Podcast Cover

For Badass Entrepreneurs ONLY!

  • Success Strategies Navigating Real Estate Markets - Mike Cuevas

    2 JUL 2024 · In this special episode of For Badass Entrepreneurs ONLY!, Coach Dan Gordon visits The Real Estate Marketing Dude Podcast with Podcaster Michael Cuevas. Coach Dan discusses embracing change and authenticity in the real estate industry. With the market experiencing significant shifts, he emphasizes building a solid personal brand, serving clients authentically, and facing fears head-on. He shares practical tips on connecting with clients on an emotional level, adapting to industry changes, and continuously learning to improve sales skills. Whether you're a seasoned agent or new to real estate, this episode offers invaluable insights to help you thrive in a challenging market. Tune in for a robust conversation to inspire you to take action and elevate your real estate career!  Five Badass Q&As: Q1: How can real estate agents adapt to market changes? A1: Agents can navigate shifts and find new opportunities by embracing change and focusing on authentically serving clients. Q2: What is the first step to overcoming fear in real estate? A2: Surrender worry and remind yourself that you are safe. Fear limits creativity, so focus on solutions instead. Q3: Why is honesty crucial in real estate sales? A3: Authenticity builds trust. Honesty about a property's flaws can strengthen client relationships and increase referrals. Q4: How should agents handle objections from clients? A4: Start by acknowledging their concerns. Understanding and addressing emotions is critical to building trust and providing value. Q5: What is the biggest mistake real estate agents make in their sales approach? A5: Trying to sell rather than serve. Focus on understanding client needs and providing solutions rather than just pushing products. Five Badass Quotes: - Embrace change; it’s where you learn the most about yourself. - Stop selling and start serving people. - Honesty builds trust and leads to long-term success. - Fear limits creativity; surrender worry to unlock potential. - Successful people run towards change and stay within it. Five Badass Takeaways: - Embrace market shifts as opportunities for growth. - Authenticity and honesty are crucial to building client trust. - Focus on serving clients rather than just making sales. - Address client concerns with empathy and understanding. - Continuously learn and adapt to improve your sales approach. Contact Info: Text GAP to 213.409.8366 for a free download of Jumping the Gap, Kill Your Story and Take Action Chapters: 00:00 Introduction and market overview 02:23 Welcoming Dan Gordon 05:00 Importance of honesty in real estate 11:38 Overcoming fear and embracing change 16:12 Current market challenges and opportunities 20:06 Dan's book and personal journey 22:55 Final thoughts and advice For more badass episodes, check us out at For Badass Entrepreneurs ONLY! https://dangordonenterprise.com/badass 
    Played 26m 46s
  • Generating Real Estate Wealth in a Down Market - Gary Wilson

