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FluentFiction - Slovenian

  • Flames of Unity: How Collaboration Saved Triglav National Park

    2 JUL 2024 · Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Flames of Unity: How Collaboration Saved Triglav National Park Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: https://www.fluentfiction.org/flames-of-unity-how-collaboration-saved-triglav-national-park/ Story Transcript: Sl: V srednjem poletju, ko je sonce visoko nad Triglavskim narodnim parkom, Anže, Tjaša in Alenka stopajo skozi bujno gozdno pot. En: In the midst of summer, when the sun is high above Triglav National Park, Anže, Tjaša, and Alenka walk along a lush forest path. Sl: Gozd je miren, nasičen z vonjem borovcev in petjem ptic. En: The forest is serene, saturated with the scent of pine trees and the song of birds. Sl: Anže, visok in mišičast mladenič s strastjo do okoljevarstva, vodi projekt zaščite ogroženih rastlin. En: Anže, a tall and muscular young man with a passion for environmental protection, leads a project to protect endangered plants. Sl: "Moramo zaščititi to področje pred pretiranim sekanjem," pravi Anže odločno. En: "We must protect this area from excessive logging," Anže says firmly. Sl: Njegov glas odmeva med drevesi. En: His voice echoes among the trees. Sl: Tjaša, praktična gozdarka z dolgimi izkušenjami, ga opazuje s skrbjo. En: Tjaša, a practical forester with extensive experience, watches him with concern. Sl: "Težko bo," reče, "Lokalni gozdarji so proti. En: "It will be difficult," she says, "The local foresters are against it." Sl: "Alenka, mlada in radovedna botaničarka, se sklanja nad neznanim cvetom. En: Alenka, a young and curious botanist, bends over an unknown flower. Sl: "Čudovito je tukaj," reče in se spominja očetovih zgodb o naravnih lepotah. En: "It’s beautiful here," she says, recalling her father's stories about the natural beauty. Sl: Projekt želi zaščititi redke rastline, vendar se Anže sooča z birokratskimi ovirami in nasprotovanjem krajevnih gozdarjev. En: The project aims to protect rare plants, but Anže faces bureaucratic obstacles and opposition from the local foresters. Sl: "Vidijo nas kot grožnjo svojemu preživetju," opozarja Tjaša, "Ne bo lahko prepričati jih. En: "They see us as a threat to their livelihood," Tjaša warns, "It won’t be easy to convince them." Sl: "Anže ve, da mora ukrepati. En: Anže knows he must act. Sl: Z odločno mislijo na očeta, odide k logarjem. En: With a determined thought of his father, he goes to the loggers. Sl: "Prositi moramo za kompromis," pravi, čeprav Tjaša skomiga z rameni. En: "We must ask for a compromise," he says, though Tjaša shrugs. Sl: "Lahko pride do spora," jo opozarja. En: "It could lead to a conflict," she warns. Sl: V sencah visokih dreves, obkroženih z zvočnimi žagami in hrupom traktorjev, pride do soočenja. En: In the shadows of tall trees, surrounded by the sound of saws and tractor noise, a confrontation unfolds. Sl: "To ni trajnostno! En: "This is not sustainable!" Sl: " vzklika Anže. En: exclaims Anže. Sl: Logarji ga gledajo mrko. En: The loggers look at him grimly. Sl: "Imamo družine, ki jih hranimo," odgovarja eden. En: "We have families to feed," one responds. Sl: Napetost narašča in začne se prepir. En: Tension rises, and an argument ensues. Sl: Naenkrat se v daljavi pojavi plamen. En: Suddenly, a flame appears in the distance. Sl: "Požar! En: "Fire!" Sl: " zakriči Alenka. En: screams Alenka. Sl: Vsi, vključno z logarji, hitro združijo moči. En: Everyone, including the loggers, quickly joins forces. Sl: Voda se zliva iz vedra v vedro, drevesne veje so zarezane, ogenj postopoma ugaša. En: Water is passed from bucket to bucket, tree branches are cut, and the fire gradually extinguishes. Sl: Počasi se plameni zmanjšajo, dokler se končno ne pogasijo. En: Gradually, the flames diminish until they are finally extinguished. Sl: Ob razvalinah uničenega dela gozda se srečejo oči. En: Among the ruins of the destroyed part of the forest, eyes meet. Sl: "Moramo sodelovati," reče eden izmed logarjev trpko. En: "We need to cooperate," says one of the loggers bitterly. Sl: Anže pokima. En: Anže nods. Sl: "S pravilnimi praksami lahko vsi zmagamo," reče. En: "With proper practices, everyone can win," he says. Sl: Tjaša in Alenka se oba strinjata. En: Tjaša and Alenka both agree. Sl: Po požaru se dogovorijo za trajnostno sekanje in zaščito ogroženih rastlin. En: After the fire, they agree on sustainable logging and the protection of endangered plants. Sl: Ko sonce zaide za visokimi gorami, se Anže ozre na obnovljeni gozd. En: As the sun sets behind the high mountains, Anže looks at the restored forest. Sl: Njegovo srce je polno. En: His heart is full. Sl: Spoznal je, da je sodelovanje bolj učinkovito kot boj. En: He realized that cooperation is more effective than conflict. Sl: "Oče bi bil ponosen name," misli in se nasmehne. En: "Father would be proud of me," he thinks and smiles. Sl: Triglavski narodni park je še vedno čudovit. En: Triglav National Park is still beautiful. Sl: S povezanim naporom je ponovno varen in trajnostno gospodarjen. En: Through connected efforts, it is once again safe and sustainably managed. Sl: Prijatelji zapustijo gozd, pripravljeni na nove izzive, medtem ko narava spokojno nadaljuje svoje življenje. En: Friends leave the forest, ready for new challenges, while nature peacefully continues its life. Vocabulary Words: - midst: srednjem - lush: bujno - serene: miren - saturated: nasičen - endangered: ogroženih - excessive: pretiranim - logging: sekanjem - firmly: odločno - echoes: odmeva - forester: gozdarka - extensive: dolgimi - concern: skrbjo - bureaucratic: birokratskimi - obstacles: ovirami - opposition: nasprotovanjem - livelihood: preživetju - confrontation: soočenja - sustainable: trajnostno - conflict: spor - tension: napetost - argument: prepir - flame: plamen - extinguished: ugasne - cooperate: sodelovati - bitterly: trpko - proper: pravilnimi - restored: obnovljeni - cooperation: sodelovanje - effective: učinkovito - connected: povezanim
    Played 16m 51s
  • Victory at Lake Bled: Anja's Triumphant Return to Rowing Glory

