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Fluent Fiction - Mandarin Chinese

  • Confessions Beneath the Rain: A Love Story at the Great Wall

    4 JUL 2024 · Fluent Fiction - Mandarin Chinese: Confessions Beneath the Rain: A Love Story at the Great Wall Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: https://www.fluentfiction.org/confessions-beneath-the-rain-a-love-story-at-the-great-wall/ Story Transcript: Zh: 在一个晴朗的夏日,长城的古老砖石在阳光下闪烁着微光。 En: On a clear summer day, the ancient bricks of the Great Wall shimmered faintly under the sunlight. Zh: 李明和张伟步行在这段长城上,身后是连绵起伏的绿色山丘。 En: Li Ming and Zhang Wei were walking along this stretch of the Wall, with undulating green hills rolling behind them. Zh: 李明一边走,一边偷偷看着张伟。 En: As they walked, Li Ming would sneak glances at Zhang Wei. Zh: 张伟总是充满着活力,对周围的一切都充满好奇。 En: Zhang Wei was always full of energy and curious about everything around him. Zh: 今天,李明决定跟张伟一起野餐。 En: Today, Li Ming decided to go for a picnic with Zhang Wei. Zh: 这不是普通的野餐,因为李明计划在这里向张伟表白。 En: This was no ordinary picnic because Li Ming planned to confess his feelings to Zhang Wei here. Zh: 他事先准备了美味的食物和一条漂亮的毯子。 En: He had prepared delicious food and a beautiful blanket in advance. Zh: 他们找到了一块平坦的地方,铺开毯子,开始享受美味的午餐。 En: They found a flat spot, spread out the blanket, and began to enjoy a tasty lunch. Zh: 李明坐在张伟对面,心里不断打鼓,担心张伟知道他的心思后会怎么反应。 En: Li Ming sat opposite Zhang Wei, his heart beating anxiously, worrying about how Zhang Wei would react once he discovered his intentions. Zh: 张伟一边吃着,一边兴奋地指着远处的一座古塔:“你看,那座塔真漂亮!” En: While eating, Zhang Wei excitedly pointed at an ancient tower in the distance: “Look, that tower is beautiful!” Zh: 张伟全然没有注意到李明的紧张神情。 En: Zhang Wei hadn’t noticed Li Ming’s nervous expression at all. Zh: 李明深吸一口气,想着“我必须在今天告诉他我的心意。” En: Li Ming took a deep breath, thinking, “I must tell him my feelings today.” Zh: 突然,一阵阴云遮住了阳光,天色暗了下来。 En: Suddenly, a cloud covered the sun, and the sky darkened. Zh: 两人仰头望去,似乎马上要下雨了。 En: They looked up, and it seemed like it was about to rain. Zh: 张伟懊恼地说:“我们得赶紧找地方避雨了!” En: Zhang Wei said regretfully, “We need to find shelter from the rain quickly!” Zh: 就在这时,李明抓住机会,紧张地说:“张伟,我有件事想跟你说。” En: At that moment, Li Ming seized the opportunity and nervously said, “Zhang Wei, there’s something I want to tell you.” Zh: 张伟转过头来看着李明,脸上充满了疑惑。 En: Zhang Wei turned his head to look at Li Ming, his face full of confusion. Zh: “什么事?”张伟问道,雨点开始落下。 En: “What is it?” Zhang Wei asked as raindrops began to fall. Zh: 他们匆忙收拾东西,找了一个靠墙的避雨处。 En: They hurriedly packed their things and found a place by the wall to shelter from the rain. Zh: 雨越下越大,滴答滴答地打在地上。 En: The rain fell harder and harder, dripping down onto the ground. Zh: 张伟的头发湿了,李明的心也跟着跳得更快了。 En: Zhang Wei’s hair was getting wet, and Li Ming’s heart was pounding even faster. Zh: 李明终于鼓起勇气,大声说道:“张伟,我喜欢你!” En: Li Ming finally mustered the courage and loudly said, “Zhang Wei, I like you!” Zh: 张伟呆住了,眼睛瞪得大大的。 En: Zhang Wei was stunned, his eyes wide open. Zh: 李明的心突然沉到了谷底。 En: Li Ming’s heart suddenly sank to rock bottom. Zh: 他本以为雨声会盖住他的告白,但显然张伟听到了。 En: He had hoped the rain would drown out his confession, but it was clear that Zhang Wei had heard him. Zh: 张伟慢慢露出了笑容,说:“你知道吗?我也喜欢你。” En: Zhang Wei slowly started to smile and said, “You know what? I like you too.” Zh: 李明不敢相信自己的耳朵。 En: Li Ming couldn’t believe his ears. Zh: “真的?”李明问道,脸上绽放出笑容。 En: “Really?” he asked, a smile spreading across his face. Zh: 张伟靠近了一步,轻轻地把李明拉进怀里,两人在雨中的长城下分享了他们的第一次亲吻。 En: Zhang Wei took a step closer, gently pulling Li Ming into his arms, and the two shared their first kiss beneath the rainy Great Wall. Zh: 雨渐渐停了,天空中露出了一道美丽的彩虹。 En: As the rain gradually stopped, a beautiful rainbow appeared in the sky. Zh: 李明感觉自己像是变了一个人,他的脸上带着幸福的光彩,而张伟也有了新的理解和感情。 En: Li Ming felt as if he had transformed into a different person, his face glowing with happiness, and Zhang Wei also had a new understanding and feeling. Zh: 从那以后,他们的关系变得更加亲密。 En: From then on, their relationship grew closer. Zh: 李明更有自信,张伟也更加体贴。 En: Li Ming became more confident, and Zhang Wei more considerate. Zh: 他们知道,无论未来遇到什么,他们都会一起面对,就像今天在长城上的雨中一样。 En: They knew that no matter what the future held, they would face it together, just like they did today in the rain by the Great Wall. Vocabulary Words: - ancient: 古老 - brick: 砖石 - shimmered: 闪烁 - undulating: 连绵起伏 - glances: 偷偷看 - picnic: 野餐 - confess: 表白 - delicious: 美味 - blanket: 毯子 - flat: 平坦 - tasty: 美味 - anxiously: 心里不断打鼓 - excitedly: 兴奋地 - nervous: 紧张 - regretfully: 懊恼 - seized: 抓住 - must: 必须 - confusion: 疑惑 - shelter: 避雨处 - mustered: 鼓起 - stunned: 呆住 - beat faster: 跳得更快 - pulse: 跳得 - wide open: 瞪得大大的 - sank: 沉到 - rock bottom: 谷底 - smile: 露出笑容 - glowing: 带着幸福的光彩 - transformed: 变了一个人 - considerate: 体贴
    Played 15m 44s
  • Unearthed: The Hidden Secrets of Xi’an's Ancient City

