Amazing advanced and accurate bible teaching In a world of false bible teachers and religious false gourous Earth last day bible channel is your light of peace and truthÂ
8 DEC 2024 · #lukewarmchurchinrevelation #lukewarmchurchrevelation Lukewarm church in revelation What is being in a lukewarm condition ? It is acting like the world and thinkning one is a christian . It does not mean that all things in the world are bad . This Lukewarm church in revelation has much more to do with who we are than using things in the world .
As what we shalll bring to heaven is our character The actions are just the outward manifestations of who we are inside . The Lukewarm church in revelation acts like the world Have you ever taken the time to see what Jesus talks about in most chapters in the gospels ? Jesus talks mostly about how we treat others and God . This is christianity practical christianity who we are, how we treat God and others .
Lukewarm church in revelation Pride, selfihsness, verbal abuse, apathy, unbelief, lying, unloving, This is what Jesus talks about in the gospels Not seeking the first place, being merciful, the poor in spirit are accepted . The lukewarm church in revelation has the truth, but it acts like the world . Only those who are like Jesus meek and lowly will enter heaven Enjoy
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8 DEC 2024 · #howmanypeoplewillgotoheaven #howmanywillenterthekingdomofheaven How many people will go to heaven ? The sad fact is few There will be multitudes of people in heaven But compared to all humans who have been born it will be few . Jesus said as it was in the days of Noah so shall it be when Jesus returnsn How many will enter the kingdom of heaven ? Those who reject truth reject Jesus .
How many people will go to heaven ? Of those who acept the truth many act like demons and are worse than the non believers Like Ellen g White says there is more hope aof a lost person to enter heaven than a rude unkind proud christian . How many will enter the king dom of heaven ? Many shall come to Jesus and say we have done wonderful things But Jesus will answer i do not know you It means the way they behave shows they are not children of Jesus
Strive to enter the straight gatez as many will try tn enter heaven and will not be able ot enter ? How many people will go to heaven ? This means that many are going to church but few people are really converted . I could be lost too but God gives a message for others and we cannot but give the words of God to others How many will enter the king dom of heaven ?
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8 DEC 2024 · #whatdoesthebiblesayaboutallnations #gopreachthegospeltoallnations Ministerios de sosten propio Adventista del septimo dia purden existir ?
La profeta de Dios escribio libros como Palabras de apoyo a los ministerios de sosten propio, Spalding and Megan, o la escuela Madison . Pero parece que muchos no saven del tema y opinian de incredulidad . Y falta de conocimiento . Adventista Independiente sosten propio Tenemos que seguir los pasos de Jesus que era ministerio independiente . Los apostoles no tenia una licencia para predicar . Ministerios de sosten propio Adventista del septimo dia purden existir ? Esaias o Jeremias Amos no tenian una licencia para predicar .Cuando parasa la ley dominical no podremos llamar al pastor para ayuda. Tendremos que trabajar solos Elena White dice que eso sera la experiencoa de los que pasaran la ley dominical . Adventista Independiente sosten propio Muchas citas dice la profeta que mucho del trabajo tiene que ser de sosten propio sin depnede rde un salario . Ministerios de sosten propio Adventista del septimo dia purden existir ? Adventista Independiente sosten propio
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8 DEC 2024 · #cuantaspersonasiranalcielo #cuantaspersonasvanalinfierno ES Cuantas persona iran al cielo ? Ahora no hay nadie en el infierno porque el juicio de Jesus no termino . Jesus da el galardon o castigos cuando regresa a la tiera . Cuando termina el juicio Jesus pondra vestidos de rey de reyes . Cuantas personas van al infierno ? La mayoria de la gente que nacieron en la tiera estaran en el infierno .
Una razon es por rechasar la verdad . Los que aceptaron la verdad muchos se comportan como demonios Soberbios , egoistas, abusadores, mentirosos . Dios no soportara nadie asi en el cielo . Cuantas persona iran al cielo ? Jesus dice como fue en los tiempos de Noe asi sera cuando el regresa . En tiempos de Noe 8 eras sallvos en miliones de gente. Lo mismo pasaro cuando Jesus regresara ; Cuantas personas van al infierno ? Pero Jesus dice sera satisfecho de ver gente salvo e el cielo Sign in receive free advanced bible teaching Follow us on social Earth last day blog
8 DEC 2024 · #mentirosos #mentira Pueden entrar mentirosos en el cielo ?
La biblia ensena que los mentirosos no entraran en el cielo En Apocalipsis 21 8 nos dice que toso mentiroso su parte sera el lago de fuego y azufre que es la secunda muerte . Un mentiroso en el cielo ? Pero estamos viviendo an un tiempo donde mucha gente son mentirosos Muchos cristianos son mentirosos La mentira en la biblia
Porque llego esto de que muchos son mentirosos Porque la sociedad les dijo en los tiempo de Obama que no hay verdad absolute Pueden entrar mentirosos en el cielo ? El momento que un o no créer que hay verdad absoluta esta en peligro muy grande ? Un mentiroso en el cielo ? Porque si no hay verdad absoluta entonces toda mentira pppuede ser creada y vista como la verdad La mentira en la biblia El mundo esta en un engano muy fuerte muchos son mentirosos que puede hacer Dios en estos tiempos ?
