Are you ready to supercharge your Croatian listening comprehension? Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition...
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Are you ready to supercharge your Croatian listening comprehension?
Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.
That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Croatian, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Croatian and English.
This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.
Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.
Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Dubrovnik, Plitvice Lakes National Park, or Split? Maybe you want to speak Croatian with your grandparents from Zagreb?
Our podcast provides in-depth cultural and linguistic insights, preparing you for full immersion in the regions where Croatian is predominantly spoken, including Croatia, Bosnia, and Herzegovina. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Croatian listening comprehension.
Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Poboljšajte svoje razumijevanje slušanja s našim hrvatskim pričama danas!
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Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.
That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Croatian, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Croatian and English.
This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.
Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.
Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Dubrovnik, Plitvice Lakes National Park, or Split? Maybe you want to speak Croatian with your grandparents from Zagreb?
Our podcast provides in-depth cultural and linguistic insights, preparing you for full immersion in the regions where Croatian is predominantly spoken, including Croatia, Bosnia, and Herzegovina. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Croatian listening comprehension.
Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Poboljšajte svoje razumijevanje slušanja s našim hrvatskim pričama danas!

Episodes & Posts
16 FEB 2025 · Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Lavender Horizons: Bridging Family Traditions and Dreams
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:
Story Transcript:
Hr: Zimsko sunce lagano je obasjavalo polja lavande na farmi u Hvaru.
En: The winter sun gently illuminated the lavender fields on the farm in Hvar.
Hr: Redovi ljubičastih cvjetova prostirali su se prema horizontu, ispunjavajući zrak mirisom lavande.
En: Rows of purple flowers stretched towards the horizon, filling the air with the scent of lavender.
Hr: Iako je bila zima, vrijeme je bilo blago, a obiteljski okupljanje zbog godišnje berbe lavande donijelo je toplinu u srca troje braće i sestara.
En: Although it was winter, the weather was mild, and the family gathering for the annual lavender harvest brought warmth to the hearts of the three siblings.
Hr: Karlo, najstariji brat, stajao je na vrhu brda i gledao prema poljima.
En: Karlo, the eldest brother, stood on top of the hill, gazing at the fields.
Hr: Oduvijek je osjećao ponos što nastavlja obiteljsku tradiciju.
En: He had always felt pride in continuing the family tradition.
Hr: Martina, njegova mlađa sestra, razmišljala je o svijetu izvan otoka.
En: Martina, his younger sister, pondered the world beyond the island.
Hr: Srce joj je bilo podijeljeno između obiteljskih dužnosti i želje za pustolovinom.
En: Her heart was torn between family duties and a desire for adventure.
Hr: Ivan, srednji brat, sanjario je o budućnosti u kojoj bi farma postala eko-turistička destinacija.
En: Ivan, the middle brother, dreamed of a future where the farm would become an eco-tourism destination.
Hr: Njegova vizija često je izazivala sukobe s Karlom, koji je više volio stvari kako jesu.
En: His vision often caused conflicts with Karlo, who preferred things the way they were.
Hr: "Danas je poseban dan," rekao je Karlo skupljajući svoju obitelj.
En: "Today is a special day," said Karlo, gathering his family.
Hr: "Vrijeme je za berbu."
En: "It's time for the harvest."
Hr: "Mislim da bismo mogli učiniti mnogo više s farmom," rekao je Ivan, sanjajući o turistima koji dolaze na otočni mir.
En: "I think we could do much more with the farm," said Ivan, dreaming of tourists coming for the island's tranquility.
Hr: Karlo nije želio promjene.
En: Karlo didn't want changes.
Hr: Njegove riječi bile su jednostavne i odlučne: "Ovo je naša tradicija."
En: His words were simple and determined: "This is our tradition."
Hr: Dok su mirise lavande miješali s blagim povjetarcem, Martina je osjetila pritisak.
En: As the scents of lavender mixed with a gentle breeze, Martina felt the pressure.
Hr: Željela je slobodu, ali i sigurnost obiteljskog doma.
En: She wanted freedom, but also the security of the family home.
Hr: Večer se približavala.
En: Evening approached.
Hr: Zvijezde su se počele pojavljivati na tamnom nebu, kada je Ivan konačno otvorio srce.
En: Stars began to appear in the dark sky when Ivan finally opened his heart.
Hr: "Karlo, modernizacija ne znači kraj tradicije."
En: "Karlo, modernization doesn't mean the end of tradition."
Hr: Martina je stala između dvojice braće.
En: Martina stood between the two brothers.
Hr: "Možemo raditi zajedno," predložila je smireno.
En: "We can work together," she suggested calmly.
Hr: "Ivan, tvoja vizija može obogatiti farmu, a Karlo, tvoja tradicija će ostati netaknuta."
En: "Ivan, your vision can enrich the farm, and Karlo, your tradition will remain untouched."
Hr: Pod starlitnim nebom, napetost je popustila.
En: Under the starlit sky, the tension eased.
Hr: Braća i sestra pronašli su kompromis.
En: The siblings found a compromise.
Hr: Ivan će polako uvoditi svoje ideje, a Karlo će pomno paziti na očuvanje tradicija.
En: Ivan would gradually introduce his ideas, while Karlo would carefully ensure that traditions were preserved.
Hr: Martina je odlučila ostati kroz sezonu, ali i putovati izvan nje.
En: Martina decided to stay through the season, but also travel beyond it.
Hr: Dok su se zagrlili, hladni vjetar donio je osjećaj nade.
En: As they embraced, the cold wind brought a sense of hope.
Hr: Karlo je shvatio da je promjena neizbježna i dobrodošla.
En: Karlo realized that change was inevitable and welcome.
Hr: Ivan je naučio vrijednost prošlosti u oblikovanju budućnosti.
En: Ivan learned the value of the past in shaping the future.
Hr: Martina je našla ravnotežu između svojih snova i ljubavi prema obitelji.
En: Martina found balance between her dreams and her love for the family.
Hr: S povjetarcem lavande u zraku, obitelj je znala da će njihov dom ostati mjesto koje spaja prošlost, sadašnjost i budućnost.
En: With the lavender breeze in the air, the family knew their home would remain a place that connects the past, present, and future.
Hr: Krajolik Hvara nikada nije bio ljepši, jer je blistao sjajem nove nade.
En: The landscape of Hvar had never looked more beautiful, as it gleamed with the shine of new hope.
Vocabulary Words:
- gently: lagano
- illuminated: obasjavalo
- lavender: lavande
- fields: polja
- horizon: horizontu
- scent: mirisom
- mild: blago
- gathering: okupljanje
- harvest: berba
- pride: ponos
- pondered: razmišljala
- torn: podijeljeno
- duties: dužnosti
- sibling: braće i sestara
- vision: vizija
- conflicts: sukobe
- encourage: ohrabrivati
- tranquility: mir
- determined: odlučne
- breeze: povjetarcem
- freedom: slobodu
- pressure: pritisak
- stars: zvijezde
- modernization: modernizacija
- compromise: kompromis
- starlit: starlitnim
- inevitable: neizbježna
- valuable: vrijednost
- balance: ravnotežu
- gleamed: blistao
15 FEB 2025 · Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Serendipity in Zagreb: Love and Art Blossom in the Market
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:
Story Transcript:
Hr: Zima je vladala u Zagrebu, a Valentinovo je bilo iza ugla.
En: Winter ruled over Zagreb, and Valentine's Day was just around the corner.
Hr: U samom središtu grada, živa tržnica bila je ispunjena bojama i mirisima.
En: In the very center of the city, the lively market was filled with colors and scents.
Hr: Ljudi su žurili od štanda do štanda, kupujući darove za one koje vole.
En: People hurried from stall to stall, buying gifts for their loved ones.
Hr: Ivan je stajao uz rub tržnice, pokušavajući se probiti kroz gužvu.
En: Ivan stood at the edge of the market, trying to make his way through the crowd.
Hr: Ivan je bio povučen čovjek, vlasnik male knjižare skriven u mirnoj ulici.
En: Ivan was a reserved man, the owner of a small bookstore tucked away on a quiet street.
Hr: No u srcu je sanjao o putovanjima i pustolovinama.
