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EFT Tapping Junction

  • Learn From 30 Plus World Class EFT Practitioners Plus Get Certified in Trauma Tapping

    3 JUL 2024 · In this episode you discover how to join the 24-Hours of Tapping event for 2024 where you'll learn tips, tools, techniques, and knowledge from more than 30 world-class EFT Practitioners.  This event is free to register and attend. When you register, you'll receive replays and bonus tapping resources. It's free to register. You'll also learn how to apply a simplified, easy to apply, and effective tapping method called the Trauma Tapping Technique (TTT) created by the Peaceful Heart Network. In addition, you discover how you can become a TTT Certified Practitioner at little to no cost through the Peaceful Heart Network organization. --- Resources shared in the episode: Information and registration website for the 24-Hours of Tapping Event: https://24hoursoftapping.com Gene Monterastelli's website with links to more than 500 episodes of his "Tapping Q and A" podcast: https://tappingqanda.com.  Note: Check menus at top of the Tapping Q and A website homepage. The Peaceful Hearts Network website: https://peacefulheart.se. Page describing how to become a Certified TTT Practitioner: https://peacefulheart.se/get-certified Link for video showing how to tap finger points: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KZMwdAE7_LQ Website for host Stephen Carter to include "EFT Tapping Junction" and other podcast episodes: https://StressReliefRadio.com Email to contact host Stephen Carter: CarterMethod@gmail.com. --- Technical information: Recorded with Twisted Wave. Editing with Twisted Wave, Audacity, Hush (reverb and noise reduction), and Levelator. Final edits and rendering with Hindenburg Pro. Microphone: SE DynaCaster DCM8. --- Key words: EFT, Emotional Freedom Techniques, tapping, Thought Field Therapy,  TFT, TTT, energy psychology, 24 hours of tappathon, Trauma Tapping Technique, TTT, Peaceful Heart Network,  ---
    Played 16m 59s
  • How To Conduct EFT New Client Sessions And Build Your Practice

    17 MAY 2024 · In this episode of “EFT Tapping Junction” you and I will explore proven ways to build client relationships beginning with an initial phone conversation with a new client followed by that first actual session to set the stage for longterm client satisfaction that will help ensure you become a trusted ongoing partner. You'll discover exactly what you should say to every new client, how to handle that first in person or phone / Zoom session, and how to set up your client session space to create an exceptional client experience. --- Host: Stephen Carter - Website: https://StressReliefRadio.com - Email: CarterMethod@gmail.com. Listen to previous episodes on the https://StressReliefRadio.com website or at https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/eft-tapping-junction--4154174 --- Technical information: Recorded and initial edits done with Twisted Wave. Additional edits with Levelator and Hush. Final edits and rendering with Hindenburg Pro. Microphone: Earthworks Ethos. --- Key words: tapping, Emotional Freedom Techniques, EFT, Thought Field Therapy, Trauma Tapping,  
    Played 18m 23s
  • Use EFT Tap and Talk Method for Anxiety and Worry Relief

    10 APR 2024 · In this episode you discover how to apply the EFT Tap and Talk Method to let go of anxiety and worry. You learn the step by step Tap and Talk Method and you can tap along to an actual Tap and Talk session. --- This month marks our five year anniversary of "EFT Tapping Junction". Thank you for making this show so poplar with tens upon tens of thousands of listeners from multiple countries around the world. Here are two locations where you can listen to your choice of 50 episodes of "EFT Tapping Junction": https://www.stressreliefradio.com/podcasts/eft-tapping-junction-podcast  and, https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/eft-tapping-junction--4154174 --- Host: Stephen Carter - Website: https://StressReliefRadio.com - Email: CarterMethod@gmail.com --- Technical information: Recorded with WavePad. Edits with Twisted Wave, Audacity, Hush, Levelator, with final edits and rendering done with Hindenburg Pro. Microphone: Neat King Bee. --- Key words: Emotional Freedom Techniques, Thought Field Therapy, TFT, stress, stress_relief, calm, emotional_wellbeing,
    Played 19m 6s
  • Cultivating Self-Worth As An EFT Practitioner - Why and How