    3 JUL 2024 · Fluent Fiction - Mandarin Chinese: Unearthed: The Hidden Secrets of Xi’an's Ancient City Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: https://www.fluentfiction.org/unearthed-the-hidden-secrets-of-xians-ancient-city/ Story Transcript: Zh: 夏天的阳光洒满了西安古城的废墟。 En: The summer sunlight bathed the ruins of the ancient city of Xi’an. Zh: 这里尘土飞扬,阳光照在半掩的石雕上,仿佛在述说着过去的故事。 En: Dust swirled in the air, and the sun shone on half-buried stone carvings, as if telling stories of the past. Zh: 新怡站在废墟的一角,细心地观察每一块石头。 En: At one corner of the ruins stood Xin Yi, carefully observing each stone. Zh: 她是一名年轻的考古学家,热爱研究古代文明。 En: She was a young archaeologist, passionate about studying ancient civilizations. Zh: 今天,她希望能在这里找到一件传说中的宝物,证明自己的能力。 En: Today, she hoped to find a legendary artifact here, to prove her capabilities. Zh: 简是一位本地的历史学家,他对这一片废墟了如指掌。他站在新怡的身旁,仔细讲解这里的历史和遗迹。 En: Jian, a local historian who knew these ruins inside out, stood beside Xin Yi, explaining the history and relics in detail. Zh: 虽然他们第一次见面,但很快因为对历史和考古的共同兴趣而熟络起来。 En: Although it was their first meeting, they quickly became acquainted due to their shared interest in history and archaeology. Zh: “这里的每一块石头都很重要,” 简说道,“我们不能贸然挖掘。” En: “Every stone here is significant,” Jian said. “We cannot excavate recklessly.” Zh: 新怡虽然有些急切,但也理解简的担忧。 En: Although somewhat impatient, Xin Yi understood Jian’s concerns. Zh: “可是,我们必须找到更多证据,来支持我们的研究。” En: “But we must find more evidence to support our research.” Zh: 他们在废墟中走了很久,讨论着每一个可能的发现。 En: They walked through the ruins for a long time, discussing every potential finding. Zh: 突然,在一堆石块下,新怡发现了一块奇怪的石板。 En: Suddenly, Xin Yi discovered a peculiar stone slab under a pile of rocks. Zh: 石板上刻有古老的文字,似乎是某个失落王朝的遗物。 En: The slab was inscribed with ancient characters, seemingly an artifact from a lost dynasty. Zh: “这可能是重大发现!” 新怡激动地说。 En: “This could be a major discovery!” Xin Yi exclaimed excitedly. Zh: 简蹲下来仔细看了看石板,脸上露出复杂的表情。 En: Jian crouched down to examine the slab closely, his expression complex. Zh: “它非常脆弱,我们必须小心处理。” En: “It's very fragile. We need to handle it carefully.” Zh: 新怡沉默片刻,最终点了点头。 En: After a moment of silence, Xin Yi finally nodded. Zh: “你说得对,我们不能冒险。” En: “You're right. We can't take risks.” Zh: 他们决定合作勘探,精细挖掘,耐心研究。 En: They decided to collaborate, meticulously excavate, and patiently study the slab. Zh: 经过几个小时的努力,他们终于将石板完整地挖掘出来。 En: After several hours of effort, they finally unearthed it intact. Zh: 它上面的文字证实了一个长久以来存在于传说中的王朝。 En: The inscriptions confirmed the existence of a dynasty long believed to be mere legend. Zh: 新怡和简相视一笑,彼此间更多了一份信任和理解。 En: Xin Yi and Jian exchanged smiles, feeling a deeper trust and understanding between them. Zh: 他们决定共同撰写一篇论文,将这一发现分享给全世界。 En: They decided to co-author a paper to share this discovery with the world. Zh: 这不仅是他们职业上的胜利,更是两人友谊的见证。 En: This was not only a professional victory but also a testament to their budding friendship. Zh: 在这个夏天的废墟中,新怡学会了保护与发现并重的重要性,而简也敞开心扉,更愿意与他人分享知识。 En: In the ruins under the summer sun, Xin Yi learned the importance of balancing preservation with discovery, while Jian opened up and was more willing to share his knowledge with others. Zh: 一切都显得如此美好,仿佛古城的每一块石头都在微笑。 En: Everything seemed so wonderful, as if every stone in the ancient city was smiling. Vocabulary Words: - sunlight: 阳光 - ruins: 废墟 - dust: 尘土 - swirl: 飞扬 - carvings: 石雕 - artifact: 宝物 - dynasty: 王朝 - archaeologist: 考古学家 - enthusiastic: 热爱 - civilizations: 文明 - prove: 证明 - capabilities: 能力 - historian: 历史学家 - legendary: 传说中的 - acquainted: 熟络 - recklessly: 贸然 - concerns: 担忧 - evidence: 证据 - peculiar: 奇怪的 - inscribed: 刻有 - fragile: 脆弱的 - meticulously: 精细 - intact: 完整地 - confirm: 证实 - existence: 存在 - trust: 信任 - understanding: 理解 - co-author: 共同撰写 - professional: 职业 - victory: 胜利
    Played 13m 47s
  • Lijuan's Journey: Finding Clarity Under Fireworks

    2 JUL 2024 · Fluent Fiction - Mandarin Chinese: Lijuan's Journey: Finding Clarity Under Fireworks Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: https://www.fluentfiction.org/lijuans-journey-finding-clarity-under-fireworks/ Story Transcript: Zh: 夏日的夜晚,海边充满了节日的气氛。 En: On a summer night, the seaside was filled with a festive atmosphere. Zh: 明月挂在天空,银色的光洒在沙滩上。 En: A bright moon hung in the sky, casting its silver light over the beach. Zh: 沙滩上一片热闹,摊位林立,笑声不断。 En: The beach was bustling with life, rows of stalls set up and continuous laughter filling the air. Zh: 孩子们手持仙女棒,在沙滩上跑来跑去,欢声笑语回荡在空中。 En: Children ran around the beach holding sparklers, their joyful laughter echoing in the night. Zh: 烟花在空中绽放,五彩缤纷的光影投射在波涛中,就像一个梦幻的世界。 En: Fireworks burst in the sky, their colorful lights reflecting on the waves, creating a dreamlike scene. Zh: 李娟是一个二十多岁的年轻女子,刚刚大学毕业。她坐在沙滩上,望着远方的烟火,心中充满了对未来的不确定。 En: Lijuan, a young woman in her twenties who had just graduated from university, was sitting on the beach, gazing at the distant fireworks, her heart full of uncertainty about the future. Zh: 她渴望稳定的生活,但又害怕作出错误的选择。 En: She longed for a stable life but feared making the wrong choices. Zh: 她的家人希望她从事金融工作,因为这份工作收入高,前景好。 En: Her family hoped she would work in finance because it promised high income and good prospects. Zh: 但是,她内心深处却一直对艺术充满了热情。 En: However, deep down, she had always had a passion for art. Zh: 今天是端午节,当地举行了盛大的庆祝活动。 En: Today was the Dragon Boat Festival, and there was a grand celebration in the area. Zh: 李娟决定一个人来沙滩参加这个节日,希望能够理清自己的思绪。 En: Lijuan decided to come to the beach alone to clear her mind by attending the festival. Zh: 她漫无目的地走在沙滩上,忽然发现有一个小型的艺术展览。 En: She wandered aimlessly along the beach and suddenly came across a small art exhibition. Zh: 她走进去,身边的一切仿佛都变得安静了下来。 En: Walking inside, everything around her seemed to quiet down. Zh: 每一幅画作都深深地吸引着她,勾起了她内心深处的那份热情。 En: Each painting deeply attracted her, stirring the passion deep within her heart. Zh: 就在这时,李娟遇到了一个熟悉的面孔。 En: Just then, Lijuan met a familiar face. Zh: “是你吗,李娟?”对方是她的老朋友小王,现在已经是一名成功的艺术家。 En: "Is that you, Lijuan?" It was her old friend Xiao Wang, who was now a successful artist. Zh: 两人聊了很久,小王告诉她,追求梦想虽然艰难,但只要坚持,总会有回报。 En: They talked for a long time, and Xiao Wang told her that although pursuing dreams is difficult, persistence always brings rewards. Zh: 李娟听得入神,心中渐渐清晰。 En: Lijuan listened intently, and her mind gradually became clearer. Zh: 烟花继续在天空绽放,李娟心中也下定了决心。 En: Fireworks continued to burst in the sky, and Lijuan made up her mind. Zh: 她决定报考一个艺术课程,追随自己真正的梦想。 En: She decided to enroll in an art course and follow her true passion. Zh: 虽然未来充满了不确定性,但她不再害怕,因为她终于找到了内心的答案。 En: Although the future was full of uncertainty, she was no longer afraid because she had finally found the answer within her heart. Zh: 从那天起,李娟变得更加自信。 En: From that day on, Lijuan became more confident. Zh: 她相信,只要勇敢面对未来,追求自己的梦想,一切都会变得美好。 En: She believed that as long as she bravely faced the future and pursued her dreams, everything would be beautiful. Zh: 烟花在夜空中绚烂地消失,沙滩上的欢声笑语依旧,而李娟的心中也绽放出新的希望。 En: The fireworks flamboyantly vanished in the night sky, the laughter on the beach continued, and new hope blossomed in Lijuan's heart. Vocabulary Words: - festive: 节日的 - atmosphere: 气氛 - bustling: 热闹的 - stalls: 摊位 - continuous: 不断的 - laughter: 笑声 - sparklers: 仙女棒 - echoing: 回荡 - dreamlike: 梦幻的 - uncertainty: 不确定 - stable: 稳定的 - prospects: 前景 - wandered: 漫无目的地走 - aimlessly: 漫无目的地 - exhibition: 展览 - attracted: 吸引 - stirring: 勾起 - flamboyantly: 绚烂地 - vanished: 消失 - confident: 自信 - blossomed: 绽放 - seaside: 海边 - silver light: 银色的光 - graduates: 毕业 - passion: 热情 - grand: 盛大的 - celebration: 庆祝活动 - quieter: 安静 - persistent: 坚持 - reward: 回报
    Played 13m 41s
  • Finding Perfection in Imperfection: A Teahouse Tale

