Are you ready to supercharge your Estonian listening comprehension? Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition...
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Are you ready to supercharge your Estonian listening comprehension?
Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.
That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Estonian, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Estonian and English.
This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.
Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.
Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Tallinn, Tartu, or Pärnu? Maybe you want to speak Estonian with your grandparents from Narva?
Our podcast provides a rich blend of cultural and linguistic insights to thoroughly engage you in the authentic Estonian experience, primarily found within the picturesque borders of Estonia. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Estonian listening comprehension.
Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Paranda oma kuulmisarusaamist meie Eesti lugudega täna!
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Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.
That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Estonian, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Estonian and English.
This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.
Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.
Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Tallinn, Tartu, or Pärnu? Maybe you want to speak Estonian with your grandparents from Narva?
Our podcast provides a rich blend of cultural and linguistic insights to thoroughly engage you in the authentic Estonian experience, primarily found within the picturesque borders of Estonia. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Estonian listening comprehension.
Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Paranda oma kuulmisarusaamist meie Eesti lugudega täna!

Episodes & Posts
7 FEB 2025 · Fluent Fiction - Estonian: Love Illuminated: A Valentine's Day Surprise at the Aquarium
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:
Story Transcript:
Et: Tallinna loomaaia akvaariumiosakonnas oli talvine päev.
En: It was a winter day in the Tallinna Zoo's aquarium section.
Et: Valenpäeva hommikupoolik, ja sauli viimane jääkiht sulas vaikselt.
En: A late morning on Valentine's Day, and the last layer of ice was quietly melting.
Et: Akvaariumi sinine valgus kumas pehmelt, kui inimesed nautisid mereelu maailmu.
En: The blue light of the aquarium glowed softly as people enjoyed the worlds of marine life.
Et: Jaan, Liina ja Marek kõndisid mööda varjulisi sildu.
En: Jaan, Liina, and Marek walked along the shaded bridges.
Et: Jaan oli närvis.
En: Jaan was nervous.
Et: Tema mõtted keerlesid selle ümber, kuidas Liinat üllatada.
En: His thoughts revolved around how to surprise Liina.
Et: Traditsiooniline valentinivaasi kink oli tema jaoks liiga tavaline.
En: A traditional Valentine's Day gift seemed too ordinary for him.
Et: Ta tahtis leida midagi erilist.
En: He wanted to find something special.
Et: Liina, kala armastaja, peatus igas tanki juures.
En: Liina, a lover of fish, stopped at every tank.
Et: Tema silmad särasid, kui värvilised kalad ujutasid tema nähtavust.
En: Her eyes sparkled as colorful fish swam into her view.
Et: Kuid valentinipidu ei tundunud Liinale vajalik.
En: But the Valentine party didn't seem necessary to Liina.
Et: Tahtis lihtsalt kala nautida.
En: She just wanted to enjoy the fish.
Et: Marek, Jaani sõber, tegi nalju.
En: Marek, Jaan's friend, made jokes.
Et: "Jaan, osta purk kalamarja!"
En: "Jaan, buy a jar of caviar!"
Et: naeris ta.
En: he laughed.
Et: Kuid Jaan ei naernud.
En: But Jaan didn't laugh.
Et: Ta soovis midagi erilist.
En: He wanted something special.
Et: Lõpuks jõudsid nad meduuside juurde.
En: Finally, they reached the jellyfish.
Et: Sinine valgus valgustas nende keha, luues maagilise vaatepildi.
En: The blue light illuminated their bodies, creating a magical spectacle.
Et: Liina peatus pikemalt.
En: Liina paused for a longer time.
Et: Need pehmed olendid köitsid teda.
En: These soft creatures captivated her.
Et: Jaan jälgis teda.
En: Jaan watched her.
Et: Äkitselt märkas Jaan midagi silmapaistvat - käsitsi valmistatud meduusiteemaline kaelakee.
En: Suddenly, Jaan noticed something remarkable—a handmade jellyfish-themed necklace.
Et: See säras akna kõrval olevas vitriinis.
En: It shone in the showcase next to the window.
Et: Jaani süda lõi põksuma.
En: Jaan's heart started to race.
Et: See võib olla see, mida ta otsis.
En: This might be what he was looking for.
Et: Kaelakee sümboliseeris nende päeva akvaariumis, mereelu vaadeldes.
En: The necklace symbolized their day at the aquarium, observing marine life.
Et: Ta teadis, et see oleks meeldiv üllatus.
En: He knew it would be a pleasant surprise.
Et: Ta naeratas ja läks kaelakeed ostma.
En: He smiled and went to buy the necklace.
Et: Hiljem, kui nad jalutasid akvaariumist välja, andis Jaan Liinale väikese kingituse.
En: Later, as they walked out of the aquarium, Jaan handed Liina a small gift.
Et: "Ma ei teadnud, kas sa tahad valentinipäeva tähistada," ütles ta.
En: "I didn't know if you wanted to celebrate Valentine's Day," he said.
Et: "Aga see meenutab mulle sind ja seda päeva."
En: "But this reminds me of you and this day."
Et: Liina avas paki.
En: Liina opened the package.
Et: Tema silmad peatusid kaelakeel.
En: Her eyes rested on the necklace.
Et: "See on ilus," sosistas ta liigutatult.
En: "It's beautiful," she whispered, moved.
Et: Jaan tundis kergendust ja rõõmu.
En: Jaan felt relieved and joyful.
Et: Ta oli leidnud viisi, kuidas oma tundeid väljendada.
En: He had found a way to express his feelings.
Et: Liina naeratus kinnitas, et kingitus oli kaalukas.
En: Liina's smile confirmed that the gift was meaningful.
Et: Nad seisid seal, ümbritsetuna sinisest helendusest, ja Liina võttis Jaani käest kinni.
En: They stood there, surrounded by the blue glow, and Liina took Jaan's hand.
Et: "Võib-olla on valentinipäeval oma võlu," ütles ta vaikselt.
En: "Maybe Valentine's Day does have its charm," she said quietly.
Et: Nii lahkusid nad käsikäes.
En: Thus, they left hand in hand.
Et: Jaan oli võtnud riski ja leidnud, et see oli seda väärt.
En: Jaan had taken a risk and found it was worth it.
Et: Liina oli avatud uutele tähistamise viisidele.
En: Liina was open to new ways of celebrating.
Et: Akvaariumi valgus jäi nende juurde veel pikkadeks hetkedeks pärast seda, kui nad olid lahkunud.
En: The light of the aquarium stayed with them for long moments after they had left.
Vocabulary Words:
- aquarium: akvaadium
- surprise: üllatada
- traditional: traditsiooniline
- gift: kingitus
- sparkled: särasid
- caviar: kalamari
- jellyfish: meduus
- illuminated: valgustas
- spectacle: vaatepilt
- creatures: olendid
- captivated: köitsid
- remarkable: silmapaistev
- handmade: käsitsi valmistatud
- showcase: vitriin
- pleasant: meeldiv
- reminds: meenutab
- whispered: sosistas
- meaningful: kaalukas
- charm: võlu
- risk: risk
- worth: väärt
- nervous: närvis
- layer: kiht
- quietly: vaikselt
- express: väljendada
- surrounded: ümbritsetuna
- glow: helendus
- path: rada
- observe: vaadeldes
- thoughts: mõtted
6 FEB 2025 · Fluent Fiction - Estonian: Discovering Coffee Culture: A Curious Girl's Journey
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:
Story Transcript:
Et: Tallinna hommik oli talvine ja külm, kuid Maarika tundis end põnevil.
En: The morning in Tallinn was wintry and cold, but Maarika felt excited.
Et: Täna oli tähtis päev.
En: Today was an important day.
Et: Koos oma klassiga suundus ta väljasõidule kohvi röstikotta.
En: Together with her class, she was heading on a field trip to a coffee roastery.
Et: Maarika soovis õppida kõike kohvi kohta, et kasutada oma teadmisi kooliprojekti jaoks.
En: Maarika wanted to learn everything about coffee to use her knowledge for her school project.
Et: Nuusates külma õhku kinni, astus ta bussi, kus juba ootas õpetaja Aivar, kes juhendas ekskursiooni.
En: Breathing in the cold air, she stepped onto the bus, where teacher Aivar, who was leading the excursion, was already waiting.