    28 FEB 2024 · In this episode you discover why cultivating your self-worth as an EFT practitioner is so important. You also discover exactly how to continuously grow self-worth and enhance your skills and results. --- Timestamps: 00:00 - Episode Topic; 01:97 - Host information; 02:01 - Who is this show for?; 02:34 - Why growing self-worth is important as a practitioner; 03:20 - Why self-reflection is important; 05:51 - How we create a sense of strong self-worth as a practitioner; 08:27 - Creating a growth journal; 09:26 - 12 starter questions for your growth jounral; 13:23 - How to keep knowledge current; 16:59 - Use EFT to help you feel your growing self-worth; 18:01 - How to receive a written copy of recommendations; 19:16 - How to contact host, follow the show, listen to previous episodes; --- Summary of Recommendations and 12 Starting Journaling Questions: 1. “How often do I apply EFT and / or other methods for my own issues? 2. What issues have I let go of and what issues remain unresolved? How will I proceed with any unresolved issues? 3. “As I evaluate my EFT personal and professional sessions, what insights arise about my skills and confidence when working on my personal issues and - if I see clients - with client issues? 4. "What strategies have I found most effective in building and sustaining rapport and trust with my clients?” 5. "What strategies do I use to maintain presence and attentiveness during sessions and how effective are they?" 6. “What feedback have I received from clients that has significantly influenced my practice and how have I implemented that feedback?” 7. “In what areas of my practice do I feel most confident, and in what areas do I feel I need further growth or education?" If further growth or education is needed, what is my way forward? 8. “How has my approach to EFT evolved over time and what have been the key influences on this evolution?" 9. “How do I manage the balance between empathizing with clients and maintaining necessary professional boundaries?" 10. “What are my coping strategies for dealing with the emotional impact of my work, and how effective are they?" Are adjustments needed? 11. “In reflecting on successful outcomes, what common factors contributed to these successes?” 12. “How do I stay updated with the latest research and developments in EFT, and how do I apply this knowledge in my sessions?" Note: One great way to keep current with EFT and other new research is to join the Energy Healing Network Facebook group. There are currently more than 700 members. Join our Facebook group by going to: https://www.facebook.com/groups/energyhealingnetwork Here is the summary of recommendations: Know the importance of acknowledging and continuously growing your sense of self-worth as a person and as a practitioner. After each session, take two or three minutes and answer 3 questions, those being: What went well? What seemed missing? What did I learn? At the end of the week go over all of the summaries from that week’s session and identify any patterns that emerge. Briefly write down any insights or action items on a single sheet of paper and file that weekly paper in a folder called something like, “Weekly Insights”. At the end of the month, revisit the folder and scan through the previous few weeks of insights. What patterns - if any - do you notice. Do your notes suggest any skills or practices you want to build on? If so, list those skills and / or practices and add them to your calendar or other resource as action reminders. In addition to your monthly case session reviews, I strongly encourage you to create what I call a Growth Journal. I encourage you to journal answers to key questions at least once every two to three months. As you journal, track and act on insights that arise from your journaling. Over time, you’ll find your confidence and your sense of self-worth growing. Finally, allow yourself to feel the positive energy of self-worth that is growing week after week. By following the recommendations you and I have shared in this episode, you will have strong, solid evidence that you’re growing as a person and as a practitioner. Use EFT to reinforce your sense of self-worth as a person and practitioner. Important Note: To receive a WORD Doc with the 12 questions and recommendations, create an email with the subject line reading, "Cultivating Self-Worth As An EFT Practitioner", leave the body of the email blank, and send the email to CarterMethod@gmail.com. You'll receive the WORD Doc by return email. --- Host: Stephen Carter - Website: https://StressReliefRadio.com - Email: CarterMethod@gmail.com --- Technical information: Recorded with Hindenburg Pro. Edits with Audacity, Levelator, Hush. Final edits and rendering with Hindenburg Pro. Microphone: SE Dynacaster DCM8. --- Keywords: self-worth, Thought Field Therapy, TFT, Trauma Tapping Technique, TTT, Emotional Freedom Techniques,
    Played 20m 28s
  • EFT and Meditation - Better Together

