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BHN: Peaceful Empowerment Works

  • Perfectionism Why

    25 JUN 2024 · Unveil the enigma of perfectionism on the BHN Peaceful Empowerment Works Show, where hosts Judy Forder and Janice Leonard delve deep into its complexities. Join us as we unravel the intricacies of this often misunderstood trait, exploring its roots and impacts on our lives. Through candid conversations and expert insights, discover the why behind perfectionism and uncover strategies for embracing imperfection with grace. Tune in to NEWStreamingNetwork.com and embark on a journey towards greater self-awareness and empowerment. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61560180602637 Website: https://www.peacefulempowermentworks.org/ Email: PeacefulEmpowermentWorks@Gmail.com www.NEWStreamingNetwork.com. Home of NEW Streaming TV, Going Bold Media, Going Solo Media. and WGSN-DB Going Solo Network Radio, Podcasts, and TV.
    Played 46m 17s
  • Keeping it Real to Help You Heal

    23 JUN 2024 · Step into a realm of genuine empowerment and healing with the BHN Peaceful Empowerment Works Show, where authenticity reigns supreme. Join hosts Judy Forder and Janice Leonard as they navigate the pathways to inner peace and empowerment. From insightful discussions to practical advice, tune in to discover the tools and wisdom needed for true healing. Catch us on NEWStreamingNetwork.com and embark on a journey towards self-discovery and transformation. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61560180602637 Website: https://www.peacefulempowermentworks.org/ Email: PeacefulEmpowermentWorks@Gmail.com Email: PeacefulEmpowermentWorks@Gmail.com www.NEWStreamingNetwork.com. Home of NEW Streaming TV, Going Bold Media, Going Solo Media. and WGSN-DB Going Solo Network Radio, Podcasts, and TV.
    Played 44m 13s
  • Sound Healing What's That with Guest Host Heather Sheets

    23 JUN 2024 · Welcome to BHN: The Peaceful Empowerment Works Show on NEWStreamingNetwork.com! In today's episode, "Sound Healing, What’s That?", our host Judy Forder is joined by guest host Heather Sheets, a certified Sound Healing Practitioner, Reiki Master, Native American-style Flute Teacher, Medicine Drum Birthing Facilitator, and Andean Shaman Practitioner. Together, they'll delve into the fascinating world of sound healing, exploring its techniques and benefits. Join us for an enlightening discussion on the power of sound to promote healing and well-being. Don't miss this unique opportunity to learn from experts in the field! Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61560180602637 Website: https://www.peacefulempowermentworks.org/ Email: PeacefulEmpowermentWorks@Gmail.com Email: PeacefulEmpowermentWorks@Gmail.com www.NEWStreamingNetwork.com. Home of NEW Streaming TV, Going Bold Media, Going Solo Media. and WGSN-DB Going Solo Network Radio, Podcasts, and TV. More about Heather Sheets: Heather's journey into the world of healing began over 15 years ago with a serendipitous encounter with Reiki. However, it was the significant loss of her father in 2017 that triggered a profound transformation in her journey. In the midst of grief, Heather found solace and a settling of her inner world through the power of sound. Guided by this newfound resonance, she embarked on a journey of exploration and learning, becoming a certified Sound Healing Practitioner, Reiki Master, Native American-style Flute Teacher, Medicine Drum Birthing Facilitator, and Andean Shaman Practitioner. Heather's commitment is fueled by her deep passion to share the transformative tools and practices that have shaped her own journey. Through her heartfelt experiences, she aims to inspire healing and growth in others, inviting them to embark on their own paths of self-discovery and empowerment. Website: www.seraphsoundsanctuary.com
    Played 47m 21s
  • Change is Gonna Do You Good - NEW SHOW!

