesdays @ 7pm CDT, from the 501c3 nonprofit Anomaly Archives in Austin, Texas. https://www.anomalyarchives.org/ Check out the latest Anomalous News Headlines at the Anomaly Archives Flipboard magazine: https://flipboard.com/@anomalyarchives/anomaly-archives-rjme4hbvz Anomaly-NOW! Archive Directory https://anomalyarchives.org/video/anomaly-now/ https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/anomaly-archives-podvodcasts--4388190  https://anomalyarchives.org/video/anomaly-now/anomaly-now-20240619/  Watch LIVE at these links… - https://www.youtube.com/@AnomalyArchives/live - https://www.twitch.tv/AnomalyArchives - https://x.com/AnomalyArchives/  - https://www.facebook.com/AnomalyArchives/  News Headlines  New Monthly Lecture Series featuring Brent Raynes in June, Professor WHAM in July, Joshua Cutchin in August and more to come. Anomaly Archives Launches Patreon Community and New Anomaly Academy Monthly Lecture Series https://wp.me/p16Wvn-7fR  https://www.patreon.com/AnomalyArchives  New Anomaly Academy Monthly Lecture Series https://anomalyarchives.org/events/anomaly-academy-monthly-lecture-series/  UAP Talk: Stanford's Sol Foundation … in Austin, Texas“Our Evolving Understanding of Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon” https://lu.ma/staiahze  https://www.facebook.com/TheDanielAlanJones/posts/pfbid02NN37d25VFNLuh9KDhFsg9UpihqoCBSv4FBZTQdATDuL5Fc6gJYcad3JiyEKntAuAl  Aliens may be living among us disguised as humans, Harvard researchers claim https://www.fox7austin.com/news/harvard-aliens-study-crytoterrestrial-hypothesis  Pentagon official reveals tantalizing seven-minute encounter with glowing blue UFODailyMail, June 13, 2024 https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-13514283/pentagon-official-blue-ufo-encounter-canada.html mufon case 74282 canadian huge blue plasma craft ufologist interviews witness - Phil Leech - Jan 31, 2016 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=etueh5IfZ28  Case 74282 Tech 1b - Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) - Jan 12, 2019 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b6jo04hR5Hw  Case 74282 Tech 1b - Mufon Israel - Jan 12, 2019 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fp8OoQyXHOY  Robert Powell MUFON Director of Research Robert Powell gives a presentation on Top Cases for 2015 during a MUFON meeting in Austin, Texas on Sunday, July 31, 2016 https://anomalyarchives.org/collections/file/powell-robert/  ‘Sensing Sasquatch’ art exhibition offers new way of thinking about the mythical creature - PBS News - Cat Wise https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/sensing-sasquatch-art-exhibition-offers-new-way-of-thinking-about-the-mythical-creature  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1_3cjhQDLNM Remember the mysterious monoliths? A new one just appeared near Las Vegas. The Washington Post - Herb Scribner - June 18, 2024 https://www.washingtonpost.com/entertainment/2024/06/18/las-vegas-monolith-utah/  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qu6m0eAAh30  Caleb Schaber https://anomalyarchives.org/collections/file/schaber-caleb/  E.L.F. Infested Spaces - Issue 7 - Fall 1998Between Two Worlds: One of the founders of West Coast Minimalism, John McCracken has long been acclaimed for his flawlessly crafted geometric sculptures. The artist now speaks openly of the link between his work and paranormal phenomena. Art In America magazine, April 1998 https://web.archive.org/web/20020108052836/http://www.elfis.net:80/elfol7/e7mccracken.htm  https://www.artnews.com/art-in-america/features/between-two-worlds-john-mccracken-62888/ Contact Us At: Anomaly Archives PO Box 152252 Austin, TX 78715  Phone/Voicemail: (512) 842-9046 Email: Contact@AnomalyArchives.org
    Played 34m 40s
  • Anomaly-NOW! 6/12/2024 - New Monthly Patreon Member Lectures!

