Join Psychic Medium and Paranormal Investigator Lucky Belcamino on a weekly investigation of true crime, mysteries, cold cases and the paranormal. Lucky was the past Official Psychic at the infamous...
show moreLucky was the past Official Psychic at the infamous Lizzie Borden House in Fall River, Massachusetts and and the Official Ghost Host at the Haunted Hotel in New Orleans.
Lucky is the Founder of New England Paranormal Society and is a seasoned paranormal investigator along with being a respected Psychic Medium.
Tune in each week for a new thrilling tale as she "Digs up the dirt" around true crime, mysteries, cold cases and the paranormal.
Join Psychic Medium and Paranormal Investigator Lucky Belcamino on a weekly investigation of true crime, mysteries, cold cases and the paranormal. Lucky was the past Official Psychic at the infamous...
show moreLucky was the past Official Psychic at the infamous Lizzie Borden House in Fall River, Massachusetts and and the Official Ghost Host at the Haunted Hotel in New Orleans.
Lucky is the Founder of New England Paranormal Society and is a seasoned paranormal investigator along with being a respected Psychic Medium.
Tune in each week for a new thrilling tale as she "Digs up the dirt" around true crime, mysteries, cold cases and the paranormal.
Author | Lucky Belcamino |
Organization | Lucky Belcamino |
Categories | True Crime |
Website | - |
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