    1 JUL 2024 · Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Victory at Lake Bled: Anja's Triumphant Return to Rowing Glory Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: https://www.fluentfiction.org/victory-at-lake-bled-anjas-triumphant-return-to-rowing-glory/ Story Transcript: Sl: Ob sončnem vzhodu nad Blejskim jezerom se je Anja pripravljala na letno veslaško tekmo. En: At sunrise over Lake Bled, Anja was preparing for the annual rowing competition. Sl: Jezero je bilo čudovito, obdano z zelenimi hribi, in voda je sijala kot kristal. En: The lake was beautiful, surrounded by green hills, and the water shimmered like crystal. Sl: V zraku je bilo čutiti vznemirjenje, saj so tekmovalci iz vse države prihajali na dogodek. En: The air was filled with excitement as competitors from all over the country arrived for the event. Sl: Anja je stala ob obali in se spominjala svojega očeta. En: Anja stood by the shore, remembering her father. Sl: Bil je prava legenda na Bledu. En: He was a true legend in Bled. Sl: Vsako poletje je zmagoval in še danes so ljudje govorili o njegovih uspehih. En: Every summer he would win, and even today people still spoke of his achievements. Sl: Po njegovi smrti je Anja čutila dolžnost, da nadaljuje njegovo zapuščino. En: After his death, Anja felt obliged to continue his legacy. Sl: Toda letos se je soočala z dvomi. En: But this year, she faced doubts. Sl: Po poškodbi je njen trening trpel. En: After an injury, her training had suffered. Sl: Skrbelo jo je, da morda ne bo mogla tekmovati. En: She worried that she might not be able to compete. Sl: Tekmeci so že čakali na startu. En: The competitors were already waiting at the starting line. Sl: Med njimi je bila tudi Petra, favoritinja za zmago. En: Among them was Petra, the favorite to win. Sl: Bila je hitra in močna. En: She was fast and strong. Sl: Anja je vedela, da bo to težek boj. En: Anja knew it would be a tough battle. Sl: Srce ji je močno razbijalo, a pogled na očetovo staro veslo, ki ga je prinesla s seboj, ji je dal moč. En: Her heart was pounding, but looking at her father's old oar that she brought with her gave her strength. Sl: „Gremo, Anja,“ si je rekla tiho. En: "Let's go, Anja," she whispered to herself. Sl: Ko je zazvenel piščal, so veslači zagnali čolne v vodo. En: When the whistle blew, the rowers launched their boats into the water. Sl: Anja je veslala močno. En: Anja rowed hard. Sl: Sprva ji je šlo dobro, a bolečina v rami ji je začela povzročati težave. En: At first, she did well, but the pain in her shoulder began to cause problems. Sl: Z vsakim zamahom je bila bolj utrujena. En: With each stroke, she grew more tired. Sl: Sredi tekme je Petra prevzela vodstvo. En: Midway through the race, Petra took the lead. Sl: Anja je začutila val obupa. En: Anja felt a wave of despair. Sl: Toda spomnila se je očetovih besed: „Najtežje bitke se bijejo v glavi. En: But she remembered her father's words: "The toughest battles are fought in the mind." Sl: “ Znova je zbrala moč in nadaljevala. En: She gathered her strength again and continued. Sl: Zadnji del proge je bil najtežji. En: The final part of the course was the hardest. Sl: Petra je bila že skoraj na cilju, a Anja ni popustila. En: Petra was almost at the finish line, but Anja did not give up. Sl: Z naporom, ki ga še nikoli ni čutila, je pospešila ritem. En: With an effort she had never felt before, she picked up the pace. Sl: Bil je to boj iz oči v oči. En: It was a head-to-head battle. Sl: Anja proti Petri. En: Anja against Petra. Sl: Vater je pljuskala okoli njiju. En: The water splashed around them. Sl: Anja je čutila, kako se meje zmožnosti premikajo naprej. En: Anja felt the limits of her abilities being pushed further. Sl: Bilo je neverjetno. En: It was incredible. Sl: V zadnjih metrih je Anja izbruhnila z novo energijo. En: In the last meters, Anja surged with new energy. Sl: Rdeč trak cilja se je bližal. En: The red finish line tape was approaching. Sl: Petra je bila samo korak pred njo. En: Petra was just a step ahead of her. Sl: Anja je še enkrat močno zamahnila in s čolnom presekala ciljno črto ravno pred Petro. En: Anja gave one final, powerful stroke and crossed the finish line just ahead of Petra. Sl: Dihala je globoko in padla v čoln od izčrpanosti. En: She breathed deeply and collapsed into the boat from exhaustion. Sl: Ljudje so ji ploskali in vzklikali. En: People clapped and cheered for her. Sl: Zmage ni mogla verjeti. En: She couldn't believe she had won. Sl: Solze so ji tekle po licih. En: Tears streamed down her cheeks. Sl: Čutila je, kako se njen oče široko smeji z neba. En: She felt her father smiling broadly from the sky. Sl: Zmagala je. En: She had won. Sl: Anja je sedla ob obali s svojim očetovim veslom v roki. En: Anja sat by the shore with her father's oar in hand. Sl: Počutila se je povezano z njim, bolj kot kadarkoli prej. En: She felt more connected to him than ever before. Sl: Vedela je, da je izpolnila njegovo zapuščino in odkrila svojo moč. En: She knew she had fulfilled his legacy and discovered her strength. Sl: Počutila se je samozavestno in spokojno. En: She felt confident and at peace. Sl: Bled je bil zdaj ne le kraj njenih spominov, ampak tudi kraj njene zmage. En: Bled was now not only a place of her memories but also a place of her victory. Vocabulary Words: - sunrise: sončni vzhod - rowing: veslanje - competition: tekmovanje - shimmered: sijala - obliged: dolžnost - legacy: zapuščina - injury: poškodba - stroke: zamah - despair: obup - gathered: zbrala - course: proga - surged: izbruhniti - exhaustion: izčrpanost - cheered: vzklikali - collapsed: padla - clapped: ploskali - shore: obala - oar: veslo - connected: povezano - excited: vznemirjenje - competitors: tekmovalci - start: začetek - favorite: favorit - battle: boj - wave: val - breathed: dihala - achievements: uspehi - rhyme: ritem - finish line: ciljna črta - peace: spokoj
    Played 16m 49s
  • Secrets Beneath the Oak: Unraveling Mysteries at Lake Bled