En: But in his heart, he dreamed of travels and adventures.
Hr: Danas mu je misao bila na njegovoj majci.
En: Today, his thoughts were on his mother.
Hr: Bila je bolesna, a Ivan je želio pronaći nešto posebno da joj izmamim osmijeh.
En: She was ill, and Ivan wanted to find something special to make her smile.
Hr: S druge strane dešavanja, Anja se borila kroz more ljudi.
En: On the other side of things, Anja was struggling through the sea of people.
Hr: U njezinoj glavi vrtložile su se ideje za novu umjetničku instalaciju, no nikako nije mogla pronaći pravu inspiraciju.
En: Ideas for a new art installation swirled in her head, but she just couldn't find the right inspiration.
Hr: Anja je bila vesela umjetnica, uvijek u potrazi za novim izazovima.
En: Anja was a cheerful artist, always looking for new challenges.
Hr: Dok je pregledavala prekrasne vaze na jednom štandu, slučajno je udarila Ivana.
En: As she browsed the beautiful vases at one of the stalls, she accidentally bumped into Ivan.
Hr: On se okrenuo i osmjehnuo.
En: He turned and smiled.
Hr: "Oprosti," rekao je tiho.
En: "Sorry," he said softly.
Hr: "Nema problema," odgovorila je Anja sa širokim osmijehom.
En: "No problem," replied Anja with a wide smile.
Hr: "Htjela sam bolje vidjeti ove rukotvorine.
En: "I wanted to get a better look at these crafts."
Hr: "Ivan je odmah primijetio njezinu strast i ponudio pomoć.
En: Ivan immediately noticed her passion and offered to help.
Hr: "Možda možemo zajedno tražiti.
En: "Maybe we can search together.
Hr: Tržnica je zaista prepuna, ali dvoje par očiju može više vidjeti.
En: The market is really crowded, but two pairs of eyes can see more."
Hr: "Naslonjeni jedno na drugo probijali su se kroz gužvu.
En: Leaning on each other, they navigated through the throng.
Hr: Ivan je pokazivao štandove sa starinskim knjigama, dok je Anja istraživala štandove s umjetninama.
En: Ivan pointed out stalls with vintage books, while Anja explored booths with art.
Hr: Na maloj drvenoj kućici ispunjenoj izrađenim suvenirima, Anja je pronašla nešto što ju je zaintrigiralo.
En: At a small wooden house filled with crafted souvenirs, Anja found something that intrigued her.
Hr: "Ovo izgleda kao savršen dar za moju majku," Ivan je uzviknuo dok je pregledavao mali ručno izrađeni okvirić s citatom o putovanjima.
En: "This looks like the perfect gift for my mother," Ivan exclaimed as he examined a small handmade frame with a quote about travel.
Hr: "Voli knjige i priče o dalekim zemljama.
En: "She loves books and stories about distant lands."
Hr: "Anja je bila zaintrigirana.
En: Anja was intrigued.
Hr: "Možda bismo mogli raditi zajedno," rekla je s osmijehom.
En: "Maybe we could work together," she said with a smile.
Hr: "Pričat ćemo priče o obitelji i stvarati nove umjetničke instalacije.
En: "We can tell stories about family and create new art installations."
Hr: "Ivan nije bio siguran, ali vidio je kako ideja krijepi Anju.
En: Ivan was unsure, but he saw how the idea invigorated Anja.
Hr: "Možda možemo imati događaj u mojoj knjižari," predložio je oprezno, ali s nadom.
En: "Perhaps we can have an event in my bookstore," he suggested cautiously but with hope.
Hr: Kako su zajedno izlazili s tržnice, Ivan je osjetio kako mu se lagano povećava osjećaj uzbuđenja.
En: As they left the market together, Ivan felt a gentle rise in excitement.
Hr: Više nije bio sam sa svojom željom za avanturama.
En: He was no longer alone with his longing for adventures.
Hr: Anja mu je pružila novi pogled na svijet, a on je pomogao njoj da pronađe inspiraciju.
En: Anja had given him a new perspective on the world, and he helped her find inspiration.
Hr: Na kraju, tržnica nije samo spojila njihova putovanja, već ih je povezala u nečemu većem.
En: In the end, the market not only united their journeys but connected them in something greater.
Hr: Ivan i Anja zajedno su otvorili vrata knjižare svima koji su htjeli podijeliti svoje priče.
En: Ivan and Anja opened the bookstore doors to everyone who wanted to share their stories.
Hr: Njihovo prijateljstvo procvjetalo je, baš kao i umjetnički projekti koje su planirali zajedno.
En: Their friendship flourished, as did the artistic projects they planned together.
Hr: Sretan kraj nije bio samo u darovima koje su pronašli, već u prijateljstvima koje su stvorili.
En: A happy ending was not just in the gifts they found, but in the friendships they created.
Vocabulary Words:
- ruled: vladala
- lively: živa
- reserved: povučen
- tucked away: skriven
- adventures: pustolovinama
- struggling: borila
- swirled: vrtložile
- bumped: udarila
- vases: vaze
- crafts: rukotvorine
- throng: gužva
- vintage: starinskim
- booths: štandove
- crafted souvenirs: izrađenim suvenirima
- quote: citatom
- intrigued: zaintrigirana
- invigorated: krijepi
- perspective: pogled
- gentle: lagano
- excited: osjećaj uzbuđenja
- united: spojila
- flourished: procvjetalo
- artistic: umjetnički
- projects: projekti
- quiet: mirnoj
- unique: posebno
- installation: instalacija
- explored: istraživala
- frame: okvirić
- suggested: predložio
14 FEB 2025 · Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Winter's Canvas: A Love Story in Dubrovnik's Heart
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:
Story Transcript:
Hr: U malom kafiću u starom gradu Dubrovnika, na Valentinovo, atmosfera je bila opuštajuća i topla.
En: In a small café in the old town of Dubrovnik, on Valentine's Day, the atmosphere was relaxing and warm.
Hr: Kafić je bio ispunjen mirisom svježe kave i tihim razgovorima posjetitelja.
En: The café was filled with the scent of fresh coffee and the quiet conversations of the patrons.
Hr: Izvana, povijesna čarolija grada bila je prekrivena blagom pahuljom zimskog mraza.
En: Outside, the historic charm of the city was covered with a light frost of winter snowflakes.
Hr: Ana, mlada umjetnica, sjela je za stol uz prozor.
En: Ana, a young artist, sat at a table by the window.
Hr: Upravo je tražila inspiraciju za novo platno, a zima je često bila njezino omiljeno doba za razmišljanje.
En: She was searching for inspiration for a new canvas, and winter was often her favorite season for contemplation.
Hr: Ana je bila tiha i blago sramežljiva.
En: Ana was quiet and slightly shy.
Hr: Voljela je kad su ljudi razumjeli njezinu kreativnu stranu i dijelili s njom trenutke nježne tišine.
En: She loved when people understood her creative side and shared with her moments of gentle silence.
Hr: Pomalo je sanjarila promatrajući prolaznike vani, kada ju je prekrasan smijeh iz obližnjeg kuta kafića uhvatio na prepad.
En: She was daydreaming a little as she watched the passersby outside when a beautiful laugh from a nearby corner of the café caught her off guard.
Hr: Luka, privlačan mladić s pomalo raščupanim smeđim uvojcima, sjedio je za šankom.
En: Luka, an attractive young man with slightly tousled brown curls, was sitting at the bar.
Hr: Bio je putopisac, no trenutno je prolazio kroz kreativnu blokadu.
En: He was a travel writer, but at the moment he was experiencing a creative block.
Hr: Dubrovnik je trebao biti njegovo novo poglavlje inspiracije, ali nije mogao pronaći pravi smjer.
En: Dubrovnik was supposed to be his new chapter of inspiration, but he couldn't find the right direction.
Hr: Njihove poglede spojio je slučajni trenutak kada je Luka krenuo prema stolu iza nje.
En: Their gazes met in a moment of chance when Luka moved towards the table behind her.
Hr: Osmijeh koji joj je uputio bio je topao, a Ana je osjetila da bi ovo moglo biti nešto posebno.
En: The smile he directed at her was warm, and Ana felt that this could be something special.