    25 JUN 2024 · Join Coach Dan Gordon as he interviews Gary Wilson, the author of "Global Investor Agent." Gary shares his unique approach to thriving in the real estate market, even during downturns. He reveals secrets to leveraging existing resources, building a solid business foundation, and turning expertise into multiple income streams. This episode is packed with invaluable insights on overcoming fear, expanding services, and achieving lasting success. Whether you're a real estate agent or investor, Gary's practical advice and inspiring stories will help you navigate challenges and grow your business. Tune in for an episode filled with actionable tips and motivation. Five Badass Q&As Q1: What is the biggest mistake real estate agents and investors make? A1: The biggest mistake is not leveraging what you already have. Successful agents and investors must utilize their existing resources and expand their services to include property management, title insurance, and other related services. Q2: How do you handle the fear of expanding your business? A2: It's essential to recognize that fear is natural. The key is to push yourself, raise the bar, and find ways to overcome challenges. Hiring an implementer who can handle tasks and help manage the business can make a significant difference. Q3: What should a real estate agent focus on to grow their business? A3: Agents should build a robust contact management system and ensure they provide consistent value to their clients through services like monthly market updates. This keeps clients informed and reminds them of the agent's expertise.  Q4: How can someone identify what they are good at and turn it into an income stream? A4: Pay attention to what energizes you and what you daydream about. Often, the things you are passionate about are the best business opportunities. Sell the concept, refine it based on feedback, and then build it out. Q5: What is the most critical lesson for entrepreneurs? A5: Entrepreneurs must master two skills: offering a valuable product or service and managing a business effectively. This includes everything from marketing and operations to customer support and financial management. Five Badass Quotes - Anybody can make money in an up market. The trick is to make money in one that's down. - Help enough other people get what they want, and you’ll have no problem getting everything you want. - Think of growth as a set of steps. Don’t lift your first foot until the next one is firmly planted. - Fear is natural, but your success is on the other side of that fear. - Nothing grows unless you bring someone in to do the work. Five Badass Takeaways - Leverage your existing resources to expand your services and income streams. - Push through fear by hiring an implementer and raising your business standards. - Consistently provide value to clients with tools like monthly market updates. - Identify your passion and turn it into a business opportunity. - Master your product/service and business management skills for success. Contact Info Gary Wilson’s Book Global Investor Agent is available on Amazon and Audible. Text Wilson to 213-409-8366 for a free book chapter Chapters 0:00 Introduction to Gary Wilson 3:52 Key to Real Estate Success 6:34 Leveraging What You Already Have 10:46 Overcoming Fear in Business 18:34 Identifying Income Streams 25:43 Writing and Publishing Your Book 32:21 The Importance of Saying Yes 35:50 Final Thoughts and Book Offer For more badass episodes, check us out at For Badass Entrepreneurs ONLY! https://dangordonenterprise.com/badass 
    Played 37m 50s
  • The Secrets of Building a Viral Empire - Brendan Kane

    18 JUN 2024 · Join Coach Dan Gordon as he interviews Brendan Kane, the mastermind behind Hook Point, who has generated over 60 billion views and 100 million followers for the world's biggest brands. Brendan shares insights on creating viral content, understanding social media algorithms, and building authentic connections with your audience. Learn the secrets behind the communication algorithm used by Pixar, and discover how to stand out in a crowded digital world. Brendan also provides practical tips on turning prospects into lifelong clients. This episode is packed with valuable advice for entrepreneurs looking to elevate their game and achieve remarkable success. Take it! Five Badass Q&As: Q1: What are the six ways people perceive content according to your communication algorithm? A1: The six ways are feelings and emotions (30%, fact-based (25%, fun-based (20%, values and trust (10%, reflective (10%, and action-based (5%. Q2: How did you gain the trust of superstars like Taylor Swift? A2: I went through a series of meetings with her team, including her manager, father, agents, and mother. I focused on understanding their perceived challenges and provided tailored solutions to build trust. Q3: What are some common mistakes people make when creating content for social media? A3: Many people need help understanding the current landscape and rely on outdated strategies like hashtags or posting times. They also try to convey too much information in the first few seconds, failing to grab and hold attention. Q4: How do you deal with self-doubt as an entrepreneur? A4: I engage in personal development, understanding human psychology, and practicing daily exercises to push past self-doubt. It's about choosing to keep moving forward despite the doubt. Q5: What is the key to creating viral content? A5: The key is research and understanding why other content goes viral. Analyze successful content to identify performance drivers and apply those principles to your content while maintaining your unique message. Five Badass Quotes: - People don't buy ideas; they buy solutions. - Social media is not an one-to-many platform; it's an one-to-one platform. - Your job in those first three seconds is to set a clear expectation of what you will deliver. - If you keep playing, you’re bound to win once. - Authenticity takes many different factors. Five Badass Takeaways: - Understand how people perceive content to tailor your message effectively. - Build trust by understanding and addressing your client's perceived challenges. - Focus on creating engaging content rather than relying on outdated strategies. - Push through self-doubt by continually learning and growing. - Research and analyze successful content to apply those insights to your work. Contact Info: Brendan Kane's website: https://hookpoint.com Go Viral Community: https://goviral.hookpoint.com Brendan's Book: 1 Million Followers- https://1millionfollowers.com Chapters: 00:00:00 Introduction to Brendan Kane and Hook Point 00:03:00 The secret to turning prospects into lifelong clients 00:07:00 Understanding the three-second world and shared content mistakes 00:16:00 Gaining trust with high-profile clients 00:25:00 Dealing with self-doubt and the entrepreneurial journey 00:32:00 Insights from 1 Million Followers and creating viral content 00:44:00 The importance of research and analyzing content success For more badass episodes, check us out at For Badass Entrepreneurs ONLY! https://dangordonenterprise.com/badass. 
    Played 49m 19s
  • AI Targeting Customers on All Digital Platforms - Greg Kalikas

