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Fluent Fiction - Serbian

  • Sunset Over Belgrade: A Tale of Love and Resilience

    4 JUL 2024 · Fluent Fiction - Serbian: Sunset Over Belgrade: A Tale of Love and Resilience Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: https://www.fluentfiction.org/sunset-over-belgrade-a-tale-of-love-and-resilience/ Story Transcript: Sr: Pod zidinama stare Beogradske tvrđave, leta su uvek posebna. En: Under the walls of the old Belgrade Fortress, summers are always special. Sr: Nikola i Ana su šetali uskim stazama, dok je sunce polako zalazilo. En: Nikola and Ana were walking along the narrow paths as the sun slowly set. Sr: Topao vetar nosio je miris cveća, a zvuk grada bio je udaljen, skoro nestvaran. En: A warm breeze carried the scent of flowers, and the sound of the city was distant, almost unreal. Sr: Iako su došli da pobegnu od stresa, oboje su bili zabrinuti. En: Although they had come to escape the stress, both were worried. Sr: Nikola, vredan i precizan, razmišljao je o važnoj prezentaciji koja ga je čekala. En: Nikola, diligent and precise, was thinking about the important presentation awaiting him. Sr: Hteo je da se opusti i uživa sa Anom, ali misli su mu stalno lutale ka poslu. En: He wanted to relax and enjoy the time with Ana, but his thoughts kept drifting back to work. Sr: Ana, kreativna duša, osećala se potcenjeno na svom poslu. En: Ana, a creative soul, felt undervalued at her job. Sr: Želela je promenu, ali nije znala kako da započne razgovor sa Nikolom. En: She wanted a change but didn't know how to start a conversation with Nikola. Sr: „Pogledaj, kako je lepo,“ rekla je Ana, pokazavši na zalazak sunca iznad reke. En: "Look, it's so beautiful," Ana said, pointing to the sunset over the river. Sr: Nikola je klimnuo, ali je i dalje bio zamišljen. En: Nikola nodded but remained pensive. Sr: „Razmišljaš li o prezentaciji? En: "Are you thinking about the presentation?" Sr: “ upitala je Ana, pokušavajući da ga malo opusti. En: Ana asked, trying to ease his mind. Sr: „Da, ali pokušaću da se opustim,“ rekao je Nikola sa blagim osmehom. En: "Yes, but I'll try to relax," Nikola said with a slight smile. Sr: Bio je zahvalan što je Ana tu, ali briga ga je sputavala. En: He was grateful that Ana was there, but his worry held him back. Sr: Dok su šetali pored zidina, Ana je sve više osećala težinu svojih misli. En: As they walked by the walls, Ana felt the weight of her thoughts growing. Sr: „Moram da ti kažem nešto,“ rekla je tiho. En: "I need to tell you something," she said quietly. Sr: Nikola joj je dao znak da nastavi. En: Nikola motioned for her to continue. Sr: „Osećam se izgubljeno na poslu. En: "I feel lost at work. Sr: Niko ne vrednuje moj trud. En: No one values my effort. Sr: Razmišljam da promenim karijeru, ali ne znam šta da radim,“ rekla je kroz suze. En: I'm thinking about changing careers, but I don't know what to do," she said through tears. Sr: Nikola je stao i zagrlio je. En: Nikola stopped and hugged her. Sr: „Ana, razumeo sam. En: "Ana, I understand. Sr: I ja sam pod velikim pritiskom zbog posla. En: I'm also under a lot of pressure because of work. Sr: Plašim se te prezentacije. En: I'm afraid of that presentation." Sr: “Ana je podigla glavu i pogledala ga u oči. En: Ana lifted her head and looked into his eyes. Sr: „Uvek si bio tu za mene. En: "You've always been there for me. Sr: Sad želim da budem tu za tebe. En: Now I want to be there for you." Sr: “Nikola se osmehnuo, prvi put opušteno. En: Nikola smiled, genuinely relaxed for the first time. Sr: „Podržavam te, šta god odlučila. En: "I support you, whatever you decide. Sr: Hajde da zajedno prevaziđemo ove izazove. En: Let's overcome these challenges together." Sr: “Nastavili su šetnju, držeći se za ruke. En: They continued walking, holding hands. Sr: Tog leta, pod vedrim nebom Beogradske tvrđave, Nikola i Ana su našli novu snagu. En: That summer, under the clear skies of the Belgrade Fortress, Nikola and Ana found new strength. Sr: Zajedno su odlučili da prihvate promene i podrže jedno drugo. En: Together, they decided to embrace change and support each other. Sr: Znali su da nije lako, ali osećali su se spremno da se suoče sa svim što dolazi. En: They knew it wouldn't be easy, but they felt ready to face whatever came their way. Sr: Zalazak sunca je donio novi početak. En: The sunset brought a new beginning. Sr: Njihova veza je postala jača, a oni su naučili da budu otvoreni i iskreni. En: Their relationship became stronger, and they learned to be open and honest. Sr: Uz podršku i razumevanje, sve je postalo malo lakše. En: With support and understanding, everything became a bit easier. Sr: I tako, negde između zidina i zvukova grada, Nikola i Ana su pronašli svoj mir. En: And so, somewhere between the walls and the sounds of the city, Nikola and Ana found their peace. Vocabulary Words: - fortress: tvrđava - narrow: uskim - breeze: vetar - scent: miris - distant: udaljen - unreal: nestvaran - diligent: vredan - precise: precizan - awaiting: čekala - creative: kreativna - undervalued: potcenjeno - pensive: zamišljen - ease: opustiti - grateful: zahvalan - weight: težina - lost: izgubljeno - effort: trud - pressure: pritisak - hugged: zagrlio - overcome: prevaziđemo - holding: držeći - embrace: prihvate - challenges: izazove - clear skies: vedrim nebom - strength: snagu - support: podrška - understanding: razumevanje - beginning: početak - relationship: veza - honest: iskreni
    Played 15m 35s
  • Preserving Legends: A Journey Through Devil's Town