    13 JUN 2024 · Anomaly-NOW! 6/12/2024 - New Monthly Patreon Member Lectures! Anomaly-NOW! Is the (usually) Live Weekly News RoundUp show, Wednesdays @ 7pm CDT, from the 501c3 nonprofit Anomaly Archives in Austin, Texas. https://www.anomalyarchives.org/ Check out the latest Anomalous News Headlines at the Anomaly Archives Flipboard magazine: https://flipboard.com/@anomalyarchives/anomaly-archives-rjme4hbvz Anomaly-NOW! Archive Directory https://anomalyarchives.org/video/anomaly-now/ https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/anomaly-archives-podvodcasts--4388190  https://anomalyarchives.org/video/anomaly-now/anomaly-now-20240612/  Watch LIVE at these links… - https://www.youtube.com/@AnomalyArchives/live - https://www.twitch.tv/AnomalyArchives - https://twitter.com/AnomalyArchives/  - https://www.facebook.com/AnomalyArchives/  News Headlines  New Monthly Lecture Series featuring Brent Raynes in June, Professor WHAM in July, Joshua Cutchin in August and more to come. Anomaly Archives Launches Patreon Community and New Anomaly Academy Monthly Lecture Series https://wp.me/p16Wvn-7fR  https://www.patreon.com/AnomalyArchives  New Anomaly Academy Monthly Lecture Series https://anomalyarchives.org/events/anomaly-academy-monthly-lecture-series/  Key senators believe the Pentagon’s UFO office is lying  https://thehill.com/opinion/congress-blog/4712445-key-senators-believe-the-pentagons-ufo-office-is-lying/  Scientifically exploring UAP in the age of scientism  By Kevin Wright Jun 2, 2024  https://www.rdrnews.com/opinion/columnists/scientifically-exploring-uap-in-the-age-of-scientism/article_cb2ebdc2-2047-11ef-a19e-dffe4e8d3a07.html Sky's the Limit: Thriving Careers in Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Research By David Metcalfe, Digital Communications - University of Georgia, Terry College of Business, June 6, 2024  https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/skys-limit-thriving-careers-unidentified-aerial-david-metcalfe-qaqce/  Dr. D. W. Pasulka, author of American Cosmic and Encounters, with David B. Metcalfe, of the Windbridge Institute, present: Course One Foundations: UFO/UAP Studies (starts June 24) and Course Two Advanced Topics in UFO/UAP Studies (starts August 15)  https://dwpasulka-courses.teachable.com/p/beyond-the-stars-an-introduction-to-uaps-and-ufos  The cryptoterrestrial hypothesis: A case for scientific openness to a concealed earthly explanation for Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena - June 2024, Philosophy and Cosmology By Authors Tim Lomas of Harvard University, Brendan Case of Harvard University and Michael Paul Masters of Montana Tech of the University of Montana https://www.researchgate.net/publication/381041896_The_cryptoterrestrial_hypothesis_A_case_for_scientific_openness_to_a_concealed_earthly_explanation_for_Unidentified_Anomalous_Phenomena Austin-Based Zellner Brothers on Capturing Bigfoot: The filmmakers’ latest movie Sasquatch Sunset makes a connection with the missing link  By Matt Zoller Seitz May 30, 2024 https://texashighways.com/culture/art-music/austin-based-zellner-brothers-on-capturing-bigfoot/  Sasquatch Sunset (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) with songs by Austin artists The Octopus Project https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLRW80bBvVD3WFXdaHewd_-oZBJpVZpjET  http://www.theoctopusproject.com/  The 9/11 Documentary You’ll Never See: 'We Go Higher' was supposed to give a much-needed voice to the children of 9/11 victims. Now, its high-profile producer is dealing with claims of financial fraud and emotional manipulation, and the much-anticipated film will likely never come out. What went wrong? By Allen Salkin, June 7, 2024  https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/movies/movie-features/what-went-wrong-9-11-documentary-we-go-higher-1235914651/ Contact Us At: Anomaly Archives  PO Box 152252 Austin, TX 78715  Phone/Voicemail: (512) 842-9046 Email: Contact@AnomalyArchives.org