    3 JUN 2024 · Welcome to BHN: The Peaceful Empowerment Works Show on NEWStreamingNetwork.com! Today’s episode, "Change is Gonna Do You Good," is hosted by the dynamic duo, Judy Forder and Janice Leonard. Join us as we explore the positive impacts of embracing change and how it can lead to personal growth and empowerment. Don't miss this inspiring discussion filled with insights and practical advice to help you navigate and thrive through life's transformations. FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61560180602637 Website: https://www.peacefulempowermentworks.org/ Email: PeacefulEmpowermentWorks@Gmail.com www.NEWStreamingNetwork.com. Home of NEW Streaming TV, Going Bold Media, Going Solo Media. and WGSN-DB Going Solo Network Radio, Podcasts, and TV.
    Played 47m 1s
  • It’s a marathon. How do you stay committed Part 2

    3 MAY 2024 · Welcome back to the Peaceful Empowered Works Show on the NEW Streaming Network.com! I'm Kris Burke, joined by my wonderful co-host Judy Forder, and we're excited to continue our exploration in part two of our series, "Making It Real." Today, we're tackling a fundamental aspect of personal growth: staying committed for the long haul. In this marathon of life, how do we maintain our dedication to our journey of self-discovery and empowerment? Join us as we share insights, strategies, and personal anecdotes to inspire and support you on your path. So, grab your favorite beverage, settle in, and let's embark on this transformative journey together. Welcome to Making It Real, Part 2. Co-Hosts Kris Burke and Judy Forder, Masterful U co-founders, share the knowledge and wisdom gained through guiding themselves and their students on their quests for more peace, purpose, and prosperity in our rapidly changing world. Are you tired of struggling with the same old problems and worries? Great! Listen in weekly to find a resolution! Website: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqazZaTDdINFl0SzVRcWE5U3BfZS0xN1RwU2ljUXxBQ3Jtc0trOTZxU0dGcktxQmVTdTNFcEJ6bjctQ1JDMU9vc19nUTMxN3BkWmIycEE2c2NqVUhnYVlUMjY4WXpxRndJdG9FeF94ZmdQOG5TdUVUTmllNGQwMFlCSWRKM3ZCclNRcFlxNWw2S3Vlb0FqX1hOcDdscw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.peacefulempowermentworks.org%2F&v=RF05rscZkEk www.NEWStreamingNetwork.com. home of www.GoingBoldMedia.com, www.GoingSoloMedia.com, and WGSN-DB Going Solo Network Radio, Podcasts and TV.
    Played 46m 16s
  • The framework for lasting change - Part 3

    3 MAY 2024 · Welcome back to the Peaceful Empowered Works Show on the NEW Streaming Network.com! I'm Kris Burke, alongside my esteemed co-host Judy Forder, and we're thrilled to dive into the third installment of our series, "Making It Real." Today, we're exploring the essential framework for lasting change. How do we cultivate habits and mindsets that lead to sustainable transformation? Join us as we unpack actionable strategies, delve into the psychology of change, and empower you to create a life filled with purpose, growth, and fulfillment. Get ready to embark on this journey of profound insight and empowerment. Welcome to Making It Real, Part 3. Co-Hosts Kris Burke and Judy Forder, Masterful U co-founders, share the knowledge and wisdom gained through guiding themselves and their students on their quests for more peace, purpose, and prosperity in our rapidly changing world. Are you tired of struggling with the same old problems and worries? Great! Listen in weekly to find a resolution! Website: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbU9seDM0cGI1NVh2Zm1KeVRtZ2lzY1F1V0NSd3xBQ3Jtc0tuSl9GUDZuaG1Sci1vN2I4MFhobXBMOG9XYVJmN3Q3UEVmM2s4c29BZUVFTTRrYzAtUFpBOVc4V2Q3M0RMRUw1T0V1WFFSMWttVFlyYzNiRTNTVzFObEtGZDY1UEFqUFJvZEUteHFFbVA2amVFRDR5aw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.peacefulempowermentworks.org%2F&v=TbuPlP33x9k www.NEWStreamingNetwork.com. home of www.GoingBoldMedia.com, www.GoingSoloMedia.com, and WGSN-DB Going Solo Network Radio, Podcasts and TV.
    Played 46m 22s
  • How do we know when we’ve integrated what we’ve learned Part 1