    3 JUL 2024 · Fluent Fiction - Serbian: Preserving Legends: A Journey Through Devil's Town Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: https://www.fluentfiction.org/preserving-legends-a-journey-through-devils-town/ Story Transcript: Sr: Noć je bila tiha u Đavoljoj Varoši. En: The night was quiet in Devil's Town. Sr: Nebo je bilo posuto zvezdama koje su svetlucale kao da pričaju tajne. En: The sky was dotted with stars that twinkled as if sharing secrets. Sr: Stefan je hodao polako, s kamerom u ruci. En: Stefan walked slowly, holding a camera. Sr: Bio je uzbuđen. En: He was excited. Sr: Đavolja Varoš je bila poznata po neobičnim stenskim formacijama. En: Devil's Town was known for its unusual rock formations. Sr: Stefan je želeo da zabeleži svaki detalj za svoj blog. En: Stefan wanted to capture every detail for his blog. Sr: Ana je bila pored njega. En: Ana was beside him. Sr: Znala je mnogo o istoriji Đavolje Varoši. En: She knew a lot about the history of Devil's Town. Sr: Njena baka joj je pričala priče o starim vremenima i legendama. En: Her grandmother had told her stories about the old times and legends. Sr: Ana je želela da očuva to znanje i prenese ga budućim generacijama. En: Ana wanted to preserve that knowledge and pass it on to future generations. Sr: "Samo pazi da ne diraš ništa", rekla je Ana. En: "Just be careful not to touch anything," Ana said. Sr: "Ovo mesto je veoma važno za nas. En: "This place is very important to us." Sr: "Stefan je klimnuo glavom, ali je his očima tražio najbolji kadar za fotografiju. En: Stefan nodded, but his eyes kept searching for the best shot. Sr: "Moramo da požurimo", rekao je. En: "We need to hurry," he said. Sr: "Sunce zalazi, a želim da uhvatim pravu svetlost. En: "The sun is setting, and I want to catch the right light." Sr: "Ana je uzdahnula. En: Ana sighed. Sr: Znala je da je Stefan ambiciozan. En: She knew Stefan was ambitious. Sr: Želeo je da njegov blog postane popularan. En: He wanted his blog to become popular. Sr: Ali, brinula se da će, u toj žurbi, možda oštetiti stari kamen ili neke ruševine. En: But she worried that in his rush, he might damage some old stones or ruins. Sr: Dok su se kretali dalje, naišli su na staru statu. En: As they moved further, they came across an old statue. Sr: Bila je prekrivena mahovinom, ali se oblik još uvek video. En: It was covered in moss, but its shape was still visible. Sr: "Ovo je fascinantno", rekla je Ana. En: "This is fascinating," Ana said. Sr: "Ova statua je stara preko hiljadu godina. En: "This statue is over a thousand years old." Sr: "Stefan je fotografisao. En: Stefan took a photo. Sr: "Sjajno", rekao je. En: "Great," he said. Sr: "Ovo će privući pažnju mojih pratilaca. En: "This will attract my followers' attention." Sr: "Ali, dok je prišao bliže kako bi uhvatio bolji ugao, kamenje se ispod njega pomerilo i Stefan je pao. En: But as he stepped closer to get a better angle, the stones beneath him shifted, and Stefan fell. Sr: Ana je potrčala ka njemu. En: Ana ran to him. Sr: "Da li si dobro? En: "Are you okay?" Sr: ", pitala je. En: she asked. Sr: Stefan je bio u redu, ali su zvuci kamenja odzvanjali po vazduhu. En: Stefan was fine, but the sound of the stones echoed through the air. Sr: Napravio je buku. En: He had made a noise. Sr: Stene su počele da se urušavaju. En: The rocks began to collapse. Sr: Ana i Stefan su morali brzo da reaguju. En: Ana and Stefan had to react quickly. Sr: Držali su se za ruke i trčali ka sigurnom mestu. En: They held hands and ran to a safe place. Sr: Kada su konačno stigli na sigurno, oboje su dahćući gledali prema starim ruševinama. En: When they finally reached safety, both were panting, looking back at the old ruins. Sr: Stefan je shvatio koliko je mesto krhko. En: Stefan realized how fragile the place was. Sr: "Izvini", rekao je. En: "Sorry," he said. Sr: "Nisam shvatio koliko ovo mesto znači. En: "I didn't realize how much this place meant." Sr: "Ana je klimnula glavom. En: Ana nodded. Sr: "Važno je da poštujemo istoriju", rekla je. En: "It's important to respect history," she said. Sr: "Ali možemo raditi zajedno. En: "But we can work together. Sr: Možemo podeliti priče na pravi način. En: We can share the stories the right way." Sr: "Stefan je pažljivo pregledao svoje snimke. En: Stefan carefully reviewed his shots. Sr: "Praviću edukativnu seriju", rekao je. En: "I'll create an educational series," he said. Sr: "Neću samo juriti za klikovima. En: "I won't just chase clicks. Sr: Želim da ljudi znaju pravu priču. En: I want people to know the real story." Sr: "Ana mu je pomogla da napiše tekst za blog. En: Ana helped him write the text for the blog. Sr: Zajedno su kreirali priču koja je poštovala kulturu i privlačila čitaoce. En: Together, they created a story that respected the culture and attracted readers. Sr: Stefan je dobio nove pratioce, ali što je važnije, stekao je novo poštovanje prema kulturnom nasleđu. En: Stefan gained new followers, but more importantly, he gained a new respect for cultural heritage. Sr: Dok su odlazili iz Đavolje Varoši, Stefan je pogledao Anu. En: As they left Devil's Town, Stefan looked at Ana. Sr: "Hvala ti", rekao je. En: "Thank you," he said. Sr: "Naučila si me mnogo. En: "You taught me a lot." Sr: "Ana se nasmešila. En: Ana smiled. Sr: "I ti si mene", rekla je. En: "And you taught me," she said. Sr: "Možemo koristiti moderne načine da sačuvamo prošlost. En: "We can use modern ways to preserve the past." Sr: "I tako, Đavolja Varoš postade most između prošlosti i sadašnjosti, zahvaljujući Stefanu i Ani koji su radili zajedno, poštujući staro i koristeći novo. En: And so, Devil's Town became a bridge between the past and the present, thanks to Stefan and Ana working together, respecting the old and using the new. Vocabulary Words: - quiet: tiha - dotted: posuto - twinkled: svetlucale - secrets: tajne - excited: uzbuđen - formations: formacijama - beside: pored - preserve: očuva - generations: generacijama - careful: pazi - sun: sunce - setting: zalazi - ambitious: ambiciozan - statue: stata - moss: mahovinom - shape: oblik - followers: pratilaca - shifted: pomerilo - echoed: odzvanjali - collapse: urušavaju - fragile: krhko - respect: poštujemo - educational: edukativnu - series: seriju - chase: juriti - cultural: kulturno - heritage: nasleđu - modern: moderne - ways: načine - past: prošlost
    Played 18m 20s
  • Moonlit Connection: A Summer Camp Story of Friendship and Courage