    30 JUN 2024 · Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Secrets Beneath the Oak: Unraveling Mysteries at Lake Bled Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: https://www.fluentfiction.org/secrets-beneath-the-oak-unraveling-mysteries-at-lake-bled/ Story Transcript: Sl: Tomaž je stal na obali Blejskega jezera. En: Tomaz stood on the shore of Lake Bled. Sl: Poletje je bilo v polnem razmahu. En: Summer was in full swing. Sl: Sonce je svetilo in turisti so se smejali. En: The sun was shining, and tourists were laughing. Sl: Njegove misli pa so bile daleč stran. En: But his thoughts were far away. Sl: Pred leti je njegov oče izginil. En: Years ago, his father had disappeared. Sl: Za sabo je pustil nekaj sledi, a ena stvar je bila še posebej pomembna. En: He left behind a few clues, but one thing was particularly important. Sl: Pustil je pismo. En: He left a letter. Sl: Pismo, ki bi lahko razložilo vse. En: A letter that could explain everything. Sl: Maja je prišla mimo. En: Maya walked by. Sl: Njegova stara prijateljica iz otroštva. En: His old childhood friend. Sl: Imela je skrivnosti. En: She had secrets. Sl: Vedela je nekaj o pismu, a Tomažu ni povedala. En: She knew something about the letter but hadn’t told Tomaz. Sl: Videla je bolečino v njegovih očeh. En: She saw the pain in his eyes. Sl: Vedela je, kaj išče. En: She knew what he was looking for. Sl: Ni želela, da bi našel to pismo. En: She didn’t want him to find that letter. Sl: »Živjo, Tomaž,« je rekla. En: "Hi, Tomaz," she said. Sl: »Kako si?« En: "How are you?" Sl: »Dobro, Maja. Poznaš tisto staro mesto, kjer sva se igrala kot otroka?« je vprašal. En: "Good, Maya. Do you remember that old place where we used to play as kids?" he asked. Sl: Maja je vedela, kaj misli. En: Maya knew what he meant. Sl: »Seveda, kaj pa je z njim?« En: "Of course, what about it?" Sl: »Tam je nekaj skrito. Nekaj pomembnega,« je rekel Tomaž. En: "There's something hidden there. Something important," Tomaz said. Sl: Njene oči so se rahlo zaiskrile. En: Her eyes sparkled slightly. Sl: »Morda bi ti lahko pomagala,« je rekla, a v njen mislih je bil načrt. En: "Maybe I could help you," she said, but there was a plan in her mind. Sl: Načrt, da ga zadrži stran od resnice. En: A plan to keep him away from the truth. Sl: Šla sta skupaj mimo cerkve na otoku. En: They walked together past the church on the island. Sl: Veslači so ju nežno pozdravljali. En: Rowers gently greeted them. Sl: Bila sta tako blizu mesta, kjer je bilo pismo skrito. En: They were so close to the place where the letter was hidden. Sl: »Mislim, da vem, kje bi lahko bilo,« je rekla Maja. En: "I think I know where it might be," Maya said. Sl: Vodila ga je po napačni poti, stran od resničnega mesta. En: She led him the wrong way, away from the real place. Sl: Tomaž se je ustavil. En: Tomaz stopped. Sl: Nekaj mu ni bilo prav. En: Something felt off. Sl: Spomnil se je nekega pomembnega detajla. En: He remembered an important detail. Sl: Spomnil se je, kako sta se z Majo vedno skrivala za starim hrastom. En: He remembered how he and Maya always hid behind the old oak tree. Sl: Tam je bilo nekaj posebnega. En: There was something special there. Sl: »Počakaj, Maja,« je rekel. En: "Wait, Maya," he said. Sl: Pogledal je proti hrastu. En: He looked toward the oak. Sl: »Tam mora biti!« En: "It must be there!" Sl: Maja je ugotovila, da je predaleč šla. En: Maya realized she had gone too far. Sl: »Tomaž, prosim, ne hodi tja.« En: "Tomaz, please, don't go there." Sl: Njene oči so bile polne skrbi. En: Her eyes were full of concern. Sl: A Tomaž je stekel. En: But Tomaz ran. Sl: Prihod do hrasta je bil kot potovanje nazaj v čas. En: Reaching the oak felt like traveling back in time. Sl: Tam je bilo pismo, skrito med korenine drevesa. En: There was the letter, hidden among the tree's roots. Sl: Držal je pismo, roke so se tresle. En: He held the letter, his hands trembling. Sl: »Kaj mi nisi hotela povedati, Maja?« En: "What didn’t you want to tell me, Maya?" Sl: Maja je bila tiha. En: Maya was silent. Sl: Vedela je, da ne more več skrivati resnice. En: She knew she could no longer hide the truth. Sl: »Nisem želela, da bi izvedel. En: "I didn't want you to know. Sl: Nisem želela, da bi naša preteklost prizadela najino prijateljstvo.« En: I didn't want our past to hurt our friendship." Sl: Tomaž je odprl pismo. En: Tomaz opened the letter. Sl: Notri je bila resnica. En: Inside was the truth. Sl: Njegov oče ni pobegnil. En: His father hadn’t run away. Sl: Bil je v nevarnosti in je želel zaščititi svojo družino. En: He was in danger and wanted to protect his family. Sl: Solze so mu tekle po licih. En: Tears streamed down his cheeks. Sl: »Hvala, Maja. En: "Thank you, Maya. Sl: Hvala, da si bila ob meni, tudi ko si skrivala resnico,« je rekel. En: Thank you for being with me, even while hiding the truth," he said. Sl: Maja je položila roko na njegovo. En: Maya placed her hand on his. Sl: »Oprosti, Tomaž. En: "I'm sorry, Tomaz. Sl: Želela sem le, da bi bil srečen.« En: I only wanted you to be happy." Sl: Od tistega trenutka sta se začela bolj odpirati drug drugemu. En: From that moment, they began to open up more to each other. Sl: Tomaž je razumel in oprostil. En: Tomaz understood and forgave. Sl: Maja je začela bolj zaupati in postala je bolj iskrena. En: Maya began to trust more and became more honest. Sl: Poletje na Blejskem jezeru se je končevalo. En: Summer at Lake Bled was ending. Sl: A njuno prijateljstvo je bilo zdaj močnejše kot kadarkoli prej. En: But their friendship was now stronger than ever before. Sl: In pismo, ki je razkrilo preteklost, je pomagalo zaceliti rane—njemu in njunemu odnosu. En: And the letter that revealed the past helped heal wounds—for both of them and their relationship. Vocabulary Words: - shore: obali - particularly: še posebej - disappeared: izginil - clues: sledi - trembling: tresle - hidden: skrito - sparkled: zaiskrile - concern: skrbi - cheeks: licih - friendship: prijateljstvo - hospital: bolnišnici - hurt: prizadela - laughing: smejali - letter: pismo - memories: spomini - tourists: turisti - church: cerkve - island: otok - protect: zaščititi - important: pomemben - plan: načrt - trust: zaupati - danger: nevarnosti - remembered: spomnil - secrets: skrivnosti - root: korenine - laughed: smejal - hidden: skrito - years: leta - pain: bolečino
    Played 18m 56s
  • From Facts to Friendship: The School Project That United Us

    29 JUN 2024 · Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: From Facts to Friendship: The School Project That United Us Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: https://www.fluentfiction.org/from-facts-to-friendship-the-school-project-that-united-us/ Story Transcript: Sl: Ljubljana je bila tistega poletnega popoldneva prelepa. En: Ljubljana was beautiful that summer afternoon. Sl: Dragonjski most je stal veličastno, okrašen z ikoničnimi kipa zmajev. En: The Dragon Bridge stood majestically, adorned with its iconic dragon statues. Sl: Luka, Nika in Anže so se srečali tam za šolski projekt. En: Luka, Nika, and Anže met there for their school project. Sl: Vročina je bila velika, a njihov cilj je bil jasen: narediti popolno predstavitev o Dragonjskem mostu. En: The heat was intense, but their goal was clear: to create the perfect presentation about the Dragon Bridge. Sl: "Moramo se posvetiti dejstvom," je rekel Luka resno. En: "We need to focus on the facts," Luka said seriously. Sl: "Hočem najboljšo oceno. En: "I want the best grade." Sl: "Nika je imela drugačne ideje. En: Nika had different ideas. Sl: "Luka, moramo biti kreativni. En: "Luka, we need to be creative. Sl: Lahko naredimo maketo ali risbo mostu. En: We can make a model or a drawing of the bridge." Sl: "Anže je stal med njima, miren in z razumevanjem. En: Anže stood between them, calm and understanding. Sl: "Lahko naredimo oboje. En: "We can do both. Sl: Luka, ti lahko napišeš zgodovinski del. En: Luka, you can write the historical part. Sl: Nika, ti lahko pripraviš umetniški del. En: Nika, you can prepare the artistic part. Sl: Jaz bom poskrbel, da vse teče gladko. En: I'll make sure everything runs smoothly." Sl: "Tako so se dela razdelila. En: So the work was divided. Sl: Luka je pisal podatke o mostu. En: Luka wrote the facts about the bridge. Sl: Nika je načrtovala risbo mostu z zmaji. En: Nika planned a drawing of the bridge with dragons. Sl: Anže je organiziral sestanke in preverjal delo. En: Anže organized the meetings and checked the work. Sl: Vse se je zdelo pod kontrolo. En: Everything seemed under control. Sl: A nocoj, pred predstavitvijo, so ugotovili ključni del smernic. En: But that night, before the presentation, they realized a key part of the guidelines. Sl: Učiteljica je želela tudi osebno interpretacijo mostu. En: The teacher wanted a personal interpretation of the bridge as well. Sl: Luka je bil prestrašen. En: Luka was scared. Sl: "Kaj pa zdaj? En: "What do we do now?" Sl: " je vprašal. En: he asked. Sl: Anže je vzel pobudo. En: Anže took the initiative. Sl: "Nika, lahko v svojo risbo vključiš nekaj osebnega sporočila. En: "Nika, you can include a personal message in your drawing. Sl: Luka, ti lahko napišeš nekaj o pomenu mostov za Ljubljano. En: Luka, you can write something about the significance of bridges for Ljubljana." Sl: " Vsi so se strinjali. En: Everyone agreed. Sl: Delali so celo noč. En: They worked all night. Sl: Zjutraj je bila njihova predstavitev pripravljena. En: By morning, their presentation was ready. Sl: Stopili so pred razred. En: They stood before the class. Sl: Luka je govoril o zgodovinskem pomenu mostu. En: Luka talked about the historical significance of the bridge. Sl: Nika je pokazala svojo čudovito risbo z osebnim sporočilom. En: Nika showed her beautiful drawing with a personal message. Sl: Anže je vse lepo povezal. En: Anže tied everything together nicely. Sl: Učiteljica je bila navdušena. En: The teacher was thrilled. Sl: "Čudovito delo! En: "Wonderful job! Sl: Spojili ste zgodovino in kreativnost. En: You've combined history and creativity. Sl: Prva ocena! En: Top marks!" Sl: "Luka je bil presenečen. En: Luka was surprised. Sl: Ni pričakoval, da bo kreativnost tako pomembna. En: He didn't expect creativity to be so important. Sl: "Hvala, Nika. En: "Thank you, Nika. Sl: Hvala, Anže," je rekel iskreno. En: Thank you, Anže," he said sincerely. Sl: S tem je Luka spoznal, da popolnost ni vedno v detajlih, ampak v skupnem delu in ustvarjalnosti. En: With this, Luka learned that perfection is not always in the details, but in teamwork and creativity. Sl: Dragonjski most je za njih postal simbol sodelovanja in prijateljstva. En: The Dragon Bridge became a symbol of cooperation and friendship for them. Sl: To je bila lekcija, ki je Luka ne bo nikoli pozabil. En: It was a lesson Luka would never forget. Vocabulary Words: - adorned: okrašen - majestic: veličastno - iconic: ikoničnimi - intense: velika - focus: posvetiti - seriously: resno - creative: kreativni - model: maketo - drawing: risbo - understanding: razumevanjem - historical: zgodovinski - artistic: umetniški - organized: organiziral - meetings: sestanke - personal interpretation: osebno interpretacijo - scared: prestrašen - initiative: pobudo - significance: pomen - personal message: osebno sporočilo - thrilled: navdušena - combined: spojili - cooperation: sodelovanja - friendship: prijateljstva - perfect presentation: popolno predstavitev - guidelines: smernic - significance of bridges: pomen mostov - nicely: lepo - details: detajlih - teamwork: skupnem delu - lesson: lekcija
    Played 15m 35s
  • Matej's Hidden Revelation: Discovering Postojna's Secret Chamber

