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'echad towrah 'ezrach ger guwr tave

  • Elections are basic in robbery resources of the original people of the land.. 1 Corinthians 6:9-12

    1 JUN 2024 · 1 Corinthians 6 :9-12 Election are basically in resource... Robbery, deception, killing, hatred, manipulation for self gain, abuse, foreigner oppress the owners of the land, lies after lies, make the people drunk with 350.00 while taken away the true inheritance of each person of that land 😭 given by divine power of heaven.. Place idol, false and abominable gods... ( God, Jesus Christ, holy spirit, Sunday.. SUN ☀ WORSHIP 🛐 day of the sun ☀ 2️⃣Shalom kol nefesh ben yasharael kara shem yahwh alahyim owlam2️⃣ 🌈Today we are to learn the truth about election that whole world is forced to do🌈 The vote ❎ understand from the divine towrah yahwh alahyim what's election for.... What's the goal 🥅 😭 🤑1️⃣Corinthians 6️⃣: 9️⃣-1️⃣2️⃣ The election has turn all the brothers of the same city to hate each other, black people bite each other while the USA 🇺🇸 UK 🇬🇧 western countries are robbing all the resources of the land... The local kings became beggar 😭useless and without voice... This is election ⚒ in everyone.. The police 🚨 soldiers which are local black 🖤 people, are set to kill their own fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters in order to defend the 🇷🇴 Roman Dutch law ⚖... Hell is ruling in the heart of them all... Yahwh has set to destroy everyone who has join this group of actions spiritual forces of evil.. ☹️Each person has no right to force others to do his own beliefs or own law ⚖ 🤪 Each has being given from heaven a task to accomplish, the one who give job to do, will also demand in fully... A white man if only have in hands the stolen goods, robbery, lies, manipulation but which he also corrupted some black people to turn against their fellow suffering people of the land... While their are eat whith their master slave driver... 😭 All have to face yahwh alahyim accountable of every action while in this physical body... Where is your inheritance that yahwh alahyim give you....? 😳 1 Corinthians 6:9-12 eido = consider, watch out adikos = unjust by extension heathen, wicked, wrong, crooked, trouble kleronomeo = receive basileia = royal kingdom, dominion theos = alahyim planao = cause to go astray, deceive, err, seduce, wonder, be out of the way oute = no pornos = fornicator, prostate, a man who prostitute his body to another’s lust for hire, unlawful intimacy oute = no eidololatres = worship of idol, imagination, mean to shade, illusion, resemblance, vain show, sight, simulation, sharp, that which has been made after the likeness of something oute = no moichos = adulterous, apostatize, adulterous worship, / Jesus is not part of Africa / oute = no malakos = soft, delicate, tender, weak, by implication timid, weak heart, soft words, gently words oute = no arsenokoites = sodomite, abuse of / that defile / self with mankind arsenokoites = sleep with man / not even a woman are to do that / must be in towrah lifestyle 10 oute = no kleptes = thief, a stealer, carry away, by implication to deceive, carry away, secretly bring oute = no pleonektes = one who is eager to have more, what belong to others, eager for gain, defrauder, greedy for gain, more in quantity, more in quality ou = no methusos = drunkenness, intoxication ou = no loidoros = abuse, quarrel, contest, strive, fight, contender, rebellious to towrah chay ou = no harpax = extortion robbery, pull to pieces, to plug off, prepare destruction for men, to carry off by force kleronomeo = take possession of basileia = kingdom theos = alahyim 11 . tauta = this tis = certain apolouo = wash away hagiazo = purify, mentally, render knowledge, separate, distinguish dikaioo = show, regard as / just or innocent, free, justify onoma = authority kurios = master iesous = yahwh preserve pneuma = spirit theos = alahyim 12 pas = all exesti = its lawful pas = all sumphero = collect, come together, contribute, carry with others pas = all exesti = lawful exousiazo = exercise authority, have power hupo = by or under exousiazo = control tis = this certain one 3️⃣All things are coming with something to control who uses anything.3️⃣..