    1 JUL 2024 · Fluent Fiction - Mandarin Chinese: Finding Perfection in Imperfection: A Teahouse Tale Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: https://www.fluentfiction.org/finding-perfection-in-imperfection-a-teahouse-tale/ Story Transcript: Zh: 梅琳走进了苏州小镇上的一家茶馆。 En: Meilin walked into a teahouse in a small town in Suzhou. Zh: 夏天的阳光透过窗户,洒在陈列着各种茶具的木架上。 En: The summer sunlight streamed through the windows, casting a glow on the wooden shelves displaying various tea sets. Zh: 小店虽然不大,但散发着浓郁的茶香,墙上挂着传统的中国装饰。 En: Although the shop was small, it was filled with the rich aroma of tea, and the walls were adorned with traditional Chinese decorations. Zh: 小店老板是个老人,正在精心整理茶具。 En: The shop owner, an elderly man, was meticulously arranging the tea sets. Zh: 梅琳三十多岁,对于传统文化有着独到的眼光。 En: Meilin, in her thirties, had a keen appreciation for traditional culture. Zh: 今天,她来到这里是为了找一套特别的茶具。 En: Today, she had come here to find a special tea set. Zh: 她打算在即将到来的家庭聚会上,用这套茶具给她的公婆留下深刻的印象。 En: She planned to use this tea set at an upcoming family gathering to leave a lasting impression on her in-laws. Zh: 小明,是老板的孙子,他看到梅琳在茶具架前驻足,便热情地走上前来。 En: Xiaoming, the shop owner's grandson, saw Meilin pausing in front of the tea set rack and eagerly approached her. Zh: “需要帮助吗?”小明问道。 En: "Need any help?" Xiaoming asked. Zh: 梅琳点点头,“我在找一套传统的茶具,家里要举办一个重要的家庭聚会。” En: Meilin nodded, "I'm looking for a traditional tea set. We are hosting an important family gathering." Zh: 小明带她到一个高架前, En: Xiaoming led her to a higher shelf. Zh: “最近游客很多,很多茶具都卖光了。这些是我们剩下的。” En: "We've had a lot of tourists lately, and many tea sets have been sold out. These are the ones we have left." Zh: 梅琳仔细看了看陈列的茶具,有的太贵,有的样式不是她喜欢的。 En: Meilin carefully looked at the displayed tea sets; some were too expensive, and some styles were not to her liking. Zh: 她有点失望, En: She felt a little disappointed. Zh: “这些都不太合适。” En: "None of these are quite right." Zh: 小明皱了皱眉头,突然灵机一动, En: Xiaoming furrowed his brow, then suddenly had an idea. Zh: “等等,我记得高架上还有一套茶具。” En: "Wait, I remember there’s another tea set on the high shelf." Zh: 他拿来了一把梯子,爬到高架上,果然拿下来一套茶具。 En: He brought a ladder, climbed up, and indeed brought down a tea set. Zh: 这套茶具造型古朴,纹饰优美,价钱也合理,但其中一个茶杯有一个小瑕疵。 En: This tea set had a simple yet elegant design and beautiful patterns, and the price was reasonable, but one of the tea cups had a small flaw. Zh: 梅琳低头沉思,这个小瑕疵是否会影响她的计划? En: Meilin pondered whether this small flaw would affect her plan. Zh: 她想了很久,终于笑着抬起头, En: She thought for a long time before finally smiling and lifting her head. Zh: “这套茶具,我要了。” En: "I'll take this tea set." Zh: 小明微笑着帮她包装茶具, En: Xiaoming smiled as he helped her pack the tea set. Zh: “谢谢,祝您家庭聚会成功。” En: "Thank you, and I wish your family gathering great success." Zh: 聚会那天,梅琳将茶具摆在桌上, En: On the day of the gathering, Meilin placed the tea set on the table. Zh: 她的公婆注意到了那细致的纹饰,却也发现了那个小瑕疵。 En: Her in-laws noticed the intricate patterns but also spotted the small flaw. Zh: 公婆们微笑着说,“这套茶具很好,瑕不掩瑜。” En: They smiled and said, "This tea set is very nice, a slight flaw does not detract from its beauty." Zh: 梅琳感激地笑了笑,心中释然。 En: Meilin smiled gratefully, feeling relieved. Zh: 她明白了,有时轻微的瑕疵不仅不会破坏美好,反而增添独特的魅力。 En: She realized that sometimes minor flaws not only do not mar beauty but rather add unique charm. Zh: 通过这次经历,梅琳学会了接受不完美并找到其中的美好。 En: Through this experience, Meilin learned to accept imperfections and find beauty within them. Zh: 她发现,只要用心去选择,每个选择都能带来意想不到的价值。 En: She discovered that as long as you choose with care, every choice can bring unexpected value. Zh: 她的家庭聚会也因为这套茶具,而更加温馨美好。 En: Her family gathering became even warmer and more beautiful because of this tea set. Vocabulary Words: - teahouse: 茶馆 - sunlight: 阳光 - windows: 窗户 - displaying: 陈列 - shelves: 木架 - aroma: 香气 - adorned: 装饰 - meticulously: 精心 - arranging: 整理 - appreciation: 欣赏 - upcoming: 即将到来的 - eagerly: 热情地 - furrowed: 皱了皱 - brow: 眉头 - ladder: 梯子 - patterns: 纹饰 - pondered: 思考 - flaw: 瑕疵 - gratefully: 感激地 - intricate: 细致的 - detract: 掩 - charm: 魅力 - imperfections: 不完美 - value: 价值 - noticed: 注意到 - success: 成功 - reasonable: 合理的 - descendant: 后代 - eager: 渴望 - unique: 独特
    Played 14m 28s
  • Brotherly Bonds and Summer Festivals: A Tale of Courage and Love