Hr: Luka se potom očarao njezinim radovima, poželio ih je bolje upoznati.
En: Luka then became captivated by her artworks and wanted to get to know them better.
Hr: Marin, Anin najbolji prijatelj, upravo je došao i sjeo do nje.
En: Marin, Ana's best friend, had just arrived and sat next to her.
Hr: Bio je skeptičan prema ljubavi.
En: He was skeptical about love.
Hr: Marin je uvijek štitio Anu, pogotovo nakon njezina posljednjeg ljubavnog brodoloma.
En: Marin always protected Ana, especially after her last romantic shipwreck.
Hr: No, ovaj put, čak je i on morao priznati da među njima postoji nešto jedinstveno.
En: But this time, even he had to admit that there was something unique between them.
Hr: Ana i Luka su počeli razgovarati, spontano dijeleći svoja nadanja i frustracije.
En: Ana and Luka began talking, spontaneously sharing their hopes and frustrations.
Hr: Ana je bila pomalo uplašena.
En: Ana was a bit scared.
Hr: Prošla ranjavanja činila su je sumnjičavom prema ljubavi, dok je Lukina želja za stalnim putovanjem bila nešto što ju je brinulo.
En: Her past wounds made her wary of love, while Luka's desire for constant travel was something that worried her.
Hr: No, ta zbrka osjećaja postajala je sve jasnija dok su dijelili svoja očekivanja u sjaju slabašnih svjetala kafića.
En: However, this jumble of emotions became clearer as they shared their expectations in the glow of the café's dim lights.
Hr: Luka je osjetio kako ga Anina prisutnost ispunjava toplinom.
En: Luka felt Ana's presence fill him with warmth.
Hr: Nakon dugo vremena našao je osobu koja je bila pravi izazov.
En: After a long time, he found someone who was a real challenge.
Hr: Njegove planirane putovanje postala su sekundarna misao u njegovoj glavi, tražio je inspiraciju zbog intimnih trenutaka koje bi mogli podijeliti.
En: His planned journeys became a secondary thought in his head, seeking inspiration from the intimate moments they might share.
Hr: Tada su Ana i Luka proveli posljednjih nekoliko sati do zatvaranja kafića, razgovarajući otvoreno i iskreno.
En: Then Ana and Luka spent the last few hours until the café's closing, talking openly and honestly.
Hr: Pričali su o prošlosti, snovima, strahovima i željama.
En: They talked about the past, dreams, fears, and wishes.
Hr: Ana je osjećala ljepotu otvaranja srca, a Luka je ponovno pronalazio strast u pisanju kroz tu jedinstvenu povezanost.
En: Ana felt the beauty of opening her heart, and Luka was rediscovering his passion for writing through this unique connection.
Hr: Kada su se svjetla kafića počela gasiti, Ana je znala da treba prepustiti srcu.
En: When the café's lights began to dim, Ana knew she had to let her heart lead.
Hr: Luka je odlučio ostati duže u Dubrovniku, odgodivši svoja putovanja, barem dok ne istraži ovu novu priču koju su zajedno počeli pisati.
En: Luka decided to stay longer in Dubrovnik, postponing his travels, at least until he explored this new story they had begun writing together.
Hr: Ana je uzela Luka za ruku, i oboje su znali da su spremni hrabro krenuti u nepoznato – zajedno.
En: Ana took Luka's hand, and both knew they were ready to courageously venture into the unknown—together.
Vocabulary Words:
- relaxing: opuštajuća
- filled: ispunjen
- patrons: posjetitelja
- historic: povijesna
- frost: mraz
- artist: umjetnica
- inspiration: inspiraciju
- contemplation: razmišljanje
- daydreaming: sanjarila
- passersby: prolaznike
- caught: uhvatio
- laugh: smijeh
- tousled: raščupanim
- curls: uvojcima
- bar: šankom
- creative block: kreativnu blokadu
- direction: smjer
- gazes: poglede
- chance: slučajni
- captivated: očarao
- skeptical: skeptičan
- shipwreck: brodoloma
- unique: jedinstveno
- frustrations: frustracije
- scared: uplašena
- wounds: ranjavanja
- jumble: zbrka
- intimate: intimnih
- venture: krenuti
- unknown: nepoznato
13 FEB 2025 · Fluent Fiction - Croatian: A Heartfelt Valentine's Day at the Orphanage
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:
Story Transcript:
Hr: Zima je stigla u malo sirotište na rubu grada.
En: Winter arrived at the small orphanage on the outskirts of grad.
Hr: Zgrada je bila stara, s blijedo žutim zidovima i škripavim drvenim podovima.
En: The building was old, with pale yellow walls and creaky wooden floors.
Hr: Djeca su trčala hodnicima, njihovi glasovi ispunjavali su prostoriju srećom i smijehom, unatoč hladnim zimskim danima.
En: The children ran through the corridors, their voices filling the rooms with joy and laughter, despite the cold winter days.
Hr: Bilo je Valentinovo i Ivana, volonterka vedrog osmijeha, bila je zauzeta ukrašavanjem dvorane srcima i papirnatim lancima.
En: It was Valentine's Day, and Ivana, a volunteer with a cheerful smile, was busy decorating the hall with hearts and paper chains.
Hr: Mateo je sjedio u kutu, promatrao uzbuđenje.
En: Mateo sat in the corner, observing the excitement.
Hr: Mateo je bio dječak velikog srca.
En: Mateo was a boy with a big heart.
Hr: Uvijek je sanjao o obitelji i osjećaju pripadnosti.
En: He always dreamed of a family and a sense of belonging.
Hr: Valentinovo je bio poseban dan, želio je pokazati Ivani koliko puno za njega znači.
En: Valentine's Day was a special day; he wanted to show Ivana how much she meant to him.
Hr: Ivana je uvijek bila tu za njih, donoseći toplinu i ljubav.
En: Ivana was always there for them, bringing warmth and love.
Hr: Ali Mateo nije imao novac za poklon.
En: But Mateo didn't have any money for a gift.
Hr: Bio je frustriran, želio je pravu stvar, nešto što bi pokazalo njegovu zahvalnost.
En: He was frustrated, wanting something real, something that would show his gratitude.
Hr: Dok je gledao djecu kako trče i igraju se, Mateo je smislio ideju.
En: As he watched the children run and play, Mateo came up with an idea.
Hr: Odlučio je napraviti ručni poklon.
En: He decided to make a handmade gift.
Hr: Počeo je tražiti po sirotištu materijale koje bi mogao koristiti.
En: He started searching around the orphanage for materials he could use.
Hr: Pronašao je papire, ljepilo i stare boje.
En: He found paper, glue, and old paints.
Hr: Mateo je marljivo radio.
En: Mateo worked diligently.
Hr: Svakog dana nakon škole, sjeo bi u malu sobu pokraj kuhinje i stvarao.
En: Every day after school, he would sit in the small room next to the kitchen and create.
Hr: Napravio je čestitku, ukrašenu crvenim i ružičastim tonovima, s jednostavnim natpisom: "Hvala ti, Ivana.
En: He made a card, decorated with red and pink hues, with a simple inscription: "Thank you, Ivana."
Hr: " Na unutrašnjoj strani, napisao je: "Ti si naša obitelj.
En: On the inside, he wrote: "You are our family."
Hr: "Došao je Valentinovo jutro.
En: Valentine's morning arrived.
Hr: Mateo je sa čestitkom u ruci čekao pravi trenutak.
En: Mateo, with the card in hand, waited for the right moment.
Hr: Ivana je bila zauzeta, ali Mateo je skupio hrabrost.
En: Ivana was busy, but Mateo gathered his courage.
Hr: Prišao joj je, srce mu je ubrzano kucalo.
En: He approached her, his heart beating fast.
Hr: "Ivana," rekao je tiho, "imam nešto za tebe.
En: "Ivana," he said quietly, "I have something for you."
Hr: "Ivana se okrenula, iznenađena.
En: Ivana turned around, surprised.
Hr: Mateo joj je pružio čestitku i njegovu nesigurnost zamijenio je osmijeh.
En: Mateo handed her the card, and his uncertainty was replaced by a smile.