    Played 43m 11s
  • the serpent, the clay, potter, and iron kingdom Daniel 2:36-40 the broken lifestyle

    27 APR 2024 · Daniel = alahyim judgment to all... Daniel 2:36-40 Here we see the condemnations of everyone who refuse integrity basic on towrah.... We see the true meaning of those who are condemned to hell, and are all being carried away by the wind... We see everyone dance at sound of gossip, jealous, greedy, and all evil 😈 thoughts of hell... Many people are very busy condonig gossip, hatred against Zuma, all people have all kind of insulting Zuma, but now has proof, none of those who hate Zuma were there at place of his so called sell the country, the worsted 9 years, the Gupta, and the many made allegations... All are receiving this curses in Jeremiahu 17:5 curse is the man who trust in man 👨 Who makes a man his own support or strength 💪... many ppl are seeking votes to be president ministers , councillor, judges, lawyers ,get bursaries at school , have money to open up business have favour from white ppl at a cost of others ppl misery, pain,death, imprisonment, humiliation, abuse etc They can all say We had from the media... 😱 Question... What it mean media ? In Hebrew language ? The word media it mean fight, make war, 😳😳😳 We see all fights because of their own words and heart ♥ that's broken.... Let us see the broken iron and clay kings We can see.... The iron and clay... And the potter... Here is the lifestyle of the broken pieces heart ♥ Let us see how yahwh alahyim has set everything everyone who loves to depend in human beings gifts.... 👇 40  rebiy'ay = forth  malkuw = reign, kingdom  taqqiyph = powerful, strong  parzel = iron = cut off  kol = all  qebel = on account of, because of  diy = that  parzel = cut off  deqaq = fall into pieces, tread down, crush, crumble, strike gently, as part of the body   😳chashal =😱 the thinking, thoughts of man deliberately with himself, discussion,   weak, feeble, tame, intimacy, friend, associate, brother, husband, lover, companion, partner, a comrade, to approve one of, alike, mate, fellowship, wish him well, a thought, inward reason, purpose, design, question on what’s true, hesitation, doubts, disputing, arguing, intention, plans   kol = all  parzel = cut off  sakar = recompense, salary, wage, hire, payment of contract, concretely, fare, maintenance, by implication reward, worth, price, benefits, let out the hire, = let go the hire, to cover, dues to pay the workers, reward as used of fruit naturally resulting from toils and endeavors, reward and punishment  kol = all 'illeyn = these  daqaq = crumble, made powder, small   re'a' = spoil, good for nothing, moral bad, evil, useless, social moral evil, afflict, associate selves, bring, do evil, do harm, hurt, / behave self ill, punish, wicked doers, worse, do mischief, bewitch, to malign /by extension fascinate / by false representation / traduce him, to slander, speak ill of one, to bringing evil on one by feigning praise or in evil eye, to affect in sadness, to push off, to reject, put away, separation, division, diminish, destroy, to cut off,  exclude, or decide, fail, omit, run away 😳Please do yourself favor don't spread what u don't have 100% proof as a legal ⚖ things according to the original towrah yahwh... 😱 This is wrong translation 👇 2:37 Thou O king art a king of kings for the God of heaven hath given thee a kingdom power and strength and glory 38 And wheresoever the children of men dwell the beasts of the field and the fowls of the heaven hath he given into thine hand and hath made thee ruler over them all Thou art this head of gold 39 And after thee shall arise another kingdom inferior to thee and another third kingdom of brass which shall bear rule over all the earth 40 And the fourth kingdom shall be strong as iron forasmuch as iron breaketh in pieces and subdueth all things: and as iron that breaketh all these shall it break in pieces and bruis We condemn this kind of teaching Listen 👂 to the audio 🔉 Any questions? Zaken yitshaq