    11 JUN 2024 · Join Coach Dan Gordon in this episode of "For Badass Entrepreneurs ONLY!" as he interviews Greg Kalikas, a former UFC event promoter who made a significant pivot to digital marketing. Greg shares his journey from promoting MMA events to becoming a national sales director in a top marketing agency. Discover the lessons he learned, the challenges he faced, and the strategies he used to succeed in multiple industries. Greg’s story is a testament to the power of saying yes and taking bold steps in uncertainty. Whether you're looking to pivot in your career or seeking inspiration, this episode is packed with valuable insights and practical advice for entrepreneurs. Five Badass Q&As Q1: How did you transition from event promotion to digital marketing? A1: I met with one of my sponsors, a marketing agency. During the meeting, the owner jokingly asked if I wanted to apply for their national sales director position. I applied and got the job, marking my entry into digital marketing. Q2: What motivated you to start promoting MMA events? A2: I had a lifelong passion for martial arts and a background in sports marketing. When the opportunity arose to promote an MMA event in Cleveland, I decided to take a chance, which turned into a successful business venture. Q3: What was the most challenging aspect of managing an event promotion and fighter management company? A3: Balancing the responsibilities and ensuring I didn’t overextend myself. The industry was rapidly evolving, and I had to stay ahead while managing multiple aspects of the business. Q4: How did you handle the oversaturation of the MMA market? A4: I tried to adapt by expanding into fighter management, but eventually, the market became too crowded. I held on too long, which led to financial strain and ultimately selling parts of the business for less than its potential value. Q5: What advice do you have for entrepreneurs facing the fear of pivoting in their careers? A5: Don’t fear taking risks and say yes to new opportunities. Trust in your ability to learn and adapt. Every experience teaches valuable lessons, and there’s always another opportunity around the corner. Five Badass Quotes - Everything happens for a reason; it’s about finding the lesson in every experience. - Being courageous and pretending to be courageous is pretty much the same.  - I won’t be as passionate about it if it's easy. - You must create your luck by being active and taking chances. - Never be afraid of doing something just for your selfish purposes. Five Badass Takeaways - Saying yes to opportunities can open unexpected doors. - Passion and drive are crucial to overcoming industry challenges. - Balance your business aspirations with your personal life to maintain well-being. - Every failure and success provides valuable lessons for future endeavors. - Confidence and adaptability are essential traits for entrepreneurial success. Contact Info Website: http://yourbusinessmarketer.com Schedule a one-on-one: Available on the website. Chapters 00:00 Introduction and Welcome 01:00 Greg’s Background and MMA Promotion 04:00 Launching NWA FS 07:00 Transition to Digital Marketing 10:00 Challenges and Industry Changes Noon Balancing Personal and Professional Life 14:00 Lessons Learned and Advice for Entrepreneurs 16:00 Greg’s Current Role and Company Overview For more badass episodes, check us out at For Badass Entrepreneurs ONLY! https://dangordonenterprise.com/badass 
    Played 32m 12s
  • The Secrets to Rebuilding After Massive Failure -Deanna Radulescu