    2 JUL 2024 · Fluent Fiction - Serbian: Moonlit Connection: A Summer Camp Story of Friendship and Courage Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: https://www.fluentfiction.org/moonlit-connection-a-summer-camp-story-of-friendship-and-courage/ Story Transcript: Sr: Plaža je bila prelepa te noći. En: The beach was beautiful that night. Sr: Mesec je osvetljavao pesak, a talasi su lagano udarali o obalu. En: The moon illuminated the sand, and the waves gently lapped against the shore. Sr: Bilo je poslednje veče letnjeg kampa. En: It was the last evening of the summer camp. Sr: Miro je sedeo na pesku, držeći blok za crtanje. En: Miro was sitting on the sand, holding a sketchbook. Sr: Njegov najbolji prijatelj Luka je bio u blizini, priče što je pričao su se mešale sa smehom drugih kampera. En: His best friend Luka was nearby, his stories mixing with the laughter of other campers. Sr: Luka je bio hrabar i društven, uvek u centru pažnje. En: Luka was brave and sociable, always the center of attention. Sr: Miro je bio tiši, voleći da posmatra i crta. En: Miro was quieter, enjoying watching and drawing. Sr: Ove godine u kamp je došla nova devojka, Anja. En: This year, a new girl had come to camp, Anja. Sr: Bila je misteriozna i često tužna. En: She was mysterious and often sad. Sr: Miro ju je posmatrao izdaleka, osećajući neku vezu s njom, ali nije znao kako da joj priđe. En: Miro watched her from afar, feeling some connection with her but didn't know how to approach her. Sr: "Znaš, Miro," reče Luka, "ovo je naše poslednje veče ovde. En: "You know, Miro," said Luka, "this is our last evening here. Sr: Trebalo bi da napravimo nešto posebno. En: We should do something special." Sr: "Miro je gledao svoj crtež. En: Miro looked at his drawing. Sr: Bilo je to nešto što je baš danas nacrtao, misleći na Anju. En: It was something he'd drawn just today, thinking of Anja. Sr: Luka mu je znao savetovati da izađe iz svoje ljušture, ali večeras je to bilo posebno teško. En: Luka always advised him to come out of his shell, but tonight it seemed especially difficult. Sr: Dok su zvezde treperile iznad njih, Miro je ustao i rekao: "Hoću da napravim nešto posebno. En: As the stars twinkled above them, Miro stood up and said, "I want to do something special. Sr: Moram razgovarati s Anjom. En: I need to talk to Anja." Sr: "Luka je klimnuo glavom uz osmeh. En: Luka nodded with a smile. Sr: "Znao sam da ćeš to reći. En: "I knew you'd say that. Sr: Idi, prijatelju. En: Go, my friend." Sr: "Miro je lagano šetao plažom dok nije ugledao Anju, koja je sedeći gledala u talase. En: Miro walked slowly along the beach until he saw Anja, who was sitting and looking at the waves. Sr: Srce mu je brzo kucalo dok joj je prilazio. En: His heart was pounding as he approached her. Sr: Seo je pored nje tiho, držeći crtež iza leđa. En: He sat down beside her quietly, holding the drawing behind his back. Sr: "Zdravo, Anja," prošaptao je Miro. En: "Hello, Anja," Miro whispered. Sr: Anja ga je pogledala svojim tužnim očima i blago se osmehnula. En: Anja looked at him with her sad eyes and smiled softly. Sr: "Zdravo, Miro," odgovorila je tiho. En: "Hello, Miro," she replied quietly. Sr: "Želeo sam ti nešto pokazati," rekao je, izvlačeći crtež. En: "I wanted to show you something," he said, pulling out the drawing. Sr: Bio je to mesec iznad talasa, slično onome što su gledali te noći. En: It was the moon over the waves, similar to what they were looking at that night. Sr: Anja ga je pažljivo pogledala, a oči su joj zasijale. En: Anja looked at it carefully, and her eyes sparkled. Sr: "Predivno je," rekla je tiho, drhteći. En: "It's beautiful," she said softly, trembling. Sr: "Kako si znao? En: "How did you know?" Sr: ""Nisam znao," priznao je Miro, "ali osećao sam da je ovo nešto što bi ti se moglo dopasti. En: "I didn't know," Miro admitted, "but I felt this might be something you'd like." Sr: "Anja je pogledala daleko u more i tiho rekla: "Moj se brat nedavno preselio daleko. En: Anja looked far out to sea and quietly said, "My brother recently moved far away. Sr: Osećam se kao da sam ga izgubila. En: I feel like I've lost him." Sr: "Miro je polako obgrlio Anju ramenom. En: Miro slowly put an arm around Anja's shoulder. Sr: "Nisi sama," rekao je. En: "You're not alone," he said. Sr: "Mi smo ovde zajedno, a bićeš i sa svojim bratom u mislima. En: "We're here together, and you'll be with your brother in your thoughts." Sr: "Te reči su donijele olakšanje oboma. En: Those words brought relief to them both. Sr: Sedeli su tako, gledajući mesec i osećajući vezu. En: They sat like that, watching the moon and feeling a connection. Sr: Tuga je postajala blaža, a Miro je osećao neočekivanu hrabrost. En: The sadness became lighter, and Miro felt an unexpected courage. Sr: Dok su talasi nastavili da udaraju o obalu, Miro i Anja su se smešili jedno drugom, osećajući da su pronašli prijatelja. En: As the waves continued to lap against the shore, Miro and Anja smiled at each other, feeling like they had found a friend. Sr: Luka je izdaleka posmatrao, srećan zbog Mirove promene. En: Luka watched from afar, happy for Miro's transformation. Sr: Letnji kamp je završen, ali novo prijateljstvo tek počinje. En: The summer camp was over, but a new friendship was just beginning. Sr: Mesec je svedočio lepoti novog početka, dok su Miro i Anja sedeli na plaži, zajedno, osećajući se jačim. En: The moon witnessed the beauty of a new beginning as Miro and Anja sat on the beach together, feeling stronger. Sr: Sa tim osećajem njihove srca su bila puna. En: With that feeling, their hearts were full. Sr: Letovanje se završilo, ali uspomene su sjale isto kao mesec te noći. En: The summer had ended, but the memories shined as brightly as the moon that night. Vocabulary Words: - illuminated: osvetljavao - gently: lagano - shore: obala - sketchbook: blok za crtanje - sociable: društven - advised: savetovati - particularly: posebno - twinkled: treperile - connection: veza - pounding: kucalo - approached: prilazio - carefully: pažljivo - sparkled: zasijale - trembling: drhteći - admitted: priznao - relief: olakšanje - unexpected: neočekivana - transformation: promena - witnessed: svedočio - memories: uspomene - mixed: mešale - brave: hrabar - quiet: tiši - distant: izdaleka - shell: ljuštura - show: pokazati - felt: osećao - similar: slično - quietly: tiho - stronger: jačim
    Played 17m 40s
  • Triumphs and Trials: The Schoolyard Stories of Self-Belief

    1 JUL 2024 · Fluent Fiction - Serbian: Triumphs and Trials: The Schoolyard Stories of Self-Belief Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: https://www.fluentfiction.org/triumphs-and-trials-the-schoolyard-stories-of-self-belief/ Story Transcript: Sr: U malom selu, iza starog parka, stajala je skromna zgrada. En: In a small village, behind the old park, there stood a modest building. Sr: To je bila seoska škola. En: It was the village school. Sr: Sunce je sijalo, a dvorište je bilo puno cvetova. En: The sun was shining, and the yard was full of flowers. Sr: Miris leta je bio u vazduhu, ali napetost je bila opipljiva. En: The scent of summer was in the air, but the tension was palpable. Sr: Miloš je sedeo ispod stabla kraj škole. En: Miloš was sitting under a tree near the school. Sr: On je bio vredan dečak, ali često nesiguran. En: He was a hard-working boy, but often insecure. Sr: Nikada nije verovao da može biti najbolji. En: He never believed he could be the best. Sr: Njegova porodica je imala velika očekivanja. En: His family had high expectations. Sr: Njegov tata je stalno govorio: "Moraš biti bolji, Miloše. En: His father constantly said, "You must do better, Miloš." Sr: " To je stvaralo pritisak. En: This created pressure. Sr: Miloš je odlučio da će učiti dan i noć. En: Miloš decided he would study day and night. Sr: Izolovao se od svih. En: He isolated himself from everyone. Sr: Otišao je u sobu, zatvorio vrata i posvetio se knjigama. En: He went to his room, closed the door, and dedicated himself to his books. Sr: Dragana je bila najbolji đak u razredu. En: Dragana was the best student in the class. Sr: Svi su je hvalili. En: Everyone praised her. Sr: Njeni roditelji su bili ponosni. En: Her parents were proud. Sr: Ali, ona je imala veliki strah. En: But, she had a great fear. Sr: Šta ako razočara porodicu? En: What if she disappointed her family? Sr: Želela je da pomogne Milošu. En: She wanted to help Miloš. Sr: Videla je koliko se trudi. En: She saw how hard he was working. Sr: Ali, takođe se plašila da će njeni rezultati pasti. En: But, she was also afraid that her results might suffer. Sr: Stajala je kod školske ograde, gledajući Miloša kako uči. En: She stood by the school fence, watching Miloš study. Sr: Nikola je bio drugačiji. En: Nikola was different. Sr: On je bio nestašan i opušten. En: He was mischievous and relaxed. Sr: Nije puno mario za učenje. En: He didn't care much about studying. Sr: Voleo je da provodi vreme igrajući se s društvom. En: He loved spending time playing with his friends. Sr: Smejao se kada su pričali o ispitima. En: He laughed when they talked about exams. Sr: "Proći ću kako god," govorio je. En: "I'll pass somehow," he would say. Sr: Ali, duboko u sebi, znao je da rizikuje. En: But deep down, he knew he was taking a risk. Sr: Imao je ideju da prepiše tokom ispita. En: He had an idea to cheat during the exam. Sr: No, bojao se posledica. En: But, he feared the consequences. Sr: Došao je veliki dan. En: The big day arrived. Sr: Svi učenici su stajali u dvorištu. En: All the students stood in the yard. Sr: Učitelj je donosio papire s ocenama. En: The teacher was bringing out the grade sheets. Sr: Miloš je stajao sa strane, srce mu je ubrzano lupalo. En: Miloš stood to the side, his heart pounding. Sr: Dragana je stajala pored njega. En: Dragana stood next to him. Sr: Nikola je bio nasmejan, ali ruke su mu drhtale. En: Nikola was smiling, but his hands were trembling. Sr: Učitelj je počeo da čita rezultate. En: The teacher began reading the results. Sr: "Miloš Popović, desetka! En: "Miloš Popović, an A!" Sr: " cela škola je zanemela. En: The whole school fell silent. Sr: Miloš nije mogao verovati. En: Miloš couldn't believe it. Sr: Oči su mu se ispunile suzama radosnicama. En: His eyes filled with tears of joy. Sr: Niko nije očekivao ovo. En: No one had expected this. Sr: Dragana je sa osmehom stisnula Miloševo rame. En: Dragana smiled and squeezed Miloš's shoulder. Sr: Ona je takođe dobila desetku, ali sada nije bilo straha. En: She had also received an A, but now there was no fear. Sr: Bila je ponosna jer su oboje uspeli. En: She was proud because they both succeeded. Sr: Nikola je slušao svoje ime. En: Nikola listened for his name. Sr: Jedva prolazna ocena. En: Just a passing grade. Sr: Bio je razočaran, ali bilo je nečega u njemu što mu je dalo snagu. En: He was disappointed, but there was something within him that gave him strength. Sr: "Sledeći put će biti bolje," rekao je sebi. En: "Next time will be better," he told himself. Sr: Završili su dan sa smehom i srećom. En: They ended the day with laughter and happiness. Sr: Miloš je sada verovao u sebe. En: Miloš now believed in himself. Sr: Dragana je naučila da se nosi s pritiskom porodice. En: Dragana learned how to cope with family pressure. Sr: Nikola je shvatio vrednost truda. En: Nikola realized the value of hard work. Sr: Leto je nastavilo da cveta u maloj školi. En: Summer continued to blossom at the small school. Sr: I svi su naučili važnu lekciju o snazi volje i vere u sebe. En: And everyone learned an important lesson about the strength of will and self-belief. Vocabulary Words: - modest: skromna - yard: dvorište - scent: miris - tension: napetost - palpable: opipljiva - insecure: nesiguran - isolated: izolovao - dedicated: posvetio - praised: hvalili - fear: strah - mischievous: nestašan - trembling: drhtale - laughed: smejao - pounding: lupalo - expectations: očekivanja - pressure: pritisak - disappointed: razočara - consequences: posledica - strength: snaga - risk: rizikuje - results: rezultati - succeeded: uspeli - pass: proći - blossom: cveta - hard-working: vredan - suffer: pasti - studying: učenje - exam: ispit - laughing: smehom - happiness: srećom
    Played 16m 58s
  • Adventures in Tara: Exploring the Untamed Wilderness