    Played 46m 54s
  • the iron, the clay and potter. Daniel 2:37-40

    27 APR 2024 · Daniel = alahyim judgment to all... Daniel 2:37 Here we see the condemnations of everyone who refuse integrity basic on towrah.... We can see.... The iron and clay... And the potter... Here is the lifestyle of the broken pieces heart ♥ 2:37 Thou O king art a king of kings for the God of heaven hath given thee a kingdom power and strength and glory 38 And wheresoever the children of men dwell the beasts of the field and the fowls of the heaven hath he given into thine hand and hath made thee ruler over them all Thou art this head of gold 39 And after thee shall arise another kingdom inferior to thee and another third kingdom of brass which shall bear rule over all the earth 40 And the fourth kingdom shall be strong as iron forasmuch as iron breaketh in pieces and subdueth all things: and as iron that breaketh all these shall it break in pieces and bruise
    Played 46m 54s
  • Nikodayma = vitória 🥇 união = guerra, casamento, vitória amarado, ou preso com os outros ( yohanan 3:1-4)

    22 MAR 2024 · Yohanan / John 3:1 anthropos = humano 😊 pharisaios =  corta  😁 onoma = autoridade nikodemos = vitoria,  alvo  fiel,               😊 Duas palavras 😊 1= niko = victoria,  triumfe, por  implicação vencer, por  Hebrew netsach = o alvo ,  o brilho objecto em distância de vianje one estou a ir, confiança, continuar a distância para o ponto onde se deve atingir, o ponto de chegada ou destino   2= daymas = amarrado, preso,, juntado para batalha, fechado, em correntes  archon = governante    ioudaios = adoração, trabalho, ações, obras,  paladinhas John 3:1 anthropos = human being  pharisaios = cut off  onoma = authority  nikodemos = vitory =  people Two words 1= niko = victory, trymphy, by implication conquest, in Hebrew netsach = a goal, the bright object at distance travel towards = hence = truthfulness, confidence, continually, to the distance point view,  constantly, set forward, grow strong    2= daymas = people / public / as bound together socially, to bind, knit, tie, bind together, shut, imprison, a yiok, to join battle, put in chains archon = first, ruler, government  ioudaios = praises, worship, know, actions, works  2 . houtos = this  erchomai = comes  iesous = yahwh preserve nux = death, ignorance epo = speak say  rhabbi = master  eido = consider  didaskalos = manner lifestyle  erchomai = come  theos = alahyim  oudeis = nothing oudeis = no  dunamai = have ability, strength, power  poieo = make  tauta = this  semeion = mark, signs, indication, standard, burden, upraise, distinguish  poieo = do, produce   ean_me = if no theos = alahyim 3 iesous = yahwh preserve  apokrinomai – give answer  epo = say  amen = faithful amen – faithful  lego = affirm over, maintain  ean_me  = if not  tis = certain one  Genesisnao = procreate, offspring, generate, fully produce, bar in Hebrew = clean, pure, empty, choice, fresh green, / gadad = to penetrate, to attack, gash [ as if pressing into, to get in the troop or assemble, invade, overcome   anothen = from above, high place = integrity honor / from heaven = from ruler, from beginning = reshith 1;1  ou = no - dunamai = ability, power, strength  eido = view, see, perceive, consider  basileia = kingdom  theos = alahyim 4 nikodemos = triumph bind together  lego = say affirm over, maintain  pos = how  dunamai = have power, ability  anthropos = human being  