    Played 27m
  • Anomaly-NOW! 6/5/2024 - Flying Saucers, Precogs, China Probes, Texas Kangaroos

    6 JUN 2024 · Anomaly-NOW! 6/5/2024 - Flying Saucers, Precogs, China Probes, Texas Kangaroos Anomaly-NOW! Is the Live Weekly News RoundUp show, Wednesdays @ 7pm CDT, from the 501c3 nonprofit Anomaly Archives in Austin, Texas. https://www.anomalyarchives.org/ Check out the latest Anomalous News Headlines at the Anomaly Archives Flipboard magazine: https://flipboard.com/@anomalyarchives/anomaly-archives-rjme4hbvz Anomaly-NOW! Archive Directory https://anomalyarchives.org/video/anomaly-now/ https://anomalyarchives.org/video/anomaly-now/anomaly-now-20240605/ https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/anomaly-archives-podvodcasts--4388190  Watch LIVE at these links… - https://www.youtube.com/@AnomalyArchives/live - https://www.twitch.tv/AnomalyArchives - https://twitter.com/AnomalyArchives/  - https://www.facebook.com/AnomalyArchives/  Upcoming New Monthly Lecture Series featuring Brent Raynes in June, Professor WHAM in July, Joshua Cutchin in August and more to come… Details Soon! Contact Us At: Anomaly Archives  PO Box 152252 Austin, TX 78715  Phone/Voicemail: (512) 842-9046 Email: Contact@AnomalyArchives.org News Headlines  After the Flying Saucers Came: A Global History of the UFO Phenomenon https://global.oup.com/academic/product/after-the-flying-saucers-came-9780190869878  Greg Eghigian https://anomalyarchives.org/collections/file/eghigian-greg/  Argentine Politician Reveals UFO Encounter by Tim Binnall, CtCam June 04, 2024  https://www.coasttocoastam.com/article/argentine-politician-reveals-ufo-encounter/  Art and the Precognitive Imagination - Do artworks that foretell the future provide a clue about the nature of creativity? by Eric Wargo https://medium.com/@eric.wargo_87149/art-and-the-precognitive-imagination-5b2dce5036e6  China probe successfully lands on far side of Moon - AFP Sat, June 1, 2024 https://www.yahoo.com/news/china-probe-successfully-lands-far-230310043.html  Is this kangaroo the most wanted fugitive in Texas? Kangaroo evades Texas cops after daring escape in viral video By Ariana Garcia, Trending News Reporter May 30, 2024 https://www.chron.com/life/wildlife/article/kangaroo-texas-escapes-video-19486242.php 
    Played 26m 14s
  • Anomaly-NOW! 5/29/2024 - UFOs, Counting Crows, Contactee Comic Book Artists, and Alien Big Cats, Oh My!

    30 MAY 2024 · Anomaly-NOW! 5/29/2024 - UFOs, Counting Crows, Contactee Comic Book Artists, and Alien Big Cats, Oh My!  Anomaly-NOW! Is the Live Weekly News RoundUp show, Wednesdays @ 7pm CDT, from the 501c3 nonprofit Anomaly Archives in Austin, Texas. https://www.anomalyarchives.org/ Check out the latest Anomalous News Headlines at the Anomaly Archives Flipboard magazine: https://flipboard.com/@anomalyarchives/anomaly-archives-rjme4hbvz Anomaly-NOW! Archive Directory https://anomalyarchives.org/video/anomaly-now/ https://anomalyarchives.org/video/anomaly-now/anomaly-now-20240529/  https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/anomaly-archives-podvodcasts--4388190  Watch LIVE at these links… - https://www.youtube.com/@AnomalyArchives/live - https://www.twitch.tv/AnomalyArchives - https://twitter.com/AnomalyArchives/  - https://www.facebook.com/AnomalyArchives/  News Headlines  Gold Coast A.R.E. Area Team Presents: EDGAR CAYCE ON THE ORIGINS OF CIVILIZATION - Native American Mounds, Egypt, Turkey and the Search