    30 JUN 2024 · Fluent Fiction - Mandarin Chinese: Brotherly Bonds and Summer Festivals: A Tale of Courage and Love Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: https://www.fluentfiction.org/brotherly-bonds-and-summer-festivals-a-tale-of-courage-and-love/ Story Transcript: Zh: 夏天的阳光洒在农场的绿色田野上,空气中弥漫着草香和微风。 En: The summer sunlight sprinkled over the green fields of the farm, filling the air with the scent of grass and a gentle breeze. Zh: 姐姐杰和弟弟明住在这片美丽的农场上,每天忙碌而幸福。 En: Sister Jie and brother Ming lived on this beautiful farm, busy and happy every day. Zh: 杰是一个勤劳、细心的少年,经常帮助家里做农活。 En: Jie was a hardworking and attentive teenager who often helped with the farm work. Zh: 他总是担心自己不能达成家庭的期望。 En: He was always worried about not meeting his family's expectations. Zh: 明是杰的弟弟,他充满好奇和活力,但他有哮喘的问题。 En: Ming, Jie's younger brother, was full of curiosity and energy, but he had asthma. Zh: 这一天是端午节,农场附近的村子里即将举行赛龙舟比赛,村里的人都在准备这个重要的节日。 En: Today was the Dragon Boat Festival, and a dragon boat race was about to take place in the nearby village. Zh: 杰和明也兴奋地期待着。 En: The villagers were all busy preparing for this important festival. Zh: 杰希望确保明能安全地参与到这个重要的节日活动中。 En: Jie and Ming were eagerly looking forward to it. Zh: 早晨,杰和明决定到离家不远的田野里玩。 En: Jie wanted to ensure that Ming could safely participate in the important festival activities. Zh: 他们跑过茂密的草地,探索着农场的每一个角落。 En: In the morning, Jie and Ming decided to play in the fields not far from home. Zh: 他们跑过茂密的草地,探索着农场的每一个角落。 En: They ran across the lush grass, exploring every corner of the farm. Zh: 突然,明停下了脚步,脸色变得苍白。 En: Suddenly, Ming stopped and his face turned pale. Zh: 他捂住胸口,呼吸变得急促,这是他哮喘发作的症状。 En: He clutched his chest, and his breathing became rapid, a symptom of his asthma attack. Zh: 杰吓坏了。 En: Jie was terrified. Zh: 他知道他们现在离家太远,如果把明搬回家可能会使情况更糟。 En: He knew they were too far from home, and carrying Ming back could make things worse. Zh: 杰飞快地跑向最近的邻居家,那个邻居是一个善良的老人,家里备有哮喘药物和吸入器。 En: Jie quickly ran to the nearest neighbor’s house, an elderly man known for his kindness, who kept asthma medication and an inhaler at home. Zh: 呼吸着急促的杰敲开了邻居的门, En: Breathing heavily, Jie knocked on the neighbor's door. Zh: “明发作哮喘了!我需要药物!” En: "Ming's having an asthma attack! I need the medication!" Zh: 老人立刻拿出药物和吸入器,杰飞奔回到明身边。 En: The old man immediately took out the medication and inhaler, and Jie rushed back to Ming's side. Zh: 他小心地给明使用吸入器,看着明的呼吸逐渐平稳下来。 En: He carefully helped Ming use the inhaler, watching as Ming's breathing gradually steadied. Zh: 杰松了一口气,他的心跳也渐渐恢复正常。 En: Jie sighed with relief as his heartbeat slowly returned to normal. Zh: “谢谢你,哥哥。”明虚弱但感激地说。 En: “Thank you, brother,” Ming said weakly but gratefully. Zh: 杰露出了微笑,心里充满了成就感和自信。 En: Jie smiled, filled with a sense of accomplishment and confidence. Zh: 他们能平安地回到了家中,他们的父母也松了一口气。 En: They safely made it back home, where their parents also breathed a sigh of relief. Zh: 虽然有点惊险,但两兄弟还是赶上了端午节的赛龙舟比赛。 En: Although it was a bit scary, the two brothers still made it in time for the Dragon Boat Festival race. Zh: 虽然比赛时没有像以前那样激烈,但杰和明一起享受了这个特别的节日。 En: Although the race wasn't as intense as it had been in previous years, Jie and Ming together enjoyed this special festival. Zh: 在村民们欢乐的歌声中,他们感到无比的幸福。 En: In the joyful singing of the villagers, they felt extremely happy. Zh: 经过这次经历,杰不再怀疑自己的能力。 En: Through this experience, Jie no longer doubted his abilities. Zh: 他知道,无论遇到多么困难的情况,他都能保护好弟弟。 En: He knew that no matter how difficult the situation, he could protect his brother. Zh: 他学会了相信自己,这不仅是他成长的象征,也是他们兄弟情感的升华。 En: He learned to believe in himself, which was not just a sign of his growth, but also an elevation of their brotherly bond. Zh: 蓝天白云下,农场里的生活继续着, En: Under the blue sky and white clouds, life on the farm continued. Zh: 杰和明在这片天地中互相扶持,一起迎接每一个新的日子。 En: Jie and Ming supported each other in this vast world, welcoming each new day together. Vocabulary Words: - sprinkled: 洒 - gentle: 微 - breeze: 风 - hardworking: 勤劳 - attentive: 细心 - teenager: 少年 - expectations: 期望 - curiosity: 好奇 - asthma: 哮喘 - festival: 节日 - village: 村子 - eagerly: 期待 - participate: 参与 - lush: 茂密 - exploring: 探索 - symptom: 症状 - terrified: 吓坏了 - elderly: 老人 - medication: 药物 - inhaler: 吸入器 - gradually: 逐渐 - steadied: 平稳 - relief: 松了一口气 - heartbeat: 心跳 - accomplishment: 成就感 - confidence: 自信 - joyful: 欢乐 - sign: 象征 - growth: 成长 - elevation: 升华
    Played 15m 5s
  • Finding Home: A Heartwarming Journey in Shanghai's Glow

