Podcast Cover

Healthy and Happy Senior Living

  • Financial Help for Medical Care, Little Known Resources for Seniors, So Much More

    19 JUN 2024 · Research and articles shared in this episode include: "Elder fraud has reached epidemic proportions – a geriatrician explains what older Americans need to know". "Conversation.com". Link: https://theconversation.com/elder-fraud-has-reached-epidemic-proportions-a-geriatrician-explains-what-older-americans-need-to-know-230754?  "CR's Ultimate Heat Survival Guide". "Consumer Reports". Link: https://www.consumerreports.org/home-garden/weather-safety/ultimate-heat-survival-guide-a1009759345/ "How to Get Financial Help for Your Medical Condition". "BottomLineInc". Link: https://www.bottomlineinc.com/money/medical-expenses/get-financial-help-for-your-medical-condition "Surprising Collectibles Worth Big Now". "BottomLineInc". Link: https://www.bottomlineinc.com/life/entertainment/surprising-collectibles-worth-big-now "Maximum Contribution to a Roth IRA". "BottomLineInc". Link: https://www.bottomlineinc.com/money/retirement-accounts/maximum-contribution-to-a-roth-ira "Medicinal Foods: How Food can Heal". "BottomLineInce". Link: https://www.bottomlineinc.com/health/food/medicinal-foods-how-food-can-heal "Energy drinks may trigger life-threatening cardiac arrhythmias in patients with genetic heart diseases". "MedicalXpress.com". Link: https://medicalxpress.com/news/2024-06-energy-trigger-life-threatening-cardiac.html "Survey indicates most older adults don't know about resources that can help them navigate aging and caregiving". "MedicalXpress.com". Link: https://medicalxpress.com/news/2024-06-survey-older-adults-dont-resources.html "7 ways to detox your home (and keep it clean) year ‘round". https://EWG.org. Link: https://www.ewg.org/news-insights/news/2024/01/7-ways-detox-your-home-and-keep-it-clean-year-round731717 Note: All commentary in this episode is copyright owned by Stephen Carter. The copyright owner for each article listed above is owned by the respective authors and / or publishers. --- Host: Stephen Carter - https://StressReliefRadio.com - Dedicated website for this show: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/healthy-and-happy-senior-living--2575301 Email host at CarterMethod@gmail.com --- Technical information: Recording and initial edits done with Twisted Wave. Other processing with Levelator. Final edits and rendering done with Hindenburg Pro. Microphone: Earthworks Ethos. --- Key words: caregiver_support, foods_that_heal, senior_care_resources, heart_health, 
    Played 23m 29s
  • Best Activity for a Long Life, Harvard Looks at Immortality, So Much More

    22 MAY 2024 · Senior health research for this episode include: "The BEST physical activity for a LONG LIFE (it's not what you think)".  YouTube video by CBLeeMD. Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nCQu5sZzoAI Stephanie Griffin, CNN. "Opinion: I asked several people well past retirement age why they keep working. Here’s what they told me". Link: https://www.cnn.com/2024/05/17/opinions/seniors-working-past-retirement-aging-roundup-griffith/index.html "Aging’s Science Explored: Is Immortality Possible?". NeuroscienceNews.com. https://neurosciencenews.com/immortality-aging-longevity-26136/ "The Secrets to Cleaner, Healthier Teeth". "Consumer Reports". Link: https://www.consumerreports.org/health/dental-oral-care/the-secrets-to-cleaner-healthier-teeth-a1099561174/ "Should You Use an Electric Toothbrush or a Manual Toothbrush?". "Consumer Reports". Link: https://www.consumerreports.org/health/toothbrushes/electric-toothbrush-or-manual-a3193343159/ "New research helps explain why people move slower as they get older".  "MedicalNewsToday". Link: https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/why-do-people-move-slower-as-they-get-older-study "Regularly adding table salt to food linked to 41% higher risk of gastric cancer". "MedicalNewsToday". Link: https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/salting-food-increased-stomach-gastric-cancer-risk "Vegan and vegetarian diets provide a vast array of health benefits, study says". "MedicalNewsToday". Link: https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/vegan-and-vegetarian-diets-provide-a-vast-array-of-health-benefit-study-says "Mediterranean Diet May Lower Anxiety and Stress". "NeuroscienceNews.com". Link: https://neurosciencenews.com/mediterranean-diet-stress-anxiety-26112/ "Yoga shows 'most improvement' in restoring brain health in long-term cancer survivors, researcher says". "MedicalXpress.com". Link: https://medicalxpress.com/news/2024-05-yoga-brain-health-term-cancer.html#google_vignette "Exercise stimulates brain function thanks to its effect on muscles, study suggests". "MedicalNewsToday". Link: https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/exercise-stimulates-brain-function-thanks-to-its-effect-on-muscles-study-suggests --- Host: Stephen Carter - Website: https://StressReliefRadio.com - Email: CarterMethod@gmail.com --- Technical information: Recorded and initial edits with Twisted Wave. Additional edits with Izotope VEA and Levelator. Final edits and rendering with Hindenburg Pro. Microphone: Earthworks Ethos. --- Key words: immortality, longevity, senior_exercise, cancer_prevention,
    Played 24m 30s
  • Guidance for Caregivers From An ICU Nurse, Preventing Dementia, So Much More