    4 JUN 2024 · Join us for this SPECIAL episode of For Badass Entrepreneurs Only as we join Coach Dan Gordon as a guest on the Label-Free Podcast. Coach Dan discusses how he turned his greatest failure into a successful career as an entrepreneurial coach. Discover how he bounced back from losing $80,000 and transformed his life, helping over 1000 entrepreneurs. Coach Dan shares invaluable insights on resilience, the importance of self-belief, and actionable tips for achieving entrepreneurial success. He discusses embracing failure as a stepping stone, the power of persistence, and practical strategies to optimize performance. Tune in for an inspiring conversation that will motivate you to face your fears and take bold action. Five Badass Q&As Q1: What triggered your transition from marketing to entrepreneurial coaching? A1: About eight years ago, my marketing company collapsed, leading me to lose $80,000 and my identity. A friend suggested I pursue coaching, which sparked my journey to become an entrepreneurial coach.  Q2: How did you overcome your biggest failure and start anew? A2: I knew my failure wasn't the end. I called a friend, and eight months later, I walked on stage for my first paid speaking gig. The transformation in between was challenging but ultimately led me to where I am today. Q3: What type of entrepreneurs do you work with? A3: I work with badass entrepreneurs willing to step into uncertainty and transform themselves. If you're not ready to challenge yourself and grow, you're not my ideal client. Q4: How do you help entrepreneurs facing uncertainty and fear? A4: I guide them through the discomfort and fear of entering new territories. I help them navigate their journey and emerge stronger by providing support and perspective. Q5: What are the core principles you teach your clients? A5: Entrepreneurs must get enough sleep, manage stress, enhance focus, and optimize performance. I also emphasize the importance of being in integrity with oneself and maintaining a spirit of service. Five Badass Quotes - Failure is the middle of your story, not the end. - Jump off the cliff first, then figure out how to grow wings. - Your world is a physical manifestation of your beliefs. - The best time to plant a tree is ten years ago; the second best time is now. - Embrace the pain and challenging times because greatness is on the other side. Five Badass Takeaways - Failure is a stepping stone to success, not the end of your story. - Surround yourself with supportive friends who see your potential. - Be willing to step into uncertainty and challenge yourself. - Maintain a spirit of service and integrity in your business. - Take care of yourself: get enough sleep, manage stress, and optimize your performance. Contact Info LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/coachdangordon For a free book, text GAP to 213-409-8366 For binaural beats, text CALM to 213-409-8366 To book a call, text HELP to 213-409-8366 Chapters 0:00 Introduction 1:00 Coach Dan's transformation story 4:00 Embracing failure and moving forward 8:00 Founding Dan Gordon Enterprise Noon Working with badass entrepreneurs 16:00 Key principles for success 20:00 The power of stubbornness and transformation 25:00 Giving back and staying in integrity 28:00 Final words of wisdom For more badass episodes, check us out at For Badass Entrepreneurs ONLY! https://dangordonenterprise.com/badass. 
    Played 29m 50s
  • The Mistress of Badass Direct Sales Mastery - Jennie Bellinger