    30 JUN 2024 · Fluent Fiction - Serbian: Adventures in Tara: Exploring the Untamed Wilderness Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: https://www.fluentfiction.org/adventures-in-tara-exploring-the-untamed-wilderness/ Story Transcript: Sr: Visoka stabla Tara Nacionalnog Parka su šuštala na letnjem povetarcu. En: The tall trees of Tara National Park rustled in the summer breeze. Sr: Miloš i Vesna su hodali pažljivo, prateći zvukove prirode. En: Miloš and Vesna walked carefully, following the sounds of nature. Sr: Miloš je bio uzbuđen. En: Miloš was excited. Sr: "Vesna, čuo sam za tajni deo parka. En: "Vesna, I've heard about a hidden part of the park. Sr: Reka je kristalno čista. En: The river is crystal clear. Sr: Drugi deo šume je netaknut. En: The other part of the forest is untouched." Sr: " Vesna je pogledala narukvicu sa satom. En: Vesna glanced at her wristwatch. Sr: "Miloše, imamo samo nekoliko sati pre mraka. En: "Miloš, we only have a few hours before dark. Sr: Jesi siguran? En: Are you sure?" Sr: "Posmatrajući njegov osmehu, Vesna je uzdahnula. En: Observing his smile, Vesna sighed. Sr: "Uredu, ali moramo biti pažljivi. En: "Alright, but we must be careful." Sr: " Krenuli su sa staze. En: They ventured off the trail. Sr: Žbunje i kamenje su činili put teškim. En: The bushes and rocks made the path difficult. Sr: "Jesmo li na pravom putu? En: "Are we on the right path?" Sr: ", pitala je Vesna, osećajući nelagodnost. En: Vesna asked, feeling uneasy. Sr: "Naravno, samo malo dalje", odgovorio je Miloš. En: "Of course, just a little further," Miloš replied. Sr: Korak po korak, probijali su se kroz gustu šumu. En: Step by step, they made their way through the dense forest. Sr: Vesna je stalno proveravala sat. En: Vesna constantly checked her watch. Sr: Sunce je počelo da pada. En: The sun began to set. Sr: "Miloše, mrak se spušta. En: "Miloš, darkness is falling. Sr: Treba da se vratimo. En: We need to head back." Sr: "Miloš je zastao, razmišljajući. En: Miloš stopped, thinking. Sr: "Još malo, Vesna. En: "Just a bit more, Vesna. Sr: Veruj mi, vrednije je nego što misliš. En: Trust me, it's more worthwhile than you think." Sr: " Iako zabrinuta, Vesna je nastavila sa njim. En: Although worried, Vesna continued with him. Sr: Na kraju, stigli su do prekrasnog mesta. En: Finally, they reached a breathtaking spot. Sr: Reka je sijala na poslednjim zracima sunca. En: The river glistened in the last rays of the sun. Sr: "Vau", rekla je Vesna, ovaj put sa osmehom. En: "Wow," Vesna said, this time with a smile. Sr: "U pravu si. En: "You were right. Sr: Ovo je neverovatno. En: This is incredible." Sr: "Ali radost je bila kratkog daha. En: But the joy was short-lived. Sr: Mrak se brzo širio. En: Darkness spread quickly. Sr: "Moramo se vratiti", rekla je Vesna ozbiljno. En: "We must return," Vesna said seriously. Sr: "Put je težak. En: "The path is difficult." Sr: "Miloš je pregledao teren. En: Miloš surveyed the area. Sr: "Nećemo stići nazad na vreme. En: "We won't make it back in time. Sr: Moramo ostati ovde noćas. En: We need to stay here overnight." Sr: " Vesna je klimnula glavom, iako uplašena. En: Vesna nodded, though scared. Sr: Sakupili su nekoliko grana za vatru. En: They gathered some branches for a fire. Sr: "Imamo malo hrane, i vodu iz reke. En: "We have a bit of food and water from the river. Sr: Bićemo dobro. En: We'll be fine." Sr: "Noć je bila hladna i tamna, ali su preživeli uz pomoć svojih znanja. En: The night was cold and dark, but they survived using their knowledge. Sr: "Miloše," rekla je Vesna dok su čekali jutro, "sledeći put planiraj bolje. En: "Miloš," Vesna said while they waited for morning, "next time, plan better." Sr: "Miloš se osmehnuo. En: Miloš smiled. Sr: "Obećavam. En: "I promise. Sr: Ali ovo je bio dobar podsetnik da i spontanost ima svoju čar. En: But this was a good reminder that spontaneity also has its charm." Sr: " Jutro je donelo novi početak. En: Morning brought a new beginning. Sr: Sunce je obasjalo njihovo lice i put nazad. En: The sun illuminated their faces and the path back. Sr: Hodajući sa osećajem postignuća, oboje su naučili nešto novo. En: Walking with a sense of accomplishment, they both learned something new. Sr: Vesna je shvatila čar spontaniteta, a Miloš važnost opreznosti. En: Vesna realized the charm of spontaneity, and Miloš the importance of caution. Sr: Tara Nacionalni Park je bio svjedok njihove avanture, pružajući lekcije koje će pamtiti zauvek. En: Tara National Park witnessed their adventure, offering lessons they would remember forever. Vocabulary Words: - rustled: šuštala - breeze: povetarcu - carefully: pažljivo - excited: uzbuđen - crystal: kristalno - glanced: pogledala - wristwatch: narukvicu sa satom - sighed: uzdahnula - ventured: krenuli - bushes: žbunje - uneasy: nelagodnost - dense: gusta - darkness: mrak - worthwhile: vrednije - breathtaking: prekrasnog - glistened: sijala - short-lived: kratkog daha - surveyed: pregledao - overnight: noćas - nodded: klimnula glavom - branches: grana - survived: preživeli - knowledge: znanja - spontaneity: spontanost - charm: čar - illuminated: obasjalo - achievement: postignuća - adventure: avanture - lessons: lekcije - remember: pamtiti
    Played 15m 51s
  • Friendship Over Formulas: A Summer's Lesson in Belgrade

