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Fresh Leadership Podcast

  • Played 32m 59s
  • Podcast Episode #007: Fasting & Prayer w/ Kevin Taylor

    17 FEB 2024 · Fasting is a growing trend among people who consider themselves both spiritual and non-spiritual, but what makes Biblical fasting distinctive? What does it look like to practice the ancient Christian discipline of fasting with prayer? In this episode, Jon and Rob are joined by Pastor Kevin Taylor to discuss this and more as we continue in our "Habits" series. If you found this helpful, it would mean the world to us if you share this with one friend, tell them why you enjoyed it, and subscribe to our channel! (https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbDdWdzZfbGY5ZUNtcXZIei1hUTYxSW1TUjl1QXxBQ3Jtc0tuN0w2MmlieVhqRzNza3RhSkQwbXdfTVdfNnRzYnZLc3poRDJRa3NaUW96TUl3NWcyUHU4S1liNU9rb1dVN0w3N0EtT19MOTN3M1laRlBCbnVpMF9vVmRmSEpOazBoVDNKUVZVNGVsaHFwMDVOemg5Zw&q=http%3A%2F%2Ftinyurl.com%2F298pfpcm&v=Rvfxl1NnPxo) Do you sense a calling into ministry or missions and want to level up your leadership? Let’s meet up and work together at Journey Ministry College: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbkRPU0NnQVRMQkkxdzBWSHdaSm9lMExHbnhFQXxBQ3Jtc0tsei11WHpDdXdDZjQtazBqaXMxWnFEd2Z0QUY5R1BzMGt6UlpYVkg5R2VORXJ5RnhOMGxDUkQ3TmV4aHNrR2J6QTlYNVpjQVB4dmlvM2F4RU5PWHQyTzVaVEtMNjR6cFZzazBiVmxtekdCWlRscERfNA&q=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.journeycollege.com%2Fvisit&v=Rvfxl1NnPxo (https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa1RnLVA3Wmg3UGhIdUFweGxYXzFDSGI1dnEyQXxBQ3Jtc0ttVlpzbC1XT3dxWndFZzRhTkcyN3d4RnAyVkRGYmZNRU5DaUpoaGFCdXl3bEQ1TnExcUtaQmVLRFRQekZnQ3o3NlNOalFHSHJkUTFsMlVuYkV4ZDZSWXRLbEtpTmlmdFk3R2lFTlZYQ1FaM2txR3R5dw&q=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.journeycollege.com%2Fvisit&v=Rvfxl1NnPxo) Follow Us on IG: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbkR1U25CWi1PcGNBSmhkR0JxaGc4a0NxNl90d3xBQ3Jtc0tsOUVfZ1Y3MEJkZVk3RUZ4azNiMGFZQnhNd0VSVzNia0d2TmVvTno4TzFOaWI4R0M4bjZWV3kzUFZ0R3EwR01ORk9uWXZRQmRIa1dEbEpacDVZM0tZdFlMVXpVREhHMEJXUjF3T3ZEcWpSaDJ6cGFPOA&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.instagram.com%2Ffreshleadership&v=Rvfxl1NnPxo
    Played 44m 4s
  • Podcast Episode #006: Engage with Scripture

    9 FEB 2024 · In this episode, join Rob and Jon in an enlightening discussion on how to engage with scripture. They share practical tips, insightful strategies, and personal experiences to help you deepen your understanding and connection with the Bible. Whether you're a seasoned reader or new to it, tune in to discover valuable insights that will enrich your spiritual journey If you found this helpful, it would mean the world to us if you share this with one friend, tell them why you enjoyed it, and subscribe to our channel! (http://tinyurl.com/298pfpcm) Do you sense a calling into ministry or missions and want to level up your leadership? Let’s meet up and work together at Journey Ministry College: http://www.journeycollege.com/visit (http://www.journeycollege.com/visit) Follow Us: https://www.instagram.com/freshleadership
    Played 42m 34s
  • Podcast Episode #005: Why & How We Read The Bible

    26 JAN 2024 · Growing leaders tend to have growing disciplines. But what do we do when we feel stuck, or don’t have an interest to start? In this episode, Rob & Jon discuss the importance of reading The Bible regularly, and practical tips on how they do that. 0:00-1:59 - Intro 2:00-12:45 - Jon Gives Reasons & Stats for Bible Reading 12:46-18:28 - Rob Shares a Thought & Personal Story 18:29-26:34 - A Sample Reading Routine 26:35-30:24 - What Do I Do When I Feel Stuck? 30:25-33:22 - Prayer of Blessing & Final Thoughts If you found this helpful, it would mean the world to us if you share this with one friend, tell them why you enjoyed it, and subscribe to our channel! (http://tinyurl.com/298pfpcm) Do you sense a calling into ministry or missions and want to level up your leadership? Let’s meet up and work together at Journey Ministry College: http://www.journeycollege.com/visit (http://www.journeycollege.com/visit) Follow Us: https://www.instagram.com/freshleadership
    Played 33m 22s
  • Podcast Episode #004: Reflections & Goal Setting