    28 MAY 2024 · Don't miss out on this thrilling episode of 'For Badass Entrepreneurs ONLY!' featuring Jennie Bellinger, a certified professional coach and the host of Badass Direct Sales Mastery. Jennie's unique blend of boldness and authenticity in direct sales is sure to inspire you. Gain insights into how she manages to grow her business while maintaining a fulfilling personal life, her strategies for supporting direct sales leaders with ADHD, and her techniques for turning fear into an exhilarating adventure. Jennie also debunks common myths about pyramid schemes, stresses the importance of customer-centric sales, and shares her wisdom on building motivated teams. If you're ready to take your sales strategy and leadership skills to the next level, this episode is a must-see! Five Badass Q&As Q1: What inspired you to adopt the BDSM theme for your podcast? A1: It was a way to stand out from my competitors. I wanted to create something unique that would grab attention and also align with my personality and background in the kink community.  Q2: How do you help people overcome the fear of selling? A2: I teach them to make it about the customer, not themselves. People love to buy, but they hate being sold to. By focusing on helping others, the fear of selling diminishes. Q3: What are the most common mistakes people make in direct sales? A3: They rely too much on the job's flexibility, treating it like a side gig instead of a business. They also need to identify their ideal customer and market to everyone, which is ineffective. Q4: How do you handle objections about direct sales being a pyramid scheme? A4: I clarify that pyramid schemes involve no actual product or service sold, whereas legitimate direct sales companies offer tangible products. I also draw parallels to traditional corporate structures, which are similarly hierarchical. Q5: What advice do you have for building a motivated sales team? A5: Identify the right people who share your values and are enthusiastic about the product. Avoid recruiting just anyone; focus on those you enjoy working with and who fit your team culture.  Five Badass Quotes - People love to buy; they don't love to be sold.  - Being attractive is the new currency. - You might flex yourself right out of business if you're careless. - Sales is a part of business. If you want to be an entrepreneur, you are going to sell. - Fear and excitement feel the same in your body. The difference is the story you tell yourself.  Five Badass Takeaways - Make it About the Customer: Focus on helping others rather than just making a sale. - Stand Out: Find a unique angle or theme to differentiate yourself in the market. - Know Your Audience: Understand and connect with your ideal customers and team members. - Embrace Fear: Transform fear into excitement and use it as a motivator. - Build Relationships: Maintain connections even if a sale doesn't happen immediately; they can lead to referrals.  Contact Info  Website: https://badassdirectsalesmastery.com   Calendar: talkwithjennieb.com  Text “DOM” to 213-409-8366 for direct sales resources. Chapters   00:00 Introduction and Welcome 01:00 Jennie's Unique Approach to Sales 03:00 The BDSM Theme Explained  07:00 Building a Personal Brand 11:00 Debunking the Pyramid Scheme Myth 14:00 Importance of Customer Focus 18:00 Overcoming Sales Objections 22:00 Identifying Ideal Customers 26:00 Leadership in Direct Sales 30:00 NuCalm Product Endorsement 32:00 Developing Leadership Skills 35:00 SelfLeadership and Imposter Syndrome 40:00 Recruiting and Building a Team 44:00 Embracing Fear and Excitement 50:00 Maintaining Relationships PostSale 54:00 Closing Remarks and Contact Information  For more badass episodes, check us out at For Badass Entrepreneurs ONLY! https://dangordonenterprise.com/badass.
    Played 55m 34s
  • The Future of AI in Entrepreneurship: Great Insights! - Peter Swain