    28 JUN 2024 · Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Matej's Hidden Revelation: Discovering Postojna's Secret Chamber Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: https://www.fluentfiction.org/matejs-hidden-revelation-discovering-postojnas-secret-chamber/ Story Transcript: Sl: Pod zemljo, kjer je svet miren in skrivnosten, deluje Matej kot vodič v Postojnski jami. En: Underground, where the world is peaceful and mysterious, Matej works as a guide in the Postojna Cave. Sl: Poleti je jama hladna in osvežilna, kar privablja številne obiskovalce. En: In the summer, the cave is cool and refreshing, attracting many visitors. Sl: Matej je zavzet pri svojem delu in je ponosen na svojo jamo. En: Matej is dedicated to his job and proud of his cave. Sl: Rad ima njen spokojni svet in pogosto razmišlja o neodkritih prehodih. En: He loves its serene environment and often thinks about undiscovered passages. Sl: Vsak dan vodi skupine obiskovalcev po podzemnih hodnikih, osvetljenih z umetnimi lučmi. En: Every day, he leads groups of visitors through the underground corridors, illuminated by artificial lights. Sl: Stalaktiti in stalagmiti krasijo jamo in na Matejev obraz vedno znova privabijo nasmeh. En: Stalactites and stalagmites adorn the cave, always bringing a smile to Matej's face. Sl: Kljub temu pa Mateja nekaj vleče globlje. En: However, something draws Matej deeper. Sl: Rad je raziskovalec v srcu in hrepeni po odkritju novega dela jame. En: He is an explorer at heart and longs to discover a new part of the cave. Sl: Med odmorom nekega dne, ko je jama prazna, Matej opazi skrit prehod. En: One day, during a break when the cave is empty, Matej notices a hidden passage. Sl: Prehod je temen in delno zakrit z velikim kamnom. En: The passage is dark and partially obscured by a large rock. Sl: Matej ve, da nima veliko časa zaradi vsakodnevnih turnej, a njegova radovednost ga premaga. En: Matej knows he doesn't have much time because of the daily tours, but his curiosity gets the better of him. Sl: Odloči se pogledati, kar hitro, kam vodi prehod. En: He decides to quickly see where the passage leads. Sl: Svetilka v roki, Matej previdno prestopi kamen. En: With a flashlight in hand, Matej carefully steps over the rock. Sl: Pot je ozka in neznana. En: The path is narrow and unknown. Sl: Srca mu bije hitreje, ko se spušča globlje. En: His heart beats faster as he descends deeper. Sl: Po nekaj minutah hoje, ko že misli, da bo moral obrniti, pride v velik, neodkrit prostor. En: After a few minutes of walking, just when he thinks he will have to turn back, he comes into a large, undiscovered chamber. Sl: V dvorani so redki stalagmita in stalaktiti, kot jih še nikoli ni videl. En: In the hall are rare stalagmites and stalactites, unlike any he has ever seen. Sl: Vsak kamen je edinstven, kot kiparjeva mojstrovina. En: Each stone is unique, like a sculptor’s masterpiece. Sl: Matej čuti mešanico navdušenja in strahu. En: Matej feels a mix of excitement and fear. Sl: Težko razloži občutek, a ve, da je naletel na nekaj posebnega. En: It's hard to explain, but he knows he’s come across something special. Sl: Vseeno se mora vrniti na svoje delo, preden ga kdo pogreši. En: Still, he must return to his job before anyone misses him. Sl: Hitro si zapomni pot nazaj in se vrne na običajno turo, kot da se ni nič zgodilo. En: He quickly memorizes the way back and returns to the usual tour as if nothing had happened. Sl: V dni, ki sledijo, Matej ne more nehati misliti na svoj odkrit prostor. En: In the days that follow, Matej can't stop thinking about the space he discovered. Sl: Razmišlja o tem, da bi svoj odkritje prijavil oblastem, a ne more zbrati poguma. En: He considers reporting his find to the authorities but can't muster the courage. Sl: Ta del jame mu namreč predstavlja nekaj osebnega, njegov skriti zaklad. En: This part of the cave represents something personal to him, his hidden treasure. Sl: Odločitev skrije v srcu. En: He keeps the decision in his heart. Sl: Uživa v svojem delu še bolj, saj zdaj nosi s seboj skrivnost, ki jo varuje. En: He enjoys his work even more now, carrying with him the secret he protects. Sl: Matej postane pogumnejši in zaščitniški do jame. En: Matej becomes braver and more protective of the cave. Sl: Njegova predanost jamo postane še močnejša, saj ve, da nosi del te skrivnosti v sebi. En: His dedication to the cave grows stronger, knowing that he carries a part of its secret within him. Sl: In tako Matej nadaljuje svoje delo, vsak dan ponosno vodi obiskovalce po znanih hodnikih, a v srcu čuva svoj dragocen, nedotaknjen kotiček jame. En: And so, Matej continues his work, proudly leading visitors through the well-known corridors each day, while in his heart, he cherishes his precious, untouched corner of the cave. Vocabulary Words: - peaceful: miren - mysterious: skrivnosten - dedicated: zavzet - serene: spokojni - undiscovered: neodkritih - passages: prehodih - corridors: hodnikih - illuminated: osvetljenih - stalactites: stalaktiti - stalagmites: stalagmita - adorn: krasijo - explorer: raziskovalec - hidden: skrit - obscured: zakrit - curiosity: radovednost - narrow: ozka - chamber: prostor - sculptor: kipar - masterpiece: mojstrovina - excited: navdušenja - unexplained: nerazložljiv - authorities: oblasti - muster: zbrati - personal: osebnega - treasure: zaklad - decision: odločitev - protective: zaščitniški - dedication: predanost - precious: dragocen - untouched: nedotaknjen
    Played 15m 30s
  • Finding Hope: Luka's Journey to a Loving Family