Hr: Ivana je pažljivo otvorila čestitku i pročitala poruku.
En: Ivana carefully opened the card and read the message.
Hr: Suze su joj se zasvjetlucale u očima.
En: Tears glistened in her eyes.
Hr: "Oh, Mateo," rekla je nježno.
En: "Oh, Mateo," she said gently.
Hr: "Ovo je predivno.
En: "This is wonderful.
Hr: Ti si pravi dar.
En: You are a true gift."
Hr: "Pomilovala je Matea po glavi i zagrlila ga.
En: She patted Mateo on the head and hugged him.
Hr: Mateo je u tom trenutku osjetio toplinu, onu pravu, koja dolazi od osjećaja pripadnosti.
En: In that moment, Mateo felt warmth, the real kind, which comes from the feeling of belonging.
Hr: Srce mu je bilo ispunjeno ljubavlju.
En: His heart was filled with love.
Hr: "Nisi sam, Mateo.
En: "You are not alone, Mateo.
Hr: Mi smo obitelj," rekla je Ivana.
En: We are family," Ivana said.
Hr: Te riječi za Matea su značile sve.
En: Those words meant everything to Mateo.
Hr: Nije se više osjećao izgubljeno.
En: He no longer felt lost.
Hr: Znao je da je voljen, da ima svoje mjesto, svoju malu obitelj unutar sirotišta.
En: He knew he was loved, that he had his place, his small family within the orphanage.
Hr: Snijeg je polako padao vani, ali u Mateovom srcu, bilo je toplo.
En: Snow was gently falling outside, but in Mateo's heart, it was warm.
Hr: Valentinovo je postalo više od praznika - postalo je simbol ljubavi i zajedništva za dječaka s velikim srcem.
En: Valentine's Day had become more than just a holiday—it had become a symbol of love and togetherness for a boy with a big heart.
Vocabulary Words:
- orphanage: sirotište
- outskirts: rubu
- creaky: škripavim
- corridors: hodnicima
- laughter: smijehom
- volunteer: volonterka
- cheerful: vedrog
- decorating: ukrašavanjem
- gratitude: zahvalnost
- diligently: marljivo
- inscription: natpisom
- gathered: skupio
- courage: hrabrost
- uncertainty: nesigurnost
- glistened: zasvjetlucale
- surprise: iznenađena
- gift: dar
- real: pravu
- belonging: pripadnost
- expressing: izražavajući
- observing: promatrao
- pat: pomilovala
- hugged: zagrlila
- moment: trenutak
- meaning: značilo
- lost: izgubljeno
- symbol: simbol
- togetherness: zajedništva
- warmth: toplinu
- believed: vjerovao
12 FEB 2025 · Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Rainy Romance: A Hidden Gem in Dioklecijanova Palace
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:
Story Transcript:
Hr: Dioklecijanova palača u Splitu bila je prepuna povijesnog šarma.
En: Dioklecijanova palača in Split was full of historical charm.
Hr: Zimi, ulice su tiše, ali ipak očaravajuće.
En: In winter, the streets are quieter, yet still enchanting.
Hr: Ivan je stajao ispred ulaza, srce mu je kucalo.
En: Ivan stood in front of the entrance, his heart pounding.
Hr: Valentinovo je, i na prvom je spoju s Anom.
En: It's Valentine's Day, and he's on a first date with Ana.
Hr: Nervozan, pokušavao je isplanirati savršen trenutak.
En: Nervous, he was trying to plan the perfect moment.
Hr: Zima u Splitu zna biti nepredvidljiva i kiša je počela sipiti.
En: Winter in Split can be unpredictable, and it had started to drizzle.
Hr: Ivan se sjetio savjeta svog prijatelja Marka.
En: Ivan recalled some advice from his friend Marko.
Hr: "Ako počne loše vrijeme, odvedi je unutra, kamo malo ljudi ide," rekao je Marko dan prije.
En: "If the weather turns bad, take her inside, to a place few people go," Marko said the day before.
Hr: Ivan je imao mali plan.
En: Ivan had a small plan.
Hr: Poveo je Anu kroz uske kamene ulice unutar palače, pri čemu je pazio da ne pokvari iznenađenje.
En: He led Ana through the narrow stone streets within the palace, ensuring not to spoil the surprise.
Hr: Ana je bila znatiželjna, promatrala je Ivana s osmijehom.
En: Ana was curious, watching Ivan with a smile.
Hr: "Kamo idemo?
En: "Where are we going?"
Hr: " pitala je.
En: she asked.
Hr: Ivan se samo nasmijao i rekao: "Vidjet ćeš uskoro.
En: Ivan just smiled and said, "You'll see soon."
Hr: "Kiša je postajala jača, a oni su ubrzali korak.
En: The rain was getting heavier, and they quickened their pace.
Hr: Ivan ih je poveo do skrivenog kafića smještenog u kutu unutar zidova palače.
En: Ivan led them to a hidden café tucked in a corner within the palace walls.
Hr: Bio je to mali, ali topao prostor s pogledom na drevne rimske zidine.
En: It was a small, yet warm space with a view of ancient Roman walls.
Hr: Unutar kafića bilo je mirno, a atmosfera ugodna.
En: Inside, the café was peaceful, and the atmosphere was pleasant.
Hr: Mali stol s upaljenom svijećom čekao ih je.
En: A small table with a lit candle awaited them.
Hr: Ana je ostala ugodno iznenađena.
En: Ana was pleasantly surprised.
Hr: "Nisam znala da ovo mjesto postoji," priznala je.
En: "I didn't know this place existed," she admitted.
Hr: Ivan se nasmiješio, ponosan što je uspio iznenaditi Anu bez velikih gesta.
En: Ivan smiled, proud that he had managed to surprise Ana without grand gestures.
Hr: Sjeli su i naručili topli čaj, dok je kiša lagano padala vani.
En: They sat down and ordered hot tea, while rain lightly fell outside.
Hr: Razgovarali su o svemu–od starih kamenih ulica Splita do snova i planova za budućnost.
En: They talked about everything—from Split's old stone streets to dreams and plans for the future.
Hr: Ivan je prestao brinuti o tome hoće li se Ani svidjeti.
En: Ivan stopped worrying about whether Ana would like him.
Hr: Shvatio je da je najvažnije biti iskren i prisutan.
En: He realized that the most important thing was to be honest and present.
Hr: Kako je večer prolazila, Ivan i Ana uživali su u zajedničkom vremenu.
En: As the evening went on, Ivan and Ana enjoyed their time together.
Hr: Ivan je shvatio važnost malih, promišljenih stvari.
En: Ivan realized the importance of small, thoughtful things.
Hr: Kiša je donijela mirnoću, a njih dvoje napuštali su palaču s osmijehom.
En: The rain brought calmness, and the two of them left the palace smiling.
Hr: Na kraju, Ivan je naučio da su srcu potrebni jednostavni, iskreni trenuci, mnogo više od velikih gesta.
En: In the end, Ivan learned that the heart needs simple, sincere moments much more than grand gestures.
Hr: Ana je bila zadivljena i sretna, a prvi spoj završio je uspješno.
En: Ana was impressed and happy, and the first date ended successfully.
Hr: Te večeri vrativši se kući, Ivan je poslao poruku Marku: "Hvala, prijatelju.
En: That evening, returning home, Ivan sent Marko a message: "Thanks, friend.
Hr: Iznenađenje uspjelo!
En: The surprise worked!"
Vocabulary Words:
- palace: palača
- historical: povijesnog
- charm: šarma
- quieter: tiše
- enchanting: očaravajuće
- entrance: ulaza
- heart: srce
- pounding: kucalo
- nervous: nervozan
- unpredictable: nepredvidljiva
- drizzle: sipiti
- advice: savjeta
- spoil: pokvari
- curious: znatiželjna
- pace: korak
- hidden: skrivenog
- tucked: smještenog
- ancient: drevne
- calmness: mirnoću
- importance: važnost
- gestures: geste
- sincere: iskreni
- impressed: zadivljena
- successfully: uspješno
- message: poruku
- surprise: iznenađenje
- turns: počne
- narrow: uske
- stone: kamene
- walls: zidova
11 FEB 2025 · Fluent Fiction - Croatian: From Budget Woes to Startup Wins: Ivana's Shrewd Negotiation
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:
Story Transcript:
Hr: Zagreb, u srcu zime.