    21 MAY 2024 · Join Coach Dan Gordon as he engages in an insightful conversation with Peter Swain, a master marketer turned AI expert. Peter shares his journey from launching the British version of Yelp to leading the ROI Mastermind. Discover the importance of embracing failure, leveraging AI for business growth, and why most entrepreneurs struggle to achieve greatness. Peter explains how past traumas affect decision-making and the key differences between successful and unsuccessful people.  Tune in for actionable advice, inspiring lessons, and practical tips from Peter's 25-year digital marketing and AI career. Take advantage of this episode, packed with valuable insights for entrepreneurs!  Five Badass Q&As Q1: What inspired you to write You Can Be Proud or Rich: 52 Life Lessons to Live By? A1: It came from talking to people about their dreams and the gap between reality and dreams. I wanted to help bridge that gap with practical life lessons. Q2: How can entrepreneurs develop the awareness to overcome their past traumas? A2: Reinforce positive patterns when things are going well, like practicing gratitude daily. This makes it easier to stay positive during tough times. Q3: Why do you believe most entrepreneurs shouldn't be entrepreneurs? A3: Most people are sold a dream that isn't true. The success rate is less than 1%, and the journey is often more complex and lonelier than expected. Q4: What is the most significant difference between successful and unsuccessful people? A4: Successful people challenge their patterns of previous behavior. They don't let past traumas dictate their decisions. Q5: How should entrepreneurs leverage AI to benefit their businesses? A5: Use AI to make or save money in practical ways. Join the ROI Mastermind to learn actionable strategies tailored for business owners.  Five Badass Quotes - Rewarding failure gives the impetus to carry on the journey of discovery. - 85% of your decisions are based on previous behavior patterns. - Most people are sold a dream that isn't true. - Successful people challenge their patterns of previous behavior. - Engineer your product before you engineer your sales process.  Five Badass Takeaways - Embrace failure as a step towards success. - Practice gratitude daily to reinforce positive patterns. - Most entrepreneurs fail because they are sold a dream that isn't true. - Successful people challenge past traumas and patterns. - Leverage AI to make or save money in your business.  Contact Info  Peter Swain's ROI Mastermind: Text Swain to 213-409-8366 for a free trial week. Chapters 00:00  Introduction and Peter's Analogy of Failure 01:30  Peter's Background and Book Introduction 04:00  The Science Behind Our Behaviors 06:45  Overcoming Past Traumas 08:30  Why Most Entrepreneurs Fail 11:00  The Reality of Being an Entrepreneur 16:00  Innovating with AI 20:00  How to Leverage AI in Business 23:00  Final Thoughts and Call to Action For more badass episodes, check us out at For Badass Entrepreneurs ONLY! https://dangordonenterprise.com/badass.
    Played 25m 37s
  • Rockstar illusionist shares his success secrets - Franz Harary

    14 MAY 2024 · Franz Harary, a grand illusionist and visionary, has revolutionized the world of magic with his incredible illusions. Franz shares his journey and the psychology behind his success, from creating the largest magic show in history to working with global superstars like Michael Jackson. Discover how he captivated millions, innovatively used technology in magic, and seized opportunities against all odds. Learn about his transition from stage illusions to architectural design and his advice for entrepreneurs facing challenges. This inspiring episode reveals the creative mind of one of entertainment's most influential figures. Join us for an unforgettable conversation with Franz Harary. Five Badass Q&As Q1: What was Franz Harary's reaction when someone said his ideas were impossible? A1: Anytime someone said, You can't do this, Franz's instant response was, I'm talking to the wrong guy. Q2: How did Franz start designing illusions for large audiences? A2: In high school, Franz created an illusion for the marching band where a person disappeared from the 50-yard line of a football game, which led to more opportunities. Q3: How did Franz get involved with Michael Jackson? A3: Franz sent a VHS tape of his magic to Michael Jackson's attorney after finding his contact info on TV, leading to a meeting and a job designing illusions for Jackson's tour. Q4: How does Franz describe the role of psychology in magic and business? A4: Franz believes that understanding and influencing how people think is crucial in creating illusions and convincing people to buy into his ideas. Q5: What drives Franz to keep innovating in his career? A5: Franz is motivated by the joy of creating something new and watching it impact people positively, which fuels his continuous pursuit of new markets and opportunities. Five Badass Quotes 1. Anytime someone has told me, 'No, that's impossible,' my instant response is, 'I'm talking to the wrong guy.' 2. I can control what they think. And if you can control how they feel, you can control what they see. 3. Every once in a while, I got lucky. And the whole time, I play my trumpet and think of magic. 4. The more success I attain, the greater the pressure becomes. 5. Creating something that didn't exist before and seeing it help people is a massive reward. Five Badass Takeaways 1. Persistently pursue your ideas, even when others doubt you. 2. Understanding psychology is critical to both magic and business success. 3. Always look for new opportunities and ways to reach your audience. 4. The best innovations often come from solving personal challenges. 5. Success increases pressure and drives continuous improvement and innovation. Contact Info Franz Harary's Website: https://franzharary.com/ For more episodes, visit: https://dangordonenterprise.com/badass Chapters 0:00 Introduction 1:00 Franz Harary's background and accomplishments 2:30 Early magic and marching band illusions 5:00 The psychology of magic and success 8:30 Franz's TikTok success 10:00 Reaching Michael Jackson and other stars 13:00 Challenges and strategies in magic and business 15:00 Designing illusions for major artists 19:00 Transition to architectural design and theme parks 21:00 Advice for entrepreneurs 24:00 The darker side of success 30:00 Franz's final thoughts on innovation and legacy For more badass episodes, check us out at For Badass Entrepreneurs ONLY! https://dangordonenterprise.com/badass.
    Played 29m 10s
  • From Garage to Greatness: Let's Build an Empire! - Mitch Russo