    27 JUN 2024 · Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Finding Hope: Luka's Journey to a Loving Family Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: https://www.fluentfiction.org/finding-hope-lukas-journey-to-a-loving-family/ Story Transcript: Sl: Poletni veter je nežno pihal skozi okna velike, stare sirotišnice. En: The summer breeze gently blew through the windows of the large, old orphanage. Sl: Zidovi so bili obrabljeni, a čisti in okrašeni s pisanimi risbami otrok. En: The walls were worn but clean, decorated with colorful drawings by the children. Sl: Luka je počasi hodil po hodniku, z glavo sklonjeno, in sanjal o dnevu, ko bi našel ljubečo družino. En: Luka walked slowly down the hallway, his head bowed, dreaming of the day he would find a loving family. Sl: Bil je tih fant, ki se je pogosto skrival v senci, vendar je imel veliko srce. En: He was a quiet boy who often hid in the shadows, but he had a big heart. Sl: Ana, prijazna vzgojiteljica, je bila v središču dogajanja. En: Ana, the kind caretaker, was at the center of it all. Sl: Imela je veliko nalog in pogosto je bila preobremenjena. En: She had many tasks and was often overwhelmed. Sl: Toda nikoli ni pozabila na otroške potrebe. En: But she never forgot the children's needs. Sl: Poleti je bil čas, ko so morali nakupiti šolske potrebščine. En: Summer was the time when they had to buy school supplies. Sl: Proračun je bil omejen in vsak otrok je potreboval nekaj posebnega. En: The budget was limited, and each child needed something special. Sl: "Tako, Luka, greva po nakupih," je rekla Ana z nasmehom, ko je prišel k njej. En: "So, Luka, let's go shopping," Ana said with a smile when he came to her. Sl: "Potrebujemo zvezke, barvice in šolske torbe. En: "We need notebooks, crayons, and school bags." Sl: "Luka je pokimal in sledil Ani do majhne trgovinice v bližini sirotišnice. En: Luka nodded and followed Ana to a small shop near the orphanage. Sl: Trgovina je bila polna ljudi, polic pa so bile obložene s pisalnimi potrebščinami v živih barvah. En: The store was crowded, and the shelves were filled with brightly colored school supplies. Sl: Luka je previdno opazoval, kako Ana izbira zvezke in barvice. En: Luka watched carefully as Ana picked out notebooks and crayons. Sl: Bil je preveč sramežljiv, da bi izrazil svoje želje. En: He was too shy to express his preferences. Sl: "Luka, bi mi pomagal izbrati barvice? En: "Luka, would you help me choose the crayons?" Sl: " je vprašala Ana, ko je opazila njegovo zaskrbljenost. En: Ana asked when she noticed his concern. Sl: Luka je pokimal in skupaj sta začela izbirati potrebščine. En: Luka nodded, and together they started selecting the supplies. Sl: Ana je videla, da Luka zelo zavzeto pomaga. En: Ana saw that Luka was very diligent in helping. Sl: Njegova natančnost in skrbnost sta ji padli v oči. En: His precision and care stood out to her. Sl: Medtem ko sta se vračala v sirotišnico, je pred vrati stalo par. En: As they returned to the orphanage, a couple stood at the door. Sl: Izgledala sta zainteresirana in radovedna. En: They looked interested and curious. Sl: Ana je vedela, da iščeta otroka za posvojitev. En: Ana knew they were looking to adopt a child. Sl: Luka je nesel torbo s potrebščinami in opazil, da sta ga opazovala. En: Luka carried the bag of supplies and noticed they were watching him. Sl: Bil je živčen, a je zbral pogum in se približal Ani. En: He was nervous, but he gathered his courage and approached Ana. Sl: "Ana, lahko jaz pomagam razdeliti potrebščine? En: "Ana, can I help distribute the supplies?" Sl: " je vprašal Luka. En: Luka asked. Sl: Ana je zaznala iskro upanja v njegovih očeh in se odločila, da mu da posebno pozornost. En: Ana noticed a spark of hope in his eyes and decided to give him special attention. Sl: "Seveda, Luka. En: "Of course, Luka. Sl: Računam nate," je rekla z nasmehom. En: I'm counting on you," she said with a smile. Sl: Skupaj sta razdeljevala zvezke in barvice drugim otrokom. En: Together, they distributed the notebooks and crayons to the other children. Sl: Par je ves čas opazoval. En: The couple watched the whole time. Sl: Luka je zbral vso svojo moč in se potrudil pokazati svojo najboljšo plat. En: Luka gathered all his strength and tried to show his best side. Sl: Njegova ljubeznivost in marljivost sta bila očitni. En: His kindness and diligence were obvious. Sl: Ko je dan mineval, sta par stopila k Ani. En: As the day went on, the couple approached Ana. Sl: "Tale fant je zelo poseben," je rekel moški. En: "This boy is very special," the man said. Sl: "Bi lahko izvedela več o njem? En: "Could we learn more about him?" Sl: "Ana je čutila mešanico čustev – sreče, ponosa in tudi žalosti. En: Ana felt a mixture of emotions – happiness, pride, and also sadness. Sl: "Seveda," je rekla in se trudila zadržati solze. En: "Of course," she said, trying to hold back tears. Sl: "Luka je res poseben fant. En: "Luka is indeed a special boy. Sl: Vedno je pripravljen pomagati. En: He is always ready to help." Sl: "Luka je to slišal in začutil, kako se mu srce hitreje bije. En: Luka heard this and felt his heart beat faster. Sl: Par je želel vedeti več o njem, in to je bila njegova priložnost. En: The couple wanted to know more about him, and this was his chance. Sl: Bil je bolj samozavesten in poln upanja za prihodnost. En: He was more confident and full of hope for the future. Sl: Dnevi so minevali in par je vse bolj kazal zanimanje za Luko. En: Days passed, and the couple showed more and more interest in Luka. Sl: Ana je vedela, da bo verjetno našel svoj novi dom. En: Ana knew he would likely find his new home. Sl: Bila je hvaležna, da so njeni napori naredili razliko v življenju teh otrok. En: She was grateful that her efforts made a difference in the lives of these children. Sl: Ko je napočil dan, ko so Luka uradno sprejeli v svojo družino, je Ana čutila ponos in upanje. En: When the day came for Luka to be officially accepted into his new family, Ana felt pride and hope. Sl: Luka je zdaj bil bolj samozavesten in vesel za prihodnost. En: Luka was now more confident and optimistic about the future. Sl: In tako je poletni veter še naprej nežno pihal skozi okna stare sirotišnice, napolnjene s smehom in sanjami otrok. En: And so the summer breeze continued to gently blow through the windows of the old orphanage, filled with the laughter and dreams of children. Vocabulary Words: - breeze: veter - gently: nežno - orphanage: sirotišnica - worn: obrabljeni - decorated: okrašeni - bowed: sklonjeno - loving: ljubečo - caretaker: vzgojiteljica - tasks: nalog - overwhelmed: preobremenjena - needed: potreboval - notebooks: zvezke - crayons: barvice - school bags: šolske torbe - store: trgovina - crowded: polna ljudi - shelves: polic - diligent: zavzeto - precision: natančnost - care: skrbnost - distribute: razdeliti - spark: iskra - hope: upanja - counting on: računam nate - kindness: ljubeznivost - diligence: marljivost - adoption: posvojitev - emotions: čustev - happiness: sreče - pride: ponos
    Played 19m 17s
  • Finding Bridges: A Family Reconnects in Prešeren Square