En: Zagreb, in the heart of winter.
Hr: Startup Inkubator vrvi od života.
En: The Startup Inkubator is buzzing with life.
Hr: Unutra sjede Luka, Marta i Ivana.
En: Inside sit Luka, Marta, and Ivana.
Hr: Zima je hladna, ali atmosfera je topla i uzbudljiva.
En: The winter is cold, but the atmosphere is warm and exciting.
Hr: Luka je energičan, uvijek s puno ideja.
En: Luka is energetic, always full of ideas.
Hr: Marta je tiha, ali uvijek razmišlja nekoliko koraka unaprijed.
En: Marta is quiet but always thinking several steps ahead.
Hr: Ivana je nova, puni entuzijazma, želi se dokazati.
En: Ivana is new, full of enthusiasm, eager to prove herself.
Hr: "Trebat će nam više uredskog materijala," kaže Luka.
En: "We'll need more office supplies," Luka says.
Hr: Tvrtka raste, a tako i potrebe.
En: The company is growing, and so are its needs.
Hr: "Ali, proračun je strog," upozorava Marta.
En: "But the budget is tight," warns Marta.
Hr: Pogled im se okreće prema Ivani.
En: Their eyes turn to Ivana.
Hr: "Organizirat ću kupnju", kaže ona odlučno.
En: "I'll organize the purchase," she says decisively.
Hr: Uskoro kreću prema trgovini.
En: They soon head to the store.
Hr: Unutra je sve svjetlucavo i šareno.
En: Inside, everything is sparkly and colorful.
Hr: Police su pune papira, fascikli i olovki.
En: The shelves are full of paper, folders, and pencils.
Hr: "Pogledaj sve ovo", šapne Ivana, oči joj sjaje.
En: "Look at all this," whispers Ivana, her eyes shining.
Hr: Ali, Marta odmah podsjeća: "Ne smijemo prekoračiti proračun.
En: But Marta immediately reminds them, "We can't go over the budget."
Hr: "Ivana počinje birati.
En: Ivana starts selecting.
Hr: Odabire povoljni papir, olovke brenda kojeg ne prepoznaje, ali jeftine su.
En: She picks affordable paper and pencils from a brand she doesn't recognize, but they are cheap.
Hr: Marta bilježi cijene.
En: Marta notes the prices.
Hr: Luka se udaljava, proučava tehničke naprave, mobitel zvoni, poruke stižu.
En: Luka steps away, studying technical gadgets, his phone rings, messages come in.
Hr: On mora vjerovati timu.
En: He must trust his team.
Hr: Kako se približavaju blagajni, shvaćaju da su preko proračuna.
En: As they approach the checkout, they realize they've gone over budget.
Hr: Ivana osjeća pritisak.
En: Ivana feels the pressure.
Hr: Luka šuti, pogleda nježno prema njoj.
En: Luka remains silent, giving her a gentle look.
Hr: Marta gleda račune, brojke ne lažu.
En: Marta looks at the receipts, the numbers don't lie.
Hr: Ivana zna što mora učiniti.
En: Ivana knows what she must do.
Hr: Ona poziva upravitelja trgovine.
En: She calls the store manager.
Hr: Objašnjava situaciju.
En: She explains the situation.
Hr: Razgovara o startupu, o budućim potrebama, potencijalnoj suradnji.
En: She talks about the startup, future needs, potential collaboration.
Hr: Upravitelj je zaintrigiran.
En: The manager is intrigued.
Hr: Poslovni svijet je mali, prilike velike.
En: The business world is small, opportunities are vast.
Hr: Nakon duge minute napetosti, upravitelj odobrava popust.
En: After a long minute of tension, the manager approves a discount.
Hr: Svi odahnu.
En: Everyone breathes a sigh of relief.
Hr: Ivana uspijeva.
En: Ivana succeeds.
Hr: Luka i Marta pohvaljuju je.
En: Luka and Marta commend her.
Hr: Vraćaju se u inkubator s vrećicama punim potrebnih stvari.
En: They return to the incubator with bags full of necessary items.
Hr: Luka sada zna, može više vjerovati svojoj ekipi.
En: Luka now knows he can trust his team more.
Hr: Ivana se osjeća jačom, spremna za nove izazove.
En: Ivana feels stronger, ready for new challenges.
Hr: Marta, iako oprezna, shvaća da fleksibilnost može donijeti koristi.
En: Marta, although cautious, realizes that flexibility can bring benefits.
Hr: Uskoro se svi vraćaju radu, srelom i nešto bogatiji za jedno važno iskustvo.
En: Soon, they all return to work, happier and a bit richer for an important experience.
Hr: Ivana sjedi za stolom, osmijeh joj ne silazi s lica.
En: Ivana sits at the table, a smile not leaving her face.
Hr: Pogledom prelazi preko pisma i papira ispred sebe.
En: She looks over the letters and papers before her.
Hr: Ovo je tek početak, ali ona je dio nečeg velikog.
En: This is just the beginning, but she is part of something big.
Hr: Zima možda vlada vani, ali unutar inkubatora, proljeće ideja tek je počelo.
En: Winter may reign outside, but inside the incubator, the spring of ideas has just begun.
Vocabulary Words:
- heart: srcu
- buzzing: vrvi
- energetic: energičan
- enthusiasm: entuzijazma
- prove: dokazati
- supplies: materijala
- budget: proračun
- decisively: odlučno
- sparkly: svjetlucavo
- shining: sjaje
- affordable: povoljni
- gadgets: naprave
- checkout: blagajni
- pressure: pritisak
- receipts: račune
- explains: objašnjava
- future: budućim
- intrigued: zaintrigiran
- tension: napetosti
- approves: odobrava
- discount: popust
- sigh: odahnu
- commend: pohvaljuju
- necessary: potrebnih
- experiences: iskustvo
- flexibility: fleksibilnost
- cautious: oprezna
- reign: vlada
- trust: vjerovati
- potential: potencijalnoj
10 FEB 2025 · Fluent Fiction - Croatian: From Friendship to Love: A Winter Tale of Connection
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:
Story Transcript:
Hr: Ivana je polako hodala kroz prekriveni snijegom i svježim zrakom okupani Plitvički park.
En: Ivana was slowly walking through the Plitvički park, blanketed in snow and bathed in fresh air.
Hr: Jezera su sjajila poput dragulja pod blagom zimskom sunčevom svjetlošću, činivši da krajolik izgleda kao na razglednici.
En: The lakes shone like jewels under the gentle winter sunlight, making the landscape look like a postcard.
Hr: S njom je bio Marko, njezin prijatelj koji je uvijek znao nasmijati svakoga.
En: With her was Marko, her friend who always knew how to make everyone laugh.
Hr: Imali su običaj putovati zajedno, otkrivajući male ljepote Hrvatske.
En: They had a habit of traveling together, discovering the little beauties of Croatia.
Hr: Jednoga dana odlučili su posjetiti lokalni zanatski sajam.
En: One day, they decided to visit a local craft fair.
Hr: Zvonka glazba i smijeh ispunjavali su zrak, a štandovi su se protezali duž staze, puni raznovrsnih rukotvorina.
En: The air was filled with jovial music and laughter, and stalls stretched along the path, brimming with various handicrafts.
Hr: Ivana je diskretno tražila poklon za Marka, nešto što bi značilo više od samog predmeta, nešto što bi odražavalo ono što je osjećala.
En: Ivana discreetly searched for a gift for Marko, something that would mean more than just an object, something that would reflect what she felt.
Hr: Sajam je bio šaren i živ.
En: The fair was colorful and lively.
Hr: Prodavači, umotani u tople šalove, nudili su svoje proizvode posjetiteljima.
En: Vendors, wrapped in warm scarves, offered their products to visitors.
Hr: Njihove su ruke bile ispunjene drvenim rezbarijama, ručno pletenim šalovima i još mnogo toga.
En: Their hands were filled with wooden carvings, hand-knitted scarves, and much more.