    29 JUN 2024 · Fluent Fiction - Mandarin Chinese: Finding Home: A Heartwarming Journey in Shanghai's Glow Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: https://www.fluentfiction.org/finding-home-a-heartwarming-journey-in-shanghais-glow/ Story Transcript: Zh: 上海地铁里,人来人往,大家都在享受端午节的气氛。 En: In the Shanghai metro, people came and went, all enjoying the atmosphere of the Dragon Boat Festival. Zh: 美玲、欣怡和家豪三个人挤在地铁里,准备去外滩散步。 En: Meiling, Xinyi, and Jiahao squeezed into the train, preparing to go for a walk at the Bund. Zh: “我好想家啊,”欣怡轻声说。 En: "I really miss home," Xinyi said softly. Zh: “别担心,”美玲安慰她,“我们一起去外滩,看灯光秀,吃好吃的,很快就会感觉好多了。” En: "Don't worry," Meiling comforted her, "We'll go to the Bund together, watch the light show, and enjoy some delicious food. You'll feel much better soon." Zh: 家豪拿着相机,眼睛不停地四处张望,寻找拍摄的灵感。他笑着说:“今天是个好机会,我一定要拍到完美的照片。” En: Jiahao, holding his camera, kept looking around, seeking inspiration for his shots. He smiled and said, "Today is a great opportunity; I must capture the perfect photo." Zh: 地铁到站了,三个人下车,步行到外滩。空气中弥漫着粽子的香味,街道上挂满了红色的灯笼。 En: The train arrived at their stop, and the three of them got off and walked to the Bund. The air was filled with the aroma of zongzi, and the streets were adorned with red lanterns. Zh: 美玲看着两边的高楼大厦和历史建筑,心中感慨万千。 En: Meiling looked at the tall buildings and historic structures on both sides, feeling deeply moved. Zh: “我真的很喜欢这些建筑,”美玲说,“但我有时会怀疑,自己是不是选对了专业。” En: "I really love these buildings," Meiling said, "But sometimes I wonder if I chose the right major." Zh: 欣怡拍拍她的肩膀:“别想那么多,相信自己。你对建筑有激情,这就够了。” En: Xinyi patted her shoulder, "Don't overthink it. Believe in yourself. Your passion for architecture is enough." Zh: 家豪举起相机,捕捉两位朋友的瞬间。他突然领悟到,比起拍摄游客和风景,朋友的笑容更让他感动。 En: Jiahao raised his camera, capturing fleeting moments of his friends. He suddenly realized that the smiles of his friends moved him more than pictures of tourists and scenery. Zh: 黄浦江的对岸,灯光闪烁,美丽的夜景让人陶醉。三个人站在江边,美玲深吸一口气,脸上的愁容渐渐消失。 En: Across the Huangpu River, the lights flickered, and the beautiful night view was mesmerizing. The three of them stood by the river, Meiling taking a deep breath as the worries on her face gradually dissipated. Zh: “谢谢你们,”美玲感激地说,“和你们在一起,我感觉好多了。” En: "Thank you," Meiling said gratefully, "Being with you both makes me feel so much better." Zh: 欣怡微笑着点头:“我也一样。虽然我想家,但有你们在,我觉得上海也是我的家。” En: Xinyi nodded with a smile, "I feel the same. Even though I miss home, with you here, I feel Shanghai is also my home." Zh: 家豪按下快门,捕捉到了朋友们温暖的瞬间。他知道,这张照片将是他这次外滩之行的最佳作品。 En: Jiahao pressed the shutter, capturing the warm moment between his friends. He knew this photo would be his best work from the Bund trip. Zh: 当他们回家的时候,美玲感觉充满了力量和信心。欣怡也不再那么想家,开始享受上海的生活。家豪发现,最美的瞬间往往是朋友之间的真情流露。 En: On their way home, Meiling felt filled with strength and confidence. Xinyi no longer missed home as much and began to enjoy life in Shanghai. Jiahao discovered that the most beautiful moments were often the genuine expressions between friends. Zh: 在这个繁忙的城市中,三位朋友找到了自己的位置。他们互相支持,共同前行。 En: In this bustling city, the three friends found their places. They supported each other and moved forward together. Zh: 美玲在建筑学上的信心恢复了,欣怡找到了家的感觉,家豪也拍摄到了心中的完美照片。从此之后,他们不再感到迷茫,上海成了他们共同的乐园。 En: Meiling regained her confidence in architecture, Xinyi found a sense of home, and Jiahao captured the perfect photo he had in his heart. From then on, they no longer felt lost; Shanghai became their shared paradise. Vocabulary Words: - metro: 地铁 - atmosphere: 气氛 - squeezed: 挤 - comforted: 安慰 - inspiration: 灵感 - capture: 拍 - aroma: 香味 - adorned: 挂满 - historic: 历史 - structures: 建筑 - regained: 恢复 - flickered: 闪烁 - mesmerizing: 陶醉 - genuine: 真情 - expressions: 流露 - paradise: 乐园 - enjoying: 享受 - worried: 担心 - delicious: 好吃 - architecture: 建筑学 - confident: 信心 - opportunity: 机会 - perfect: 完美 - walking: 散步 - adorned: 挂满 - moment: 瞬间 - realized: 领悟 - worries: 愁容 - grateful: 感激 - mesmerizing: 陶醉
    Played 14m
  • Tea Mastery Amidst Dragon Boat Festival: Mei's Triumphant Brew

    28 JUN 2024 · Fluent Fiction - Mandarin Chinese: Tea Mastery Amidst Dragon Boat Festival: Mei's Triumphant Brew Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: https://www.fluentfiction.org/tea-mastery-amidst-dragon-boat-festival-meis-triumphant-brew/ Story Transcript: Zh: 在北京古老茶馆的地下秘密地堡内,夏天的空气却透着一丝凉意。 En: In the underground secret bunker of an ancient tea house in Beijing, the summer air carried a touch of coolness. Zh: 墙上挂满了古老的卷轴,架子上摆放着无数茶叶罐子,空气中弥漫着浓郁的茶香。 En: The walls were covered with old scrolls, and countless tea canisters lined the shelves, filling the air with a rich fragrance of tea. Zh: 秘密地堡的灯光昏暗,周围挤满了专注的观众,他们都在等待这场地下茶艺比赛的开始。 En: The bunker was dimly lit, filled with focused spectators, all eagerly awaiting the start of the underground tea brewing competition. Zh: 美是一个充满激情的茶叶爱好者,她对茶艺有着极高的追求,但她有些笨手笨脚。 En: Mei was a passionate tea enthusiast with a high pursuit of tea art, but she was a bit clumsy. Zh: 嘉是她机灵、乐观的好朋友,总能让美放松下来。 En: Jia, her clever and optimistic good friend, always managed to help Mei relax. Zh: 今天,美想赢得比赛,证明自己是真正的茶艺大师。 En: Today, Mei wanted to win the competition to prove herself as a true tea master. Zh: 嘉在一旁帮忙,两人都很兴奋。 En: Jia was there to assist, and both were excited. Zh: 外面正值龙舟节,热闹的景象和香甜的粽子味道不断飘进地堡里,美很快就被吸引了。 En: Outside, it was the Dragon Boat Festival, and the lively scenes and sweet smell of rice dumplings wafted into the bunker, quickly distracting Mei. Zh: 她有些焦虑,觉得自己可能无法专心比赛。 En: She felt anxious, worried that she wouldn't be able to concentrate on the competition. Zh: 嘉拍拍她的肩膀,笑着说:“别担心,我们可以在茶里加一些节日的成分,这样会更特别。 En: Jia patted her on the shoulder and smiled, saying, "Don’t worry, we can add some festive elements to the tea to make it special." Zh: ”美突然灵机一动,决定将节日的传统成分——红枣和桂花——加入自己的茶里。 En: Mei had a sudden inspiration and decided to add traditional festive ingredients—red dates and osmanthus flowers—into her tea. Zh: 虽然这个主意新奇,但也带来了一些挑战。 En: Although this idea was novel, it also brought some challenges. Zh: 她紧张地准备着,每一步都小心翼翼,但手还是有点抖。 En: She prepared nervously, cautiously managing every step, but her hands were still a bit shaky. Zh: 比赛开始了,美小心翼翼地倒出她的茶,准备递给评委。 En: The competition began, and Mei carefully poured out her tea, ready to serve it to the judges. Zh: 就在这时,她手一滑,茶倒在了桌子上。 En: Just then, her hand slipped, spilling the tea onto the table. Zh: 美惊慌失措,不知道该怎么办。 En: Mei panicked, not knowing what to do. Zh: 嘉急忙递过来一些剩下的材料,美迅速调整了自己的配方,重新泡了一壶茶。 En: Jia quickly handed her some remaining ingredients, and Mei swiftly adjusted her formula, brewing a new pot of tea. Zh: 当美把新泡好的茶端上评委桌时,全场都屏住了呼吸。 En: When Mei presented the freshly brewed tea to the judges, the whole room held its breath. Zh: 评委们品尝后,脸上露出了微笑,他们赞叹这茶的创新味道。 En: After tasting, the judges smiled, praising the innovative flavor of her tea. Zh: 比赛结果出来了,美的茶获得了第一名。 En: The competition results were announced, and Mei’s tea won first place. Zh: 她终于证明了自己的茶艺。 En: She had finally proven her mastery of tea art. Zh: 通过这次经历,美学会了在意外中找到机会,也明白了即使在对茶艺的热爱中,也要学会轻松和随性。 En: Through this experience, Mei learned to find opportunities in the face of unexpected challenges, and realized that even in her love for tea art, she needed to relax and be more flexible. Zh: 她和嘉开心地庆祝,望着外面热闹的龙舟节,美心里充满了满足。 En: She and Jia celebrated happily, looking out at the lively Dragon Boat Festival, and Mei felt a deep sense of satisfaction. Vocabulary Words: - underground: 地下 - bunker: 地堡 - ancient: 古老 - scrolls: 卷轴 - canisters: 罐子 - fragrance: 香味 - dimly lit: 灯光昏暗 - spectators: 观众 - enthusiast: 爱好者 - passionate: 充满激情 - clumsy: 笨手笨脚 - optimistic: 乐观 - assist: 帮忙 - Dragon Boat Festival: 龙舟节 - rice dumplings: 粽子 - anxious: 焦虑 - concentrate: 专心 - festive elements: 节日的成分 - inspiration: 灵机一动 - ingredients: 成分 - osmanthus flowers: 桂花 - novel: 新奇 - challenges: 挑战 - nervously: 紧张 - cautiously: 小心翼翼 - shaky: 抖 - judges: 评委 - formula: 配方 - innovative: 创新 - flavor: 味道
    Played 13m 44s
  • From Strangers to Family: A Heartwarming Dragon Boat Festival

