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Authentic Talks 2.0 with Shanta

  • Episode 267 | Are You Living Your Happy Life? | Solo podsnack: Shanta Generally

    13 MAY 2024 · Are you aware most people spend their entire life thinking of the day they willl be happy. There are also many who have given up on the possiblity of living a happy life and have circumed to the concept that life sucks.  This episode is for everyone regardless of what side of the fence you are standing near. It is helpful to idenfity if you are wasting your life waiting for the big day to come of when you will be happy.  During this episode Shanta asks one question that she wants you to take seriously when it comes to your happiness.  Shanta says "taking owernship of your own happy is the way to go & raising your vibration"  Connect with the Host on Social Media Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/authentictalks2.0withshanta/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CoachShantaGenerally/ Website: Authentictalks2.com *** Extending an open invitation for you to come back again and again! Subscribe to the show. Thank you for tuning in. 
    Played 7m 49s
  • Episode 266 | Embracing The Spirit Personality: Delving Deep and Rising Higher | Guest: Charbel Tadros

    23 APR 2024 · Shanta is Joined today by successful writer, personality development mentor, co-owner and media manager at Oz Arab Media Charbel Tardros who has recently published his eight book Embracing the Spirit Personality: Delving Deeper and Rising Higher. This is Charbel's third time appearing on Authentic Talks 2.0. On ths episode find out in why understanding your personality can help function in any situation.  Uncover how to function in any situation, this is something that most of us struggle with and could use a tip and a tool or two. **   LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/charbeltadros/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/charbeltad/ Website: https://ozarab.media/author/charbeltadros/ TEDXNDULouaize: The 7 Secrets to Prayer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AhV_GG-3-iE Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/quotes/7583990.Charbel_Tadros ** CONNECT WITH THE HOST: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/authentictalks2.0withshanta/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CoachShantaGenerally/ Website: Authentictalks2.com *** Extending an open invitation for you to come back again and again! Subscribe to the show.
    Played 27m 49s
  • Episode 265 | The Conscious Collective | Guest: Dr. Fasana Patel & James A. Valentine

    8 APR 2024 · On this episode Shanta is joined by Dr. Fasana Patel: The HigherSelf Coach & James A. Valentine: The Ascension Coach for a discussion about conscious conversations, higher self and so much more..   Everyone is talking about these conversations.  Today's guest are sharing with their audience how to tap into greater dimensions of self-love, self-worth, and alignment with your Higher Self. Now, as a result of these conversations, the energy and excitement is building as our global community is preparing to come together to join James and Fasana into their larger community 'The Conscious Collective' The  'Conscious Collective' is a 90-day multi-dimensional experience where you will connect with higher states of consciousness, achieve greater alignment with your Higher Self, and unlock higher dimensional levels of abundance. Also, Dr Fasana reveals and shares her gift of voice with us all.  Contact Fasana: https://drfasanapatel.com/page/about-me Contact James: https://www.linkedin.com/in/james-valentine-8183b258/ https://www.instagram.com/theascensioncoach.1111/ http://fb.com/jvalentine1043 * CONNECT WITH THE HOST: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/authentictalks2.0withshanta/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CoachShantaGenerally/ Website: Authentictalks2.com *** Extending an open invitation for you to come back again and again! Subscribe to the show. 
    Played 1h 1m 6s
  • Episode 264 | Unlocking the doorway to Love | Guest: Dr.Zoha Fazel

    25 MAR 2024 · Shanta is joined today by a special guest Dr.Zoha Fazel, Sharing in first person below about Dr Z. who From a young age, spirituality, the mysteries of the subconscious, psychology, and love have captivated me. There was a time when I grappled with my own life’s purpose and questioning my own potential. Through deep dives into the subconscious mind, exploring spiritual teachings, and fostering a connection with a higher power, which I affectionately refer to as God, I found my inner light. With that came my life’s purpose and finding my soulmate, whom I have been married to for over 20 years.  Today, her heart’s mission is to guide others to discover that same inner brilliance and purpose. We have an authentic talk about in what ways Dr. Z helps her clients. Connect with Dr Z. https://spiritguidedtherapy.com/meet-dr-zoha/ https://gamma.app/docs/Unleash-Abundance-4-Week-Transformational-Class-gq8j4s5f5gsg1ai Unlocking the doorway to Love: https://www.amazon.com/Unlocking-Doorway-Love-Manifest-Soulmate-ebook/dp/B08MT168KS Unlocking your Inner Healing: https://www.amazon.com/Unlocking-Your-Inner-Healing-Reprogramming-ebook/dp/B0CCK8YLQR/ref=sr_1_2?crid=KBYBSWIOS8FQ&keywords=dr+zoha+fazel&qid=1705701576&s=books&sprefix=dr+zoha+fazel%2Cstripbooks%2C127&sr=1-2 Abundance Planner and Journal: https://www.amazon.com/Abundance-Planner-Journal-Zoha-Fazel/dp/B0CJL9SGJ6 Connect with the host: www.authentictalks2.com  Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/authentictalks2.0withshanta/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CoachShantaGenerally/ Website: Authentictalks2.com *** Extending an open invitation for you to come back again and again! Subscribe to the show. 
    Played 33m 17s
  • Episode 263 | Master Your Mind and Energy to Heal Your Body | Guest: Brandy Gilmore