    29 JUN 2024 · Fluent Fiction - Serbian: Friendship Over Formulas: A Summer's Lesson in Belgrade Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: https://www.fluentfiction.org/friendship-over-formulas-a-summers-lesson-in-belgrade/ Story Transcript: Sr: Pod vrelim beogradskim suncem, Kalemegdan je sijao u svojoj letnjoj slavi. En: Under the scorching Belgrade sun, Kalemegdan shone in its summer glory. Sr: Tamo, među starim zidinama i bujnim zelenilom, tri prijatelja su pokušavala završiti poslednje pripreme za završne ispite. En: There, amidst the ancient walls and lush greenery, three friends were trying to finalize their preparations for their final exams. Sr: Jelena, Marko i Milena su sedeli na travi, okruženi knjigama. En: Jelena, Marko, and Milena sat on the grass, surrounded by books. Sr: Jelena je prelistavala svoj udžbenik iz matematike. En: Jelena was flipping through her mathematics textbook. Sr: Bila je iscrpljena, ali je želela savršene ocene. En: She was exhausted, but she wanted perfect grades. Sr: Njena porodica je očekivala mnogo, a ona je želela stipendiju za studiranje u inostranstvu. En: Her family expected a lot, and she sought a scholarship to study abroad. Sr: Marko je sedeo pored nje, loptu za ragbi držao u krilu. En: Marko sat beside her, holding a rugby ball in his lap. Sr: Bio je opušten, ali zabrinut za svoju prijateljicu. En: He was relaxed but worried about his friend. Sr: Milena je tiho čitala knjigu, borila se sa sopstvenim brigama o budućnosti. En: Milena quietly read a book, grappling with her own concerns about the future. Sr: Jednog sunčanog popodneva, Vidovdan je bio samo dva dana daleko. En: One sunny afternoon, Vidovdan was just two days away. Sr: Jelena je obavljala poslednje pripreme za ispite. En: Jelena was making the final preparations for the exams. Sr: Želela je biti savršena. En: She wanted everything to be perfect. Sr: Marko i Milena su već nekoliko puta pokušali razgovarati s njom, ali bez uspeha. En: Marko and Milena had tried to talk to her several times, but without success. Sr: „Jelena, treba ti odmor,“ rekao je Marko, gledajući je kako se bori sa stranicama prepunim formula. En: "Jelena, you need a break," Marko said, watching her struggle with pages full of formulas. Sr: „Moram ovo završiti,“ odgovorila je Jelena, a glas joj je bio pun napetosti. En: "I have to finish this," Jelena replied, her voice tense. Sr: Ubrzo, Jelena je osećala vrtoglavicu. En: Soon, Jelena felt dizzy. Sr: Pokazala je slabost dok je pokušavala ustati. En: She showed signs of weakness as she tried to stand up. Sr: Marko i Milena su odmah pritrčali. En: Marko and Milena immediately rushed to her side. Sr: „Ne možeš ovako,“ rekla je Milena tiho, ali odlučno. En: "You can't go on like this," Milena said quietly but firmly. Sr: „Ali, moram...“ Jelena je pokušala da se odupre. En: "But I have to..." Jelena tried to resist. Sr: „Ne,“ prekinuo je Marko. „Svi želimo da uspeš. Pomoći ćemo ti.“ En: "No," Marko interrupted. "We all want you to succeed. We'll help you." Sr: Jelena je konačno shvatila koliko su joj prijatelji značili. En: Jelena finally realized how much her friends meant to her. Sr: Bilo je bolno priznati, ali nije mogla dalje sama. En: It was painful to admit, but she couldn't go on alone. Sr: Zatvorila je knjigu i duboko udahnula. En: She closed her book and took a deep breath. Sr: „U redu. Prihvatam pomoć,“ rekla je, glasom punim emocija. En: "Alright. I accept your help," she said, her voice filled with emotion. Sr: Od tog trenutka, sve se promenilo. En: From that moment on, everything changed. Sr: Marko i Milena su joj pomogli da organizuje svoje vreme, da se opusti i nađe ravnotežu. En: Marko and Milena helped her organize her time, relax, and find balance. Sr: Položila je završne ispite sa visokim ocenama, ali što je najvažnije, nije izgubila prijatelje i naučila je koliko je važno imati podršku. En: She passed her finals with high grades, but most importantly, she didn't lose her friends and learned the value of having support. Sr: Na kraju, Kalemegdan nije bio samo mesto gde su učili, već i gde su promenili svoje živote. En: In the end, Kalemegdan wasn't just a place where they studied, but where they changed their lives. Sr: Jelena je dobila stipendiju, ali sada je imala i nešto što je bilo neprocenjivo—prijatelje koji su uvek bili uz nju, čak i kada je sebična ambicija zamutila njen sud. En: Jelena got the scholarship, but now she also had something invaluable—friends who were always there for her, even when selfish ambition clouded her judgment. Sr: Leto u Beogradu završilo je sa osmehom na licima troje prijatelja, spremnih za nove izazove, zajedno. En: The summer in Belgrade ended with smiles on the faces of three friends, ready for new challenges, together. Vocabulary Words: - scorching: vrelim - amidst: među - lush: bujnim - greenery: zelenilom - flipping through: prelistavala - exhausted: iscrpljena - perfect grades: savršene ocene - scholarship: stipendiju - abroad: inostranstvu - grappling: borila - concerns: brigama - preparations: pripreme - formulas: formula - tense: napetosti - dizzy: vrtoglavicu - showed signs: pokazala - painful: bolno - admit: priznati - support: podršku - invaluable: neprocenjivo - selfish ambition: sebična ambicija - clouded: zamutila - finalize: završiti - rushed: pritrčali - struggle: bori - relaxed: opušten - finals: završne ispite - balance: ravnotežu - lap: krilu - emotions: emocija
    Played 15m 55s
  • Love Amidst Stormy Skies: A Serendipitous Encounter at Kalemegdan