Et: Kohalesaabumise järel täitis röstikoja ukseavast välja paiskub röstiva kohvi soe ja rikkalik aroom.
En: Upon arrival, a warm and rich aroma of roasting coffee spilled out from the roastery's doorway.
Et: Maarika sulges hetkeks silmad.
En: Maarika closed her eyes for a moment.
Et: Lõhnad olid veelgi erksamad kui ta oli oodanud.
En: The smells were even more vivid than she had expected.
Et: Sisse astudes oli tema ümber palju tegevust – suured oamahutid, roospunaseks leegitsevad küpsetusmasinad ning toasoe atmosfäär, mis oli tervitatav kontrast lumistele tänavatele väljas.
En: Entering inside, there was a lot of activity around her – large coffee bean containers, rosy-red glowing roasting machines, and a warm room atmosphere, a welcoming contrast to the snowy streets outside.
Et: Maarika vaatas ringi.
En: Maarika looked around.
Et: Aivar juhatas rühma ja muutis nende teed läbi ruumi, selgitades röstimisprotsessi.
En: Aivar guided the group through the room, explaining the roasting process.
Et: Maarika kuulas tähelepanelikult, tema uudishimu võitis kimbatuse.
En: Maarika listened attentively, her curiosity overcoming her shyness.
Et: Jaanus kõrval lappas aga telefonis, laseb pilgud üle masinate.
En: However, next to her, Jaanus was swiping through his phone, glancing over the machines.
Et: "Maarika, ära lase end segada," mõtles neiu ja keskendus Aivari sõnadele.
En: "Don't let it distract you, Maarika," she thought to herself and focused on Aivar's words.
Et: Kuid Maarika peas olid küsimused.
En: But questions buzzed in Maarika's mind.
Et: Kas need masinad olid käsitsi juhitavad?
En: Were these machines manually operated?
Et: Kas erinevatest piirkondadest pärinevad oad maitsesid erinevalt?
En: Did beans from different regions taste different?
Et: Ta tahtis küsida, kuid kõhkles.
En: She wanted to ask but hesitated.
Et: Kas julges küsida kõigi ees?
En: Would she dare to ask in front of everyone?
Et: Aivar juhtis nad röstimeistri juurde.
En: Aivar led them to the roast master.
Et: "Kui kellelgi on küsimusi, siis palun küsige," kutsus ta üles.
En: "If anyone has questions, please ask," he encouraged.
Et: Maarika tundis, kuidas tema süda tuksus kiiremini.
En: Maarika felt her heart beat faster.
Et: Ta teadis, et see on tema võimalus.
En: She knew this was her chance.
Et: "Dne uu," lausudes natuke väriseva häälega, "kas erinevate riikide oad röstides muutuvad maitseerinevused rohkem kuuldavaks?"
En: "In roasting beans from different countries," she asked with a slightly trembling voice, "do the taste differences become more pronounced?"
Et: Röstimeister pööras talle tähelepanu.
En: The roast master turned his attention to her.
Et: Maarika nägi mehe silmades huvi.
En: Maarika saw interest in the man's eyes.
Et: "Suurepärane küsimus.
En: "That's a great question.
Et: Tõepoolest, maitse sõltub väga paljudest teguritest, sealhulgas päritolust ja röstimise viisist," selgitas ta põgusalt, kuid üksikasjalikult.
En: Indeed, taste depends on many factors, including origin and the method of roasting," he explained briefly but in detail.
Et: Maarika tundis, kuidas tema arvamus endast tõusis tiapti lähtev sõna.
En: Maarika felt her self-esteem rise with each word.
Et: Jaanus lõpetas oma telefoni kiidamise ja tõstis pea.
En: Jaanus stopped paying attention to his phone and looked up.
Et: Isegi tema hakkas kuulama.
En: Even he started listening.
Et: Maarika näost lahvatas rahulolev naeratus.
En: A satisfied smile spread across Maarika's face.
Et: Temaga rääkides informatsiooni sai kasulikuks mitte ainult talle, vaid ka teistele.
En: The information she gathered was useful not just for her, but for others too.
Et: Ekskursiooni lõpuks oli Maarikast saanud enesekindlam.
En: By the end of the excursion, Maarika had become more confident.
Et: Õppides nii palju kohvikultuurist, leidis ta endale uue huvi.
En: Learning so much about coffee culture, she discovered a new interest.
Et: Tagasiteel oli Maarika sõber, jagades oma teadmistega kogu grupile uhket jutte.
En: On the way back, Maarika was the chatter of the group, proudly sharing her knowledge.
Et: Mitte ainult Jaanus, vaid ka teised kuulavad lõpuks huviga peaaegu hääletult.
En: Not just Jaanus, but others were also listening with interest, almost silently.
Et: Maarika vaatas aknast välja, lumehelves laulehtis tema näole läbi bussiakna.
En: Maarika looked out the window, a snowflake twinkling on her face through the bus window.
Et: See oli päev, mis muutis tema suhtumist endasse ja maailma kohvi kultuuri.
En: It was a day that changed her perspective on herself and the world of coffee culture.
Et: Ja see oli alles algus.
En: And it was only the beginning.
Vocabulary Words:
- wintry: talvine
- excursion: ekskursioon
- aroma: aroom
- vivid: erksad
- container: mahuti
- roasting: röstimise
- curiosity: uudishimu
- shyness: kimbatus
- distract: segada
- hesitated: kõhkles
- pronounced: kuuldavaks
- self-esteem: enesehinnang
- perspective: suhtumine
- knowledge: teadmised
- manually: käsitsi
- welcoming: tervitatav
- contrasting: kontrast
- rosy-red: roospunaseks
- breathing: nuusates
- guiding: juhendas
- trembling: väriseva
- briefly: põgusalt
- satisfied: rahulolev
- swiping: lappas
- twinkling: laulehtis
- confident: enesekindlam
- origin: päritolust
- method: viisist
- culture: kultuur
- roast master: röstimeister
5 FEB 2025 · Fluent Fiction - Estonian: Forest Spirits and Lost Treasures: A Retreat Mystery Unveiled
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:
Story Transcript:
Et: Kadril olid silmad punased ja hing raske, kui ta saabus vaiksesse metsaalusesse.
En: Kadri had red eyes and a heavy heart when she arrived at the quiet forest retreat.
Et: Peipsi ääres asunud vaimne retriit tõotas rahu ja uusi algusi.
En: The spiritual retreat near Peipsi promised peace and new beginnings.
Et: Kuid talvel kattis lumi kogu maastiku ja varjas kõikvõimalike saladuste jäljed.
En: But in the winter, the snow covered the entire landscape, hiding all traces of secrets.
Et: Esimesel õhtul värisesid puude vahed vaikuse ees, kui Kadri astus oma majakesse.
En: On the first evening, the gaps between the trees shivered before the silence as Kadri stepped into her cabin.
Et: Tema toas oli soe, kamin praksus ja tekid olid pehmed.
En: Her room was warm, the fireplace crackled, and the blankets were soft.
Et: Kuid hommikul avastas Kadri, et tema armastatud kaelakee oli kadunud.
En: But in the morning, Kadri discovered that her beloved necklace was missing.
Et: Ta puhkas pea kätele – see retriit pidi tooma rahu, mitte segadust.
En: She rested her head in her hands—this retreat was supposed to bring peace, not confusion.
Et: Märt, kaua-aegne retriidi korraldaja, kehitas kulmu, kui kuulis Kadri kaotusest.
En: Märt, the long-time retreat organizer, raised an eyebrow when he heard of Kadri's loss.
Et: "See pole esimene kord," ütles ta mõtlikult.
En: "This isn't the first time," he said thoughtfully.
Et: "Huvitav.
En: "Interesting.
Et: Ma arvan, et siin on loogiline põhjendus."
En: I think there's a logical explanation here."
Et: Märt oli mees, kellele meeldisid selged vastused.
En: Märt was a man who liked clear answers.
Et: Kadri ja Märt alustasid uurimist.
En: Kadri and Märt began their investigation.
Et: Nad vestlesid teiste osalejatega ja otsisid vihjeid mõistatuste lahendamiseks.
En: They spoke to other participants and looked for clues to solve the mystery.