    24 FEB 2024 · In this episode, Mitch Russo shares his journey from founding TimeSlips in his garage to building an eight-figure business with Tony Robbins and Chet Holmes. Mitch emphasizes the crucial role of sales and the importance of creating a solid company culture. He discusses innovative approaches to business, the significance of persistence and adaptability, and how to turn setbacks into opportunities. Learn from Mitch's experiences scaling companies, building certification programs, and maintaining a vision that drives success. This episode presents valuable insights for entrepreneurs aiming to elevate their businesses. Five Badass Q&As Q1: How did you start TimeSlips with just $10,000? A1: I started TimeSlips in my garage with $10,000 in cash and only raised additional funds within a line of credit. It was challenging, but we focused on creating a revolutionary time-tracking software that filled a significant market gap. Q2: What role did sales play in your success? A2: Sales were foundational to my success. Learning how to sell is crucial, as it’s not just about selling products but also ideas and concepts. My sales experience generated substantial revenue, enabling us to reinvest in the business and grow. Q3: How did you build a successful certification program? A3: I built the certification program by recognizing the need for a structured and professional approach. We created a culture of ethics and professionalism, ensuring our certified professionals maintained high standards and represented the company well. Q4: How did you transition to working with Tony Robbins and Chet Holmes? A4: I transitioned by leveraging my relationship with Chet Holmes, who introduced me to Tony Robbins. Together, we built a successful coaching business, tripling the sales force and creating impactful programs. Q5: What advice do you have for entrepreneurs facing setbacks? A5: Embrace setbacks as learning opportunities. Be prepared for things to take longer and be more complicated than expected. Persistence, adaptability, and a willingness to pivot are vital to overcoming challenges and achieving success. Five Badass Quotes 1. You can only create a culture with a vision. 2. Sales is foundational to success; it's not just about selling products but ideas and concepts. 3. Innovation often comes from outside an industry. 4. If we had to pivot once, we’d probably have to pivot repeatedly. 5. The only failure is having an experience that doesn’t turn out well and learning nothing from it. Five Badass Takeaways 1. Vision and ethics are critical to building a solid company culture. 2. Sales skills are essential for any entrepreneur's success. 3. Innovation often requires looking at problems from a fresh perspective. 4. Persistence and adaptability are crucial to overcoming business challenges. 5. Building a supportive and self-correcting culture ensures long-term success. Part 6: Contact Info Contact Info Mitch Russo's book Coaching Elevation: Text MITCH to 213-409-8366. Mitch Russo's website: www.mitchrusso.com https://www.mitchrusso.com Chapters 0:00 Creating a culture with vision and ethics 1:00 Introduction to the podcast and guest Mitch Russo 2:00 Mitch's journey with TimeSlips 4:00 Importance of sales in entrepreneurship 8:00 Transition to working with Tony Robbins and Chet Holmes 10:00 Building certification programs and company culture 15:00 Key takeaways and advice for entrepreneurs 50:00 Closing and contact information For more badass episodes, check us out at For Badass Entrepreneurs ONLY! https://dangordonenterprise.com/badass
    Played 51m 46s
  • A badass woman shatters the glass ceiling - Jo-Anne MacDonald