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8 DEC 2024 · #israelinprophecy #christianproisrael Does the bible teach that Israel is found in prophecy ?
The third temple Israel This is what many look for but there is no need for a third temple When most fallen christianity say such a thing it means that they do not understand that Jesus entered the ost holy place, and thus think there is a need for a temple on earth because they have rejected the first angels message Is Israel as a nation in bible prophecy no
Does the bible teach that Israel is found in prophecy ? No because prophetic names are prophetic and not literal Babylon is not literal as we cannot find babylon today . Sodom and Egypt where Jesus was cruficied in re 11 We know this is spiritual and not literal The third temple As Jesus was never cruficie din Sodom Israel as a nation in bible prophecy
We find that wheh modern christianity rejected the 3 angels message they fell into darkness It is better to not know the truth then to reject it as the person falls more into the hands of Satan than before . Does the bible teach that Israel is found in prophecy ? The cleansed person receive seven more demons . The third temple Israel as a nation in bible prophecy
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8 DEC 2024 · #sitoneonyourleftoneonyourright #jesusteachinghisdisciples Sit one of the left one on the right Jesus teaching his disciples
Sit one of the left one on the right This is an amazing request of the disciples They came to ask Jesus if they could sit one of his right and one on his left Waht did influence them to say that ? Why did they want to sit one on the right of Jesus and one on the left of Jesus ? Because they wanted to be above others, they wanted to get the first place Pride, selfishness motivated them . Jesus teaching his disciples
Most people do not understand that to enter heaven one needs to return as it was in Eden All sin need to be overcome Pride, selfishness, arrogance, lying, abuse, deception , apathy, being rude unkind . Unless one overcomes through the power of God that person will never enter heaven ? Sit one of the left one on the right The good news is that it is impossible to overcome in our own power . Only Jesus can make us overcome But most people are unwilling to 1 see their sin 2 accept that Jesus removes those sins from them . Jesus teaching his disciples
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8 DEC 2024 · Earth last day bible channel like suscribe and support us #independentseventhdayadventist #independentadventistministry
Independent seventh day Adventist ministry can they exist ?
It is incredible to see some Seventh day adventist pastors rebuke the messangers of God and wanting to say independent adventist ministries should not exist , when in fact Ellen G White spend a lot of time supporting independent seventh day adventist ministries . Independent Adventist ministry Was Jesus independent from the pharisee mouvement ? Yes Did the apostles have a licence to preach ? No
Did Amos have a licence to preach ? Or Moses or Isaiah ? None ot them . Independent seventh day Adventist ministry can they exist ? Making the church formal Ellen g White says will make it impossible to give the truth to others . Independent Adventist ministry Ellen g White wrote books The Madison school, Spalding and Megan, Word of encouragement to self supporting ministries .
But it sounds like most of the pastors today never read those books .
They read oart of a topic and come to a conclusion . Ellen g White says they are working against God As being called by God is a personal issue between the soul and God . To interpos ein the bible is always a sign of being led by Satan ? Independent seventh day Adventist ministry can they exist ? Independent Adventist ministryÂ
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8 DEC 2024 · #gangsterparadize #gangstersinheaven
Will there be hip hop rap gangsters in heaven ?Â
The truth is found in the bible So what does the bible say ? Who will be in heaven ? Jesus told the apostles those who seek the first place will never enter heaven The proud, liars, selfish, unloving, unkind cannot enter heaven  Can rappers enter heaven ? This is not just many rappers behaviour but many human beings today behave in such a way . Will hip hop be in heaven ? Â
But rap hop hop music has greatly contributed in making the world in such a mess . People are very serious, proud, apathic, uncarong, unkind, Self centered . Liars, dishonest We find the list of people who will not make it to heaven in Romans 1 and 2 TI 3 Â Will there be hip hop rap gangsters in heaven ? God does not care what is cool on earth as there is nothing new under the sun Can rappers enter heaven ? What is highly accepted by humans is abomination for God . Â Will hip hop be in heaven ? Â Watch now like suscribe and support usÂ
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8 DEC 2024 · It is fantastic to see that people are not careful and run into danger for no reason . Some humans attack anf fight lion and they very quickly regret . They see a tsunam coming and they do not hide . Men thinks himself all powerful, not thinking that danger is ahead and they do not think of the consequences . Presumption in the bible
Someone is presumptuous when they think God will do something when they want to This is proud and disrespectful against God . Examples of presumption in the bible God answers prayers and love sus but in the manner he wants and in his time . Putting oneself in danger is not faith it is being reckless Presumption in the bible
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