    28 JUN 2024 · Fluent Fiction - Serbian: Love Amidst Stormy Skies: A Serendipitous Encounter at Kalemegdan Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: https://www.fluentfiction.org/love-amidst-stormy-skies-a-serendipitous-encounter-at-kalemegdan/ Story Transcript: Sr: Bilo je popodne na Vidovdan. En: It was afternoon on Vidovdan. Sr: Luka je hodao kroz Kalemegdan, razmišljajući o zadnjem raskidu. En: Luka was walking through Kalemegdan, thinking about his recent breakup. Sr: Nebo je bilo tamno, spremno za oluju. En: The sky was dark, ready for a storm. Sr: Luka je bio turistički vodič, voleo je istoriju Srbije. En: Luka was a tour guide; he loved the history of Serbia. Sr: Danas je bilo malo turista, pa je imao prilike da hoda i razmišlja u miru. En: Today, there were few tourists, so he had the chance to walk and think in peace. Sr: Dok je šetao, video je devojku sa velikim fotoaparatom. En: As he walked, he saw a girl with a large camera. Sr: Čupkala je kosu dok je tražila savršeni ugao za fotografiju. En: She was tugging at her hair while searching for the perfect angle for a photo. Sr: Zvala se Anja, bila je turista i fotograf. En: Her name was Anja; she was a tourist and a photographer. Sr: Pokušavala je da uhvati jedinstvenu sliku tvrđave. En: She was trying to capture a unique picture of the fortress. Sr: Odjednom, započela je oluja. En: Suddenly, a storm began. Sr: Kiša je padala teško, kao da je nebo plakalo. En: The rain was falling heavily, as if the sky was crying. Sr: Luka je brzo našao zaklon pod starim zidinama Kalemegdana. En: Luka quickly found shelter under the old walls of Kalemegdan. Sr: Video je Anju kako trči prema njemu. En: He saw Anja running toward him. Sr: Ona je bila mokra, ali je nosila osmeh. En: She was wet, but she wore a smile. Sr: "Da li mogu da se pridružim? En: "Can I join you?" Sr: " pitala je zadihana. En: she asked, out of breath. Sr: "Naravno," rekao je Luka. En: "Of course," Luka replied. Sr: Gledali su kišu, a zatim započeli razgovor. En: They watched the rain and then started a conversation. Sr: Anja je pričala o svojoj ljubavi prema fotografiji i svojim nesigurnostima. En: Anja talked about her love for photography and her insecurities. Sr: Luka je pričao o svojoj ljubavi prema istoriji i bolu zbog nedavnog raskida. En: Luka talked about his love for history and the pain of his recent breakup. Sr: Kiša je neko vreme padala. En: The rain fell for a while. Sr: Luka je zatim odlučio: "Želim da te odvedem na privatni obilazak tvrđave. En: Then Luka decided: "I want to take you on a private tour of the fortress. Sr: Znam mnoga mesta koja drugi ne vide. En: I know many places that others don't see." Sr: "Anja je oklevala, ali je pristala. En: Anja hesitated but agreed. Sr: Znala je da krši pravila, ali osećala je da je ovo posebna prilika. En: She knew she was breaking the rules, but she felt this was a special opportunity. Sr: Krenuli su kroz stare zidine i uske staze. En: They set off through the old walls and narrow paths. Sr: Luka joj je pričao o istoriji svakog kutka, a Anja je fotografisala. En: Luka told her about the history of every corner, and Anja took photos. Sr: Oluja je postajala sve jača, a onda, munja je osvetlila tvrđavu. En: The storm grew stronger, and then, a lightning bolt lit up the fortress. Sr: U tom trenutku Anja je uspela da napravi savršenu fotografiju. En: In that moment, Anja managed to capture the perfect photo. Sr: Pogledala je Luku sa uzbuđenjem. En: She looked at Luka with excitement. Sr: On je gledao u nju i rekao: "Mislim da se zaljubljujem u tebe. En: He looked at her and said, "I think I'm falling in love with you." Sr: "Anja je bila šokirana, ali srce joj je brzo tuklo. En: Anja was shocked, but her heart was pounding. Sr: "I ja osećam isto," priznala je. En: "I feel the same," she confessed. Sr: Kada je kiša prestala, odlučili su da istraže svoje osećaje dalje. En: When the rain stopped, they decided to explore their feelings further. Sr: Luka je pronašao novu radost u druženju sa Anjom, a ona je stekla samopouzdanje u svoje veštine. En: Luka found new joy in Anja's company, and she gained confidence in her skills. Sr: Zajedno su hodali prema izlasku iz tvrđave, spremni za nove avanture. En: They walked together towards the exit of the fortress, ready for new adventures. Sr: Iz Kalemegdana, stari zidine su posmatrale kako dvoje mladih ljudi započinju novu priču. En: From Kalemegdan, the old walls watched as two young people began a new story. Vocabulary Words: - afternoon: popodne - breakup: raskid - storm: oluja - tourist: turista - shelter: zaklon - insecurity: nesigurnost - opportunity: prilika - fortress: tvrđava - photographer: fotograf - explore: istražiti - company: drušenje - unique: jedinstvena - narrow: uske - perfect: savršeni - conversation: razgovor - capture: uhvatiti - paths: staze - confidence: samopouzdanje - adventures: avanture - thought: razmišljajući - lightning: munja - angle: ugao - crying: plakalo - walls: zidine - chose: odlučio - visited: posetila - admitted: priznala - gaining: stekla - recent: nedavnog - historical: istorijski
    Played 15m 8s
  • Stefan's Journey: From Caregiver to Storyteller at Sava's

    27 JUN 2024 · Fluent Fiction - Serbian: Stefan's Journey: From Caregiver to Storyteller at Sava's Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: https://www.fluentfiction.org/stefans-journey-from-caregiver-to-storyteller-at-savas/ Story Transcript: Sr: Stefan je stajao u bašti Sava's Orfanata. En: Stefan stood in the garden of Sava's Orphanage. Sr: Sunce je letnje svetlo obasjavalo decu koja su se igrala. En: The summer sunlight illuminated the children playing. Sr: Obožavao je to mesto. En: He adored this place. Sr: Biljke su bile zelene i zdrave, a cveće je cvetalo. En: The plants were green and healthy, and the flowers were blooming. Sr: Zore su bile tihe, a noći su mirno prolazile. En: The mornings were quiet, and the nights passed peacefully. Sr: Stefan je bio negovatelj. En: Stefan was a caregiver. Sr: Voleo je decu. En: He loved the children. Sr: Njihovi osmesi su bili njegovo najveće bogatstvo. En: Their smiles were his greatest treasure. Sr: Ali Stefan je imao san. En: But Stefan had a dream. Sr: Hteo je da postane pisac. En: He wanted to become a writer. Sr: Sanjao je o pisanju knjige o životima dece u sirotištu. En: He dreamed of writing a book about the lives of the children in the orphanage. Sr: Ali, kako je brinuo o njima, imao je vrlo malo vremena. En: However, as he took care of them, he had very little time. Sr: Vidovdan se približavao. En: Vidovdan was approaching. Sr: Deca su bila uzbuđena. En: The children were excited. Sr: To je bio poseban dan. En: It was a special day. Sr: Sećanje na srpske heroje i kulturu. En: A remembrance of Serbian heroes and culture. Sr: Stefan je želeo da iskoristi taj dan da inspiriše svoju knjigu. En: Stefan wanted to use that day to inspire his book. Sr: Ali svako veče, kad bi legao, bio je previše umoran da piše. En: But every evening, when he lay down, he was too tired to write. Sr: Borio se sa sumnjom. En: He struggled with doubt. Sr: "Da li će moja knjiga iko pročitati? En: "Will anyone ever read my book?" Sr: " pitao se. En: he wondered. Sr: Njegovo srce je bilo puno ljubavi, ali njegova glava je bila puna sumnje. En: His heart was full of love, but his head was full of doubt. Sr: Jednog dana, dok je posmatrao decu, pomislio je: "Njihove priče moraju biti ispričane. En: One day, as he watched the children, he thought: "Their stories must be told." Sr: " Rešio je da piše o njima, njihovim životima, njihovim borbama i snovima. En: He resolved to write about them, their lives, their struggles, and their dreams. Sr: Počeo je da žrtvuje svoje slobodno vreme. En: He began to sacrifice his free time. Sr: Svake noći, posle što bi deca zaspala, sedeo bi sa svojom beležnicom. En: Every night, after the children had fallen asleep, he would sit with his notebook. Sr: Vidovdan je stigao. En: Vidovdan arrived. Sr: Sirotište je bilo ukrašeno zastavama. En: The orphanage was decorated with flags. Sr: Deca su nosila tradicionalne nošnje. En: The children wore traditional costumes. Sr: Pevali su pesme i igrali kolo. En: They sang songs and danced the kolo. Sr: Stefan je odlučio da podeli deo svog pisanja sa decom i kolegama. En: Stefan decided to share part of his writing with the children and his colleagues. Sr: Dok je čitao, oči su mu bile pune suza. En: As he read, his eyes were filled with tears. Sr: Pisao je o njihovoj hrabrosti, snazi i nadi. En: He wrote about their courage, strength, and hope. Sr: Svi su slušali pažljivo. En: Everyone listened attentively. Sr: Deca su bila ponosna. En: The children were proud. Sr: Stefan je video osmehe na njihovim licima. En: Stefan saw smiles on their faces. Sr: Kolegama su oči sijale. En: His colleagues' eyes were shining. Sr: Na kraju, deca su ga zagrlila. En: In the end, the children hugged him. Sr: Njegov rad je bio dobro primljen. En: His work was well received. Sr: Stefan je osećao olakšanje. En: Stefan felt relief. Sr: Video je da su male promene važne. En: He saw that small changes were important. Sr: Priče dece će biti ispričane. En: The children's stories would be told. Sr: Shvatio je da njegova knjiga može napraviti razliku. En: He realized that his book could make a difference. Sr: Stefan je našao novu inspiraciju. En: Stefan found new inspiration. Sr: Bio je siguran u svoje sposobnosti. En: He was confident in his abilities. Sr: Znanja je stečeno i poverenje je stečeno. En: Knowledge was gained, and trust was earned. Sr: Deca su bila njegov vodič. En: The children were his guide. Sr: Njihove priče su bile njegove reči. En: Their stories were his words. Sr: Svetla noć se polako spuštala nad sirotištem. En: The bright night slowly fell over the orphanage. Sr: Stefan je posmatrao decu dok su spavala, znajući da je njihova priča tek počela. En: Stefan watched the children as they slept, knowing that their story had just begun. Sr: Njegova knjiga će nositi njihove snove. En: His book would carry their dreams. Vocabulary Words: - orphanage: sirotište - sunlight: svetlo - illuminated: obasjavalo - blooming: cvetalo - caregiver: negovatelj - treasure: bogatstvo - remembrance: sećanje - struggled: borio se - doubt: sumnja - resolve: rešio - sacrifice: žrtvuje - notebook: beležnica - costumes: nošnje - strength: snaga - hope: nada - attentively: pažljivo - relief: olakšanje - earn: steći - guide: vodič - knowledge: znanje - flag: zastava - hero: heroj - culture: kultura - write: pisati - read: čitati - listen: slušati - hug: zagrliti - confident: siguran - ability: sposobnost - shine: sijati
    Played 16m 17s
  • Love and Friendship Under the Kalemegdan Sun