    26 JUN 2024 · Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Finding Bridges: A Family Reconnects in Prešeren Square Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: https://www.fluentfiction.org/finding-bridges-a-family-reconnects-in-preseren-square/ Story Transcript: Sl: Sončen popoldan je obsijal Prešernov trg v Ljubljani. En: A Sunny afternoon illuminated Prešeren Square in Ljubljana. Sl: Miha je stal na robu trga, gledal svojo sestro Niko, ki je prvič po mnogih letih znova obiskala Slovenijo. En: Miha stood at the edge of the square, watching his sister Nika, who was visiting Slovenia again after many years. Sl: Srce mu je bilo težko. En: His heart felt heavy. Sl: Luka, njegov najstniški sin, se je zadržano držal ob strani, pogreznjen v svoj pametni telefon. En: Luka, his teenage son, stood aloof nearby, absorbed in his smartphone. Sl: Miha je na hitro povzdignil glas. "Luka, poglej okoli sebe. Tu je čudovito, to je naš dom." En: Miha quickly raised his voice. "Luka, look around you. It's beautiful here, this is our home." Sl: Luka je zavzdihnil in dvignil pogled, a hitro spet povesil glavo, ne da bi rekel besedo. En: Luka sighed and lifted his gaze, but quickly lowered his head again without saying a word. Sl: Nika se je nasmehnila in stopila bližje, poskušala je olajšati napetost. En: Nika smiled and stepped closer, trying to ease the tension. Sl: "Miha, kaj praviš, če Luka vidi nekaj posebnega? Morda bomo našli nekaj, kar ga zanima," je predlagala Nika s toplim glasom. En: "Miha, what do you say if Luka sees something special? Maybe we can find something that interests him," Nika suggested warmly. Sl: Miha je prikimal in pogledal sina. "Luka, želiš videti Tromostovje? In morda se nato usedemo na pijačo?" En: Miha nodded and looked at his son. "Luka, do you want to see the Triple Bridge? And maybe we can sit down for a drink afterwards?" Sl: Luka je še vedno ignoriral očeta, ampak Nika ni obupala. En: Luka still ignored his father, but Nika didn't give up. Sl: "Luka, veš, ko sem bila tvoja starost, mi je oče vedno pripovedoval zgodbe o tem trgu. En: "Luka, you know, when I was your age, our father always told me stories about this square. Sl: Bil je moj najljubši kraj." En: It was my favorite place." Sl: Luka je rahlo dvignil pogled in končno rekel nekaj: "Kdo je Prešeren?" En: Luka slightly raised his gaze and finally said something: "Who is Prešeren?" Sl: Miha je olajšano zavzdihnil. "Prešeren je največji slovenski pesnik. En: Miha sighed in relief. "Prešeren is the greatest Slovenian poet. Sl: Pisal je veliko lepe poezije." En: He wrote a lot of beautiful poetry." Sl: Nika je spet prevzela pobudo. "Kaj če ti povem eno zanimivo zgodbo o njem? Saj veš, da je bil zaljubljen v Julijo, a mu ona ljubezni ni vračala." En: Nika took the initiative again. "How about I tell you an interesting story about him? You know, he was in love with a woman named Julija, but she didn't return his love." Sl: Luka je končno spravil telefon v žep. "No, prav. Povej," je rekel. En: Luka finally put his phone in his pocket. "Alright, tell me," he said. Sl: Omamni vonj kave je preveval trg, ko so stopili bližje spomeniku. En: The intoxicating aroma of coffee filled the square as they moved closer to the monument. Sl: Nika je začela pripovedovati zgodbo o Prešernu. En: Nika began telling the story of Prešeren. Sl: Miha je opazoval Luko, ki je počasi kazal več zanimanja. En: Miha observed Luka, who was slowly showing more interest. Sl: Ko so prispeli do Tromostovja, je Luka celo postavil nekaj vprašanj. En: When they reached the Triple Bridge, Luka even asked a few questions. Sl: Nenadoma pa se je Luki nekaj prebudilo v srcu. "Ampak... oče, ne razumeš, kaj doživljam. En: Suddenly, something stirred in Luka's heart. "But... Dad, you don't understand what I'm going through. Sl: Vedno sva se samo prepirala." En: We have always just argued." Sl: Miha je globoko vdihnil. "Vem, Luka. Tudi meni je težko. En: Miha took a deep breath. "I know, Luka. It's hard for me too. Sl: Želim pa, da veš, da si mi pomemben." En: But I want you to know that you matter to me." Sl: Luka je dvignil glas. "Kako naj ti verjamem? En: Luka raised his voice. "How can I believe you? Sl: Po vsem tem? Misliš, da ena zgodba spremeni vse?" En: After everything? Do you think one story changes everything?" Sl: Atmosfera se je na trenutek zatemnila. Nika je hitro posredovala. En: The atmosphere darkened for a moment. Nika quickly intervened. Sl: "Luka, veš, tvoj oče je bil zame vedno vzor. En: "Luka, you know, your father was always a role model for me. Sl: Vedno je bil tam, ko sem ga potrebovala. Res je, da ni vse popolno. En: He was always there when I needed him. It's true that not everything is perfect. Sl: Toda lahko se trudimo, da bo bolje." En: But we can try to make it better." Sl: Lukine oči so začele sijati od prelitega čustva. "Morda se res nisva razumela... ampak rad bi poskusil bolje," je tiho rekel. En: Luka's eyes started to shine with emotion. "Maybe we didn't understand each other... but I'd like to try better," he said quietly. Sl: Miha je začutil solze v očeh. "Tudi jaz, Luka. Začniva znova." En: Miha felt tears welling up in his eyes. "Me too, Luka. Let's start over." Sl: Nika je objela oba, čutila je, da se med njima vzpostavlja nekaj novega, globokega. En: Nika hugged them both, feeling that something new and profound was forming between them. Sl: In tako so začeli novo poglavje, na trgu, kjer je zgodovina srečala prihodnost. En: And so they began a new chapter, in the square where history met the future. Sl: Prešernov trg je še naprej živel svoje življenje, s toplimi sončnimi žarki, smehom otrok in kavarniškim klepetom. En: Prešeren Square continued to live its life, with warm sunbeams, children's laughter, and café chatter. Sl: Za Miho in Luko pa je bil to dan, ko sta začela graditi most razumevanja in ljubezni. En: For Miha and Luka, however, it was the day they began to build a bridge of understanding and love. Vocabulary Words: - illuminated: obsijal - square: trg - heavy: težko - aloof: zadržano - absorbed: pogreznjen - gaze: pogled - tension: napetost - suggested: predlagala - ignored: ignoriral - relief: olajšanje - poet: pesnik - poetry: poezija - initiative: pobudo - aroma: vonj - monument: spomenik - observed: opazoval - stirred: prebudilo - argued: prepirala - emotion: čustva - shine: sijati - profound: globokega - chapter: poglavje - sunbeams: sončni žarki - laughter: smeh - chatter: klepet - bridge: most - understanding: razumevanje - love: ljubezen - teenage: najstniški - visiting: obiskala
    Played 18m 48s
  • Smart Resilience: A Startup’s Humorous Pitch in Ljubljana

    25 JUN 2024 · Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Smart Resilience: A Startup’s Humorous Pitch in Ljubljana Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: https://www.fluentfiction.org/smart-resilience-a-startups-humorous-pitch-in-ljubljana/ Story Transcript: Sl: Ljubljana. Poletni dan. Začetniški inkubator je živahen. Mlade podjetnike obdaja energija. Med njimi sta Luka in Petra. Sijaj sonca skozi velika okna osvetljuje moderna delovna mesta. Na beli tabli se lesketajo ideje. En: Ljubljana. A summer day. The startup incubator is bustling. Young entrepreneurs are surrounded by energy. Among them are Luka and Petra. Sunlight shines through the large windows, illuminating the modern workspaces. Ideas sparkle on the whiteboard. Sl: Luka je navdušen. Njegove oči se bleščijo, ko govori. "Petra, danes je naš dan!" Petra se nasmehne. Ona je mirna. Vedno skrbna in natančna. Skupaj sta pripravljena predstaviti svojo inovativno idejo. Ime projekta: SmartLamp, pametna svetilka. En: Luka is excited. His eyes sparkle as he speaks. "Petra, today is our day!" Petra smiles. She is calm. Always careful and precise. Together, they are ready to present their innovative idea. The project’s name: SmartLamp, a smart lamp. Sl: Inkubator postaja bolj poln. Potencialni vlagatelji sedijo za mizo. Luka in Petra s tresočimi rokami pripravljata svoj prototip. Luka reče: "Vse bo super. Imamo to!" Petra globoko vdihne in prikima. En: The incubator is becoming more crowded. Potential investors sit at the table. With trembling hands, Luka and Petra prepare their prototype. Luka says, "Everything will be great. We've got this!" Petra takes a deep breath and nods. Sl: Začnejo s predstavitvijo. Luka govori o SmartLamp. "Predstavljajte si svetilko, ki se prilagaja vašemu razpoloženju in vremenu," pravi entuziastično. Vsi poslušajo. Petra nato pojasni tehnične podrobnosti. "Uporabljamo napredne senzorje in umetno inteligenco." En: They begin their presentation. Luka talks about SmartLamp. "Imagine a lamp that adapts to your mood and the weather," he says enthusiastically. Everyone listens. Petra then explains the technical details. "We use advanced sensors and artificial intelligence." Sl: Potem pride trenutek. Čas je, da pokažeta prototip. Luka ga priključi. Hitro pritisne gumb. Najprej se vse zdi v redu. Potem pa... lučka začne utripati v vseh mogočih barvah. In nato se začne peti pesem "Happy Birthday." En: Then the moment comes. It's time to show the prototype. Luka plugs it in. He quickly presses the button. At first, everything seems fine. But then... the light starts flashing in all sorts of colors. And then it starts playing the song "Happy Birthday." Sl: Petra zardeva. Luka je v šoku. Poskusita jo ugasniti, a svetilka ne neha. Investitorji se začnejo smejati. Eden reče: "Ali je to del vaše predstavitve?" Luka pogoltne slino. Petra mu hitro šepne: "Povej jim resnico, Luka." En: Petra blushes. Luka is in shock. They try to turn it off, but the lamp won't stop. The investors start laughing. One says, "Is this part of your presentation?" Luka swallows hard. Petra quickly whispers to him: "Tell them the truth, Luka." Sl: Luka globoko vdihne. "Gospodje in gospe, vidite, naša SmartLamp ima očitno smisel za humor. Upali smo na nekaj boljšega, a vsaj je bilo zabavno, kajne?" Investitorji se še naprej smejijo. Potem pa eden reče: "Res pa vidimo potencial in kreativnost." En: Luka takes a deep breath. "Ladies and gentlemen, you see, our SmartLamp apparently has a sense of humor. We hoped for something better, but at least it was fun, right?" The investors continue to laugh. Then one says, "But we do see potential and creativity." Sl: Po smehu investitorji pogledajo drug drugega. En reče: "Všeč nam je vaša trdnost in humor. Popravita prototip in se vrnita čez en teden." En: After the laughter, the investors look at each other. One says, "We like your resilience and humor. Fix the prototype and come back in a week." Sl: Luka in Petra se nasmehneta. Med potjo ven Luka reče: "Vsi smo le ljudje. Odpustili so nama." Petra odgovori: "Skupaj lahko premagava vse." Luka stisne Petro v objem. Naučili so se lekcijo. Luka je obljubil biti bolj previden. Skupaj sta trdna ekipa. En: Luka and Petra smile. On their way out, Luka says, "We're all just human. They forgave us." Petra replies, "Together, we can overcome anything." Luka hugs Petra. They learned a lesson. Luka promised to be more careful. Together, they make a strong team. Sl: In prav takrat, ko sonce zahaja nad Ljubljano, vesta, da sta dobila še eno priložnost. En: And just as the sun sets over Ljubljana, they know they’ve been given another chance. Vocabulary Words: - bustling: živahen - entrepreneurs: podjetnike - illuminating: osvetljuje - modern: moderna - innovative: inovativno - prototype: prototip - advanced: napredne - sensors: senzorje - artificial intelligence: umetno inteligenco - trembling: tresočimi - enthusiastically: entuziastično - blushes: zardeva - flashing: utripati - resilience: trdnost - creativity: kreativnost - overcome: premagati - careful: previden - forgave: odpustili - sparkle: lesketajo - careful: skrbna - presentation: predstavitev - crowded: bolj poln - potential: potencialni - investors: vlagatelji - prepared: pripravljena - imagine: predstavljajte - calm: mirna - precise: natančna - breath: vdihne - whispers: šepne
    Played 17m 25s
  • Lake Bled Adventure: A Tale of Friendship and Bravery