    18 MAR 2024 ·     Shanta has an authentic talk with Best Selling Author Brandy Gilmore about her new book, Master Your Mind and Energy to Heal Your Body, Brandy shares the key to unlocking these results, providing readers with profound clarity and understanding of self-healing that is mind-expanding and even "fills in the gaps" so that mind-body healing can make logical sense! Brandy shares a bit of her story of how she came to a place where research was an absolute must. The time and effort she put to research on pain led to ground breaking discoveries. Several others are already raving about Brandy’s work and have endorsed her book, including:**  ~ Sharon Stone, Actor, Producer, and Artist “Having worked with Brandy, not only over the years but recently through COVID-19, I’ve been able to focus and release stored toxic energy and traumatic ideas. I highly recommend this work. It’s centering, balancing, healing, and, moreover, self-empowering.”   ** ~Jack Canfield, Co-author of the Chicken Soup for the Soul ® series & The Success Principles™: “I highly recommend this book. It is empowering and has the ability to transform the way the world sees health and healing.” ** ~ Anita Moorjani, New York Times Best-selling Author of Dying to Be Me, What if This is Heaven and Sensitive is the New Strong. “Brandy Gillmore provides a valuable perspective on the ability to promote healing, along with a wide range of tools and techniques for enhancing physical recovery through the mind-body connection. A must-read.”   ** While Brandy now has the look of a striking model—, I mentioned this to Brandy off air that she was stunning!!!  tall, athletic, vibrant, and smiling—it’s hard to imagine that she suffered from an accident that left her disabled and in excruciating pain. On many days, she was stuck in bed, not wanting to move or even breathe at times. She relied on a wheelchair, walker, and cane for mobility. When Brandy's doctors advised her that there was nothing they could do, she began desperately searching for a cure. At the time of her accident, Brandy’s career involved troubleshooting network outages for one of the world's largest telecommunications companies, solving complex issues. So, when she was stuck with no solution, she began to "troubleshoot" her health in search of a cure.  But that was only the beginning…After Brandy healed herself in 2010, she didn’t want to just “talk” about her healing; she wanted to help others see proof that our minds really do possess the power to heal our bodies. In 2015, Brandy made that goal a reality. For the first time, she was able to demonstrate self-healing in real-time under thermal medical imaging. This remarkable feat captivated people's attention and propelled Brandy's work to new heights. Shortly after, she was invited to deliver a TEDx talk, marking a pivotal moment in her journey. Since then, Brandy has continued to demonstrate incredible healing results using medical thermal imaging. She also demonstrates these results on her award-winning podcast, Heal Yourself. Change Your Life and speaking engagements for medical professionals and general audiences.  The Book is available on Amazon and where books are sold  ******************************** BRANDY GILMORE: - https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=0010dphZ3vNRgk4FUL7-kq4m4Wjn_Env8xJkrYxv2x-fYxmBQSIGHpsYAaV-4wMe4evceeqnUQLDo3AIH1Q2wAP5JrAe9AAlptX3AzY0vpK_wgU0agA3UmoMAdAktMb26hg_CAH4NslIiT09CIfhKKikTExFjkD0MvicnrJxqu6MfdWDiXJLUQ4FpfZyWj-Vrgqxh02l_Vsgfw=&c=RvD0bLTDvQJTU5lyx2s1xftaiehmVvjpZSTJVnWmFY8BNfFl-FOb5w==&ch=AkE8fYrWkVKdMQhuXFv0lKgON9ENTURqGZrM-k0G8UDB8GK1JTAOMA== - https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=0010dphZ3vNRgk4FUL7-kq4m4Wjn_Env8xJkrYxv2x-fYxmBQSIGHpsYAaV-4wMe4evd7ULSBMzWE-Mhv7uQxGSG36DRFB3U5j5Wte1k1F1MWpNBtsZpiSN45QhCmiXnvDx5sEpjp74iDpGAHy_nO-dZFO3CZJo0DLpWU5PxcgqaRpwTCrz6Wh8PQ==&c=RvD0bLTDvQJTU5lyx2s1xftaiehmVvjpZSTJVnWmFY8BNfFl-FOb5w==&ch=AkE8fYrWkVKdMQhuXFv0lKgON9ENTURqGZrM-k0G8UDB8GK1JTAOMA== Website:  https://brandygillmore.com/ https://brandygillmore.com/master-your-mind-book/ ******************************* Connect with the host: www.authentictalks2.com  Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/authentictalks2.0withshanta/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CoachShantaGenerally/ Website: Authentictalks2.com *** Extending an open invitation for you to come back again and again! Subscribe to the show. 
    Played 53m 23s
  • Episode 262 | Win the Leadership Game | Guest: Payal Nanjiani