Et: Kuid vastus oli peidetud külmade metsade südamesse.
En: But the answer was hidden in the heart of the cold forests.
Et: Liis, kohalik ja aeg-ajalt retriidi külaline, jälgis mõlemat vaikselt.
En: Liis, a local and occasional retreat guest, watched both of them silently.
Et: Tal oli side metsaga, mida teised ei teadnud.
En: She had a connection with the forest that others were unaware of.
Et: Ta teadis, et koormatud hinged käivad mõnikord mujalt abi otsimas, ja tal oli aimdus, et kindlasti on siin rohkem, kui paistab.
En: She knew that burdened souls sometimes seek help from elsewhere and suspected that there was more to it than met the eye.
Et: Ühel külmal õhtul jälgis Kadri Liisi.
En: One cold evening, Kadri watched Liis.
Et: Ta hiilis metsa, vaikselt nagu öökull, ja nägi, kuidas Liis kummardus väikese kivi kohale, mille alt võis kuulda jahedat tuulekohinat.
En: She snuck into the forest, quiet as an owl, and saw how Liis bent over a small stone from which you could hear a cool wind whispering.
Et: Kadri hoidis hinge kinni – Liis tegi midagi üleloomulikku.
En: Kadri held her breath—Liis was doing something supernatural.
Et: Liis pöördus ümber ja naeratas.
En: Liis turned around and smiled.
Et: "Kadri, sa tulid.
En: "Kadri, you came.
Et: Metsad räägivad, kui sa kuulad," ütles ta.
En: The forests speak if you listen," she said.
Et: "Need, kes asja võtsid, on metsa vaimud.
En: "Those who took the item are forest spirits.
Et: Nad heidavad varju, et näha, kas oskame neist lugu pidada."
En: They cast a shadow to see if we know how to respect them."
Et: Koos korraldasid nad rituaali, et lepida vaimudega.
En: Together they organized a ritual to reconcile with the spirits.
Et: Märt aitas, kuigi ta polnud lõpuni veendunud.
En: Märt helped, although he was not completely convinced.
Et: Järgmisel hommikul leidsid kõik osalejad oma kadunud esemed kenasti rivis lume sees – justkui märk maailmade ühendamisest.
En: The next morning, all participants found their lost items neatly lined up in the snow—as if a sign of the merging of worlds.
Et: Kadri tundis, kuidas raske koorem langes ta õlgadelt.
En: Kadri felt the heavy burden lift from her shoulders.
Et: Ta istus koos Märtiga kaminasoojas ja tundis, kuidas uusi sidemeid moodustus sügaval nende sees.
En: She sat with Märt in the warm glow of the fireplace and felt new connections forming deep within them.
Et: Ta lahkus retriidilt, silmad pisut säravamad ja süda veidi kergem – mõnikord on parim lahendus lihtsalt lasta vanal minna, et teha ruumi uuele.
En: She left the retreat with eyes a bit brighter and heart a little lighter—sometimes the best solution is simply to let go of the past to make room for the new.
Vocabulary Words:
- retreat: retriit
- spiritual: vaimne
- landscape: maastik
- traces: jäljed
- fireplace: kamin
- blankets: tekid
- confusion: segadus
- organizer: korraldaja
- logical: loogiline
- investigation: uurimist
- clues: vihjeid
- mystery: mõistatuste
- occasional: aeg-ajalt
- burdened: koormatud
- suspected: aimdus
- cool wind: jahedat tuulekohinat
- supernatural: üleloomulik
- spirits: vaimud
- reconcile: lepida
- ritual: rituaali
- participants: osalejad
- merging: ühendamisest
- burden: koorem
- glow: kaminasoojas
- connections: sidemeid
- solution: lahendus
- peeking: kurkamine
- retreat: retriit
- whispering: kohinat
- benevolent: heatahtlik
4 FEB 2025 · Fluent Fiction - Estonian: Hidden Sketches: A Museum Tale of Art and Discovery
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:
Story Transcript:
Et: Kumu kunstimuuseumi suured klaasaknad lasid talvise valguse sisse, heites saalidesse pehmeid varje.
En: The large glass windows of the Kumu Art Museum let the winter light in, casting soft shadows in the halls.
Et: Saabus klasside jagu õpilasi, säravad silmad ja punased põsed, igaühel kindel samm avastada kunsti saladusi.
En: A whole group of students arrived, with shining eyes and rosy cheeks, each with a determined step to discover the secrets of art.
Et: Kuskil selle rahva keskel oli Kristjan, kes liikus alati tasahilju, vältides liigset tähelepanu.
En: Somewhere in this crowd was Kristjan, who always moved quietly, avoiding excessive attention.
Et: Tema seljakott kätkes varandust – vana, kasutatud joonistusraamatut.
En: His backpack held a treasure - an old, used sketchbook.
Et: "Vaata, Maarja, seal on 'Kalevipoeg'!
En: "Look, Maarja, there's 'Kalevipoeg'!
Et: Kas pole uhke?"
En: Isn't it magnificent?"
Et: hõiskas Liisa, viidates suurele maalikunstiteosele.
En: exclaimed Liisa, pointing to a large painting.
Et: Maarja noogutas, ent enamasti huvitas teda, kuidas grupid töötaksid.
En: Maarja nodded, but she was mostly interested in how the groups would work.
Et: Ta armastas leida uusi viise, kuidas ekskursioon põnevaks muuta.
En: She loved finding new ways to make the excursion exciting.
Et: Kristjan, kes niivõrd sotsiaalsetes olukordades sageli kõrvale hoidis, tundis tugevat tõmmet rahulikumate saalide poole.
En: Kristjan, who often stayed in the background in such social situations, felt a strong pull towards the quieter halls.
Et: Kunst täitis teda soojuse ja rahuloluga.
En: Art filled him with warmth and satisfaction.
Et: Tema unistustes olid värvid ja vormid tema enda loodud maailmad.
En: In his dreams, colors and shapes were worlds he had created himself.
Et: Täna plaanis ta julge sammu – jäädvustada mõned oma mõtted paberile.
En: Today, he planned a bold step - to capture some of his thoughts on paper.
Et: Kui Maarja oli grupijuhi rollis ja Liisa imetles järeleandmatult iga üksikut maali, otsustas Kristjan hetkeks kõrvale hiilida.
En: While Maarja was in the group leader's role and Liisa tirelessly admired each painting, Kristjan decided to slip away for a moment.
Et: Ta teadis, et vaikne nurk kolmanda korruse kaasaegse kunsti sektsioonis pakub head varjupaika.
En: He knew that a quiet corner in the contemporary art section on the third floor offered a good hideaway.
Et: Kui Kristjan leidis oma koha, avas ta ettevaatlikult joonistusraamatu.
En: When Kristjan found his spot, he carefully opened his sketchbook.
Et: Pastellsed värvipliiatsid libisesid üle paberi, kujud ja varjundid kerkisid ellu.
En: Pastel color pencils glided over the paper, shapes and shades coming to life.
Et: Ta salvestas täpselt selle tunnetuse, mida kunstiteosed temas äratasid.
En: He precisely captured the feelings the artworks evoked in him.
Et: Aga siis kuulis Kristjan kergelt köhatamist.
En: But then Kristjan heard a slight cough.
Et: See oli Maarja, kes oligi kuidagi ta üles leidnud.
En: It was Maarja, who had somehow found him.
Et: Tema kõrval seisis nüüd ka Liisa, lõpuks uudishimulik pilk teadmaks, mis toimub.
En: Beside her stood Liisa, finally with a curious look wanting to know what was going on.
Et: "Oi, Kristjan, mis sul seal on?"
En: "Oh, Kristjan, what do you have there?"
Et: küsis Maarja, pilk libisemas üle paberi.
En: Maarja asked, her gaze gliding over the paper.
Et: Kristjan tõmbas hinge kinni, kartes naeruväärset kriitikat.
En: Kristjan held his breath, fearing ridicule.
Et: Kuid nende reaktsioon osutus hoopis millekski muuks.
En: But their reaction turned out to be something else entirely.
Et: "Wow, sa oled tõeliselt andekas!"
En: "Wow, you're really talented!"
Et: imetles Liisa, sõrmega hellalt üle paberi libistades.
En: admired Liisa, gently running a finger over the paper.