Genesisnao = invade  geron = old = zaken – those who are authority / elders /   few zaken --- yashael is a zaken, pharaoh, Aawron, mosheh is zaken / debarium 27;1, gilad is a zaken = judge 11;11 yabesh = dry  is a zaken 1 shamel 11; 3, \ Cephar = Book = evidence  is a zaken 1 kings 21;8     . david is a zaken israel =  1 chronicles 15;25 Daughters are zaken tzion / lametation 2;10 dunamai = have power, ability, strength  eiserchomai = enter  deuteros = both, tween  deuteros = together  eis = to meter = mother = cause to unify  koilia = heart, belly, in hebrew mayah = internal organ, orgains of procreation, at seat of mental faculties  Genesisnao = procreate, offspring, generate, fully produce, bar in Hebrew = clean, pure, empty, choice, fresh green, / gadad = to penetrate, to attack, gash [ as if pressing into, to get in the troop or assemble, invade, overcome 😊Vamos tirar as mentiras que os gowys fizeram aos kodeshim🤣 Shalom kol nefesh ben yasharael       👌Nikodayma👍 Os leitores das bíblias não  sabem o significado desta palavra Na verdade são duas palavras colocadas a maneira de esconder a mensagem.. Como está a referir no colossences 1:26 Ao ler as escrituras deve saber que está a ler o que yahwh escondeu, por esta razão é bem possível que nunca vai poder ver a verdade... Sendo assim os espíritos satânico vão com toda certeza explorar e usar com toda perícia e técnica de mentira 🤥 em todos e em tudo.... Na lição de hoje iremos aprender o que foi escondido, e pelo favor de yahwh nos 🔓 abriu estas revelações muito preciosas...       Yohanan 3:1-4 A palavra Yohanan significa   yahwh misericórdia ou favor.... Está é informação da mentira que está na Bíblia 👇 Joăo 3:1 E havia entre os fariseus um homem chamado Nicodemos, príncipe dos judeus. 2 Este foi ter de noite com Jesus e disse-lhe: Rabi, bem sabemos que és mestre vindo de Deus, porque ninguém pode fazer estes sinais que tu fazes, se Deus não for com ele. 3 Jesus respondeu e disse-lhe: Na verdade, na verdade te digo que aquele que não nascer de novo(Gr. anothen: do cimo; como a vértice que figurativamente é grau supremo, ponto culminante; e sim como a cabeça da esquina) não pode ver o Reino de Deus. 4 Disse-lhe Nicodemos: Como pode um homem nascer, sendo velho? Porventura, pode tornar a entrar no ventre de sua mãe e nascer? 😱😳 Muita gente morreu 😭😱 na crença desta manhã, desta abominação.. E muitos estão arrastar muita gente por desta fábrica 🏭 de engano. 👌Vamos destruir estes nomes abominável do povo e que com o favor de yahwh se consegue salvar algumas almas que buscam a verdade 👌 Vamos à verdade que dá salvação 😄👍
    Played 48m 3s
  • David mora só no yeruwshalaim... David batsheba uriyah yoab.. 2 shamuel 11:1-5

    17 MAR 2024 · Vamos dar 💯% a verdade da história do David, batsheba, yoab, uriyah... A gravidez 🤰 Chag semeach shishi yom Kol melek nasa yad shamaim As escrituras falam de você e eu... David significa amor 😍 amado...👍 Tempo é melek O tempo faz acontecer coisas.... Boas ou más O amor fica contra a morte ☠ O amor procura o que gera continuar a promessa 🤟 O que as pessoas chamam de amor 😍 não é nenhum amor 😍 David traz estresse... 😱 A todos gentios através do yoab e uriyah... Uriah = fogo 🔥 yahwh Nestas explicações iremos podemos ver 💯 que a Bíblia traz simplismente palavras de blasfêmia e do traz muita escuridão noite 🌃 e muita mentira 🤥 Não há nenhuma promessa para os gentios..😱 Somente a morte ☠ e abusar uns aos outros 😭 Mentiras governam as mentes de todos os que estão fora de Israel ruach... Mesmo os que se chamam Israel 🇮🇱 carnal... São 💯 gentios, não tem nenhum towrah.. 