    11 MAR 2024 ·    On this episode, Shanta welcomes back Payal Nanjiani to discuss her latest book, "Win the Leadership Game Every Time -Nine invaluableLaws To Magnify Your Success". Payal is an Indian-American world-renowned executive coach, leadership expert, and author. Her books, workshops, and podcast have transformed the lives of more than a million professionals, helping them to grow, succeed and lead a fulfilled life.​With a mission to humanize leadership. Payal has popularized the concept of Success Within Leadership, inspiring leaders to bring about a sustainable and long-lasting positive change in their thinking and behaviors to achieve extraordinary success for themselves and the organization. Payal is most well-known in the corporate world for her ability to spark transformational change by equipping leaders and teams with the skills, thinking, and behaviors necessary to take themselves and the organization to the next level. Know more and Contact Payal at: https://www.payalnanjiani.com/ https://www.payalnanjiani.com/book https://www.instagram.com/payalnanjiani/ https://www.linkedin.com/in/payalnanjiani/ **** CONNECT WITH THE HOST: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/authentictalks2.0withshanta/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CoachShantaGenerally/ Website: Authentictalks2.com *** Extending an open invitation for you to come back again and again! Subscribe to the show. 
    Played 38m 35s
  • Episode 261 | Into the Heart of the Infinite | Guest: Dr. Maetreyii Ma Nolan

    4 MAR 2024 ·    WELCOME TO THE SHOW!  On this episode, Shanta speaks with Dr. Maetreyii Ma Nolan, an award-winning author, psychologist, and spiritual teacher who has developed a worldwide following, bringing forth the deep wisdom that manifests to her both through her inner guru, Baba and in her teacher, the renowned Indian mystic Shrii Shrii Anandamurti Baba. Maetreyii Ma Nolan, PhD works, both as a spiritual teacher and in private practice as a psychologist, to assist people to connect with the loving bliss of Divine Being and to live lives that reflect that Divine love. As an award winning author, her most recent book, Into the Heart of the Infinite: A Spiritual Memoir of an Extraordinary Mystical Journey, along with her earlier books, helps people understand the power of spiritual connection to transform your life and how you can then live your spiritual values in personal life and in relationship to the world around you. Book: ∙ Into the Heart of the Infinite: A Spiritual Memoir of an Extraordinary Mystical Journey Purchase on Amazon or on my website at https://www.maetreyiima.org/books-to-buy.html Additional Books: ∙ Dharma: for Awakening and Social Change, ∙ Living Love: the Yoga of Yama and Niyama, ∙ Feminine Mysticism: Secrets of the Empowered Feminine, ∙ Yoga Psychology: Understanding and Awakening Kundalini, ∙ The Future is Bright: Visions for Humanity, ∙ Yama and Niyama: Foundations for a Spiritual Life. Podcast: ∙ http://www.BabaTalks.info/ Mentoring Programs: ∙ https://www.maetreyiima.org/mentoring.html Education and Community: ∙ BabaTalks Podcasts, www.Babatalks.info ∙ YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@maetreyiima7 ∙ Maetreyii Ma’ Teachings: https://www.maetreyiima.org/articles.html ∙ Meditations, Workshops & Satsanga: https://www.maetreyiima.org/weekly-baba-talk-- meditation.html Soclal Media: ∙ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Maetreyiima ∙ X/Twitter:  https://twitter.com/MaetreyiiMa ∙ Instragram: https://www.instagram.com/maetreyiima/ ∙ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/maetreyii-ma/ ∙ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJWCS_PXEx4wpvjn88dXM7g   Websites: ∙ www.yogama.info ∙ www.megannolan.net ∙ www.Babatalks.info *****************AUTHENTIC TALKS 2.0 Social Media Information *********************** Www.authentictalks2.com  Connect with the Host: https://www.spreaker.com/user/authentictalks www.authentictalks2.com INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/authentictalks2.0withshanta/ FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/CoachShantaGenerally/ **** Subscribe to the show on any of your favorite podcast listening hosts!  Extending an open invitiation to you to come back again and again! 
    Played 39m 48s
  • Episode 260 | Yosemite of My Heart | Guest: Lalit Kumar