    24 FEB 2024 · Join Coach Dan Gordon as he delves into an inspiring conversation with JoAnn Macdonald. They discuss the importance of resilience, accountability, and navigating the highs and lows of a career. JoAnn shares her journey, including how she faced challenges, embraced vulnerability, and found fulfillment by staying true to herself. This episode is a must-listen if you want to be empowered and motivated in your entrepreneurial journey. Five Badass Q&As Q1: How do you define resilience in your personal and professional life? A1: Resilience is about taking responsibility for both the good and the bad. It's about facing challenges head-on and not looking outside of oneself for solutions. Q2: What advice do you have for young women navigating male-dominated corporate environments? A2: Power dynamics can be tricky. Focus on your skills and contributions, seek mentors, and don't compare yourself to others. Stand on your achievements. Q3: How did you handle the personal and professional hurt when your contract wasn't renewed? A3: It took complete acceptance of the situation. I learned to appreciate the experience for what it was and not take it personally. Accepting the reality without judgment helped me move forward. Q4: What is your perspective on hope and its role in business? A4: Hope requires courage and vulnerability. It's important to maintain hope without becoming cynical. Hope drives positive actions and prevents paralysis by indecision. Q5: How do you approach balancing a solid presence in the workplace with avoiding being perceived as intimidating? A5: It’s important to be true to oneself. While feedback about being intimidating was challenging, I realized diminishing myself wasn't the answer. Genuine confidence and competence should not be compromised. Five Badass Quotes 1. Resilience is taking accountability for both the good and bad. 2. Hope takes courage and vulnerability; without it, you risk becoming cynical. 3. Complete acceptance of any situation is critical to moving forward. 4. Your skills and contributions should stand independently rather than in comparison to others. 5. Genuine confidence and competence should always be maintained. Five Badass Takeaways 1. Embrace accountability for your actions and outcomes. 2. Maintain hope and courage to drive positive actions. 3. Accept situations fully to move past personal and professional setbacks. 4. Focus on your skills and contributions without comparing yourself to others. 5. Genuine confidence and competence are vital; never diminish yourself. Contact Info Instagram: @Ms. Jo Jo McDonald Email: Jo Mack (J.O.M.A.C. at I.C.3.ca Text: 5066479393 Chapters 00:00 Introduction and Importance of Career Fulfillment 01:00 Welcoming JoAnn Macdonald 02:00 Accountability and Resilience 04:00 The Role of Hope in Business 06:00 Dealing with Career Challenges 09:00 Leadership and Gender Dynamics 14:00 Advice for Young Women in Corporate Environments 18:00 The Importance of Hard Work and Engagement 21:00 Personal Vision and Career Fulfillment 26:00 The Balance of Power and Fairness 31:00 Navigating Inappropriate Situations 41:00 Conclusion and Contact Information For more badass episodes, check us out at For Badass Entrepreneurs ONLY! https://dangordonenterprise.com/badass.
    Played 45m 55s

Coach Dan Gordon presents For Badass Entrepreneurs ONLY! This is the ONLY podcast offering entrepreneurs unfiltered access to the world’s most elite business minds. Discover the blueprint that hard-hitting entrepreneurs...

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Coach Dan Gordon presents For Badass Entrepreneurs ONLY!

This is the ONLY podcast offering entrepreneurs unfiltered access to the world’s most elite business minds.

Discover the blueprint that hard-hitting entrepreneurs use to achieve massive success in truly badass ways.

His notable guests include:
  • Phil Q, the man who launched Virgin Records with Richard Branson.
  • Glenn Stearns, the rags-to-riches mortgage tycoon and star of Undercover Billionaire.
  • Jim Katzaroff, the CEO who gave up millions to work on finding a cure for MS.
  • Stormy Simon, the welfare mom who went from secretary to CEO of Overstock.com.

All of Coach Dan’s guests are absolute visionaries in their fields!

For Badass Entrepreneurs ONLY! is the number one podcast for entrepreneurs seeking the ultimate success in business and life!
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