😱 Vamos ver as escritiras O que as bíblias dizem à todos de fora 👇 2 Samuel 11:1 E ACONTECEU que, tendo decorrido um ano, no tempo em que os reis saem, enviou Davi a Joabe e a seus servos com ele e a todo o Israel, para que destruíssem os filhos de Amom e cercassem a Rabá; porém Davi ficou em Jerusalém. 2 E aconteceu à hora da tarde que Davi se levantou do seu leito, e andava passeando no terraço da casa real, e viu do terraço a uma mulher que se estava lavando: e era esta mulher mui formosa à vista. 3 E enviou Davi, e perguntou por aquela mulher: e disseram: Porventura não é esta Batseba, filha de Eliã, mulher de Urias, o heteu? 4 Então enviou Davi mensageiros, e a mandou trazer: e entrando ela a ele, se deitou com ela (e já ela se tinha purificado da sua imundície): então voltou ela para sua casa. 5 E a mulher concebeu; e enviou, e fê-lo saber a Davi, e disse: Pejada estou. 💃. 🏃. 🧑‍🦽. 🫄. 👄 Total blasfêmia 😭 Quem deve ficar de grávida 🤰 é você e eu de amor 😍 E gerar filho de towrah yahwh.... Somente A verdade é esta aqui 👌 👇👇☝️☝️☝️☝️👇👇 2 Samuel 11:1 hayah = acontence   shaneh = fazer de novo  teshuwbah = voltar  'eth = tempo, medida melek = rei   yatsa' = sai yatsa' = sai david = amado, amor 😍 shalach = deixar ir   yow'ab = yahwh fundador familia  'ebed = servente  kol = todo  yisra'el = alahyim ganha  shachath = ir mais além =  alongar distância, alargar  ben = construir ammown = sombra, muito povo = gentio  tsuwr = distresse, fazer sentar por força 💪 rabbah = grande  david = amor  yashab = viver  yeruwshalaim = ensinar paz 2 hayah = continuar  'eth = tempo - 'ereb = noite, ignorância, morte david = amor, amado  quwm = faz levanta 'al = contra   mishkab = dormir  halak = andar, avançar ⏭   gag = triunfar, vitorioso   melek = rei  bayith = casa, familia,  gag = gloriosa  ra'ah = reconhecer  'ishshah = gerar  rachats = tomar banho, lar 'ishshah = gerar  me'od = muito, em abundância   towb = boa  mar'eh = aparência mental, moral  3 david = amor, amado  shalach = faz avançar ⏭ darash = procurar com muita cuidado   'ishshah = gerar  'amar = falar  zo'th = este  bath-sheba' = continuar promessa   bath = estabelecer  'eliy'am = alahyim povo  'ishshah = gerar  'uwriyah = fogo yahwh  chittiy = reverence         4 david = amado, amar  shalach = faz avançar ⏭   mal'ak = king  laqach = levar  bow' entrar  shakab = deitar, relaxer, descansar 🛌   qadash = dedicação, distinto, diferente, moral limpa tum'ah = suja, impura, imoral, lixo, sujidade moral menstruação shuwb = volta  bayith = em casa 5 'ishshah = generate harah = conceber, estar com dores de parto, estar quente, be harm  shalach = faz avançar ⏭   nagad = dizer, denunciar, export, confessar, publicitar, anunciar, informar, chover, disparar,  david = amor  'amar = declara hareh = a gravidez 🤰 produzir frutos, Vamos ouvir 👂 a verdade que faz a confusão morrer, à ignorância morre 💯 % Alguma pergunta 🙋? Rab yitshaq
    Played 44m 40s
  • Dois reinados uma posição, lutas, 😩 choros, busca Reino alahyim para vencer metodologia Diablo efesios 6:10-11

    7 MAR 2024 · 🙆‍♀️Está é a guerra de que se fala nas escrituras, é nisto onde o Satan governa tudo e todos muito bem ☺️Ephesians 6:10 ☺️loipon = excelência adelphos = mesmo tipo  endunamoo = oferece poder, força 💪 abilidade, firme kurios = mestre   kratos = vigoroso, domínio, riqueza 🧐, saudável, ser duro contra o mal, constante ischus = formato, majestoso, alta qualidade, coragem, bravo, estar alerto, valente 11 enduo  = Vista enduo  = vestiário panoplia = completa, equipamento, theos = alahyim dunamai = poder histemi = firme  pros = contra  methodeia = truques, mentiras, palavras da noite, secretas da ignorância, adiar, assumir, esconder, preguiçoso/a, hesitar, estar atrás, levar seu tempo, ou fazer outra pessoa esperar, não ter esperança de towrah diabolos = acusador, fofoca, tradução, difamar, acusar, adversário, inimigo do bem, oposto do que da vida, estresse, , torcer, amarado, trocado, virado, / a torcer juntos a irem / Guerra, lutar, acusador de torah, colocar corentes, algemar a min mesmo pelo mal que faz 😁Estas são as guerras mentais em qualquer pessoa😁 Reshith ( Genesis ) 14:1  hayah = ter yowm = sabedoria  'amraphel = palavras ignorante, noite  melek = rei  shin'ar = rio, coisas brilhante, Lábios 💋 , sedução por palavras e ações 'aryowk = rasga como leão 🦁 melek = rei 'ellacar = alahim lhe bateu kedorla'omer = pequena força 💪 melek = rei  'eylam = eternidade tid'al = terror, medroso, por implicação, preguiça, cobarde, acanhado  melek = rei  gowy = gentio, tapados Vamos ouvir este áudio 🔉 Alguma pergunta 🙋 Rab yitshaq
    Played 42m 28s
  • Saúde depende de sabedoria de towrah

    5 MAR 2024 · A sua saúde 🍻 depende no que sabes, não deixe a sua saúde, vida nas mãos 👐 dos outros... Os animais vivem muito tempo e eles não tem doutores, não tem hospitais, não levam 💉 vacinas humanas, enfrentam ☔ chuvas, vento 💨, mudança de temperaturas, mas continuam saudáveis. Só comem segundo o que towrah lhes mandou comer.... Mas o humano saiu fora da lei divina, inventou leis que só faz o tal homem escravo e lhe mata de uma maneira muito dolorosa, mentiras, exploração, violação da saúde, abusos do sistema de saúde na própria pessoas.... Ouça esta verdade de saúde 🍻... Antes que seja tarde... Muda 🌱 a sua mente, confia towrah yahwh Vamos às coisas naturais Alguma pergunta? Rab yitshaq
    Played 25m 17s
  • All are Slave, in jail.. 2 Mary against each other.. Matatiyahu 28:1-5

    20 FEB 2024 · Matatiyahu ( Matthew ) 28:1 In the end of the sabbath as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week came Mary Magdalene and the other Mary to see the sepulchre 2 And behold there was a great earthquake for the angel of the Lord descended from heaven and came and rolled back the stone from the door and sat upon it (was: or, had been) 3 His countenance was like lightning and his raiment white as snow 4 And for fear of him the keepers did shake and became as dead men. 5 And the angel answered and said unto the women Fear not ye for I know that ye seek Jesus which was crucified Matthew 28:1 opse = to backward, hide sabbaton = perfection epiphosko = grow light epiphosko = shine eis = toward mia = someone sabbaton = let go, cut off erchomai = come enter maria = rebellious magdalene = watch mountain, take care of hight / pride / allos = another, different, continually, going around, circle maria = rebellious theoreo = view mental taphos = rave, dead, ignorant, darkness, burial, hash, corruption, ruin, destruction, trap, depression of the mind, pestilence, murmur 2 idou = look megas = great seismos = shake, earthquake, trembling, commotion, terrified, moral agitation aggelos = message, mental pressure, pain, sorrow kurios = master katabaino = keep close, decide, determine, cut, sharp ouranos = integrity, honor, excellence proserchomai = approach, testify, assemble, return back, pay attention, speak, be a witness apokulio = separate roll away apokulio = roll away, remove lithos = stone, stumbling, put to death by stone, cut thura = open kathemai = sit down, dwell 3 idea = form, idea, likeness hos = as astrape = lighting, sharp sword, word enduma = cloth / measure, value, price leukos = bright = white, pure, clean chion = snow, = whiteness 4 phobos = fear = alarm, a high place = Illicit place, illicit worship tereo = take care of, guard seio = shake, agitate ginomai = enter nekros = dead, idols, copse, pollute, profile, destroy, prostitute 5 aggelos = message, apokrinomai = answer epo = speak gune = generate phobeo = fearfully, reverence eido = perceive in the mind zeteo = seek in other to find iesous = yahwh preserve, yahwh salvation ho = this stauroo = firmness