Et: "Me ei teadnudki, et sa niimoodi joonistad!"
En: "We didn't know you could draw like this!"
Et: "Sa peaksid seda teistega jagama," lisas Maarja.
En: "You should share this with others," added Maarja.
Et: "See on tõesti hea."
En: "It's really good."
Et: Kristjan naeratas esimest korda nii laia naeratust terve päeva jooksul.
En: Kristjan smiled the broadest smile he had all day.
Et: Nad said aru, et tema kirg ei olnud midagi, mida varjata, vaid midagi, mis vääris jagamist.
En: They understood that his passion was not something to hide but something that deserved to be shared.
Et: Sellest päevast alates hakkas Kristjan oma kunstitöid ka teistele näitama.
En: From that day on, Kristjan began to show his artwork to others.
Et: Ta kasvas enesekindluses ja leidis omas tempos sõprade seast toetust.
En: He grew in confidence and found support among friends at his own pace.
Et: Kunstimuuseumist lahkudes ei jätnud lumi maha ainult oma jälgi, vaid ka Kristjani uueks saanud julgust elada oma unistuste järgi.
En: As he left the art museum, the snow didn't just leave its traces behind, but also the new courage Kristjan had found to live according to his dreams.
Vocabulary Words:
- magnificent: uhke
- determined: kindel
- exclaimed: hõiskas
- avoiding: vältides
- excessive: liigset
- treasure: varandust
- sketchbook: joonistusraamat
- admired: imetles
- precisely: täpselt
- evoked: äratas
- glided: libises
- shapes: kujud
- shades: varjundid
- ridicule: naeruväärset
- cough: köhatamist
- broadest: lai
- confidence: enesekindluses
- support: toetust
- satisfaction: rahuloluga
- passion: kirg
- paces: samm
- discover: avastada
- background: kõrvale
- traces: jälgi
- gaze: pilt
- curious: uudishimulik
- deserved: vääris
- contemporary: kaasaegse
- excursion: ekskursioon
- social: sotsiaalsetes
3 FEB 2025 · Fluent Fiction - Estonian: Mystical Stone and Science: Unearthing the Secrets of Kaali
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:
Story Transcript:
Et: Kert ja Maarja seisid Kaali meteoriidi kraatri äärel.
En: Kert and Maarja stood at the edge of the Kaali meteorite crater.
Et: Õhk oli külm ja karge ning lumevaip kattis maapinna.
En: The air was cold and crisp, and a blanket of snow covered the ground.
Et: Kert vaatas kõrgel asuvaid puid, mille oksad meenutasid pikki, talveunest uinunud käsi.
En: Kert looked at the tall trees, whose branches resembled long, hibernating hands of winter.
Et: Maarja seisis tema kõrval, kaelus kõrgele tõmmatud ja prillid uduseks hinganud.
En: Maarja stood beside him, her collar pulled up high and her glasses fogged from her breath.
Et: "Kraatri lood on põnevad," ütles Kert, hõõrudes oma külmunud käsi.
En: "The stories about the crater are fascinating," said Kert, rubbing his frozen hands.
Et: "On ju imekspandav, et mõnel räägitakse selle koha maagilisest väest."
En: "Isn't it amazing that some talk about the magical power of this place?"
Et: Maarja muigas.
En: Maarja smirked.
Et: "Ma arvan, et teadus oskab neile lugudele lihtsaid seletusi pakkuda," vastas ta, mattudes kaelussallidesse veel sügavamale.
En: "I think science can offer simple explanations for those stories," she replied, burying herself deeper into her scarves.
Et: Kert ei lasknud end Maarja skeptilisest suhtumisest häirida.
En: Kert wasn't bothered by Maarja's skeptical attitude.
Et: Ta teadis, et seiklus teda ootas, ja see teistsugune kraater pakkus veelgi enamat.
En: He knew an adventure awaited him, and this unusual crater offered even more.
Et: Ühel hetkel Kert libises ja komistas millegi kõva otsa.
En: Suddenly, Kert slipped and stumbled over something hard.
Et: Seda uurides leidis ta erilise kivi.
En: Upon examining it, he found a peculiar stone.
Et: See kumas vaevumärgatavat valgust, mis pani noormehe südame kiiremini põksuma.
En: It emitted a faint glow that made the young man's heart beat faster.
Et: "Maarja, vaata seda!"
En: "Maarja, look at this!"
Et: hüüdis ta põnevil häälel.
En: he shouted excitedly.
Et: Maarja astus lähemale, naeratus kaob tema näolt.
En: Maarja stepped closer, the smile disappearing from her face.
Et: Ta vaatas kivi kahtlevalt, kuid võttis selle siiski enese kätte.
En: She looked at the stone doubtfully but took it in her hands nonetheless.
Et: "Ma arvan, et peaksime selle laborisse viima," ütles Maarja.
En: "I think we should take it to the lab," said Maarja.
Et: Linnas tegid nad erinevaid teste.
En: In town, they ran various tests.
Et: Maarja keskendus ekraanidele ja märkmikule, kui järsku ta silmad laienesid hämmastusest.
En: Maarja focused on the screens and her notebook, when suddenly her eyes widened in amazement.
Et: "Ma pole kunagi midagi sellist näinud," ütles ta peaaegu sosistades.
En: "I've never seen anything like this," she said almost in a whisper.
Et: "Kivil on kummalised omadused, mis ei vasta ühelegi teadaolevale mineraalile."
En: "The stone has strange properties that don't match any known mineral."
Et: Kert naeratas laialt.
En: Kert grinned widely.
Et: "Võib-olla on kohalikul legendil tõepõhi all?"
En: "Maybe there is some truth to the local legend?"
Et: ütles ta.
En: he said.
Et: Maarja vaatas teda, naeratus naasis tema näole.
En: Maarja looked at him, a smile returning to her face.
Et: "Võib-olla ongi igal lool väärtus, isegi kui see pärineb rahvajuttudest."
En: "Maybe every story has value, even if it comes from folklore."
Et: Nad naasid talvisesse kraatri juurde, olles erinevad, kui esimest korda sinna jõudes.
En: They returned to the wintry crater, different from when they first arrived there.
Et: Kert hindas teaduse täpsust ja Maarja hakkas avatumalt vaatama looduse saladusi.
En: Kert appreciated the precision of science, and Maarja began to look more openly at the mysteries of nature.
Et: Kaali kraater seisis aga ikka sama rahulikult, silmis naeratus, teades, et oli nende mõlema südamesse jäädvustanud end tõelist legendi vääriliselt.
En: However, the Kaali crater stood just as calmly, with a smile in its eyes, knowing it had etched itself into their hearts as a true legend worthy of the name.
Vocabulary Words:
- crater: kraater
- crisp: karge
- hibernating: talveunest uinunud
- branches: oksad
- blanket: lumevaip
- collar: kaelus
- fogged: uduseks hinganud
- fascinating: põnevad
- magical: maagilisest
- smirked: muigas
- skeptical: skeptilisest
- stumbled: komistas
- peculiar: erilise
- glow: kumas
- excitement: põnevil häälel
- doubtfully: kahtlevalt
- strange: kummalised
- mineral: mineraalile
- whisper: sosistades
- adventure: seiklus
- etched: jäädvustanud
- folklore: rahvajuttudest
- examining: uurides
- properties: omadused
- legend: legend
- notebook: märkmikule
- amazed: hämmastusest
- returned: naasis
- truth: tõepõhi
- appreciated: hindas
2 FEB 2025 · Fluent Fiction - Estonian: Finding the True Gift: A Christmas Market Revelation
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Story Transcript:
Et: Tallinna jõuluturg säras pidulikult.
En: The Tallinna Christmas market was shining festively.
Et: Munakivitee oli pehme lumega kaetud ja õhku täitis piparkoogi ja kuuma hõõgveini lõhn.
En: The cobblestone road was covered with soft snow, and the air was filled with the scent of gingerbread and hot mulled wine.
Et: Maarja jalutas koos oma lapsepõlvesõbra Taneliga turul, muretsedes samal ajal sobiva kingituse leidmise pärast oma nooremale vennale.
En: Maarja was walking with her childhood friend Tanel at the market, worrying at the same time about finding a suitable gift for her younger brother.