    2 MAY 2024 · Welcome to the Peaceful Empowered Works Show on the NEW Streaming Network.com! I'm your host, Kris Burke, alongside my co-host Judy Forder, and we're thrilled to embark on a journey of exploration and growth with you in our new series, "Making It Real." In this inaugural episode, we delve into the question: How do we know when we've truly integrated what we've learned? Join us as we navigate this profound inquiry, uncovering insights and practical wisdom to help us embody our knowledge and transform it into tangible action. So, sit back, relax, and let's dive deep into the heart of personal development and empowerment together. Co-Hosts Kris Burke and Judy Forder, Masterful U co-founders, share the knowledge and wisdom gained through guiding themselves and their students on their quests for more peace, purpose, and prosperity in our rapidly changing world. Are you tired of struggling with the same old problems and worries? Great! Listen in weekly to find a resolution! Email: Kris@PeacefulEmpowermentWorks.org Website: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbGxUQkVGajZOV2NQU1YzVzMzWG1qM1dvUkRtQXxBQ3Jtc0tuZEVKOE5GVmlURjJZNFpHRGFZYm42cnk0QWJEeURIS1BaZ1FsSk84VVRXUE84QjZNYTZwZXVjWUJhalczMkxwRjU0Wlg4eElqeXU2bnN3bGlqRXl3MlZLMXQ0NHpzRGtWSVN4ZHpXam1OaER6TEN6TQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.peacefulempowermentworks.org%2F&v=a1ScoirzZ8w www.NEWStreamingNetwork.com. home of www.GoingBoldMedia.com, www.GoingSoloMedia.com, and WGSN-DB Going Solo Network Radio, Podcasts and TV.
    Played 46m 39s
  • Part 6 - Deciding What’s Next

    2 MAY 2024 · Welcome back to the 'Peaceful Empowered Works Show,' where we navigate the journey of self-discovery and empowerment. Today, we're embarking on the next chapter of our series: 'Deciding what’s next.' Joining us are our compassionate hosts, Kris Burke & Judy Forder, as we continue our exploration of addiction and recovery. In this episode, we delve into the empowering process of deciding the next steps on the path to healing and transformation. Together, we'll explore the choices, opportunities, and possibilities that lie ahead beyond addiction. Get ready for an insightful and empowering conversation as we embrace the journey of self-determination and growth. Let's embark on the next phase of our journey together on the 'Peaceful Empowered Works Show! Co-Hosts Kris Burke and Judy Forder, Masterful U co-founders, share the knowledge and wisdom gained through guiding themselves and their students on their quests for more peace, purpose, and prosperity in our rapidly changing world. Are you tired of struggling with the same old problems and worries? Great! Listen in weekly to find a resolution! Facebook https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbkwwdE1NcEg5OWhsZDZpdmk1NkhSekVzS1c1Z3xBQ3Jtc0tscXg3SFh2a0huTzNLcTR0ZDJrNXlybU1FSXJRWmRldTVpcVB1d3VZTXdmM2UwZS15NW1uQTFiTzdYUW12bFNrWE5EVU45NjFsTlhiWmtiQ1dHTW1DN2hsWU1oUlUxalltR2NONkFiYWtGYmRKSlJmOA&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fprofile.php%3Fid%3D100092372755900&v=F8y7_5wgv4c LinkedIn: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbTJGWWU4UktiLWtCVDhkX2ttZzQ1c0tmVk1yZ3xBQ3Jtc0tsMnFNNERnWUJJMnRZZGFrZmlQdGhmRUhsTzc5Ql9PYWFsMlVpNnFodmUwRjBWaE4xeG9tREVGVjY0c2gxd0ZPcG5lVmtuMHVNeWh3aVROb1VnYzJfeDNtcVluQWZ0WFlXaFBvVkRlcC1OTmlZXzktOA&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.linkedin.com%2Fcompany%2Fmasterful-u%2F&v=F8y7_5wgv4c Website: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa0tMa3U1V0RyRGNuNGVRWXlEckJvdFY3Ny1hQXxBQ3Jtc0tuNDkyRjYzeVVvVVlocUI5anBMYzlfRW9TTHNWb2t3alBOMENKcnJzYjFEdVdsenJ5MFNqTE02NzRBWG1TTVVnUVVOanJmNEJTVUZoYjBOeTJZaEFXUkZQY1lsVC1PeUIxV09ISnFqTFVIVDZ4MlRNZw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.masterfulu.com%2F&v=F8y7_5wgv4c www.NEWStreamingNetwork.com. home of www.GoingBoldMedia.com, www.GoingSoloMedia.com, and WGSN-DB Going Solo Network Radio, Podcasts and TV.
    Played 45m 14s
  • Part 5 - Discovering What Makes Your Life Worth Living