Hr: Ivana je zastala ispred malog štanda gdje je stariji gospodin, Ljubo, s ponosom pokazivao drvene skulpture.
En: Ivana stopped in front of a small stall where an older gentleman, Ljubo, proudly displayed wooden sculptures.
Hr: "Zdravo," pozdravila je Ivana s osmijehom, "imate prekrasne skulpture. Što one predstavljaju?"
En: "Hello," Ivana greeted with a smile, "you have beautiful sculptures. What do they represent?"
Hr: Ljubo je uzvratio osmijeh i pokazao na malu skulpturu isprepletenih stabala.
En: Ljubo returned the smile and pointed to a small sculpture of intertwined trees.
Hr: "Ova drven statuica simbolizira povezanost i rast. Kao dva života koja rastu zajedno, podupirući jedno drugo."
En: "This wooden statue symbolizes connection and growth. Like two lives growing together, supporting each other."
Hr: Te riječi dotakle su Ivanino srce.
En: Those words touched Ivana's heart.
Hr: Vidjela je simboliku iza te skulpture.
En: She saw the symbolism behind the sculpture.
Hr: Bilo je jasno - to je bilo savršeno za Marka.
En: It was clear—that was perfect for Marko.
Hr: Dok je razmišljala, njezino srce postalo je odlučnije.
En: As she pondered, her heart became more determined.
Hr: Možda je vrijeme da napokon otkrije svoje osjećaje.
En: Perhaps it was time to finally reveal her feelings.
Hr: Odabrala je skulpturu i zatražila da je Ljubo nježno upakira.
En: She chose the sculpture and asked Ljubo to wrap it gently.
Hr: Te večeri, Marko i Ivana sjedili su uz topli čaj, gledajući kroz prozor kako snijeg polako prekriva krajolik.
En: That evening, Marko and Ivana sat with warm tea, watching through the window as snow slowly covered the landscape.
Hr: Ivana je predala poklon Marku s blago drhtavim rukama.
En: Ivana handed the gift to Marko with slightly trembling hands.
Hr: "Za tebe, za nas."
En: "For you, for us."
Hr: Marko je osmijehirao gledajući skulpturu.
En: Marko smiled as he looked at the sculpture.
Hr: "Hvala, Ivana. Stvarno je posebna, baš poput nas."
En: "Thank you, Ivana. It really is special, just like us."
Hr: Uz malo hrabrosti, Ivana je izgovorila: "Znam da smo prijatelji, ali osjećam... možda nešto više."
En: With a little courage, Ivana said, "I know we're friends, but I feel... maybe something more."
Hr: Marko ju je pogledao, njegov osmijeh postao je topao i nježan.
En: Marko looked at her, his smile becoming warm and gentle.
Hr: "I ja osjećam isto."
En: "I feel the same way."
Hr: S uzajamnim razumijevanjem, zagrlili su se, znajući da je skulptura drvenih stabala početak nove faze u njihovom odnosu.
En: With mutual understanding, they embraced, knowing that the wooden sculpture of intertwined trees was the beginning of a new phase in their relationship.
Hr: Plitvički zimski pejzaž bio je svjedok novim korijenima koji su započeli rasti između njih dvoje.
En: The winter landscape of Plitvički was a witness to the new roots beginning to grow between them.
Hr: Ivana je bila sretna, noć je bila savršena.
En: Ivana was happy, the night was perfect.
Hr: Prihvatila je svoje osjećaje i otvorila put za nešto lijepo i novo.
En: She embraced her feelings and paved the way for something beautiful and new.
Vocabulary Words:
- blanketed: prekriveni
- glistened: sjajila
- intertwined: isprepletenih
- jovial: zvonka
- handicrafts: rukotvorina
- scarves: šalove
- stalls: štandovi
- wrapped: umotani
- carvings: rezbarijama
- sculptures: skulpture
- symbolizes: simbolizira
- determined: odlučnije
- trembling: drhtavim
- embraced: zagrlili
- landscape: pejzaž
- phase: faza
- roots: korijeni
- silently: diskretno
- deliberated: razmišljala
- proudly: s ponosom
- gently: nježno
- witness: svjedok
- habits: običaj
- revealed: otkrije
- determination: odlučnost
- whispered: šapnula
- surrounding: okupani
- postcard: razglednica
- reflect: odražavati
- connection: povezanost
9 FEB 2025 · Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Lost and Found in Winter's Embrace at Plitvička Jezera
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:
Story Transcript:
Hr: Bila je rana zima u Nacionalnom parku Plitvička jezera.
En: It was early winter in Nacionalni park Plitvička jezera.
Hr: Snijeg je tiho prekrivao cijelu dolinu, pričajući priču o miru i tišini.
En: Snow quietly covered the entire valley, telling a story of peace and silence.
Hr: Ivana, strastvena fotografkinja prirode, stajala je na rubu staze, gledajući prema smrznutim slapovima.
En: Ivana, a passionate nature photographer, stood at the edge of the path, looking towards the frozen waterfalls.
Hr: "Nevjerojatno je," rekla je svom mlađem bratu Luki, koji je skakao od uzbuđenja.
En: "It's incredible," she said to her younger brother Luka, who was jumping with excitement.
Hr: "Ovo će biti savršen snimak za moju izložbu.
En: "This will be the perfect shot for my exhibition."
Hr: "Marko, oprezni čuvar parka, stajao je blizu njih.
En: Marko, the cautious park ranger, stood near them.
Hr: "Treba biti oprezan," upozorio ih je.
En: "You need to be careful," he warned them.
Hr: "Očekuje se oluja.
En: "A storm is expected.
Hr: Bolje da se vratimo.
En: It's better to head back."
Hr: "Ivana nije htjela slušati.
En: Ivana didn't want to listen.
Hr: Želja za savršenom fotografijom potiskivala je sve druge misli.
En: The desire for the perfect photograph pushed aside all other thoughts.
Hr: "Još malo dublje u park," rekla je Luki.
En: "A little deeper into the park," she said to Luka.
Hr: "Imam dobar osjećaj.
En: "I have a good feeling."
Hr: "Luka je odmah klimnuo glavom, podjednako željan avanture.
En: Luka immediately nodded, equally eager for adventure.
Hr: Marko se nije složio.
En: Marko disagreed.
Hr: No, Ivana ga je ignorirala, uvjerena da zna što radi.
En: But Ivana ignored him, convinced she knew what she was doing.
Hr: Kako su ulazili sve dublje, gusti snijeg počeo je padati.
En: As they went deeper, heavy snow started falling.
Hr: Nevremena kao da nije bilo kraja.
En: The storm seemed endless.
Hr: Drveće je bilo bijelo i staze su nestale pod slojevima leda.
En: Trees were white, and paths disappeared under layers of ice.
Hr: Ivana je unatoč svemu bila očarana, ali je brzo shvatila da je izgubila orijentaciju.
En: Despite everything, Ivana was fascinated but quickly realized she had lost her bearings.
Hr: "Što ćemo sad?
En: "What do we do now?"
Hr: " pitao je Luka nemirno.
En: Luka asked nervously.
Hr: Ivana nije imala odgovor.
En: Ivana had no answer.
Hr: Panika je počela rasti.
En: Panic began to grow.
Hr: Snijeg ih je okružio, a vjetar je postajao sve jači.
En: Snow surrounded them, and the wind was getting stronger.
Hr: Hladnoća je bila nemilosrdna.
En: The cold was relentless.
Hr: U tom trenutku, kako ih je nevrijeme okovalo, sjetila se Markovih riječi i njegovog upozorenja.
En: At that moment, as the storm enveloped them, she remembered Marko's words and his warning.
Hr: Srce joj je brže zakucalo od spoznaje koliko su blizu opasnosti.
En: Her heart beat faster at the realization of how close they were to danger.
Hr: "Moramo se vratiti," odlučila je Ivana konačno, hvatajući Luku za ruku.
En: "We need to go back," Ivana finally decided, grabbing Luka's hand.
Hr: Marko je tada stigao, vođen iskustvom i znanjem o parku.
En: Marko then arrived, guided by his experience and knowledge of the park.
Hr: "Srećom vas nalazim," rekao je, prebacujući dodatnu deku preko njih.