    27 JUN 2024 · Fluent Fiction - Mandarin Chinese: From Strangers to Family: A Heartwarming Dragon Boat Festival Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: https://www.fluentfiction.org/from-strangers-to-family-a-heartwarming-dragon-boat-festival/ Story Transcript: Zh: 漫长的夏天,阳光炙热,空气中弥漫着一股淡淡的糯米香味。 En: The long summer was blazing hot, and the air was filled with a faint scent of glutinous rice. Zh: 在上海孤儿院里,孩子们欢快地穿梭在小花园和厨房之间,准备即将到来的端午节。 En: In the Shanghai orphanage, the children were happily darting between the small garden and the kitchen, preparing for the upcoming Dragon Boat Festival. Zh: 梁梅是一位非常关心孩子们的孤儿院院长。 En: Liang Mei was a very caring director of the orphanage. Zh: 她看着孩子们脸上的笑容,心里感到温暖。 En: Watching the smiles on the children's faces, she felt warmth in her heart. Zh: 然而,她知道要让这个端午节变得特别,需要更多的努力和资金。 En: However, she knew that making this Dragon Boat Festival special would require more effort and funds. Zh: 孤儿院资源有限,组织大型活动是个不小的挑战。 En: The resources of the orphanage were limited, and organizing a large event was no small challenge. Zh: 孤儿院新来了一位年轻的志愿者,名叫陈华。 En: A young volunteer named Chen Hua had recently joined the orphanage. Zh: 陈华虽然没有太多经验,但他很热情。 En: Although Chen Hua didn't have much experience, he was very enthusiastic. Zh: 他有自己的小小秘密——他想通过帮助孩子们,找到自己儿时的记忆和连接。 En: He had a little secret of his own—he wanted to find memories and connections from his own childhood by helping the children. Zh: 不久之后,陈华和梁梅一起去买菜,准备端午节的食材。 En: Soon after, Chen Hua and Liang Mei went shopping for groceries to prepare for the Dragon Boat Festival. Zh: “陈华,我们要买糯米、红豆、粽叶,还有一些新鲜蔬菜。”梁梅指示道,眉头微微紧锁。 En: "Chen Hua, we need to buy glutinous rice, red beans, bamboo leaves, and some fresh vegetables," Liang Mei instructed, her brows slightly furrowed. Zh: “好的,梁梅院长,我记住了。”陈华开心地回答。 En: "Got it, Director Liang. I remember," Chen Hua replied happily. Zh: 在超市里,他们一边挑选食材,一边谈论着如何组织这次活动。 En: In the supermarket, they selected ingredients while discussing how to organize the event. Zh: 这时,陈华突然觉得自己应该更靠近这群孩子,更了解他们。 En: At this moment, Chen Hua suddenly felt that he should get closer to these children and understand them better. Zh: “梁梅院长,我可以负责教孩子们包粽子吗?我觉得这会很有趣。”陈华提议道。 En: "Director Liang, can I be in charge of teaching the children how to make zongzi? I think it would be fun," Chen Hua suggested. Zh: 梁梅犹豫了一下。她一向习惯亲力亲为,但她也知道自己不能一个人完成所有事情。 En: Liang Mei hesitated for a moment. She was used to handling everything herself but knew she couldn't do it all alone. Zh: 于是,她点了点头,“好吧,陈华,我相信你。” En: So, she nodded, "Alright, Chen Hua, I trust you." Zh: 回到孤儿院,陈华开始组织孩子们包粽子。 En: Back at the orphanage, Chen Hua began organizing the children to make zongzi. Zh: 他耐心地教大家如何把糯米和红豆放进粽叶里,再用细绳绑紧。 En: Patiently, he taught everyone how to put the glutinous rice and red beans into the bamboo leaves and then tie them up with string. Zh: 孩子们一边学习,一边开心地笑着,整个厨房充满了欢乐的气氛。 En: The children learned while laughing happily, and the kitchen was filled with a joyful atmosphere. Zh: “陈华哥哥,你为什么会来孤儿院?”一个小女孩好奇地问。 En: "Brother Chen Hua, why did you come to the orphanage?" a little girl asked curiously. Zh: 陈华停下来,眼神变得柔和。 En: Chen Hua paused, his eyes softening. Zh: 他看了看梁梅,决定坦诚相告,“其实,我小时候也在孤儿院长大。我想通过帮助你们,找回一些记忆。” En: He glanced at Liang Mei and decided to be frank, "Actually, I grew up in an orphanage too. I want to help you all to reconnect with some of my memories." Zh: 梁梅听到陈华的话,心里一震。 En: Liang Mei was taken aback by Chen Hua's words. Zh: 她从未想到,陈华背后竟有这样的故事。 En: She had never imagined that Chen Hua had such a story behind him. Zh: 她眼里的严厉渐渐消散,取而代之的是一种理解和信任。 En: The severity in her eyes gradually faded, replaced by understanding and trust. Zh: 端午节当天,孩子们穿上了新衣服,开心地围在一起。 En: On the day of the Dragon Boat Festival, the children wore new clothes and gathered happily. Zh: 他们亲手包的粽子蒸熟了,香味四溢。 En: The zongzi they made were steamed, and their fragrance filled the air. Zh: 陈华带领大家品尝粽子,整个孤儿院里充满了欢声笑语。 En: Chen Hua led everyone in tasting the zongzi, and the whole orphanage was filled with joyful laughter. Zh: 梁梅走到陈华身边,轻声说道,“谢谢你,陈华。这次活动很成功。孩子们都很开心。” En: Liang Mei walked to Chen Hua and said softly, "Thank you, Chen Hua. This event was very successful. The children are all very happy." Zh: 陈华微笑着点点头,“梁梅院长,其实我也很开心。我找到了家的感觉。” En: Chen Hua smiled and nodded, "Director Liang, I am also very happy. I found a sense of home." Zh: 这次端午节的庆祝活动,让孩子们和员工们更加亲密。 En: The celebration of this Dragon Boat Festival brought the children and the staff closer together. Zh: 梁梅学会了相信和接受别人的帮助,陈华找到了内心的宁静和对过去的连接。 En: Liang Mei learned to trust and accept help from others, and Chen Hua found inner peace and a connection to his past. Zh: 夏天的阳光依然炽热,但上海孤儿院里充满了温馨和爱意。 En: The summer sun was still blazing, but the Shanghai orphanage was filled with warmth and love. Zh: 梁梅和陈华站在门口,望着孩子们的笑脸,心中感到无比满足。 En: Liang Mei and Chen Hua stood at the door, looking at the children's smiling faces, feeling immensely satisfied in their hearts. Vocabulary Words: - blazing: 炙热 - faint: 淡淡 - glutinous: 糯米 - orphanage: 孤儿院 - darting: 穿梭 - upcoming: 即将到来 - caring: 关心 - resources: 资源 - funds: 资金 - volunteer: 志愿者 - enthusiastic: 热情 - memories: 记忆 - connections: 连接 - groceries: 食材 - browning: 微微紧锁 - supplies: 食材 - patiently: 耐心地 - fragrance: 香味 - atmosphere: 气氛 - curiously: 好奇地 - hesitated: 犹豫 - understanding: 理解 - joyful: 欢乐 - celebration: 庆祝 - accept: 接受 - satisfied: 满足 - trust: 信任 - inner: 内心 - blazing: 炙热 - steamed: 蒸熟
    Played 18m 3s
  • Balancing Books and Festivals: Meng Yao's Journey to Success