    24 JUN 2024 · Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Lake Bled Adventure: A Tale of Friendship and Bravery Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: https://www.fluentfiction.org/lake-bled-adventure-a-tale-of-friendship-and-bravery/ Story Transcript: Sl: Vroče poletno sonce je grelo pokrajino, ko sta Neža in Luka sedla v avto. En: The hot summer sun warmed the landscape as Neža and Luka sat in the car. Sl: "Pripravljena na avanturo?" je vprašal Luka s širokim nasmehom na obrazu. En: "Ready for an adventure?" Luka asked with a wide smile on his face. Sl: Neža je prikimala, čeprav je čutila nervozo. En: Neža nodded, although she felt nervous. Sl: Bled, je pomislila. En: Bled, she thought. Sl: Čudovita jezera, čarobni otok in zelena narava so jo vabili že dolgo časa. En: The beautiful lakes, the magical island, and the green nature had been calling to her for a long time. Sl: Avto je vozil po vijugasti poti, okoli njiju so bile lepe hribovite pokrajine. En: The car drove along the winding road, surrounded by beautiful hilly landscapes. Sl: Neža je stegnila roko skozi okno in uživala v lahkemu vetru. En: Neža stretched out her hand through the window, enjoying the gentle breeze. Sl: "Kako lep kraj," je rekla. En: "What a beautiful place," she said. Sl: Luka se je nasmehnil: "Veš, vedno lahko računaš na mene, če kaj potrebuješ." En: Luka smiled: "You know, you can always count on me if you need anything." Sl: Po nekaj urah vožnje sta prispela do Lake Bled. En: After a few hours of driving, they arrived at Lake Bled. Sl: Luka je ustavil avto na parkirišču in izstopila sta. En: Luka parked the car and they got out. Sl: "Najprej greva na čolnarjenje," je predlagal Luka. En: "First, let's go boating," Luka suggested. Sl: "Potem pa mogoče še na kratek pohod okoli jezera." En: "Then maybe a short hike around the lake." Sl: Obojnema se je zdela ideja super. En: They both thought the idea was wonderful. Sl: Usedla sta se v majhen čoln in začela veslati proti sredini jezera, proti prelepi cerkvici na otoku. En: They sat in a small boat and started rowing towards the middle of the lake, towards the beautiful church on the island. Sl: Vse je bilo popolno, dokler ni Neža nenadoma začutila pekoč občutek na roki. En: Everything was perfect until Neža suddenly felt a burning sensation on her arm. Sl: "Au," je zaječala. En: "Ouch," she groaned. Sl: Luka je takoj prenehal veslati. En: Luka immediately stopped rowing. Sl: "Kaj je narobe?" En: "What's wrong?" Sl: Neža je opazila rdečico in oteklino na roki. En: Neža noticed redness and swelling on her arm. Sl: "Menda me je nekaj pičilo," je rekla. En: "I think something stung me," she said. Sl: Upala je, da bo malenkost in bo hitro minilo. En: She hoped it was nothing and would pass quickly. Sl: Toda oteklina je hitro naraščala in postajala boleča. En: But the swelling quickly worsened and became painful. Sl: "Neža, morava po pomoč," je rekel Luka, skrbi v očeh. En: "Neža, we need to get help," Luka said, worry in his eyes. Sl: Neža je vedela, da je Luka imel prav, a strah jo je hromil. En: Neža knew Luka was right, but fear paralyzed her. Sl: "V redu je," je poskusila reči, a glas ji je zadrhtel. En: "It's okay," she tried to say, but her voice trembled. Sl: Luka pa ni bil prepričan. En: Luka was not convinced. Sl: "Vidim, da ni vse v redu. Odpeljal te bom k zdravniku." En: "I see that it's not okay. I'll take you to a doctor." Sl: Neža je želela protestirati, a Luka je že veslal nazaj proti obali s polno močjo. En: Neža wanted to protest, but Luka was already rowing back to the shore with full force. Sl: Ko sta prispela, je Luka hitro poklical reševalce. En: When they arrived, Luka quickly called the paramedics. Sl: Kljub Nežini protesti, jo je Luka trdno prijel za roko. En: Despite Neža’s protests, Luka firmly held her hand. Sl: "Ne skrbi," je rekel mirno, "tu sem zate." En: "Don't worry," he said calmly, "I'm here for you." Sl: Reševalci so hitro prispeli in Nežo peljali v najbližji zdravstveni dom. En: The paramedics arrived quickly and took Neža to the nearest health center. Sl: Tam so jo hitro pregledali in ji še pravočasno dali zdravilo. En: There they examined her quickly and gave her medication just in time. Sl: Po nekaj urah sta bila spet zunaj, a tokrat se je Neža počutila šibko in malo osramočeno. En: After a few hours, they were outside again, but this time Neža felt weak and a little embarrassed. Sl: "Res mi je žal," je rekla Luka, ko sta se usedla na klop ob obali jezera. En: "I'm really sorry," Lula said as they sat on a bench by the lake shore. Sl: "Samo tako strah me je bilo." En: "I was just so scared." Sl: Neža je imela solze v očeh. En: Neža had tears in her eyes. Sl: "Hvala, Luka. Vedno se bojim takih situacij, ampak zdaj vem, da se lahko zanesem nate." En: "Thank you, Luka. I'm always scared of these situations, but now I know I can rely on you." Sl: Luka jo je nežno objel. En: Luka gently hugged her. Sl: "Vedno bom tukaj zate, Neža." En: "I'll always be here for you, Neža." Sl: Medtem ko so poletne zvezde sijale nad njunimi glavami, je Neža končno občutila mir. En: As the summer stars shone above their heads, Neža finally felt at peace. Sl: Spet sta šla nazaj skozi parkirišče proti avtu, roko v roki, pripravljena na nadaljevanje njune avanture. En: They walked back through the parking lot to the car, hand in hand, ready to continue their adventure. Sl: Ta trenutek je vedela, da ni strašno prositi za pomoč, še posebej, ko je imel ob sebi prijatelja kot je Luka. En: At that moment, she knew that it's not terrifying to ask for help, especially when she had a friend like Luka beside her. Vocabulary Words: - landscape: pokrajina - adventure: avantura - nervous: nervoza - winding: vijugasti - gentle: lahkemu - breeze: vetru - parked: ustavil - boating: čolnarjenje - hike: pohod - row: veslati - burning: pekoč - sensation: občutek - groaned: zaječala - redness: rdečico - swelling: oteklina - stung: pičilo - paralyzed: hromil - trembled: zadrhtel - shore: obali - paramedics: reševalce - despite: kljub - protests: protesti - held: prijel - medication: zdravilo - embarrassed: osramočeno - bench: klop - rely: zanesem - calm: mirno - hugged: objel - fear: strah
    Played 17m 30s
  • Adventure and Friendship: Conquering Triglav's Majestic Peaks