    26 JUN 2024 · Fluent Fiction - Serbian: Love and Friendship Under the Kalemegdan Sun Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: https://www.fluentfiction.org/love-and-friendship-under-the-kalemegdan-sun/ Story Transcript: Sr: Kalemegdan tvrđava, uz reku, blistala je pod letnjim suncem. En: The Kalemegdan Fortress, by the river, glistened under the summer sun. Sr: Stefan, Milena i Ivan hodali su preko starog kamenog mosta. En: Stefan, Milena, and Ivan walked across the old stone bridge. Sr: Stefan je nosio piknik korpu, Milena je imala veliki šešir, a Ivan se smeškao kao uvek. En: Stefan carried a picnic basket, Milena wore a large hat, and Ivan smiled as always. Sr: Stefan je želeo reći Mileni šta oseća. En: Stefan wanted to tell Milena how he felt. Sr: Na univerzitetu je učio mnogo o istoriji i znao je svaki kamen Kalemegdana. En: At the university, he learned a lot about history and knew every stone of Kalemegdan. Sr: Ali sada, nije znao kako da započne razgovor. En: But now, he didn't know how to start the conversation. Sr: Ivan, njegov najbolji prijatelj, pričao je vic za vicom, što je činilo sve još težim. En: Ivan, his best friend, was telling one joke after another, which made everything even more difficult. Sr: Milena je bila umetnica. En: Milena was an artist. Sr: Obožavala je crtanje i slikanje. En: She loved drawing and painting. Sr: Ali u poslednje vreme, sumnjala je u svoj izbor karijere. En: But lately, she had been doubting her career choice. Sr: Kalemegdan je bio savršeno mesto za nju. En: Kalemegdan was the perfect place for her. Sr: Oboje su bili zamišljeni, ali na različite načine. En: Both were thoughtful, but in different ways. Sr: Sedeli su na travi, pored starog kanjona. En: They sat on the grass, beside an old cannon. Sr: Ivan je sipao sok u čaše, a Stefan je iz korpe vadio sendviče. En: Ivan poured juice into glasses, and Stefan took sandwiches out of the basket. Sr: Sunce je polako zalazilo i stvaralo predivne boje na nebu. En: The sun was slowly setting, creating beautiful colors in the sky. Sr: Stefan je skupio hrabrost i pogledao Milenu. En: Stefan gathered the courage and looked at Milena. Sr: "Milena," rekao je Stefan tihim glasom. En: "Milena," Stefan said in a quiet voice. Sr: "Želim ti nešto reći. En: "I want to tell you something." Sr: "Ivan je podigao pogled. En: Ivan looked up. Sr: I on je želeo reći nešto Mileni. En: He also wanted to tell Milena something. Sr: Pogledali su jedan drugog, neodlučni. En: They looked at each other, undecided. Sr: "Šta je, Stefane? En: "What is it, Stefan?" Sr: " pitala je Milena veselo, ali s naznakom radoznalosti. En: Milena asked cheerfully, but with a hint of curiosity. Sr: "I ja želim nešto reći," rekao je Ivan, sada ozbiljnim tonom. En: "I also want to say something," Ivan said, now with a serious tone. Sr: Nastala je čudna tišina. En: An awkward silence ensued. Sr: Stefan je pogledao Ivana, pa Milenu. En: Stefan looked at Ivan, then at Milena. Sr: Znao je da mora biti hrabar. En: He knew he had to be brave. Sr: "Milena, ja. En: "Milena, I... Sr: ja te volim. En: I love you." Sr: "Ivan je izgledao šokirano. En: Ivan looked shocked. Sr: "I ja te volim, Milena," rekao je nakon kratke pauze. En: "And I love you too, Milena," he said after a short pause. Sr: Milena je gledala u njih dvojicu, zbunjena i pomalo uplašena. En: Milena looked at both of them, confused and a bit scared. Sr: "Ne znam šta da kažem," rekala je polako. En: "I don't know what to say," she said slowly. Sr: "Vi ste obojica moji prijatelji. En: "You are both my friends. Sr: Nisam sigurna kako se osećam. En: I'm not sure how I feel." Sr: "Stefan i Ivan ćutali su neko vreme. En: Stefan and Ivan remained silent for a while. Sr: Zatim je Milena nastavila: "Moram da razmislim. En: Then Milena continued, "I need to think. Sr: Treba mi vremena da shvatim svoja osećanja. En: I need time to understand my feelings." Sr: "Zalazak sunca sijao je nad njima, stvarajući prelepe senke na zidinama tvrđave. En: The sunset shone above them, casting beautiful shadows on the fortress walls. Sr: Milena je uzela oba njihova ruka. En: Milena took both of their hands. Sr: "Vi ste mi važni. En: "You are important to me. Sr: Ne želim vas izgubiti kao prijatelje. En: I don't want to lose you as friends." Sr: "Stefan je klimnuo glavom. En: Stefan nodded. Sr: "Razumem, Milena. En: "I understand, Milena. Sr: Važno je biti iskren, ali razumem tvoju potrebu za vremenom. En: It's important to be honest, but I understand your need for time." Sr: "Ivan je takođe klimnuo. En: Ivan also nodded. Sr: "U pravu si, Milena. En: "You're right, Milena. Sr: Važno je da budemo iskreni. En: It's important for us to be honest." Sr: "Nastavili su da sede u tišini, gledajući zalazak sunca. En: They continued to sit in silence, watching the sunset. Sr: Osećali su vetar sa reke i mirisle latice cvetova oko sebe. En: They felt the wind from the river and smelled the petals of flowers around them. Sr: Razmišljali su o tome šta znači biti prijatelj i šta znači voleti. En: They thought about what it means to be a friend and what it means to love. Sr: Stefan je naučio nešto tog dana. En: Stefan learned something that day. Sr: Važno je biti iskren. En: It's important to be honest. Sr: Ivan je shvatio da mora biti otvoreniji. En: Ivan realized he needed to be more open. Sr: Milena je znala da mora biti verna sebi. En: Milena knew she had to be true to herself. Sr: Završili su piknik u miru, znajući da su svi tri zajedno prešli važan korak. En: They finished the picnic in peace, knowing the three of them had taken an important step together. Sr: Kalemegdan je bio tih svedok njihovih osećanja i njihovih odluka. En: Kalemegdan quietly witnessed their feelings and decisions. Sr: Leto je tek počelo, ali već su naučili mnogo. En: Summer had just begun, but they had already learned a lot. Vocabulary Words: - glistened: blistala - fortress: tvrđava - basket: korpa - bridge: most - conversation: razgovor - university: univerzitet - curiosity: radoznalost - joke: vic - awkward: čudna - artist: umetnica - drawing: crtanje - painting: slikanje - doubting: sumnjala - career: karijera - thoughtful: zamišljeni - cannon: kanjon - sunset: zalazak sunca - courage: hrabrost - silence: tišina - shocked: šokirano - confused: zbunjena - scared: uplašena - honest: iskren - petals: latice - witnessed: svedok - decisions: odluke - admitted: priznao - venetian: napulj - poetry: poezija - sunshine: sunčev sjaj
    Played 18m 33s
  • Teamwork Triumphs in the Heat: A Day in Belgrade's Startup Scene