    1 MAY 2024 · Welcome back to the 'Peaceful Empowered Works Show,' where we explore the essence of life's journey and the pursuit of fulfillment. Today marks the beginning of an inspiring new chapter in our series: 'Discovering what makes your life worth living.' Joining us are our compassionate hosts, Kris Burke & Judy Forder, as we embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment. In this episode, we delve into the profound exploration of uncovering the passions, values, and joys that bring meaning and purpose to our lives. Together, we'll navigate the path to wholeness and fulfillment beyond addiction. Get ready for a transformative and uplifting conversation as we embark on the journey of self-discovery and empowerment. Let's dive into the essence of life on the 'Peaceful Empowered Works Show! Co-Hosts Kris Burke and Judy Forder, Masterful U co-founders, share the knowledge and wisdom gained through guiding themselves and their students on their quests for more peace, purpose, and prosperity in our rapidly changing world. Are you tired of struggling with the same old problems and worries? Great! Listen in weekly to find a resolution! Facebook https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa2FiZkZfTzFMNTZpUjlrMWdxNjhoR0tuMnNaZ3xBQ3Jtc0tuaEZZZG9lSmtPZnRYa2FFVFFILWRGQWh5c0czSVJOWGRFS0tjOFVmdjJVUzdHZXFGY0JjaHVPcDV6T25SSVpiRlhPTUtJcE1lMTQ3bm5nN3h6bUZZd3Y0YkFKbUpMbVhEVVZWdWRBcnlla1FnSC1mQQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fprofile.php%3Fid%3D100092372755900&v=fKTqRvaImIE LinkedIn: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa2g4b1RUNnRILUx3Ym1QNFVfR0hXUWNqeWNvUXxBQ3Jtc0trX2JrcnpqVWpoSmhwRjU2QUdpY1dVczVUdXF1QUU3a0ctY2NNZ21Mc3VrVl9hUTdRb1VGcDdneUs1dDM2Q0ZRYUlQemU2SlR3WEtCUTdJTlZlMkhBX0psejFrRHE1bV9vVU0wZlFtRW9JWVp0WmtqSQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.linkedin.com%2Fcompany%2Fmasterful-u%2F&v=fKTqRvaImIE Website: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbGZFdW5LMVI0YkRQd0FjOVhzNU03LVVtWTFfZ3xBQ3Jtc0ttMDRCTzlCZzFxQWlKbDlHZm9vcHUyZGwyVzVValA2VVo0ODU3YUlyWEIzZlhpT3NJTjhWTUhmLW14VzhoQjdpR2ZKU25OMjZ0SkttRGpYdE9rMm1YUGtpLWlZdWpqS2lRVmVFLUY3dlU0TW5OREsxUQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.masterfulu.com%2F&v=fKTqRvaImIE www.NEWStreamingNetwork.com. home of www.GoingBoldMedia.com, www.GoingSoloMedia.com, and WGSN-DB Going Solo Network Radio, Podcasts and TV.
    Played 49m 21s
  • Part 4 - Making Room for Something New