    26 JUN 2024 · Fluent Fiction - Mandarin Chinese: Balancing Books and Festivals: Meng Yao's Journey to Success Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: https://www.fluentfiction.org/balancing-books-and-festivals-meng-yaos-journey-to-success/ Story Transcript: Zh: 在炎热的夏天,学校图书馆里静谧而凉爽,书架林立。 En: On a scorching summer day, the school library was peaceful and cool, surrounded by towering bookshelves. Zh: 图书管理员轻手轻脚地整理书籍,学生轻声讨论。 En: The librarian quietly organized the books, while students discussed in hushed tones. Zh: 门外,端午节的彩带飘扬,空气中弥漫着粽子的香气。 En: Outside, Dragon Boat Festival ribbons fluttered in the breeze, and the scent of zongzi filled the air. Zh: 孟瑶坐在靠窗的桌子旁,面前堆满了课本和笔记。 En: Meng Yao sat at a table by the window, with textbooks and notes piled in front of her. Zh: 她努力在笔记上写下重点,心中充满了压力。 En: She diligently wrote down key points in her notes, feeling overwhelmed. Zh: “我必须考好,我需要奖学金。”她默念。 En: "I have to do well on the exams; I need the scholarship," she murmured to herself. Zh: 梁,一向懒散的朋友,悠然地坐在她对面。 En: Liang, her always laid-back friend, leisurely sat across from her. Zh: 他手中拿着一本小说,时不时抬头看向焦虑的孟瑶。 En: He held a novel in his hands and occasionally glanced at the anxious Meng Yao. Zh: “不要太紧张,”梁轻声说,“你已经很努力了。” En: "Don't stress too much," Liang said softly, "You've already worked really hard." Zh: 孟瑶叹了口气,“可我实在找不到时间学习和享受节日,我怕跟不上进度。” En: Meng Yao sighed, "But I can't find time to study and enjoy the festival. I'm afraid I'll fall behind." Zh: “你不能一直这样拼命,不然会累坏的,”梁建议道,“偶尔休息一下,放松心情,这样效率会更高。” En: "You can't keep pushing yourself like this; you'll wear yourself out," Liang advised, "Take a break now and then; relaxing will make you more efficient." Zh: 日子一天天过去,端午节邻近,孟瑶却一天比一天紧张。 En: Days passed, and as the Dragon Boat Festival approached, Meng Yao grew more nervous by the day. Zh: 她白天在图书馆学习,晚上在家帮忙准备节日事宜。 En: She studied in the library during the day and helped prepare for the festival at home in the evening. Zh: 终于,在考试前的最后一晚,孟瑶在书桌前崩溃了,眼泪不停地流下来。 En: Finally, on the night before the exam, Meng Yao broke down at her desk, tears streaming down her face. Zh: “我真的不行了,”她对自己说,“我快撑不住了。” En: "I really can't take it anymore," she told herself, "I'm at my breaking point." Zh: 梁走了过来,递给她一杯水, En: Liang came over and handed her a glass of water. Zh: “你需要休息。不如我们分开时间,既学习又庆祝节日。” En: "You need rest. How about we split the time to both study and celebrate the festival?" Zh: 在梁的帮助下,孟瑶学会了合理安排时间。 En: With Liang's help, Meng Yao learned to manage her time better. Zh: 她开始早上学习,下午和家人一起准备节日,晚上再复习。 En: She started studying in the morning, preparing for the festival with her family in the afternoon, and reviewing her notes in the evening. Zh: 家人也纷纷鼓励她,不要给自己太大压力。 En: Her family also encouraged her not to put too much pressure on herself. Zh: 考试当天,孟瑶走进考场,心中忽然轻松了许多。 En: On the day of the exam, Meng Yao walked into the examination room, feeling unexpectedly at ease. Zh: 她回想这段时间的努力和家人的支持,感到满满的力量。 En: She thought back to her efforts and her family's support, feeling filled with strength. Zh: 几周后,成绩公布,孟瑶考得非常好,成功获得了奖学金。 En: A few weeks later, the results were announced, and Meng Yao had done very well, earning the scholarship. Zh: 她兴奋地告诉梁,“谢谢你,要不是你告诉我休息的重要性,我可能不会这么顺利。” En: Excitedly, she told Liang, "Thank you. If it weren't for you telling me the importance of rest, I might not have succeeded so smoothly." Zh: 梁微笑着说,“重要的是你学会了平衡,知道什么时候需要帮助。 En: Liang smiled and said, "The important thing is that you learned to balance and know when to ask for help. Zh: 以后再忙,也别忘了多休息,多和家人在一起。” En: No matter how busy you get in the future, don't forget to rest and spend time with your family." Zh: 孟瑶点点头,心中明白,这次经验不仅教会她如何学习,更教会了她如何生活。 En: Meng Yao nodded, understanding that this experience had not only taught her how to study but also how to live. Vocabulary Words: - scorching: 炎热 - peaceful: 静谧 - towering: 林立 - librarian: 图书管理员 - ribbons: 彩带 - fluttered: 飘扬 - breeze: 微风 - scent: 香气 - diligently: 努力 - overwhelmed: 压力 - laid-back: 懒散 - leisurely: 悠然 - anxious: 焦虑 - sighed: 叹了 - pushing: 拼命 - wear yourself out: 累坏 - advised: 建议 - efficient: 效率高 - approached: 邻近 - exam: 考试 - desk: 书桌 - tears: 眼泪 - streaming: 不停地流 - breaking point: 撑不住 - rest: 休息 - manage: 安排 - reviewing: 复习 - unexpectedly: 忽然 - filled with strength: 满满的力量 - balance: 平衡
    Played 14m 26s
  • Family Tides: Courage and Unity at Dragon Boat Festival