    25 JUN 2024 · Fluent Fiction - Serbian: Teamwork Triumphs in the Heat: A Day in Belgrade's Startup Scene Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: https://www.fluentfiction.org/teamwork-triumphs-in-the-heat-a-day-in-belgrades-startup-scene/ Story Transcript: Sr: Sunce je pržilo kroz velika prozora kancelerijskog prostora u srcu Beograda. En: The sun blazed through the large windows of the office space in the heart of Belgrade. Sr: Ventilator je tiho zujao, ali vrućina je bila neizdrživa. En: The fan buzzed quietly, but the heat was unbearable. Sr: Bio je sredina leta, a talas vrućine je bio na vrhuncu. En: It was the middle of summer, and the heat wave was at its peak. Sr: U tom vreli danu, tri osobe su se trudile da završe svoje obaveze. En: On that scorching day, three people struggled to complete their tasks. Sr: Miloš je bio mladi preduzetnik, pun entuzijazma. En: Miloš was a young entrepreneur, full of enthusiasm. Sr: Njegova velika ideja za novi tehnološki startup je bila spremna za predstavljanje investitorima. En: His big idea for a new tech startup was ready to be presented to investors. Sr: Međutim, imao je problem – njegov izum je zahtevao hladno okruženje da bi radio ispravno. En: However, he had a problem—his invention required a cool environment to work properly. Sr: Bez klima uređaja, njegov plan je mogao da propadne. En: Without air conditioning, his plan could fail. Sr: Jovana je bila zajednički programer. En: Jovana was a software programmer. Sr: Prethodne noći nije spavala, radeći na projektu koji je morao biti gotov do kraja dana. En: She hadn't slept the previous night, working on a project that had to be finished by the end of the day. Sr: Potajno je sanjala o pisanju poezije i jedva je čekala večernji sastanak pesničkog kluba. En: Secretly, she dreamed of writing poetry and couldn't wait for the evening meeting of her poetry club. Sr: Ali sada, u ovoj vrućini, koncentracija je bila nemoguća. En: But now, in this heat, concentration was impossible. Sr: Radiša, održavač prostora, bio je zadužen za sve popravke. En: Radiša, the maintenance worker, was in charge of all repairs. Sr: Njegova strast je bilo pravljenje origamija, ali vrućina je učinila da njegovi kolege budu nervozni i zahtevni. En: His passion was making origami, but the heat made his colleagues irritable and demanding. Sr: Moj problem je bio klima uređaj - već satima ga je pokušavao popraviti. En: His main problem was the air conditioner—he had been trying to fix it for hours. Sr: Improvizacija alatima koje je imao nije davala rezultate. En: Improvising with the tools he had was not yielding results. Sr: Miloš je, nervozan zbog predstojeće prezentacije, tražio Radišu. En: Miloš, nervous about the upcoming presentation, sought out Radiša. Sr: „Radiša, moraš ovo srediti brzo. En: "Radiša, you need to fix this quickly. Sr: Ako ne, nema načina da predstavim svoj projekat. En: Otherwise, there's no way I can present my project." Sr: “Jovana je provirila iza monitora, videla koliko ozbiljna situacija je bila. En: Jovana peeked from behind her monitor, seeing how serious the situation was. Sr: „Radiša, treba li pomoć? En: "Radiša, need any help? Sr: Mogu da pošaljem par mejlova pre nego nastavim sa svojim radom. En: I can send a few emails before continuing with my work." Sr: “Radiša je duboko uzdahnuo. En: Radiša sighed deeply. Sr: „Možda bih mogao da popravim stvari sa par pravilnih alata, ali oni su u skladištu, daleko. En: "Maybe I could fix it with a few proper tools, but they're in the storage, far away." Sr: “Miloš je pogledao Jovanu. En: Miloš looked at Jovana. Sr: „Ako joj pomogneš,“ rekao je Miloš, „ja ću završiti neki deo njenog projekta kako bi ona mogla da prisustvuje svom događaju večeras. En: "If you help him," Miloš said, "I'll finish part of your project so you can attend your event tonight. Sr: Samo reci šta ti treba. En: Just tell me what you need." Sr: “Jovana je oklevala, ali nije dvojila dugo. En: Jovana hesitated but didn't take long to decide. Sr: Ostavila je svoj rad i krenula ka Radiši. En: She left her work and approached Radiša. Sr: Zajedno su pregledali uređaj. En: Together they inspected the device. Sr: Jovana je primetila jednu olabavljenu žicu. En: Jovana noticed a loose wire. Sr: „Radiša, pogledaj ovo, možda je ovo problem. En: "Radiša, look at this, maybe this is the problem." Sr: “Radiša je pregledao žicu i klimnuo glavom. En: Radiša checked the wire and nodded. Sr: „Imamo šanse. En: "We have a chance. Sr: Milicu, donesi mi par šrafova iz kutije tamo. En: Miloš, bring me a few screws from that box over there." Sr: “Dok je Miloš tražio delove, Jovana i Radiša su brzo radili. En: While Miloš searched for the parts, Jovana and Radiša worked quickly. Sr: Nakon pola sata, konačno je došao trenutak. En: After half an hour, the moment finally came. Sr: Radiša je ponovno uključio struju i klima uređaj je proradio. En: Radiša reconnected the power, and the air conditioner started working. Sr: Ljudi su počeli da osećaju hladan vazduh, a prostorija je odjednom postala podnošljiva. En: People began to feel the cold air, and the room suddenly became bearable. Sr: Miloš je pogledao svoje papire i spremio se za prezentaciju. En: Miloš looked at his papers and prepared for the presentation. Sr: Imao je par manjih problema, ali sve je prošlo bolje nego što je očekivao. En: He had a few minor issues, but everything went better than he expected. Sr: Investitori su pokazali interesovanje za njegov projekat i obećali daljnje sastanke. En: The investors showed interest in his project and promised further meetings. Sr: Jovana je žurno završavala poslednje detalje na njenom projektu. En: Jovana quickly finished the final details of her project. Sr: Uspela je poslati dokument i pogledala na sat. En: She managed to send the document and checked the time. Sr: Imala je vreme da se presvuče i stigne na pesnički klub. En: She had enough time to change and make it to the poetry club. Sr: Radiša je dobio mnoge zahvalnice tog dana. En: Radiša received many thanks that day. Sr: Sutradan, s pravim alatima, konačno je popravio klima uređaj. En: The next day, with the right tools, he finally fixed the air conditioner. Sr: Osmeh mu nije silazio s lica, zadovoljan uspehom. En: A smile never left his face, satisfied with his success. Sr: Tako je u vrućem srcu Beograda, Miloš naučio vrednost timskog rada, Jovana je ostvarila balans između posla i strasti, a Radiša je dobio priznanje za svoju veštinu. En: Thus, in the hot heart of Belgrade, Miloš learned the value of teamwork, Jovana achieved a balance between work and passion, and Radiša received recognition for his skills. Sr: Tako je svako od njih pronašao svoj mir u zajedničkom naporu. En: Each of them found their peace through shared effort. Vocabulary Words: - blazed: pržilo - unbearable: neizdrživa - heat wave: talas vrućine - scorching: vreli - struggled: trudile - entrepreneur: preduzetnik - enthusiasm: entuzijazma - invention: izum - irritable: nervozni - demanding: zahtevni - concentration: koncentracija - improvising: improvizacija - yielding: davao - nodded: klimnuo - inspected: pregledali - loose: olabavljenu - chance: šanse - presentation: predstavljanje - approached: krenula - occasion: događaj - finalized: završavala - details: detalje - document: dokument - accomplishment: uspeh - balance: balans - recognition: priznanje - skills: veštinu - shared: zajedničkom - effort: naporu
    Played 19m 58s

Are you ready to supercharge your Serbian listening comprehension? Our podcast, Fluent Fiction - Serbian, is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second...

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Are you ready to supercharge your Serbian listening comprehension? Our podcast, Fluent Fiction - Serbian, is the perfect tool for you.

Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing. That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Serbian, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Serbian and English.

This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension.

But we don't stop there. Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

And our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who want to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Belgrade, Novi Sad, or Niš? Maybe you want to speak Serbian with your relatives or friends from Serbia? Our podcast will give you the cultural and linguistic background to fully immerse in the regions of Serbia.

Fluent Fiction - Serbian is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics, psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Serbian listening comprehension. Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself.

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