Et: Maarja pangas südames kindel soov oma vennale uhke kingitus leida.
En: Maarja had a strong desire in her heart to find an impressive gift for her brother.
Et: Tanel oli Maarja kõrval toetav—praktiline nagu alati.
En: Tanel was supportive beside Maarja—practical as always.
Et: Ta hoidis Maarjal silma peal, et see end külma talveilma tõttu ära ei kurnaks.
En: He kept an eye on Maarja to ensure she didn't tire herself out in the cold winter weather.
Et: "Maarja, kas sa oled kindel, et tunned end hästi?" küsis Tanel, kui Maarja silmad hakkasid hämaruses virvendama.
En: "Maarja, are you sure you feel well?" Tanel asked when Maarja's eyes started flickering in the dusk.
Et: Nad seisid läheduses oleva väikese poe ees, kust kostis jõululaulude helisid.
En: They stood in front of a small shop nearby, from which the sounds of Christmas songs could be heard.
Et: "Ma olen korras," vastas Maarja nõrgalt naeratades, kuid süda tuksus raskelt.
En: "I'm fine," Maarja replied with a weak smile, but her heart was beating heavily.
Et: Ta tundis äkitselt pearinglust. Kuid tahtmine jätkata kingituse otsingut hoidis teda edasi liikumas.
En: She suddenly felt dizzy, but the desire to continue searching for the gift kept her moving.
Et: Äkki Maarja jalad nõtkusid ja ta kukkus poe ette lumme.
En: Suddenly, Maarja's legs gave way, and she fell into the snow in front of the shop.
Et: Tanel langes põlvili ning hüüdis abi järele.
En: Tanel dropped to his knees and called for help.
Et: Õnneks oli seal Kadri, kes kuulis häälitsevat muret ja jooksis appi.
En: Fortunately, Kadri was there, who heard the concerned cries and ran to assist.
Et: Kadri oli meditsiiniõde ja teadis kohe, mida teha.
En: Kadri was a nurse and knew immediately what to do.
Et: "Maarja, hinga rahulikult," ütles Kadri, võttes Maarja käed oma pihkudesse.
En: "Maarja, breathe calmly," Kadri said, taking Maarja's hands in hers.
Et: Maarja hingas sügavalt sisse, hoolimata sellest, et hingetõmme oli väljakutsuv.
En: Maarja took a deep breath, despite it being challenging.
Et: Kadri hoolitsevad silmad ja rahustavad sõnad aitasid tal tagasi tasakaalu leida.
En: Kadri's caring eyes and calming words helped her regain her balance.
Et: "Me peame saatma sind koju," nõudis Tanel kindlalt, mure varjamatult silmis.
En: "We need to get you home," insisted Tanel firmly, his eyes openly showing concern.
Et: Maarja tõusis ettevaatlikult ja noogutas lõpuks nõustuvalt.
En: Maarja cautiously stood up and finally nodded in agreement.
Et: "Sa oled õige, Tanel," ütles ta, tundes tänulikkust sõbra hoolitsuse eest.
En: "You are right, Tanel," she said, feeling grateful for her friend's care.
Et: "Kadri, aitäh sulle nii palju."
En: "Kadri, thank you so much."
Et: Nad hakkasid üheskoos liikuma turult eemale, Tanel toetas Maarjat ja Kadri jälgis hoolitsevalt kõrvalt.
En: Together, they began to move away from the market, with Tanel supporting Maarja and Kadri watching over them attentively.
Et: Maarja pomises vabandavalt: "Ma lihtsalt tahtsin oma vennaga aega veeta ja see kord teisiti teha."
En: Maarja muttered apologetically, "I just wanted to spend time with my brother and do it differently this time."
Et: Kadri naeratas soojalt.
En: Kadri smiled warmly.
Et: "Päris kingitus on tegelikult koosolemine ja vestlused.
En: "The real gift is actually being together and having conversations.
Et: See on sageli parim, mis sa anda saad."
En: It's often the best thing you can give."
Et: Maarja jaoks avanes midagi uut.
En: For Maarja, something new opened up.
Et: Kingitus ei olnud lihtsalt pakk paberis.
En: The gift was not just a package in paper.
Et: Oluline oli olla olemas, kuulata ja hoolida.
En: The important thing was to be present, to listen, and to care.
Et: Ta mõistis, et tema ja venna vaheline side on tõeline väärtus.
En: She realized that the connection between her and her brother was the true value.
Et: Koos jalutasid nad läbi lumise Tallinna tänava, tuled nende ümber helkisemas nagu tähed.
En: Together they walked through the snowy Tallinna street, the lights around them sparkling like stars.
Et: Maarja tundis, et on lõpuks leidnud selle, mida tõeliselt otsis – hingerahu ja läheduse oma lähedastega.
En: Maarja felt that she had finally found what she was truly searching for—peace of mind and closeness with her loved ones.
Et: Ta teadis, et jõulud tulevad tõeliselt erilised, kui on jagatud südamest.
En: She knew the Christmas would be truly special, shared from the heart.
Vocabulary Words:
- cobblestone: munakivitee
- scent: lõhn
- mulled wine: hõõgvein
- suitable: sobiva
- impressive: uhke
- supportive: toetav
- ensure: tagada
- flickering: virvendama
- dusk: hämarus
- weak: nõrk
- dizzy: pearinglus
- stumbling: nõtkuma
- kneeled: põlvili
- fortunate: õnneks
- concerned: muret
- calmly: rahulikult
- challenging: väljakutsuv
- regain: taastada
- balance: tasakaal
- firmly: kindlalt
- concern: mure
- apologetically: vabandavalt
- cautiously: ettevaatlikult
- mutters: pomises
- warmly: soojalt
- presence: olemasolu
- worthy: väärtus
- fondly: soojalt
- peace of mind: hingerahu
- closeness: lähedus
1 FEB 2025 · Fluent Fiction - Estonian: Shared Dreams in Winter: An Artistic Connection on Toompea Hill
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:
Story Transcript:
Et: Maarja seisis Toompea mäel, vaadates lumisel maastikul laiuvaid vanalinna torne.
En: Maarja stood on Toompea Hill, looking at the old town towers sprawling over the snowy landscape.
Et: Talv oli vaikne ja ilus, lumi krudises tema saapataldade all.
En: Winter was quiet and beautiful, and the snow crunched under her boots.
Et: Ta oli siin inspiratsiooni otsimas, aga seni oli see koht tema mõtted musta kanga peale jätnud.
En: She was here seeking inspiration, but so far, this place had left her thoughts wrapped in a black canvas.
Et: Eemal seisis teine naine.
En: A little distance away stood another woman.
Et: Elin.
En: Elin.
Et: Tema naeratas sädeleva lume valguses.
En: She smiled in the sparkling light of the snow.
Et: Ta oli Eestisse tulnud, et avastada oma esivanemate maad, tundes, et on midagi, mida ta oma elust puudust tunneb.
En: She had come to Estonia to explore the land of her ancestors, feeling that there was something missing in her life.
Et: Elin oli turist, aga Maarja nägi, et temas oli midagi tuttavat.
En: Elin was a tourist, but Maarja saw something familiar in her.
Et: Midagi, mis köitis.
En: Something captivating.
Et: Maarja tundis äkitselt tõmmet.
En: Maarja suddenly felt a tug.
Et: Tahtis läheneda, aga kartis.
En: She wanted to approach, but was afraid.
Et: Soome keel ei tulnud tal kergesti.
En: Finnish did not come easily to her.
Et: Aga siiski, Maarjal oli tunne, et just see suhtlus võiks olla see, mida ta täna vajab.
En: Yet, Maarja had the feeling that this interaction might be what she needed today.
Et: Pärast mõningast kõhklust astus Maarja Elinile lähemale.
En: After some hesitation, Maarja stepped closer to Elin.
Et: "Terve," ütles Maarja oma parima soome keele oskusega.
En: "Terve," said Maarja with her best Finnish.
Et: Elin pööras pead ja naeratas soojalt, vastas õrnalt: "Hei."
En: Elin turned her head and smiled warmly, gently replying, "Hei."
Et: Nad vahetasid paar sõna, suhtlesid lihtsate lausetega, viibete ja naeratustega.
En: They exchanged a few words, communicated with simple sentences, gestures, and smiles.