for Atlantis featuring Andrew Collins, Dr. Greg Little and Dr. Lora Little, October 25 - 27, 2024  https://www.areevents.exactwebsites.com/boca-raton-florida.html  Japan lawmakers to create group for government probes into UFOs https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2024/05/28/japan/politics/japan-lawmakers-group-ufos/  New Mexico’s UFO incidents you’ve never heard of  https://www.krqe.com/news/weird/new-mexicos-ufo-incidents-youve-never-heard-of/  Edgewalker: Columba Krebs’ Search for Cosmic Community  https://www.californiadesertart.com/edgewalker-columba-krebs-search-for-cosmic-community/  Las Vegas alien video shows at least 2 'beings' using 'cloaking' device: 'I'm opening it up to peer review'  https://www.foxnews.com/us/las-vegas-alien-video-shows-least-2-beings-using-cloaking-device-im-opening-up-peer-review  Las Vegas alien video's previously missed detail proves 'authenticity,' expert says: 'You can't deny it' https://www.foxnews.com/us/las-vegas-alien-videos-previously-missed-detail-proves-authenticity-expert-says-you-cant-deny-it  Introducing Scott Roder : Crime Scene Reconstruction Expert  https://evidence-room.net/introducing-scott-roder-crime-scene-reconstruction-expert/  Apocalypse now, and always: On UFOs, AI and encounters with non-human intelligence  https://www.salon.com/2024/05/22/apocalypse-now-and-always-on-ufos-ai-and-encounters-with-non-human-intelligence/  Big Cat DNA Publicly Confirmed for First Time in United Kingdom  https://www.singularfortean.com/news/2024/5/22/big-cat-dna-publicly-confirmed-for-first-time-in-united-kingdom  DNA confirms there IS a big cat roaming the British countryside  https://www.discoverwildlife.com/animal-facts/mammals/big-cat-british-countryside  Forensic tests for canids and big cats  https://warwick.ac.uk/fac/sci/lifesci/research/archaeobotany/ecological_forensics/cats/  Google Search Is Now a Giant Hallucination  https://gizmodo.com/google-search-ai-overview-giant-hallucination-1851499031  ‘Shame and betrayal’: sexual abuse within the spiritual healing industry comes to light https://www.theguardian.com/society/article/2024/may/26/sexual-abuse-spiritual-healing-industry  Crows can count out loud, startling study reveals  https://www.livescience.com/animals/birds/crows-can-count-out-loud-startling-study-reveals  Crows “count” the number of self-generated vocalizations  https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.adl0984
    Played 29m 26s
  • Anomaly-NOW! 5/22/2024 - Tx UFO-Nuke History, Sketchy Skinwalker Science, & Lucid Insomniac Dreams

    23 MAY 2024 · Anomaly-NOW! 5/22/2024 - Tx UFO-Nuke History, Sketchy Skinwalker Science, & Lucid Insomniac Dreams Anomaly-NOW! Is the Live Weekly News RoundUp show, Wednesdays @ 7pm CDT, from the 501c3 nonprofit Anomaly Archives in Austin, Texas. https://www.anomalyarchives.org/ Check out the latest Anomalous News Headlines at the Anomaly Archives Flipboard magazine: https://flipboard.com/@anomalyarchives/anomaly-archives-rjme4hbvz Anomaly-NOW! Archive Directory https://anomalyarchives.org/video/anomaly-now/ https://anomalyarchives.org/video/anomaly-now/anomaly-now-20240522/  https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/anomaly-archives-podvodcasts--4388190  Watch LIVE at these links… - https://www.youtube.com/@AnomalyArchives/live - https://www.twitch.tv/AnomalyArchives - https://twitter.com/AnomalyArchives/  - https://www.facebook.com/AnomalyArchives/  News Headlines  The ‘dream training’ that neuroscientists think could help cure insomnia yahoo.com - Ian Taylor https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/dream-training-neuroscientists-think-could-190000895.html A brief, weird history of brainwashing MIT