    1 MAY 2024 · Welcome back to the 'Peaceful Empowered Works Show,' where we embrace the journey of transformation and renewal. Today, we're diving into the final installment of our powerful series: 'Making room for something new.' Joining us are our compassionate hosts, Kris Burke & Judy Forder, as we conclude our exploration of addiction and recovery. In this episode, we explore the profound journey of letting go of old patterns and beliefs to make space for new beginnings and possibilities. Together, we'll uncover the process of embracing change, healing, and growth. Get ready for a heart-opening and inspiring conversation as we embark on the journey of renewal and transformation. Let's conclude our series with hope and empowerment on the 'Peaceful Empowered Works Show!'" Co-Hosts Kris Burke and Judy Forder, Masterful U co-founders, share the knowledge and wisdom gained through guiding themselves and their students on their quests for more peace, purpose, and prosperity in our rapidly changing world. Are you tired of struggling with the same old problems and worries? Great! Listen in weekly to find a resolution! Facebook https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbm1JbFlDMzVyTzhqNm9Gdm52UlZodEFGSnd5Z3xBQ3Jtc0tuOGk5TklGekQ5akR4MHg0aFdzMUVGTnNzbGhYNWFMa1JLU0lvX0hrNl9ZZ2I0XzR0M3ZOa1lfVTBVSm9YeUNndlRsSFdMS2tXUkI1QVRRVXhadklsYURpUjZYSGltVHVnak9GQUdHclN2ckEwdWFScw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fprofile.php%3Fid%3D100092372755900&v=8YpnMCu_JAg LinkedIn: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbnJsdkFQWW50TGFXa184aVNhRkVtblkxZGZXQXxBQ3Jtc0trYm9ORFJ6akxtZncwenlOYWVDVXlERFhEbDFpaklrZ1JUeUQtRFJPQm5DWW50d0MxYmYtNE15NjZVMFVlSFdCdGVSOWpmT1ZQZXl0dFFHUTBJQ0UwSzNyTF9aWGNWSmM4Vlc5cTJOS2dtQ0dWMW9XNA&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.linkedin.com%2Fcompany%2Fmasterful-u%2F&v=8YpnMCu_JAg Website: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbFlNZ2YxOE84aVE0TllTdExIMG5EUDdId2ZDQXxBQ3Jtc0trbjNUbWVLT0hpQzZUYVEtLWNqdk43NmV6c0h5U1FMZlVsTlNGazRKV2xpSjBCM0E2MVFBVV8yUXdKODdyX2tTS3FZeEFRRm93TS1WRG9BUVNuVDVjQTF1Nk5xUHppYnVZUEt5OVlpSDM4bE5sT2UtOA&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.masterfulu.com%2F&v=8YpnMCu_JAg www.NEWStreamingNetwork.com. home of www.GoingBoldMedia.com, www.GoingSoloMedia.com, and WGSN-DB Going Solo Network Radio, Podcasts and TV
    Played 43m 20s

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RhyoiDdHFc0&list=PLM8TxiTYtwl2jBbfnZod1m-z0uS8cU4y_&pp=gAQBiAQB https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RhyoiDdHFc0&list=PLM8TxiTYtwl2jBbfnZod1m-z0uS8cU4y_&pp=gAQBiAQBhttp://poweredbyyoursoul.com/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RhyoiDdHFc0&list=PLM8TxiTYtwl2jBbfnZod1m-z0uS8cU4y_&pp=gAQBiAQB https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RhyoiDdHFc0&list=PLM8TxiTYtwl2jBbfnZod1m-z0uS8cU4y_&pp=gAQBiAQB https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RhyoiDdHFc0&list=PLM8TxiTYtwl2jBbfnZod1m-z0uS8cU4y_&pp=gAQBiAQB https://gmail.com​ https://www.peacefulempowermentworks.org/ http://www.NEWStreamingNetwork.com.  Home of NEW Streaming TV, Going Bold Media, Going Solo Media. and WGSN-DB Going Solo Network Radio, Podcasts, and TV.

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