    Played 26m 26s
  • nossa prisão..as cadeias. 2 lugares de cadeias diferentes.. Matitiyahu 28:1-5

    20 FEB 2024 · Matitiyahu ( Mateus ) 28:1 E, na véspera dos sábados, que esclarece(amanhece) para o primeiro dos sábados,(E, no fim do sábado, quando já despontava o primeiro diada semana,) Maria Madalena e a outra Maria foram ver o sepulcro. 2 E eis que houvera um grande terremoto, porque um anjo do Senhor, descendo do céu, chegou, removendo(revolvendo) a pedra da porta, e sentou-se sobre ela. 3 E o seu aspecto era como um relâmpago, e a sua veste branca como a neve. 4 E os guardas, com medo dele, ficaram muito assombrados e tornaram-se como mortos. 5 Mas o anjo, respondendo, disse às mulheres: Não tenhais medo; pois eu sei que buscai a Jesus, que foi crucificado. Matthew 28:1 . . opse sabbaton epiphosko epiphosko eis mia sabbaton erchomai maria magdalene allos maria theoreo taphos 2 idou megas seismos aggelos kurios katabaino ouranos proserchomai apokulio apokulio lithos thura kathemai 3 idea hos astrape enduma leukos chion 4 phobos tereo seio ginomai nekros 5 aggelos apokrinomai epo gune phobeo eido zeteo iesous ho stauroo Matthew 28:1 opse = to backward, hide sabbaton = perfection epiphosko = grow light epiphosko = shine eis = toward mia = someone sabbaton = let go, cut off erchomai = come enter maria = rebellious magdalene = watch mountain, take care of hight / pride / allos = another, different, continually, going around, circle maria = rebellious theoreo = view mental taphos = rave, dead, ignorant, darkness, burial, hash, corruption, ruin, destruction, trap, depression of the mind, pestilence, murmur 2 idou = look megas = great seismos = shake, earthquake, trembling, commotion, terrified, moral agitation aggelos = message, mental pressure, pain, sorrow kurios = master katabaino = keep close, decide, determine, cut, sharp ouranos = integrity, honor, excellence proserchomai = approach, testify, assemble, return back, pay attention, speak, be a witness apokulio = separate roll away apokulio = roll away, remove lithos = stone, stumbling, put to death by stone, cut thura = open kathemai = sit down, dwell 3 idea = form, idea, likeness hos = as astrape = lighting, sharp sword, word enduma = cloth / measure, value, price leukos = bright = white, pure, clean chion = snow, = whiteness 4 phobos = fear = alarm, a high place = Illicit place, illicit worship tereo = take care of, guard seio = shake, agitate ginomai = enter nekros = dead, idols, copse, pollute, profile, destroy, prostitute 5 aggelos = message, apokrinomai = answer epo = speak gune = generate phobeo = fearfully, reverence eido = perceive in the mind zeteo = seek in other to find iesous = yahwh preserve, yahwh salvation ho = this stauroo = firmness
    Played 30m 45s
  • A rota perigosa.. Galileia natal dos Judeia

    18 FEB 2024 · Josué 20:7 Então apartaram(santificaram) a Quedes em Galiléia, na montanha de Naftali, e a Siquém na montanha de Efraim, e a Quiriate-Arba, esta é Hebrom, na montanha de Judá. Bíblia com os erros dela 👇 Mateus 4:15 A terra de Zebulom e a terra de Naftali, junto ao caminho do mar, além(da outra banda) do Jordão, a Galiléia das gentes,(nações gentios A verdade é 👇 Matthew 4:15 . ge = land, earth  zaboulon = pride  ge = land  nephthaleim = turn away, twisted   hodos = way, road, manner, lifestyle  thalassa = death, ignorant, foolishness, empty, vain   peran =  cross over, Passover, or hidden  iordanes = going down  galilaia = rolling together  ethnos = gowy, heathen, gentile
    Played 28m 52s

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