Technology Review - Annalee Newitz https://www.technologyreview.com/2024/04/12/1090726/brainwashing-mind-control-history-operation-midnight-climax/  1949-05-04: US Army Establishes UFO Tracking Net at Killeen Base Tom Owens UAP on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=025GIMHCjYw Jeff Knox - Today in UFO History - Close Encounters With Drones/Probes At Weapons Storage Site April 27, 1949 — Camp Hood, TX https://www.facebook.com/share/p/ErFgJjGFaFAWWX9E/?mibextid=xfxF2i  Bizarre moment RADAR picks up a structure above 'UFO hotbed' during rocket experiment dailymail.co.uk - James Gordon “In 2016, Bigelow sold Skinwalker Ranch for $4.5 million to 'Adamantium Holdings', a shell corporation whose true owners have never been traced.” https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13428335/RADAR-picks-structure-UFO-hotbed-rocket-experiment.html  PhenomeCon Contracts Enrich Select Speakers expandingfrontiersresearch.org - Jack Brewer https://www.expandingfrontiersresearch.org/post/phenomecon-contracts-enrich-select-speakers  Thomas Winterton Responds, Threatens EFR with 'Legal Action' https://www.expandingfrontiersresearch.org/post/thomas-winter-responds-threatens-efr-with-legal-action  Thomas Winterton 11/10/22 - Expanding Frontiers Research - Nov 15, 2022 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oCOa8Ks0k38  Vatican urges caution over weeping Madonnas and other supposed apparitions - yahoo.com - Alvise Armellini https://finance.yahoo.com/news/vatican-urges-caution-over-weeping-104037956.html Fact Check: Is Pope Francis Holding 'Aliens' Conference? https://www.newsweek.com/fact-check-pope-francis-holding-aliens-conference-1901766  https://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/congregations/cfaith/documents/rc_con_cfaith_doc_19780225_norme-apparizioni_en.html  https://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/congregations/cfaith/documents/rc_ddf_doc_20240517_norme-fenomeni-soprannaturali_en.html  Anti-Chemtrails Laws feat. Teddy Wilson (E275) by QAA Podcast https://soundcloud.com/qanonanonymous/anti-chemtrails-laws-feat-teddy-wilson  Bay Area city orders scientists to stop controversial cloud brightening experiment SFGate - Sam Mauhay-Moore https://www.sfgate.com/local/article/bay-area-orders-scientists-stop-experiment-19458011.php  High-Profile Geoengineering Experiment Shuts Down - Chelsea Harvey and E&E News https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/high-profile-geoengineering-experiment-shuts-down/ 
    Played 31m 57s
  • Anomaly-NOW! 5/15/2024 - Kirkpatrick / Fugal UAP Task Force Feud, DeepFake DeadBots of Ufology Haunting Our Skies And Our Lives

    16 MAY 2024 · Anomaly-NOW! 5/15/2024 - Kirkpatrick / Fugal UAP Task Force Feud, DeepFake DeadBots of Ufology Haunting Our Skies And Our Lives Anomaly-NOW! Is the Live Weekly News RoundUp show, Wednesdays @ 7pm CDT, from the 501c3 nonprofit Anomaly Archives in Austin, Texas. https://www.anomalyarchives.org/ Check out the latest Anomalous News Headlines at the Anomaly Archives Flipboard magazine: https://flipboard.com/@anomalyarchives/anomaly-archives-rjme4hbvz Anomaly-NOW! Archive Directory https://anomalyarchives.org/video/anomaly-now/ https://anomalyarchives.org/video/anomaly-now/anomaly-now-20240515/  Watch LIVE at these links… - https://www.youtube.com/@AnomalyArchives/live - https://www.twitch.tv/AnomalyArchives - https://twitter.com/AnomalyArchives/  - https://www.facebook.com/AnomalyArchives/  News Headlines  Maccabee, Bruce https://anomalyarchives.org/collections/file/maccabee-bruce/  Maccabee, Bruce. (2000). “CIA’s UFO Explanation Is Preposterous.” <https://web.archive.org/web/20010302033452/http://brumac.8k.com/cia_explaination.html>  