Et: Maarja märkas Elini käes musta vihikut.
En: Maarja noticed a black notebook in Elin's hand.
Et: Elin avas selle ja Maarja nägi visandeid Tallinna vanalinnast — Toompea tornide jooniseid, sillutatud tänavaid ja lumes hõljuvaid varje.
En: Elin opened it, and Maarja saw sketches of Tallinn's old town — drawings of the Toompea towers, cobblestone streets, and shadows floating in the snow.
Et: "Mina kunstnik," ütles Maarja, osutades visandeid.
En: "I artist," said Maarja, pointing to the sketches.
Et: Elin silmad särasid.
En: Elin's eyes sparkled.
Et: "Mina ka," vastas ta.
En: "Me too," she replied.
Et: Nad seisid koos Toompeal, jagasid oma lugusid, avastades, et hoolimata keelebarjäärist, oli neil sarnased unistused ja igatsused.
En: They stood together on Toompea, sharing their stories, discovering that despite the language barrier, they had similar dreams and longings.
Et: Maarja rääkis oma maalidest, värvidest ja valgusest, mida ta otsis.
En: Maarja talked about her paintings, the colors and light she was searching for.
Et: Elin rääkis oma soovist tunnetada maad, mis tema perel kunagi kodu oli.
En: Elin spoke of her desire to feel the land that had once been her family's home.
Et: Nad istusid lumise vaatlusplatvormi serval.
En: They sat on the edge of the snowy observation platform.
Et: Maarja mõistsi Elini endast sügavas mõttes.
En: Maarja understood Elin deeply within herself.
Et: Külmad tuuled puhusid, kuid nad tundsid, et nad on soojas, oma ühise loo sees.
En: Cold winds blew, but they felt warm, enveloped in their shared story.
Et: Lõpuks vahetasid nad telefoninumbreid ja e-posti aadresse.
En: Eventually, they exchanged phone numbers and email addresses.
Et: Maarja tundis end inspireerituna nagu ammu mitte, valmis maalima talve ja neid väga erilisi hetki.
En: Maarja felt inspired like she hadn't in a long time, ready to paint the winter and those extraordinary moments.
Et: Elin leidis rõõmu teadmisest, et ühendus ei vaja tingimata täiuslikke sõnu, vaid avatud südant.
En: Elin found joy in knowing that connection doesn't necessarily need perfect words but an open heart.
Et: Nad lubasid üksteisele kirjutada, oma kunsti jagada ja sajandispiduliselt naeratada, mõistes, et tõelised sidemed ei tunne piire.
En: They promised to write to each other, to share their art, and to smile over centuries, understanding that true bonds know no borders.
Et: Maarja pöördus oma sammudega kodu poole, lumetäidisesse Tallinna, süda täis uusi värve ja vorme, mida kunstiks muuta.
En: Maarja turned her steps homeward, into snow-filled Tallinn, her heart brimming with new colors and forms to transform into art.
Et: Elin vaatas järele, tundes, et lõppude lõpuks on ta tõesti osa oma esivanemate loost.
En: Elin watched her go, feeling that she truly was part of her ancestors' story after all.
Vocabulary Words:
- sprawling: laiuvad
- crunched: krudises
- tug: tõmmet
- canvas: kangas
- enveloped: ümbritsetud
- sketches: visandeid
- gestures: viibete
- barrier: tõke
- observation: vaatlus
- platform: platvorm
- landscape: maastikul
- afraid: kartis
- ancestors: esivanemate
- captivating: köites
- hesitation: kõhklust
- desire: soovist
- longings: igatsused
- difficult: lihtsaid
- searching: otsis
- discovering: avastades
- interaction: suhtlus
- familiar: tuttavat
- light: valgusest
- exchange: vahetasid
- address: aadress
- warmth: soojas
- explore: avastada
- despite: hoolimata
- embraced: embama
- transform: muuta
31 JAN 2025 · Fluent Fiction - Estonian: Loneliness No More: A Friendship App Born in Ülemiste City
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:
Story Transcript:
Et: Karge talvehommik Tallinnas.
En: A crisp winter morning in Tallinn.
Et: Ülemiste Citys vibavad karget tuult kõrged klaasist hooned.
En: In Ülemiste City, the tall glass buildings sway in the fresh wind.
Et: Kohvikud soojendavad oma kutsuva valgusega kõrvalseinu.
En: Cafés warm their neighboring walls with their inviting light.
Et: Ühes neist istusid kolm sõpra, kellede kohvikoosolek hakkas just hoogu võtma.
En: In one of these cafés sat three friends whose coffee meeting was just starting to gain momentum.
Et: Katrin, säravad silmad täis energiat ja kirge, libreeris kohvitassi käes.
En: Katrin, with sparkling eyes full of energy and passion, swirled a coffee cup in her hand.
Et: Temas põles soov rääkida ideest, mis oli juba mõnda aega tema mõtteid hõivanud.
En: A desire burned within her to talk about an idea that had occupied her thoughts for some time.
Et: Marek tõi lauale kalkulaatori ja paberi.
En: Marek brought a calculator and paper to the table.
Et: Tema ettevaatlik loomus ei lubanud liialt riskantseid ettevõtmisi.
En: His cautious nature did not allow for overly risky undertakings.
Et: Liis seevastu sättis lauaplaadile märkmiku, valmis igaks ootamatuks inspiratsiooniks.
En: Liis, on the other hand, set a notebook on the table, ready for any unexpected inspiration.
Et: "Ma tahan rääkida tehnikast, mis võiks ühendada inimesi rohkem," alustas Katrin.
En: "I want to talk about a technique that could connect people more," Katrin began.
Et: "App, mis aitaks leida uusi sõpru ja toetada üksikute hääli tugivõrgustiku kaudu."
En: "An app that would help find new friends and support lonely voices through a support network."
Et: Marek kortsutas kulme.
En: Marek furrowed his brow.
Et: "Teame kõik, kui palju raha koos tehnoloogiaga kaob.
En: "We all know how much money gets lost along with technology.
Et: Kas see oleks üldse võimalik?"
En: Would this even be possible?"
Et: küsis ta, vaadates Katrinit ettevaatliku pilguga.
En: he asked, looking at Katrin with a cautious gaze.
Et: Liis noogutas Mareki kommentaarile.
En: Liis nodded at Marek's comment.
Et: "Katrin, meil on vaja arendada ka kogukonna suhteid, mitte ainult tehnoloogiat edendada."
En: "Katrin, we need to also develop community relationships, not just advance technology."
Et: Vestlus tõusis kuumaks.
En: The conversation heated up.
Et: Katrin tundis, kuidas nende kahtlused tema entusiasmi summutasid.
En: Katrin felt how their doubts were dampening her enthusiasm.
Et: Hetkeks vaatas ta aknast välja, vahtides inimesi, kes kiirustasid külma trotsides tööd alustama.
En: For a moment, she looked out the window, staring at people who were rushing to start work, braving the cold.
Et: Siis pööras ta pilgu neile.
En: Then she turned her gaze back to them.
Et: "Ma tean, mida üksildus tähendab," ütles ta pehmelt.
En: "I know what loneliness means," she said softly.
Et: "Olin kunagi ise tagasihoidlik ja sõpradeta.
En: "I was once shy and friendless myself.
Et: See app võiks olla lahendus neile, kes tunnevad end üksikuna."
En: This app could be a solution for those who feel lonely."
Et: Toas valitses vaikus.
En: Silence filled the room.
Et: Katrini sõnad jätsid jälje.
En: Katrin's words left a mark.
Et: Liis sirutas käe, puudutades Katrini oma.
En: Liis reached out, touching Katrin's hand.
Et: Marek hingas sügavalt sisse, vaadates märkmelehti ja lõpuks sõpru.
En: Marek took a deep breath, looking at the notes and finally at his friends.
Et: "Võib-olla saame alustada väiksemas mahus," pakkus ta.
En: "Maybe we can start on a smaller scale," he suggested.
Et: "Me saame riskid poolitada ja liikuda edasi samm-sammult."
En: "We can split the risks and move forward step by step."
Et: Liis naeratas.
En: Liis smiled.
Et: "Ja me võiksime kaasata kohalikke sündmusi, kus inimesed ka füüsiliselt kohtuvad," lisas ta entusiastlikult.