En: "Luckily, I found you," he said, throwing an extra blanket over them.
Hr: "Pratite me, poznajem put do skloništa.
En: "Follow me, I know the way to the shelter."
Hr: "Zajedno su se probijali kroz snijeg sve dok nisu stigli do malog drvenog skloništa.
En: Together, they fought through the snow until they reached a small wooden shelter.
Hr: Unutra je bilo toplo, a vatra je već gorjela.
En: Inside, it was warm, and a fire was already burning.
Hr: Ivana je sjela, osjećajući olakšanje.
En: Ivana sat down, feeling relief.
Hr: Pogledala je Marka s zahvalnošću.
En: She looked at Marko with gratitude.
Hr: "U pravu si.
En: "You were right.
Hr: Previše sam riskirala.
En: I took too many risks."
Hr: "Marko se nasmiješio.
En: Marko smiled.
Hr: "Znam da voliš avanturu, Ivana, ali priroda ima svoja pravila.
En: "I know you love adventure, Ivana, but nature has its rules."
Hr: "Tako su proveli noć u sigurnosti, slušajući kako snijeg pada vani.
En: They spent the night safely, listening to the snow falling outside.
Hr: Do jutra, oluja je prošla, ostavljajući iza sebe zimsku bajku.
En: By morning, the storm had passed, leaving behind a winter wonderland.
Hr: Ivana je uzela kameru i pogledala kroz prozor.
En: Ivana took her camera and looked through the window.
Hr: Iznenada, sve je izgledalo bolje nego što je očekivala.
En: Suddenly, everything looked better than she had expected.
Hr: Smiješila se, svjesna svih lekcija koje je naučila.
En: She smiled, aware of all the lessons she had learned.
Hr: Plitvička jezera opet su joj pokazala svoju moć, a Ivana je pronašla novu ravnotežu između pustolovine i opreza.
En: Plitvička jezera once again showed her its power, and Ivana found a new balance between adventure and caution.
Hr: Znala je da se opet vraća, bolje pripremljena, s poštovanjem prema ljepoti i snazi prirode.
En: She knew she would return again, better prepared, with a deep respect for the beauty and strength of nature.
Vocabulary Words:
- early: rana
- winter: zima
- quietly: tiho
- valley: dolina
- passionate: strastvena
- edge: rub
- frozen: smrznutim
- waterfalls: slapovima
- exhibition: izložba
- cautious: oprezni
- ranger: čuvar
- warned: upozorio
- storm: oluja
- desire: želja
- path: staze
- eager: željan
- ignored: ignorirala
- realized: shvatila
- bearings: orijentaciju
- panic: panika
- endless: kraja
- relentless: nemilosrdna
- enveloped: okovalo
- danger: opasnosti
- shelter: skloništa
- fire: vatra
- relief: olakšanje
- gratitude: zahvalnošću
- adventure: avantura
- winter wonderland: zimska bajka
8 FEB 2025 · Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Finding Love: A Market Journey with Heartfelt Gifts
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:
Story Transcript:
Hr: Šarene tržnice oživjele su u Samoboru.
En: Colorful markets came to life in Samobor.
Hr: Valentinovo se bližilo, a miris cimeta i kuhanog vina ispunjavao je zrak.
En: Valentine's Day was approaching, and the scent of cinnamon and mulled wine filled the air.
Hr: Ulice su bile pretrpane ljudima, a Ivana je pokušavala pronaći put kroz gužvu.
En: The streets were crowded with people, and Ivana was trying to find her way through the bustle.
Hr: S njom je bio njezin brat Marko, ali nije bio najbolje raspoložen.
En: With her was her brother Marko, but he wasn't in the best mood.
Hr: Nedavna rastava ostavila je trag na njemu.
En: A recent divorce had taken a toll on him.
Hr: "Ivana, stvarno ne vidim smisao u ovome," rekao je Marko dok su prolazili pored štandova prepunih čokolada i crvenih ruža.
En: "Ivana, I really don't see the point in this," Marko said as they passed by stalls full of chocolates and red roses.
Hr: "Uostalom, znaš koliko je tvoj partner izbirljiv."
En: "Besides, you know how picky your partner is."
Hr: Ivana je duboko udahnula.
En: Ivana took a deep breath.
Hr: Znala je da Marko prolazi kroz težak period, ali trebala mu je pomoć, a ne negativnost.
En: She knew Marko was going through a tough time, but she needed his help, not negativity.
Hr: Htjela je pronaći savršen dar koji bi pokazao njezinu ljubav i predanost.
En: She wanted to find the perfect gift that would show her love and commitment.
Hr: Ali s ljudima koji su jurili s jedne strane tržnice na drugu, teško se mogla koncentrirati.
En: But with people rushing from one side of the market to the other, it was hard for her to concentrate.
Hr: "Marko, daj mi pet minuta. Moram razmisliti," rekla je, udaljivši se malo da bi se sabrala.
En: "Marko, give me five minutes. I need to think," she said, moving slightly away to gather her thoughts.
Hr: Pogledala je oko sebe.
En: She looked around.
Hr: Stotine proizvoda, svaka stvar različita.
En: Hundreds of products, each different.
Hr: Ali ništa nije izgledalo kao pravi izbor.
En: But nothing seemed like the right choice.
Hr: I tada je ugledala mali štand sa starim knjigama i ručno rađenim predmetima.
En: Then she saw a small stall with old books and handmade items.
Hr: Stala je i pregledala hrpu dok se čuvar štanda, ljubazan stariji gospodin, smiješio.
En: She stopped and browsed through the pile while the stall keeper, a kind older gentleman, smiled.
Hr: Među knjigama, pronašla je malu drvenu kutijicu s ugraviranim motivom srca.
En: Among the books, she found a small wooden box engraved with a heart motif.
Hr: Podsjetila ju je na šetnje koje su ona i njezin partner često imali uz rijeku, gdje su rezbareni natpisi u drveću pričali o ljubavi.
En: It reminded her of the walks she often had with her partner by the river, where carved inscriptions on the trees spoke of love.
Hr: "Koliko je ova kutija?" upitala je gospodina.
En: "How much is this box?" she asked the gentleman.
Hr: "Za vas, mlada damo, sto kuna," odgovorio je s osmijehom.
En: "For you, young lady, a hundred kuna," he replied with a smile.
Hr: Ivana je uzela kutiju i vratila se Marku, koji je gledao u obližnji štand sa slatkišima.
En: Ivana took the box and returned to Marko, who was looking at a nearby candy stall.
Hr: "Odluka je pala," rekla je Ivana samouvjereno.
En: "The decision is made," Ivana said confidently.
Hr: Marko se nasmijao, djelomično iznenađen Ivaninom odlučnošću.
En: Marko laughed, partly surprised by Ivana's decisiveness.
Hr: Na kraju dana, kad je Ivana poklonila kutiju svom partneru, on je isprva skeptično pogledao.
En: At the end of the day, when Ivana gave the box to her partner, he initially looked at it skeptically.
Hr: No, kad je čuo priču iza izbora, osjetio je toplinu i brigu iza njezine geste.
En: But when he heard the story behind the choice, he felt the warmth and care behind her gesture.
Hr: "Ivana, ovo je savršeno," rekao je, stisnuvši njezinu ruku.
En: "Ivana, this is perfect," he said, squeezing her hand.
Hr: Ivana je shvatila da su vrijednost i ljubav često skriveni u malim stvarima, a ne u cijeni.
En: Ivana realized that the value and love are often hidden in small things, not in their price.
Hr: Osjetila je kako se njeno povjerenje u vlastiti sud povećava.
En: She felt her confidence in her own judgment grow.
Hr: Marko se također zamislio.
En: Marko also had a moment of reflection.
Hr: Vidjevši Ivaninu pažnju prema detaljima, shvatio je koliko je važno podržavati i vjerovati bližnjima.
En: Seeing Ivana's attention to detail, he realized how important it is to support and trust those close to you.
Hr: Možda je vrijeme da se i on oslobodi negativnosti i pruži podršku njenoj ljubavi.
En: Perhaps it was time for him to let go of negativity and support her love.
Hr: Tržnica je polako spuštala svoje štandove, ali Ivana i Marko, sada oboje osmijehom na licu, odlazili su osjetivši mir u srcu.