    12 JAN 2024 · Join Jon and Rob as they delve into insightful reflections on the habits we’ve introduced so far, discuss what they have applied to their routines, and share bold goals they’re going after in 2024! 0:00-2:58 - Podcast Preview & Intro 2:59-9:59 - Word of the year? Yay or nay? 10:00-18:14 - Habits discussed that Jon has applied in his life 18:15-23:40 - Habits discussed that Rob has applied in his life 23:41-31:59 - Getting practical: Goals Jon is going after this year 32:00-34:50 - Read The Bible with Rob This Year 34:51-37:13 - Jon shares a BIG goal he’s doing this year 👀 37:14-45:50 - Getting practical: Goals Rob is going after this year 45:51-48:12 - Rob shares a BIG goal he’s doing this year 👀 48:13-51:48 - Tongue Twister & A Final Thought If you found this helpful, it would mean the world to us if you share this with one friend, tell them why you enjoyed it, and subscribe to our channel! Join Rob’s Bible Reading Plan: http://tinyurl.com/298pfpcm Interested in Journey Ministry College? Let’s meet up: http://www.journeycollege.com/visit Follow Us: https://www.instagram.com/freshleadership
    Played 51m 47s
  • Podcast Episode #003: Holistic Fitness w/ Carson Case

    29 DEC 2023 · Many leaders fall into the trap of focusing on mental wellness, emotional intelligence, spiritual discipline, or physical fitness instead of seeing how the four are all integrated. In this episode, Jon, Rob, and special guest, Carson Case, share about the integration of fitness and faith, and how they’re mutually beneficial. 0:00-17:10 - Introducing Carson Case & BHP 17:11-21:35 - Origen Story of 40 Bullets 21:36-25:41 - Rob is Vulnerable on His Obstacles to the Gym 25:42-37:55 - The Most Taboo Topic in Church Culture 👀 37:56-43:44 - When Fitness Becomes a Distraction 43:45-50:26 - Super Practical Reflection Questions 50:27-54:31 - Closing Thoughts & Resources If you found this helpful, it would mean the world to us if you share this with one friend and subscribe! Bulletproof Human Performance: https://bulletproofhumans.com Follow Carson: https://www.instagram.com/carson_case Follow Us: https://www.instagram.com/freshleadership
    Played 54m 31s
  • Podcast Episode #002: Gratitude w/ Jason Yost

    22 DEC 2023 · Welcome to the "Fresh Leadership Podcast" with hosts Rob Guinta and Jon Brown, joined by special guest Jason Yost. In this episode, they discuss the transformative power of gratitude. Join the conversation as they explore practical strategies for incorporating gratitude into daily life. Whether you're a seasoned leader or aspiring to enhance your skills, this episode offers valuable insights for making a positive impact. Tune in to the "Fresh Leadership Podcast" Podcast Notes 0:00-4:06 - Intro 4:07-15:19 - Jason’s Origen Story of Gratitude 15:20-26:54 - Neuroscience & Continual Brain Growth 26:55-33:56 - Gratitude Habits & Results 33:57-42:30 - Thankfulness Practice 1 42:31-47:34 - Thankfulness Practice 2 47:35-49:52 - Exclusive Access to Jason’s Resources Exclusive Content for FL Community: https://www.jayyost.com/connect Follow Jason: https://www.instagram.com/jasonyost/
    Played 49m 51s
  • Podcast Episode #001: Holy Habits w/ Noah Herrin

    15 DEC 2023 · Welcome to the "Fresh Leadership Podcast" with Rob Guinta and Jon Brown! Joining us is Noah Herrin, author of "Holy Habits." We'll break down how intentional habits can transform your life and leadership. Whether you're a seasoned leader or just starting out, we'll share practical tips and inspiring stories to help you lead with purpose. Get ready for a fresh perspective on leadership with the "Fresh Leadership Podcast"! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GxYd3OM0LDQ&t=0s-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GxYd3OM0LDQ&t=120s - Intro https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GxYd3OM0LDQ&t=121s-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GxYd3OM0LDQ&t=354s - Origin Story of “Holy Habits” book https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GxYd3OM0LDQ&t=355s-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GxYd3OM0LDQ&t=609s - The Most Needed Habit in This Generation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GxYd3OM0LDQ&t=610s-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GxYd3OM0LDQ&t=1162s - The Habit That’s Most Impactful to Noah Right Now https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GxYd3OM0LDQ&t=1163s-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GxYd3OM0LDQ&t=1384s - When You’re Stuck & Can’t Start These Habits https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GxYd3OM0LDQ&t=1385s-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GxYd3OM0LDQ&t=1546s - Noah & Rob Share a Big Pet Peeve https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GxYd3OM0LDQ&t=1547s-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GxYd3OM0LDQ&t=1740s - Final Thoughts https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GxYd3OM0LDQ&t=1741s-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GxYd3OM0LDQ&t=1910s - Get “Holy Habits” Book & A Sweet Surprise 👀 Follow Noah Herrin Instagram: @noahherrin Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEyAtlZJ95V9u7ajKVKWoyQ Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzYnokZ-v5fR-XRoW8enYAA https://www.instagram.com/noahherrin/ Buy "Holy Habits" by Noah Herrin for 30-40% off with our unique link: https://bakerbookhouse.com/products/516424
    Played 31m 50s
  • Podcast Episode #000: Just Start!

    8 DEC 2023 · In this pilot episode, Rob and Jon share the vision of this community, the origin story of this podcast, and give a simple challenge for us to begin today. Intro - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dtWsgdHrxxI&t=0s-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dtWsgdHrxxI&t=31s Origin Story - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dtWsgdHrxxI&t=32s- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dtWsgdHrxxI&t=138s The Community We're Building - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dtWsgdHrxxI&t=139s-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dtWsgdHrxxI&t=349s Eliminating Excuses - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dtWsgdHrxxI&t=350s-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dtWsgdHrxxI&t=555s Preview of What's Ahead - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dtWsgdHrxxI&t=556s-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dtWsgdHrxxI&t=621s It would mean the world to us if you subscribed! You can join our community on New episodes drop on Fridays!
    Played 10m 21s
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