En: "And we could include local events where people also meet physically," she added enthusiastically.
Et: Katrin tundis, kuidas temasse valgus uus lootus.
En: Katrin felt a new hope filling her.
Et: Ta mõistis, kui tähtis on nende kaht tähelepanekut koostööks arendada.
En: She realized how important it was to develop their two observations into cooperation.
Et: Nende mõtted ja tunded ühinesid, et leida tasakaal ambitsiooni ja reaalsuse vahel.
En: Their thoughts and feelings merged to find a balance between ambition and reality.
Et: Kohvikust lahkudes oli õhk täis ootust.
En: As they left the café, the air was full of expectation.
Et: Nad kõndisid läbi lume, teades, et ees ootab uus ja põnev teekond.
En: They walked through the snow, knowing that a new and exciting journey lay ahead.
Et: Ülemiste City oli täis innovatsiooni ja uusi algusi, just nagu nende loodav projekt.
En: Ülemiste City was full of innovation and new beginnings, just like their developing project.
Et: Mõned päevad enne sõbrapäeva oli uus sõprus juba alanud, seekord ärialaselt.
En: A few days before Valentine's Day, a new friendship had already begun, this time in a business sense.
Vocabulary Words:
- crisp: karge
- buildings: hooned
- sway: vibavad
- neighboring: kõrvalseinu
- gained: hoogu võtma
- sparkling: säravad
- swirled: libreeris
- furrowed: kortsutas
- brow: kulme
- gaze: pilguga
- cautious: ettevaatlik
- undertakings: ettevõtmisi
- heated: kuumaks
- dampening: summutasid
- enthusiasm: entusiasmi
- braving: trotsides
- unexpected: ootamatuks
- inspiration: inspiratsiooniks
- loneliness: üksildus
- mark: jälje
- suggested: pakkus
- enthusiastically: entusiastlikult
- realized: mõistis
- develop: arendada
- cooperation: koostöö
- merged: ühinesid
- balance: tasakaal
- ambition: ambitsiooni
- expectation: ootust
- journey: teekond
30 JAN 2025 · Fluent Fiction - Estonian: From Heartache to Hope: A Family's Journey Through Surgery
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:
Story Transcript:
Et: Katrin istus haigla valges ooteruumis.
En: Katrin sat in the hospital's white waiting room.
Et: Oli talvine hommik ja akna taga langes aeglaselt pehme lumi.
En: It was a winter morning, and outside the window, soft snow was slowly falling.
Et: Tema kõrval istus Taavi, hoides teda käest kinni.
En: Beside her sat Taavi, holding her hand.
Et: Mõlemad olid närvilised.
En: Both were nervous.
Et: Nende tütar, väike Liisa, oli just operatsioonilauale viidud.
En: Their daughter, little Liisa, had just been taken to the operating table.
Et: Tallinnas, Lastehaiglas, valitses rahulik kaos.
En: In Tallinn, at the Children's Hospital, a peaceful chaos prevailed.
Et: Õed jooksid vaikselt ringi, arstide sammud sametiselt kerged.
En: Nurses quietly ran around, the doctors' footsteps were softly light.
Et: Katrin püüdis rahuneda, aga tema südames tuksus mure nagu herilane klaasanumas.
En: Katrin tried to calm down, but in her heart, worry throbbed like a wasp in a glass jar.
Et: Katrin vaatas Taavi poole ja proovis naeratada, kuid mure varjutas tema silmi.
En: Katrin looked towards Taavi and tried to smile, but worry overshadowed her eyes.
Et: "Kõik läheb hästi," sosistas Taavi kindlalt, kuigi tema enda silmad reetsid hirmu.
En: "Everything will be fine," Taavi whispered confidently, although his own eyes betrayed fear.
Et: Katrin noogutas, uskus, või vähemalt püüdis.
En: Katrin nodded, believed, or at least tried.
Et: Tema peas keerasid mõtted ringi nagu keeristorm.
En: In her mind, thoughts were swirling like a whirlwind.
Et: Nad olid koos Liisaga läbi elanud palju õnnelikke hetki.
En: They had experienced many happy moments together with Liisa.
Et: Aga täna tundus iga minut lõputult pikk.
En: But today, every minute seemed endlessly long.
Et: Arstid ütlesid, et operatsioon on vajalik, kuid ohutuse garantii puudus.
En: Doctors said the operation was necessary, but there was no guarantee of safety.
Et: Katrin otsustas usaldada arste.
En: Katrin decided to trust the doctors.
Et: Ta püüdis olla rahulik, et ka Taavi tunneks end veidigi kindlamalt.
En: She tried to remain calm so Taavi would feel a bit more confident too.
Et: Aeg venis, iga minut tundus igavikuna.
En: Time dragged on, every minute felt like an eternity.
Et: Lõpuks avanes uks ning kirurg astus sisse.
En: Finally, the door opened, and the surgeon stepped in.
Et: Ta oli väsinud, kuid tema näol oli peidetud naeratus.
En: He was tired, but there was a hidden smile on his face.
Et: Katrini süda lõi kiiremini.
En: Katrin's heart beat faster.
Et: "Operatsioon läks hästi," teatas kirurg rahulikult.
En: "The operation went well," the surgeon announced calmly.
Et: "Liisa on taastumas."
En: "Liisa is recovering."
Et: Taavi pigistas Katrini kätt tugevamalt.
En: Taavi squeezed Katrin's hand tighter.
Et: Mõlemad hingasid kergendatult välja, nagu oleks raske kivi nende südamelt langenud.
En: Both sighed with relief, as if a heavy stone had fallen from their hearts.
Et: Kui nad lõpuks Liisat nägid, lamas tütar voodis, veel uimas narkootikumidest, aga ohutult.
En: When they finally saw Liisa, their daughter was lying in bed, still groggy from the drugs, but safe.
Et: Tema väikene keha tõusis ja vajus rahulikult, ja Katrin tundis, kuidas tema peas pöörlev keeristorm hakkas vaibuma.
En: Her small body rose and fell calmly, and Katrin felt the whirlwind in her head beginning to calm.
Et: Taavi silmad särasid pisaratest, aga need olid kergenduse ja rõõmu pisarad.
En: Taavi's eyes shone with tears, but they were tears of relief and joy.
Et: Katrin tundis, et elu on palju habrasem, kui ta kunagi arvas.
En: Katrin felt that life is much more fragile than she had ever thought.
Et: Seal, Lastehaiglas, tundis ta tugevat sidet Taaviga.
En: There, at the Children's Hospital, she felt a strong bond with Taavi.
Et: Nad olid selle katsumuse koos läbi teinud.
En: They had gone through this trial together.
Et: Need ooteruumi tunnid olid muutnud nende peret.
En: Those hours in the waiting room had transformed their family.
Et: Nad mõistsid, kui väärtuslik on iga koos veedetud hetk.
En: They realized how precious every moment spent together is.
Et: Lõpuks vaatas Katrin Taavi poole ja naeratas tõeliselt, südamest.
En: Finally, Katrin looked at Taavi and smiled genuinely, from the heart.
Et: Nad olid koos, tugevamad kui kunagi varem, ja sealt aknast paistis valge lumi, mis kattis Tallinna tänavaid nagu uus algus.
En: They were together, stronger than ever before, and from that window, the white snow covered the streets of Tallinn like a new beginning.
Vocabulary Words:
- throbbed: tuksus
- overshadowed: varjutas
- betrayed: reetsid
- swirling: keerasid
- whirlwind: keeristorm
- eternity: igavikuna
- sigh: hingasid
- relief: kergendus
- fragile: habrasem
- calm: rahu
- bond: side
- transformed: muutnud
- precious: väärtuslik
- genuinely: tõeliselt
- trial: katsumus
- chaos: kaos
- guarantee: garantii
- surgeon: kirurg
- groggy: uimas
- calmly: rahulikult
- recovering: taastumas
- nervous: närvilised
- operating table: operatsioonilaud
- heart: süda
- hesitate: kõhklemata
- trust: usaldada
- confidence: kindlam
- nurse: õde
- falling: laskus
- covered: kattuma
29 JAN 2025 · Fluent Fiction - Estonian: Frozen Bonds: A Winter Encounter in Põhja-Kõrvemaa Forest
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:
Story Transcript:
Et: Põhja-Kõrvemaa Looduskaitseala oli mattunud paksu valge lume alla.