SCU Review 5.2 https://www.explorescu.org/post/scu-review-5-2   https://299316e4-57b5-4dad-9541-8a810ec43164.usrfiles.com/ugd/299316_efe4e9ecd9444dd4823bd68591b190af.pdf  The Shift of Cold War UAP Activity to the Public Domain by Larry Hancock, Ian Porritt, Sean Grosvenor and Larry Cates: (Pages 9-13) … UAP Activity Pattern Study 1945-1975 Military and Public Activities Creators by Ian M. Porritt, Larry J. Hancock, S. Grosvenor, Larry Cates (Published March 25, 2024 | Version v1) https://zenodo.org/records/8213330  The St. Clair Triangle: A Look Back By Wm J Granger, MD (pages 15-21) https://dbarkertv.com/default2.htm https://www.youtube.com/@DBarkerTV2010  Review of ‘Hypothesis: The Illinois Flying Triangle is a Department of Defence, not an ET Craft’, National Institute for Discovery Science (NIDS), Las Vegas, NV, July 2002 By Dr. Tim Oliver (pages 22-25) Pentagon UFO Hunter Reveals What He Knows About Aliens (May 8, 2024) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q4lWb1XBvVo Former AARO Director Sean Kirkpatrick: UFO Religions Are a Potential Threat to National Security dailygrail.com - red pill junkie https://www.dailygrail.com/2024/05/former-aaro-director-sean-kirkpatrick-ufo-religions-are-a-potential-threat-to-national-security/ Via Brandon Fugal https://twitter.com/BrandonFugal/status/1788707062408421795  Via Pavel Ibarra Meda https://twitter.com/pavelibarrameda/status/1788824668469911745  BTS RAW #19: DoD Releases AATIP Email, But With a Twist The Black Vault Originals on YouTube  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YEgqknOeNuY  Steven Greer’s new DPIA: Disclosure Project Intelligence Archive (DPIA)  https://www.dpiarchive.com  AI deepfakes that simulate dead people risk ‘haunting’ relatives, researchers warn The Independent - Anthony Cuthbertson https://www.independent.co.uk/tech/ai-dead-chatbot-deadbot-deepfake-b2542107.html  FKA twigs Creates Deepfake AI Version of Herself With a Special Use in Mind https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NPflYreNdeU  FKA twigs Reveals She Developed Her Own Deepfake in A.I. Testimony to Senate: 'Careers and Livelihoods Are in Jeopardy' People - Ilana Kaplan https://people.com/fka-twigs-reveals-she-developed-her-own-deepfake-in-ai-testimony-to-us-senate-8641047  FKA Twigs Reveals She Developed Her Own Deepfake in Congressional Testimony on AI Regulation With Warner Music CEO Variety - Thania Garcia https://variety.com/2024/music/news/fka-twigs-deepfake-ai-warner-music-ceo-senate-1235987754/  Brazil's catastrophic weather spawns spate of conspiracy theories yahoo.com - Maria-Eduarda JOIA https://www.yahoo.com/news/brazils-catastrophic-weather-spawns-spate-155035469.html  An Engineer Says He’s Found a Way to Overcome Earth’s Gravity Popular Mechanics - Darren Orf https://www.popularmechanics.com/space/rockets/a60608517/overcome-earth-gravity/  KSAT Connect: Aurora borealis spotted in South Central Texas due to geomagnetic stormMia Montgomery https://www.ksat.com/news/local/2024/05/11/ksat-connect-aurora-borealis-spotted-in-south-central-texas-due-to-geomagnetic-storm/  Fisherman hooks prehistoric 200-pound alligator snapping turtle before catching monster alligator gar Fox News - By Sydney Borchers https://www.foxnews.com/lifestyle/fisherman-hooks-prehistoric-200-pound-alligator-snapping-turtle-catching-monster-alligator-gar  Viral video of shark caught in Guadalupe River leads to response from city of New Braunfels kvue.com - John Diaz https://www.kvue.com/article/news/local/shark-texas-guadalupe-river-found-new-braunfels-response/269-20550846-3674-4b13-a878-03e4d94c1829
    Played 41m 49s
  • Anomaly-NOW! 5/08/2024 - UFOs 2024: Arrival of the Vallée Era, Weaponized UAP Non-Disclosure, and PsyWar Against Experiencers