    19 JAN 2024 · In this episode you discover step by step how to do the Relaxation Response Mantra Meditation Method and then how to combine this method with EFT. Time stamps for topics: 00:00 - Episode intro; 00:34 - Who is show for, host info; 01:34 - Two main topics for this episode; 02:11 - Meditation research; 04:34 - Publication of "The Relaxation Response"; 06:25 - Publication of "Beyond the Relaxation Response" and the Faith Factor; 07:48 - Eight steps to engage the Relaxation Response and the Faith Factor; 16:49 - "What will I experience?; 19:41 - 3 Ways to combine EFT and Meditation; 24:30 - Improving vision with EFT - how to participate in the study; 27:20 - How to contact host with questions - links in the show notes. --- Resources: The two books mentioned in this episode (Note: Both books are available in paperback and Kindle / digital versions): Herbert Benson, M.D. and Mirarm K. Kipper. "The Relaxation Response". U.S. Amazon link https://www.amazon.com/Relaxation-Response-Herbert-Benson/dp/0380815958/ref=sr_1_1 Herbert Benson, M.D. "Beyond the Relaxation Response". U.S. Amazon link: https://www.amazon.com/Beyond-Relaxation-Response-Stress-Reduction-Americans/dp/0425081834/ref=monarch_sidesheet Emotional Freedom Techniques for Vision Impairment Investigator/s: Peta Stapleton (Chief Investigator) School of Psychology, Bond University Australia: Link: https://bond.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_dhUPmOs2MiT2XCm?fbclid=IwAR1eX2pr3AYOKeGD5wXea3IhZcFqdpkSSzhZmMtpoFfWKGVICNALoQ6KT1E The eight Relaxation Response Meditation steps: Step One: Pick a brief phrase or word that reflects your basic belief system. Step Two: Choose a comfortable position. Step Three: Close your eyes. Gently close your eyes and relax the area around your eyes. Step Four: Relax your muscles using progressive muscle relaxation. Step Five: Become aware of your breathing, and start using your faith-rooted focus word. Step Six: Maintain a passive attitude. Be an observer to whatever emerges in awareness without judgement. Step Seven: Continue for a set period of time. Any amount of time can be beneficial, but if possible choose to meditate for at least 10 to a maximum of 20 minutes. Step Eight: Practice the technique twice daily. 3 Ways to Combine EFT with Relaxation Response Meditation: - Tap a round of EFT for letting go of stress / tension prior to your meditation session. - address your subconscious mind prior to the meditation session and voice an invitation such as: “As I meditate I invite my subconscious mind to bring into awareness any belief, memory, or desire that can benefit from one or more sessions of EFT.” - Tap in a Positive Energy Form after your meditation session. Here are the two "EFT Tapping Junction" episodes that guide you through how to tap in Positive Energy Forms using Positive EFT: “Positive EFT for Sky High Confidence”: Link: https://www.spreaker.com/episode/positive-eft-tapping-for-sky-high-confidence--40078027 “Positive EFT for Sunshine Energy”: Link: https://www.spreaker.com/episode/positive-eft-tapping-for-sunshine-energy--25858324 Host: Stephen Carter - Website: https://StressReliefRadio.com - Email: CarterMethod@gmail.com Listen to previous episodes of "EFT Tapping Junction" on the website: https://StressReliefRadio.com or https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/eft-tapping-junction--4154174 --- Technical information: Recorded with WavePad. Edits with Twisted Wave, Audacity, Levelator, and Hush. Final edits and rendering with Hindenburg Pro. Microphone: Audio-Technica ATR2100X. --- Key words: mantra, meditation, mantra meditation, Thought Field Therapy, TFT, Emotional Freedom Techniques, EFT, tapping, stress relief, ---
    Played 28m 50s
  • 3 Big Mistakes EFT Practitioners Make and How to Avoid Them

    8 DEC 2023 · In this episode you discover 3 big mistakes too many EFT practitioners make and how to avoid them. These mistakes are common whether you're working on your own issues or helping others with EFT tapping. Those big mistakes are: 1. Lack of Precision in Identifying the Issue. 2. Not checking the real world results of your work. 3. Not trusting yourself or your client to arrive at an optimum resolution for the presenting issue. --- Host: Stephen Carter - Website: https://StressReliefRadio.com - Email: CarterMethod@gmail.com. Dedicated website for all episodes of "EFT Tapping Junction" - https://www.spreaker.com/show/eft-tapping-junction --- Technical information: Recorded with WavePad. Edits with Twisted Wave, Levelator, Hush, with final edits and rendering in Hindenburg Pro. Microphone: SE DynaCaster DCM8. --- Key words: Emotional Freedom Techniques, tapping, Thought Field Therapy, TFT, escalator_phobia, inner wisdom, emotional peace, emotional wellbeing,
    Played 18m 30s
  • Combine EFT and the Sedona Method® For Deep and Rapid Results

    30 OCT 2023 · In this episode you discover how to combine Emotional Freedom Techniques with the Sedona Method for deep, rapid results. You can experience the power of this combination as the host leads you through the step by step process. --- Resources: The Sedona Method website: https://Sedona.com A second resource for Lester Levenson's method is The Release Technique website: link: https://www.releasetechnique.com To receive the Mindmap of this episode that includes the step-by-step instructions for combining EFT tapping with the Sedona Method, create an email with the subject line reading "EFT and Sedona Method", you can leave the body of the email blank, address it to CarterMethod@gmail.com, and send it off. You'll receive the Mindmap by return email. --- Host: Stephen Carter. Website: https://StressReliefRadio.com - Email: CarterMethod@gmail.com --- Technical information: Recorded with Audacity. Edits with Twisted Wave, Audacity, and Hush. Final edits and rendering with Hindenburg Pro. Microphone: Zoom ZDM-1. --- Keywords: Emotional Freedom, Thought Field Therapy, TFT, stress, stress relief, anxiety, ---
    Played 19m 19s
  • EFT, Ho’oponopono and Shine Tapping - a Cancer Healing Journey With Carol Wiggins