    26 FEB 2024 · On this episode, Shanta speaks with returning guest Lalit Kumar as they discuss his new book- "Yosemite of My Heart, Poems of Adventure in California", as well as work/life balance and much more. Lalit Kumar likes to write both poetry and prose around the themes of adventure and exploration. He currently writes a monthly column in ‘India Currents’ called ‘Road Raves’ sharing his passion for adventure sports. His last book “Years Spent : Exploring Poetry in Adventure, Life and Love”, was among top three Selects in Poetry genre featured in ‘Indie Spotlight’ by Book Life/Publishers Weekly, 25th July 2022. His poems have also featured in various anthologies including “Everything Intensely”, San Francisco Writers Conference 2022. Find him on Instagram @lalitk06 or on his website at http://www.lalitkumaronline.com/
    Played 30m 40s
  • Ep. 259 | Solving The ADHD Riddle, Helping your Family with Solutions to the Struggle | Dr. Connie McReynolds

    5 FEB 2024 · We are talking about ADAD on today's epiosode with Dr Connie, Dr. Connie is a Licensed Psychologist & Certified Rehabilitation Counselor with more than 30 years of experience in the field of rehabilitation counseling and psychology. She is the founder of neurofeedback clinics in southern California working with children and adults to reduce or eliminate conditions of ADHD, anxiety, anger, depression, chronic pain, learning problems, and trauma. She earned her Ph.D. in Rehabilitation Psychology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison gaining valuable experiences in the Outpatient Substance Abuse Treatment Program at the Middleton VA Hospital, at the Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Neuropsychological Clinic at Meriter Hospital, and the Mendota Mental Health Institute. Dr. Connie’s whole-hearted mission is to bring hope and resolution to those who are struggling with the symptoms of ADHD, their parents, and teachers. Dr Connie is a best selling Author and #1 in 8 categories on Amazon with her ground breaking book. Titled: Solving The ADHD Riddle, The real cause and lasting solutions to your child's struggle to learn. Learn more at http://www.conniemcreynolds.com and explore her book at https://www.amazon.com/Solving-ADHD-Riddle-Solutions-Struggle/dp/B0C2SG4SDJ ***************** CONNECT WITH THE HOST: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/authentictalks2.0withshanta/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CoachShantaGenerally/ Website: Authentictalks2.com
    Played 47m 26s
  • Episode 258 | Building The Foundations Of You | Solo-Podsnack Shanta Generally

    16 JAN 2024 · We are jumpstarting 2024 with A solo episode diving deeping into "Know thyself" and I am excited to be back!! This episode takes you on a profound exploration of the very elements that underpin your existence – the foundations of YOU. We'll dive into core values, beliefs, passions, motivations, and purpose, providing practical tools and insights to help you strengthen and build upon these crucial aspects of your self-identity. Grab a pen and a paper, and come along for this first episode of 2024 where we are taking it to the next level of understanding the importance of knowing who you are and how to get there. We dive into the foundation, discuss building up strong and I have questions for you and food for thought to help you with the ongoing journey of building the foundations of you! Happy New Year! Additional Rescources: Jamm with Me A Journey To Your Higher Self; Say It like you mean it Affirmations really do work Host: Shanta Generally, B.M.sc Social Media: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/authentictalks2.0withshanta/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CoachShantaGenerally/ Website: www.Authentictalks2.com Twitter: @authetictalks2.0
    Played 26m 33s

Real conversations with a focus on adapting in a changing society & making the world a better place starting from within ourselves. Elevating our Minds. I share my unique life...

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Real conversations with a focus on adapting in a changing society & making the world a better place starting from within ourselves. Elevating our Minds. I share my unique life experiences and how i continue to work on becoming my best self. We have to find ways to continue to level up & rise above all the BS that comes our way! We can do this.
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