    9 MAY 2024 · Anomaly-NOW! 5/08/2024 - UFOs 2024: Arrival of the Vallée Era, Weaponized UAP Non-Disclosure, and PsyWar Against Experiencers Anomaly-NOW! Is the Live Weekly News RoundUp show, Wednesdays @ 7pm CDT, from the 501c3 nonprofit Anomaly Archives in Austin, Texas. https://www.anomalyarchives.org/ Check out the latest Anomalous News Headlines at the Anomaly Archives Flipboard magazine: https://flipboard.com/@anomalyarchives/anomaly-archives-rjme4hbvz Anomaly-NOW! Archive Directory https://anomalyarchives.org/video/anomaly-now/ https://anomalyarchives.org/video/anomaly-now/anomaly-now-20240508/  Watch LIVE at these links… - https://www.youtube.com/@AnomalyArchives/live - https://www.twitch.tv/AnomalyArchives - https://twitter.com/AnomalyArchives/  - https://www.facebook.com/AnomalyArchives/  News Headlines Life With Ghosts (documentary) https://www.lifewithghosts.com   FOIA Documents Reveal AARO’s Authorized and Repeated Attempts to Engage with David Grusch  The Black Vault Originals on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3GNITLBj0hM This Well-Known UFO Debunker is Skeptical of the DoD’s Recent Investigations into Aerial Mysteries. Here’s Why.  thedebrief.org - Micah Hanks https://thedebrief.org/this-well-known-ufo-debunker-is-skeptical-of-the-dods-recent-investigations-into-aerial-mysteries-heres-why/  Incident at Eglin Air Force Base | MHP 04.30.24. https://micahhanks.com/podcast/2024/05/01/04-30-24-incident-at-eglin-air-force-base/  Jacques Vallée and Jeffrey J. Kripal challenge the limits of knowledge  documentjournal.com - Drew Zeiba https://www.documentjournal.com/2024/05/jacques-vallee-jeffrey-kripal-science-ufo-technology-ai/  The Mystery of "The Jet-Propelled Couch"  Substack - Mark Frauenfelder https://themagnet.substack.com/p/the-mystery-of-the-jet-propelled  The woman buried over 10,000 years ago near modern-day Leander kvue.com - Bob Garcia-Buckalew https://www.kvue.com/article/news/history/10000-year-old-woman-leander-texas/269-f49c6b3a-c088-4038-a588-648b16209fa0  Leanderthal Lady  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leanderthal_Lady  Faceless people, invisible hands: New Army video aims to lure recruits for psychological operations Associated Press - By LOLITA C. BALDOR https://apnews.com/article/army-psychological-warfare-recruiting-video-ghost-f216951fdaff4fa0130386a8f85c76e1  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V6hu83yVMlU 
    Played 36m 59s
  • Anomaly-NOW! 5/01/2024 - Mayday May Day, UFO Sightings, Gravity Waves, and Skunk-Gnomes

    3 MAY 2024 · Anomaly-NOW! 5/01/2024 - Mayday May Day, UFO Sightings, Gravity Waves, and Skunk-Gnomes Anomaly-NOW! Is the Live Weekly News RoundUp show, Wednesdays @ 7pm CDT, from the 501c3 nonprofit Anomaly Archives in Austin, Texas. https://www.anomalyarchives.org/ Check out the latest Anomalous News Headlines at the Anomaly Archives Flipboard magazine: https://flipboard.com/@anomalyarchives/anomaly-archives-rjme4hbvz Anomaly-NOW! Archive Directory https://anomalyarchives.org/video/anomaly-now/ https://anomalyarchives.org/video/anomaly-now/anomaly-now-20240501/  Watch LIVE at these links… - https://www.youtube.com/@AnomalyArchives/live - https://www.twitch.tv/AnomalyArchives - https://twitter.com/AnomalyArchives/  - https://www.facebook.com/AnomalyArchives/  News Headlines Mayday May Day! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/May_Day List of films set around May Day https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_films_set_around_May_Day  Dramatic Triangle Sightings – 396 New Reports Posted | NUFORC nuforc.org  https://nuforc.org/post240428/  Gravity Wave Signals are being Analyzed to Detect Gravitational Memory Effect - Spacefed https://spacefed.com/astronomy/gravity-wave-signals-are-being-analyzed-to-detect-gravitational-memory-effect/  Have you seen this strange red glow in the Texas night sky lately? Here's what it is  https://www.chron.com/news/space/article/texas-red-glow-space-19419957.php  I Have Seen What I Call a UFO – Notes from a local UFO Seminar - David Metcalfe https://davidmetcalfe.wordpress.com/2024/04/28/i-have-seen-what-i-call-a-ufo-notes-from-a-local-ufo-seminar/  UFO Seminar - Colbert, Georgia | February 10th, 2024  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=645hzqhhNOo  The Cambridge scientist who thinks he’s just discovered alien life  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bj0PXPeKJRE  ‘The announcement we’ve found alien life could be just a couple of years away’ The Telegraph - Chris Harvey  https://www.telegraph.co.uk/science/2024/04/25/lisa-kaltenegger-alien-earths-planet-hunting/  UFOs: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zRdhoYqCAQg  John Oliver Uncovers the Totally Rational Explanations for UFOs https://www.thedailybeast.com/john-oliver-uncovers-the-totally-rational-explanations-for-ufos Watch the movie that rewrites itself | BBC News  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fx61Hw0G7sA 
    Played 26m 8s
  • Anomaly-NOW! 4/24/2024 - Sleep Paralysis, Alien Abductions and Weather Warfare

    25 APR 2024 · Anomaly-NOW! Is the Live Weekly News RoundUp show, Wednesdays @ 7pm CDT, from the 501c3 nonprofit Anomaly Archives in Austin, Texas. https://www.anomalyarchives.org/ Check out the latest Anomalous News Headlines at the Anomaly Archives Flipboard magazine: https://flipboard.com/@anomalyarchives/anomaly-archives-rjme4hbvz Anomaly-NOW! Archive Directory https://anomalyarchives.org/video/anomaly-now/ https://anomalyarchives.org/video/anomaly-now/anomaly-now-20240424/  Watch LIVE at these links… - https://www.youtube.com/@AnomalyArchives/live - https://www.twitch.tv/AnomalyArchives - https://twitter.com/AnomalyArchives/  - https://www.facebook.com/AnomalyArchives/  News Headlines Alien Language with Greg Bishop https://www.eventbrite.com/e/alien-language-with-greg-bishop-tickets-884317195537  Sleep paralysis demons - and why they’re different to nightmares yahoo.com - Ceri Roberts https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/conquer-sleep-paralysis-demons-080000332.html The Abduction Enigma: An Investigation of the Alien Abduction Phenomenon Hardcover – June 16, 1999 by Kevin D. Randle (Author), Russ Estes (Author), William P. Cone (Author) https://www.amazon.com/Abduction-Enigma-Investigation-Alien-Phenomenon/dp/0312867085 Meteorologist Warns of 'Weather Wars' Between Countries Newsweek - Robyn White https://www.newsweek.com/meteorologist-warns-weather-wars-between-countries-1891866  No, Dubai’s Floods Weren’t Caused by Cloud Seeding WIRED - Amit Katwala https://www.wired.com/story/dubai-flooding-uae-cloud-seeding-climate-change/  PsiOp Radio podcast 98 – 091129 – Guest Jerry Smith (Weather Warfare)  https://psiopradio.wordpress.com/2009/11/29/psiop-radio-98-091129-with-guest-jerry-e-smith/  Weather Modification - Frequently Asked Questions Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation  https://www.tdlr.texas.gov/weather/weatherfaq.htm  Weather Modification - Harvesting the Texas Skies in 2022 - A Summary of Rain Enhancement Operations in Texas  https://www.tdlr.texas.gov/weather/summary.htm
    Played 31m 15s
Anomaly Archives LIVE! Online / Virtual Meetup Shows. This is the vodcast of the 501c3 nonprofit Scientific Anomaly Institute / Anomaly Archives, located in Austin, Texas.


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