    26 SEP 2023 · Join our conversation as Carol Wiggins shares how EFT, Ho’oponopono, and Shine Tapping can be used to navigate through the physical pain and emotional storms of breast cancer treatment. You’ll discover how these powerful holistic tools can be applied to any serious medical challenge to enhance self-care and help facilitate physical healing. You’ll also learn how to apply a simple, effective technique called Shine Tapping to enhance self-worth, self-compassion, and emotional balance. --- Watch the Video Version of This Podcast Episode: Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N4MnwXX_Mf8 --- Contact Info: Carol Wiggins - https://www.CarolWiggins.com. Host, Steve Carter - https://StressReliefRadio.com; Email: CarterMethod@gmail.com. --- Other interviews with Carol Wiggins: Live interview: "How to Combine Hoʻoponopono With EFT to Help Abuse Survivors and Other Clients" - Link: https://www.spreaker.com/episode/43321097 "EFT for Domestic Abuse Survivors With Carol Wiggins and Kimberly Shears" - Link: https://www.spreaker.com/episode/41964855 --- Host: Steve Carter, founder of Stress Relief Radio, website: https://StressReliefRadio.com. Email: CarterMethod@gmail.com. --- Technical information: Recorded with Zoom. Processed with Twisted Wave, Hush, and Auphonic. Final edits and rendering with Hindenburg Pro. Host's microphone: SE DynaCaster, DCM8. --- Key words: Emotional Freedom Techniques, fear, anxiety, tapping TFT, self-care, Thought Field Therapy, cancer, complimentary healing,
    Played 23m 42s
  • EFT Distant Healing for Wildfire Devastation in Hawaii

    13 AUG 2023 · In this episode you discover a simple, powerful way to send EFT energy for distant healing. You and I will focus a distant healing session to help the people, pets, animals, all life forms, the land devasted by the wildfires in Maui, Hawaii. --- How to Recive Your Free EFT Distant Healing for Hawaii Guide: Create a blank email with the subject line reading, "“Distant Healing for Hawaii”. Address the email to CarterMethod@gmail.com and send it off. You'll receive the free guide by return email. --- Host: Stephen Carter. Websitee: https://StressReliefRadio.com. Email: CarterMethod@gmail.com. --- Technical information: Recorded with Hindenburg Pro. Edits with Twisted Wave, Audacity, Hush, and Levelator. Findal edits and rendering with Hindenburg Pro. Microphone: SE DynaCaster DCM8. --- Key words: Maui, Maui fire, Maui Wildfire, Hawaii, distant healing, Emotional Freedom Techniques, Thought Field Therapy, TFT, tapping energy psychology, meridian tapping,
    Played 22m 7s
  • Learn From World-Class EFT Experts and Discover the Trauma Tapping Technique - All in This Episode

    27 JUN 2023 · In this episode you discover how to join the 24-Hours of Tapping event where you'll learn tips, tools, techniques, and knowledge from more than 30 world-class EFT Practitioners. This event is free to register and attend. When you register, you'll receive replays and bonus tapping resources. It's free to register. You'll also learn how to apply a simplified, easy to apply, and effective tapping method called the Trauma Tapping Technique (TTT) created by the Peaceful Heart Network. --- Resources shared in the episode: Information and registration website for the 24-Hours of Tapping Event: https://24hoursoftapping.com Gene Monterastelli's website with links to more than 500 episodes of his "Tapping Q and A" podcast: https://tappingqanda.com. Note: Check menus at top of the Tapping Q and A website homepage. The Peaceful Hearts Network website: https://peacefulheart.se. Link for video showing how to tap finger points: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KZMwdAE7_LQ Website for host Stephen Carter to include "EFT Tapping Junction" and other podcast episodes: https://StressReliefRadio.com Email to contact host Stephen Carter: CarterMethod@gmail.com. --- Technical information: Recorded with Twisted Wave. Editing with Twisted Wave, Audacity, Hush (reverb and noise reduction), and Levelator. Final edits and rendering with Hindenburg Pro. Microphone: SE DynaCaster DCM8. --- Key words: EFT, Emotional Freedom Techniques, tapping, Thought Field Therapy, TTT, energy psychology, 24 hours of tappathon, Trauma Tapping Technique, TTT, Peaceful Heart Network, ---
    Played 18m 14s
A show dedicated to teaching and promoting Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) and other tapping methods to create emotional wellbeing and a joyful, successful life.

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