En: The market was slowly packing up its stalls, but Ivana and Marko, now both with smiles on their faces, left feeling peace in their hearts.
Hr: Valentinovo je možda komercijalni praznik, ali darovi su puno više od stvari; oni su znak ljubavi i odnosa koje gradimo.
En: Valentine's Day might be a commercial holiday, but gifts are much more than things; they are signs of the love and relationships we build.
Vocabulary Words:
- bustle: gužva
- toll: trag
- picky: izbirljiv
- commitment: predanost
- gather: sabirati
- browse: pregledati
- engraved: ugravirano
- motif: motiv
- inscriptions: natpisi
- scent: miris
- mulled: kuhani
- divorce: rastava
- stalls: štandovi
- skeptically: skeptično
- decisiveness: odlučnost
- relationship: odnos
- partner: partner
- commitment: predanost
- rush: juriti
- commercial: komercijalni
- gesture: gesta
- confidence: povjerenje
- attention: pažnja
- detail: detalj
- support: podrška
- trust: vjera
- negativity: negativnost
- reflection: razmišljanje
- calm: mir
- judgment: sud
7 FEB 2025 · Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Balancing Passion and Care: Luka's Marine Exploration
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:
Story Transcript:
Hr: Aquarij na glavnom trgu u Zagrebu bio je svijet života.
En: The Aquarij on the main square in Zagreb was a world full of life.
Hr: Luka, strastven morski biolog, svakog jutra dolazio je s osmijehom na licu.
En: Luka, a passionate marine biologist, came every morning with a smile on his face.
Hr: Akvarij je bilo njegovo posebno mjesto.
En: The aquarium was his special place.
Hr: Tu je proučavao egzotične ribe, tražeći odgovore na svoja znanstvena pitanja.
En: There, he studied exotic fish, seeking answers to his scientific questions.
Hr: Šum vode i bljeskanje šarenih ribica činilo je prostor čarobnim, ali sada je postajalo problematično.
En: The sound of water and the shimmering colorful fish made the space magical, but now it was becoming problematic.
Hr: Ivana, Luka je kolegica i prijateljica, s ljubavlju je promatrala njegovu predanost.
En: Ivana, Luka's colleague and friend, watched his dedication with affection.
Hr: Brinula se za njega, posebno nakon što je čula kako kiše u blizini ribnjaka.
En: She worried about him, especially after hearing that it was raining near the pond.
Hr: Luka je, međutim, odbacio njene zabrinutosti.
En: Luka, however, dismissed her concerns.
Hr: Marin, njihov nadglednik, gledao je Luku kroz pragmatične naočale.
En: Marin, their supervisor, looked at Luka through pragmatic glasses.
Hr: Vidio je kako Luka šepa, očima crvenim od alergije.
En: He observed Luka limping, his eyes red from allergies.
Hr: "Luka, možda bi trebao uzeti pauzu", rekao je oprezno.
En: "Luka, maybe you should take a break," he said cautiously.
Hr: Luka je pogledao u pod, želeći izbjeći razgovor.
En: Luka looked down, wanting to avoid the conversation.
Hr: "Samo još ovaj tjedan.
En: "Just this week.
Hr: Završavam važan eksperiment," inzistirao je.
En: I'm finishing an important experiment," he insisted.
Hr: Kako je vrijeme prolazilo, Luki je bivalo sve gore.
En: As time passed, Luka's condition worsened.
Hr: Ivana je pokušala pokriti njegove obaveze dok bi mu donosila čaj od mente, nadajući se da će mu pomoći s disanjem.
En: Ivana tried to cover his duties while bringing him mint tea, hoping it would help him breathe.
Hr: Ali nije bilo poboljšanja.
En: But there was no improvement.
Hr: Kritičan trenutak se dogodio kada je Luka stajao pred tenkom s rijetkom ribom.
En: The critical moment happened when Luka was standing in front of the tank with a rare fish.
Hr: Odjednom, srušio se na pod.
En: Suddenly, he collapsed to the floor.
Hr: Ivana je vrisnula, a Marin je odmah dotrčao.
En: Ivana screamed, and Marin immediately rushed over.
Hr: Luka je bio svjestan, ali iscrpljen.
En: Luka was conscious, but exhausted.
Hr: "Ne mogu ovako dalje," priznao je konačno, dok mu je Marin pomogao da sjedne.
En: "I can't go on like this," he finally admitted, as Marin helped him to sit.
Hr: "Zdravlje je važnije od ičega," rekao je Marin čvrsto.
En: "Health is more important than anything," Marin said firmly.
Hr: Luka je klimnuo, shvaćajući istinitost tih riječi.
En: Luka nodded, understanding the truth of those words.
Hr: Ivana ga je držala za ruku, dajući podršku.
En: Ivana held his hand, offering support.
Hr: Nakon nekog vremena odmora, Luka se vratio u akvarij s novim planom.
En: After some time of rest, Luka returned to the aquarium with a new plan.
Hr: Radio je iza zaštitne barijere, a Ivana mu je pomagala sa istraživanjem.
En: He worked behind a protective barrier, and Ivana assisted him with the research.
Hr: Marin je bio zadovoljan i pohvalio Luku za njegovu odgovornost.
En: Marin was pleased and praised Luka for his responsibility.
Hr: Luka je naučio važnu lekciju: strast mora biti uravnotežena s brigom o samom sebi.
En: Luka learned an important lesson: passion must be balanced with self-care.
Hr: Sa svakim novim danom u akvariju, njegovo divljenje prema moru nije se smanjilo, ali sada ga je mudro prilagodio svom životu.
En: With each new day at the aquarium, his admiration for the sea did not diminish, but now he wisely adapted it to his life.
Hr: Marin je postao više od nadglednika, a Ivana neprocjenjiv saveznik.
En: Marin became more than a supervisor, and Ivana an invaluable ally.
Hr: Bilo je to novo poglavlje u njegovom životu prepunom morskih pustolovina.
En: It was a new chapter in his life full of marine adventures.
Vocabulary Words:
- aquarium: akvarij
- passionate: strastven
- marine biologist: morski biolog
- exotic: egzotične
- shimmering: bljeskanje
- affection: ljubav
- dismissed: odbacio
- concerns: zabrinutosti
- pragmatic: pragmatične
- limping: šepa
- allergies: alergije
- cautiously: oprezno
- experiment: eksperiment
- duties: obaveze
- mint tea: čaj od mente
- breathe: disanje
- improvement: poboljšanje
- critical: kritičan
- collapsed: srušio se
- exhausted: iscrpljen
- health: zdravlje
- firmly: čvrsto
- support: podrška
- protective barrier: zaštitna barijera
- responsibility: odgovornost
- balanced: uravnotežena
- self-care: briga o samom sebi
- admiration: divljenje
- invaluable: neprocjenjiv
- adventures: pustolovine
Are you ready to supercharge your Croatian listening comprehension? Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition...
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Are you ready to supercharge your Croatian listening comprehension?
Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.
That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Croatian, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Croatian and English.
This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.
Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.
Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Dubrovnik, Plitvice Lakes National Park, or Split? Maybe you want to speak Croatian with your grandparents from Zagreb?
Our podcast provides in-depth cultural and linguistic insights, preparing you for full immersion in the regions where Croatian is predominantly spoken, including Croatia, Bosnia, and Herzegovina. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Croatian listening comprehension.
Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Poboljšajte svoje razumijevanje slušanja s našim hrvatskim pričama danas!
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Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.
That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Croatian, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Croatian and English.
This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.
Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.
Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Dubrovnik, Plitvice Lakes National Park, or Split? Maybe you want to speak Croatian with your grandparents from Zagreb?
Our podcast provides in-depth cultural and linguistic insights, preparing you for full immersion in the regions where Croatian is predominantly spoken, including Croatia, Bosnia, and Herzegovina. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Croatian listening comprehension.
Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Poboljšajte svoje razumijevanje slušanja s našim hrvatskim pričama danas!
Author | FluentFiction.org |
Organization | Kameron Kilchrist |
Categories | Language Learning , Courses |
Website | fluentfiction.org |
hello@fluentfiction.org |
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