En: The Põhja-Kõrvemaa Looduskaitseala was buried under a thick layer of white snow.
Et: Metsad olid rahulikud ja vaiksed, ainult tuul ulgus vahel puulatvades.
En: The forests were peaceful and quiet, with only the wind sometimes howling through the treetops.
Et: Kalev, looduskaitse valvur, armastas seda vaikust.
En: Kalev, the nature conservation guard, loved this silence.
Et: Igal talvel tegi ta pikad retked läbi metsa, nautides üksindust ja ilusaid vaateid.
En: Every winter, he took long hikes through the forest, enjoying the solitude and beautiful views.
Et: Ühel hommikul, kui päike alles kerkis, nägi Kalev metsa vahel liikumas kedagi, keda ta ei tundnud.
En: One morning, just as the sun was rising, Kalev saw someone moving through the forest whom he didn't recognize.
Et: See oli noor naine, kaamera käes.
En: It was a young woman with a camera in her hand.
Et: Ta liikus ettevaatlikult, kuid selgelt ei teadnud ta täpselt, kuhu minna.
En: She moved cautiously but clearly didn't know exactly where to go.
Et: Kalev lähenes talle tasa, mitte teda ehmatada soovides.
En: Kalev approached her quietly, not wanting to startle her.
Et: "Kas teate, et see on kaitseala?"
En: "Do you know this is a protected area?"
Et: küsis Kalev sõbralikult, kuid ettevaatlikult.
En: asked Kalev in a friendly but cautious manner.
Et: Naine naeratas veidi kohmetult.
En: The woman smiled a bit awkwardly.
Et: "Jah, ma olen Liis.
En: "Yes, I am Liis.
Et: Olen siin, et teha pilte.
En: I'm here to take pictures.
Et: Ma loodan leida unikaalset talvist vaadet."
En: I hope to find a unique winter view."
Et: Kalev oli pisut mures.
En: Kalev was a bit concerned.
Et: "Siin metsas võib kergesti ära eksida.
En: "It's easy to get lost in these woods.
Et: Ka libe on.
En: It’s slippery too.
Et: Ma võin teid veidi juhatada."
En: I can guide you a bit."
Et: Liis, kuigi harjunud töötama üksi, nõustus aitäh öeldes.
En: Liis, although used to working alone, agreed with a thank you.
Et: Nad hakkasid koos liikuma läbi metsa.
En: They started moving together through the forest.
Et: Vaikuses kuulis Liis ainult oma sammude naksumist lumel ja Kalevi rahulikku hingamist.
En: In the silence, Liis could only hear her footsteps crunching in the snow and Kalev's calm breathing.
Et: Kalev polnud alguses eriti jutukas, aga Liis küsis temalt looduse kohta ja ta vastas meelsasti.
En: Kalev wasn't particularly talkative at first, but Liis asked him about nature, and he answered gladly.
Et: "See koht on kõige ilusam talvel," ütles Kalev, "kuid alati tuleb austada ja hoolida loodusest."
En: "This place is most beautiful in winter," said Kalev, "but you must always respect and care for nature."
Et: Liis vaatas ringi ja imetles puud, mis paistsid kui lumised hiiglased.
En: Liis looked around and admired the trees, which seemed like snowy giants.
Et: Kalevi vaikne ja rahulik olemus hakkas talle sümpaatsena tunduma.
En: Kalev's quiet and calm demeanor started to seem endearing to her.
Et: Ta mõistis, et Kalevil oli siin sügav side loodusega.
En: She realized that Kalev had a deep connection with nature here.
Et: Peagi jõudsid nad väikesele järvekesele metsasügavuses.
En: Soon they reached a small lake deep in the forest.
Et: Järv oli külmunud ja kattunud peene lumevaibaga.
En: The lake was frozen and covered with a fine layer of snow.
Et: Liis heitis pilgu ümberringi ja märkas, kuidas jää peegeldas vähest päikesevalgust.
En: Liis glanced around and noticed how the ice reflected the sparse sunlight.
Et: See oli see hetk, mida ta otsis.
En: This was the moment she was looking for.
Et: Ta tõstis kaamera ja hakkas pilte tegema.
En: She raised her camera and began taking pictures.
Et: Kalev vaatas, kuidas Liis töötas.
En: Kalev watched how Liis worked.
Et: Tema pühendumus ja energia olid nakkavad.
En: Her dedication and energy were infectious.
Et: Kalev tajus, et tema jaoks tuttav maastik omandas äkitselt uue ilu.
En: Kalev sensed that the familiar landscape suddenly took on a new beauty.
Et: "Kas see on su parim pilt?"
En: "Is this your best picture?"
Et: küsis Kalev sooja naeratusega, kui Liis lõpetas.
En: asked Kalev with a warm smile when Liis finished.
Et: "Kindlasti üks parimatest," vastas Liis rõõmsalt.
En: "Certainly one of the best," Liis replied happily.
Et: "Tänu teie abile, mul oli võimalus seda kohta leida."
En: "Thanks to your help, I had the chance to find this place."
Et: Kui nad tagasi pöördusid, tundsid mõlemad, et see jalutuskäik polnud ainult töö või avastusretk.
En: As they returned, both felt that this walk had been more than just work or a discovery trip.
Et: See oli tekitanud midagi uut.
En: It had created something new.
Et: Kalev tundis, et võib jagada oma maailma teistega ja Liis mõistis, kui oluline on vahel lasta end juhtida.
En: Kalev felt that he could share his world with others, and Liis understood how important it is to let oneself be guided sometimes.
Et: Põhjamets jäi nende selja taha, kuid sõprus, mis oli seal kasvanud, jäi püsima.
En: The northern forest was left behind them, but the friendship that had grown there remained.
Et: Kalev teadis, et ehk tuleks tal tihedamini juhendada, ja Liis leidis sisemist rahu Kalevi vaiksel juhatusel.
En: Kalev knew that perhaps he should guide more often, and Liis found inner peace with Kalev's quiet guidance.
Et: Selles talves oli avastatud midagi tõeliselt erilist: uus sõprus ja värske inspiratsioon.
En: In this winter, something truly special had been discovered: a new friendship and fresh inspiration.
Vocabulary Words:
- buried: mattunud
- howling: ulgus
- solitude: üksindus
- cautiously: ettevaatlikult
- startle: ehmatada
- awkwardly: kohmetult
- recognize: tundnud
- slippery: libe
- glance: pilku heitma
- sparse: vähe
- dedication: pühendumus
- infectious: nakkavad
- landscape: maastik
- warm: soe
- discovery: avastus
- nature conservation: looduskaitse
- quiet: vaikne
- frozen: külmunud
- reflected: peegeldas
- friendly: sõbralikult
- peace: rahu
- endearing: sümpaatsena
- guide: juhatada
- respect: austada
- admired: imetles
- giants: hiiglased
- covered: kattunud
- moment: hetk
- chance: võimalus
- remain: jääma
Are you ready to supercharge your Estonian listening comprehension? Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition...
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Are you ready to supercharge your Estonian listening comprehension?
Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.
That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Estonian, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Estonian and English.
This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.
Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.
Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Tallinn, Tartu, or Pärnu? Maybe you want to speak Estonian with your grandparents from Narva?
Our podcast provides a rich blend of cultural and linguistic insights to thoroughly engage you in the authentic Estonian experience, primarily found within the picturesque borders of Estonia. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Estonian listening comprehension.
Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Paranda oma kuulmisarusaamist meie Eesti lugudega täna!
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Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.
That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Estonian, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Estonian and English.
This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.
Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.
Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Tallinn, Tartu, or Pärnu? Maybe you want to speak Estonian with your grandparents from Narva?
Our podcast provides a rich blend of cultural and linguistic insights to thoroughly engage you in the authentic Estonian experience, primarily found within the picturesque borders of Estonia. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Estonian listening comprehension.
Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Paranda oma kuulmisarusaamist meie Eesti lugudega täna!
Author | FluentFiction.org |
Organization | Kameron Kilchrist |
Categories | Language Learning , Courses |
Website | fluentfiction.org |
hello@fluentfiction.org |
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