    23 JUN 2024 · Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Adventure and Friendship: Conquering Triglav's Majestic Peaks Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: https://www.fluentfiction.org/adventure-and-friendship-conquering-triglavs-majestic-peaks/ Story Transcript: Sl: Vroč poletni dan je že zgodaj začel prelivati zlate sončne žarke čez gore in doline Triglavskega narodnega parka. En: A hot summer day had already begun to bathe the golden sunbeams over the mountains and valleys of Triglav National Park early in the morning. Sl: Mateja, Luka in Gregor so stali na začetku poti, ki je vodila proti vrhu Triglava. En: Mateja, Luka, and Gregor stood at the start of the path leading towards the summit of Triglav. Sl: Pod nogami so čutili trdna tla, v zraku pa vonj po svežini gora. En: They felt solid ground beneath their feet and the fresh scent of the mountains in the air. Sl: »Smo pripravljeni? En: "Are we ready?" Sl: « je vprašala Mateja. En: Mateja asked. Sl: Njene oči so se svetile od navdušenja. En: Her eyes sparkled with excitement. Sl: Že dolgo je sanjala o tem, kako bo osvojila najvišji vrh Slovenije. En: She had long dreamt of conquering the highest peak in Slovenia. Sl: Luka, vedno previden, je pokimal in rekel: »Seveda, ampak bodimo pazljivi. En: Luka, always cautious, nodded and said, "Of course, but let's be careful." Sl: «Gregor je prišel tiho in skrivnostno. En: Gregor arrived quietly and mysteriously. Sl: Komaj so ga spoznali, a nekaj v njegovem obnašanju jih je pritegnilo. En: They hardly knew him, but something about his demeanor attracted them. Sl: Bil je tih, a zdel se je odločen. En: He was silent but seemed determined. Sl: »Gore nas bodo preizkusile,« je rekel, kar je Matejo in Luko nekoliko presenetilo. En: "The mountains will test us," he said, surprising Mateja and Luka somewhat. Sl: Pot naprej je bila zahtevna. En: The path ahead was challenging. Sl: Kamnite poti so postajale vse bolj strme, visoki borovci so dajali nekaj sence, a tudi občutek skrite nevarnosti. En: The rocky trails became increasingly steeper, and the tall pines provided some shade but also a sense of hidden danger. Sl: Luka je hodil previdno, stalno je preverjal Matejo, ki je poskušala držati korak s svojim tempom. En: Luka walked carefully, constantly checking on Mateja, who tried to keep pace with her own rhythm. Sl: Bilo ji je neprijetno. En: She felt uncomfortable. Sl: »Pusti me, Luka, znam pazit nase,« je rekla z rahlo jezo v glasu. En: "Leave me, Luka, I can take care of myself," she said, with a hint of irritation in her voice. Sl: Vreme se je začelo spreminjati. En: The weather started to change. Sl: Oblačnost se je zgrinjala, veter je postal močnejši. En: Clouds gathered, and the wind grew stronger. Sl: Gregor je pohodil in posvetoval z njimi: »Morali bi se umakniti, pred nevihto je lahko nevarno. En: Gregor quickened his step and consulted with them: "We should take shelter; it can be dangerous before a storm." Sl: « Mateja ni hotela slišati za umik. En: Mateja did not want to hear about retreating. Sl: »Samo še malo, potem sem na vrhu,« je vztrajala. En: "Just a bit more, and I'll be at the top," she insisted. Sl: Luka je bil v dvomih, ali naj naloži svoje skrbi ali zaupa Mateji. En: Luka was torn between voicing his concerns or trusting Mateja. Sl: Nenadoma je prišla nevihta. En: Suddenly, a storm hit. Sl: Veter je bil silovit, dežne kaplje mrzle in težke. En: The wind was fierce, and the raindrops were cold and heavy. Sl: Našli so zavetišče pod veliko skalo. En: They found shelter under a large rock. Sl: Tam so morali sprejeti odločitev: nadaljevati ali se vrniti. En: There, they had to make a decision: proceed or retreat. Sl: Gregor se je takrat odprl. En: Gregor opened up at that moment. Sl: »Prišel sem sem, ker sem mislil, da bom našel mir na vrhu. En: "I came here because I thought I would find peace at the summit. Sl: A zdaj vidim, da so prijatelji vredni več,« je rekel. En: But now I see that friends are worth more," he said. Sl: Luka je Mateji končno zaupal in jo spodbujal: »Če si pripravljena, gremo. En: Luka finally trusted Mateja and encouraged her: "If you're ready, let's go." Sl: « Mateja je v tistem trenutku razumela, da moč ni samo v vztrajnosti, ampak tudi v poslušanju prijateljev. En: At that moment, Mateja understood that strength is not just in persistence but also in listening to friends. Sl: Po prehodu nevihte je bil zrak svež, nebo čisto. En: After the storm passed, the air was fresh and the sky clear. Sl: Skupaj so dosegli vrh. En: Together, they reached the summit. Sl: Stali so na vrhu Triglava, sonce je spet sijalo. En: They stood at the top of Triglav, and the sun shone again. Sl: Gregor se je smejal, Luka je bil ponosen, Mateja pa je čutila popolno srečo. En: Gregor laughed, Luka felt proud, and Mateja felt complete happiness. Sl: Vsak je našel svoj notranji mir in smisel. En: Each found their inner peace and meaning. Sl: Med potjo nazaj so postali prijatelji. En: On the way back, they became friends. Sl: Naučili so se vrednosti spoštovanja, zaupanja in skupne moči. En: They learned the value of respect, trust, and collective strength. Sl: Gore so jih preizkusile, a tudi združile. En: The mountains tested them but also united them. Sl: In tako so se vrnili v dolino, bogatejši za eno najlepših izkušenj v življenju. En: And so, they returned to the valley, enriched by one of the most beautiful experiences of their lives. Vocabulary Words: - bathe: prelivati - summit: vrh - solid: trdna - scent: vonj - excited: navdušenje - conquering: osvojila - cautious: previden - mysterious: skrivnostno - demeanor: obnašanju - determined: odločen - challenging: zahtevna - rocky: kamenite - steeper: strme - shade: senco - torn: v dvomih - fierce: silovit - raindrops: dežne kaplje - cold: mrzle - retreat: umik - shelter: zavetišče - decision: odločitev - peace: mir - strength: moč - persistence: vztrajnosti - trusting: zaupa - listening: poslušanju - inner: notranji - meaning: smisel - respect: spoštovanja - collective: skupne
    Played 16m 57s

Are you ready to supercharge your Slovenian listening comprehension? Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition...

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Are you ready to supercharge your Slovenian listening comprehension?

Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.

That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Slovenian, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Slovenian and English.

This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.

Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Lake Bled, Postojna Cave, or Ljubljana Castle? Maybe you want to speak Slovenian with your grandparents from Ljubljana?

Our podcast will provide you with the cultural and linguistic background necessary to fully immerse yourself in the atmosphere and life of Slovenia, the primary country where Slovenian is fluently spoken. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Slovenian listening comprehension.

Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Izboljšajte svoje razumevanje poslušanja z našimi slovenskimi zgodbami danes!
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