    25 JUN 2024 · Fluent Fiction - Mandarin Chinese: Family Tides: Courage and Unity at Dragon Boat Festival Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: https://www.fluentfiction.org/family-tides-courage-and-unity-at-dragon-boat-festival/ Story Transcript: Zh: 青岛的夏天,总是那么热闹。 En: Summers in Qingdao are always bustling with activity. Zh: 龙舟节前夕,小镇被海风吹得格外清爽。 En: On the eve of the Dragon Boat Festival, the small town was especially refreshing under the sea breeze. Zh: 市集里,老板们忙着摆摊,小孩子们在巷子里追逐打闹。 En: At the market, vendors were busy setting up their stalls, and children were chasing each other through the alleys. Zh: 彩旗飘扬,传统音乐的声音从四面八方传来。 En: Colorful flags fluttered as traditional music echoed from all directions. Zh: 丽华站在家门口,深吸一口盐腥的海风。 En: Standing at her doorstep, Lihua took a deep breath of the salty sea breeze. Zh: 她已经许多年没回家了。 En: It had been many years since she'd returned home. Zh: 这次回来,她心情复杂。 En: This time, her feelings were mixed. Zh: 她的创业公司最近遇到了很多麻烦,但她不想让家人担心。 En: Her startup company had been facing a lot of trouble recently, but she didn't want her family to worry. Zh: "姐姐,你回来了!" 小明的一声呼喊,把丽华从思绪中拉回。 En: "Sister, you're back!" Xiao Ming's shout pulled Lihua out of her thoughts. Zh: 小明从海上回来,皮肤晒得黝黑,眼神中闪烁着海风带来的自由。 En: He had just returned from the sea, his skin tanned dark, his eyes reflecting the freedom brought by the sea breeze. Zh: “是啊,小明。”丽华微笑,但心底的忧虑始终挥之不去。 En: "Yes, Xiao Ming." Lihua smiled, but the worries in her heart lingered. Zh: 父母见到两个孩子,眼中满是欣慰。 En: Their parents, seeing their two children, were filled with joy. Zh: 然而,他们也看得出丽华和小明都有自己的烦恼。 En: However, they could tell that both Lihua and Xiao Ming had their own troubles. Zh: 晚上,一家人围坐在饭桌旁,吃着传统的粽子。 En: That evening, the family sat around the dinner table, eating traditional rice dumplings. Zh: 母亲微笑着问,“丽华,你的公司怎么样了?” En: Mother asked with a smile, "Lihua, how's your company doing?" Zh: 丽华沉默片刻,脸微微发红。 En: Lihua was silent for a moment, her face slightly flushed. Zh: 她看了看弟弟,又看了看父母的眼睛,终于开口了。 En: She looked at her brother, then at her parents, and finally spoke. Zh: “妈妈,公司……遇到了一些困难。但我会努力解决的。” En: "Mom, the company is… facing some difficulties. But I will work hard to solve them." Zh: 父亲点点头,“遇到困难是正常的,我们都支持你。” En: Their father nodded, "It’s normal to encounter difficulties. We support you." Zh: 小明看着姐姐,决定也说出自己的心声。 En: Xiao Ming, looking at his sister, decided to share his thoughts as well. Zh: “爸妈,我在海上感觉很充实,但我也想更多时间陪你们。” En: "Mom, Dad, I feel very fulfilled at sea, but I also want to spend more time with you." Zh: 父母静静地听着,心中既担忧又安慰。 En: The parents listened quietly, a mix of worry and comfort in their hearts. Zh: 他们希望孩子们幸福,却又不想给他们太多压力。 En: They wanted their children to be happy but didn't want to place too much pressure on them. Zh: 第二天是龙舟节。 En: The next day was the Dragon Boat Festival. Zh: 丽华和小明站在河边,看着龙舟赛。 En: Lihua and Xiao Ming stood by the river, watching the dragon boat race. Zh: 龙舟上的鼓点声激烈,水花四溅,气氛紧张又兴奋。 En: The sound of the drums was intense, water splashed everywhere, and the atmosphere was both tense and exciting. Zh: 比赛结束后,丽华和小明似乎都找到了新的决心。 En: After the race, both Lihua and Xiao Ming seemed to have found new resolve. Zh: 丽华看着弟弟,轻声说,“小明,我决定继续努力发展公司,但不会再隐瞒困难。” En: Lihua looked at her brother and softly said, "Xiao Ming, I've decided to keep working hard on the company but won’t hide the difficulties anymore." Zh: 小明则坚定地回答,“姐姐,我会继续在海上,但也会更多时间回家。” En: Xiao Ming responded firmly, "Sister, I will continue working at sea but will spend more time at home." Zh: 一家人终于在阳光下重聚,心中的阴霾也逐渐消散。 En: The family finally reunited under the sunshine, and the darkness in their hearts gradually dissipated. Zh: 他们知道,不论前方有多么艰难的路,只要一家人在一起,就没有什么过不去的坎。 En: They knew that no matter how difficult the road ahead might be, as long as they were together, there was nothing they couldn't overcome. Zh: 丽华和小明站在岸边,肩并肩,面对着蓝天大海。 En: Lihua and Xiao Ming stood side by side on the shore, facing the blue sky and sea. Zh: 他们都明白,家人的支持和理解,是最珍贵的力量。 En: They both understood that the support and understanding of family were the most precious forces they had. Vocabulary Words: - bustling: 热闹 - eve: 前夕 - refreshing: 清爽 - vendors: 老板们 - stalls: 摊 - flag: 彩旗 - fluttered: 飘扬 - traditional: 传统 - echoed: 传来 - doorstep: 家门口 - salty: 盐腥 - start-up company: 创业公司 - mixed: 复杂 - tanned: 晒得黝黑 - chase: 追逐 - splash: 四溅 - atmosphere: 气氛 - linger: 挥之不去 - fulfilled: 充实 - difficulties: 困难 - resolve: 决心 - reunited: 重聚 - understanding: 理解 - precious: 珍贵 - reflecting: 闪烁 - encounter: 遇到 - support: 支持 - fulfilled: 充实 - drums: 鼓点 - shore: 岸边
    Played 15m 15s

Are you ready to supercharge your Mandarin Chinese listening comprehension? Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through...

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Are you ready to supercharge your Mandarin Chinese listening comprehension? Our podcast is the perfect tool for you.

Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing. That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Mandarin Chinese, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Mandarin Chinese and English.

This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension.

But we don't stop there. Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

And our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who want to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to China? Maybe you want to speak Mandarin Chinese with your friends from Beijing or Shanghai? Our podcast will give you the cultural and linguistic background to fully immerse yourself in China.

Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics, psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Mandarin Chinese listening comprehension. Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself.

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