    19 APR 2024 · Articles and research shared in this episode include: "The new retirement is no retirement: Baby boomers are keeping jobs well into their sixties and seventies because they ’like going to work’". "Yahoo! Finance" - originally from "Fortune". Link: https://finance.yahoo.com/news/retirement-no-retirement-baby-boomers-160306854.html?guccounter=1 "Family caregivers can help shape the outcomes for their loved ones—an ICU nurse explains their vital role". "MedicalXpress.com. April 10, 2024. Link: https://medicalxpress.com/news/2024-04-family-caregivers-outcomes-icu-nurse.html "40% of Alzheimer’s Cases Are Preventable — How You Can Reduce Your Risk, According to an Expert". "NiceNews.com". Link: https://nicenews.com/health-and-wellness/expert-tips-reduce-alzheimers-risk/ "Plant-based, low-sugar diet linked to lower heart failure risk in large study". "MedicalNewsToday". April 15, 2024. Link https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/plant-based-low-sugar-diet-linked-to-lower-heart-failure-risk-in-large-study#: "Underused heart program could reduce hospital readmissions and lower risk of death". "MedicalXpress.com". April 11, 2024. Link: https://medicalxpress.com/news/2024-04-underused-heart-hospital-readmissions-death.html "Physical activity lowers cardiovascular disease risk by reducing stress-related brain activity, study finds". "MedicalXpress.com". April 15, 2024. Link: https://medicalxpress.com/news/2024-04-physical-lowers-cardiovascular-disease-stress.html "Exercise Reduces Stress in the Brain". "NeuroscienceNews.com". April 16, 2024. Link: https://neurosciencenews.com/exercise-cardiovascular-stress-25929/ "Exercising between 6 p.m. and midnight may be more beneficial for people with obesity". "MedicalNewsToday".  April 15, 2024. Link: https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/exercising-between-6-p-m-midnight-may-be-more-beneficial-obesity "Local greenery and low crime rates may reduce dementia risk factors".  "MedicalXpress.com". April 15, 2024. Link: https://medicalxpress.com/news/2024-04-local-greenery-crime-dementia-factors.html#google_vignette "A 'balanced' diet is better than a vegetarian one in supporting brain health". "MedicalNewsToday". April 9, 2024. Link: https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/a-balanced-diet-is-better-than-a-vegetarian-one-in-supporting-brain-health "Ultra-processed foods found to pose risk for respiratory diseases". "MedicalXpress.com". April 10, 2024. Link: https://medicalxpress.com/news/2024-04-ultra-foods-pose-respiratory-diseases.html "Watching Sports Boosts Well-being: Neuroimaging Shows Why". "NeuroscienceNews.com". April 15, 2024. Link: https://neurosciencenews.com/sport-watching-neuroimaging-enjoyment-25925/ "CPAP alternative comparable for reducing blood pressure". "MedicalXpress.com". April 8, 2024. Link: https://medicalxpress.com/news/2024-04-cpap-alternative-blood-pressure.html "Pickleball injuries more frequent, severe than you might think, study says". "MedicalXpress.com". April 5, 2024. Link: https://medicalxpress.com/news/2024-04-pickleball-injuries-frequent-severe.html#google_vignette --- Note: The originating publishers own the copyright for the respective articles mentioned in this episode. Commentary copyright by Stephen Carter. --- Host: Stephen Carter - Website: https://StressReliefRadio.com - Email: CarterMethod@gmail.com --- Technical information: Recorded with Hindenburg Pro. Edits with Twisted Wave, Hush, and Levelator. Final edits and rendering with Hindenburg Pro. Microphone: EV RE320. --- Key words: caregiving, Alzheimer’s, Alzheimer’s_Disease, cardiovascular_disease, dementia, diet_and_brain_health, Pickelball, ---
    Played 33m 17s
  • Reduce Dementia Risk, 12 Positive Golden Facts About Getting Older, Lift and Carry Safely, So Much More

    4 APR 2024 · Research and articles for this episode include: "A Huge New Study Found That a Popular Diet Is Linked With a 91% Higher Risk of Cardiovascular Death—Here's What Cardiologists Say". "Parade" and "Yahoo!life". Link: https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/huge-study-found-popular-diet-102500104.html "12 Golden Facts About Getting Older". "Interesting Facts". Link: https://www.interestingfacts.com/growing-older-facts/ZGwYTt0vtAAIdfh- "Stress and Trauma Risk Factors for Alzheimer’s". "Neuroscience News". Link: https://neurosciencenews.com/stress-trauma-alzheimers-25850/ "5 Strategies to Lift and Carry Without Injuring Yourself". "Consumer Reports". Link: https://www.consumerreports.org/health/seniors-health/how-to-lift-and-carry-without-injuring-yourself-a3444245592/ "Researchers identify key factors associated with brain aging, dementia risk". "MedicalNewsToday". Link: https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/researchers-identify-brain-aging-factors-dementia-risk "What should someone with high blood pressure drink in the morning?". "MedicalNewsToday". Link: https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/morning-drink-for-high-blood-pressure "What are the benefits of garlic?". "MedicalNewsToday". Link: https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/265853 "15 home remedies for migraine relief and prevention". "MedicalNewsToday". https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/322814 "What researchers uncovered in study on older adults and sitting". "MedicalNewsToday". Link: https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/how-sitting-affects-the-health-of-older-adults-and-what-they-can-do-to-become-more-active#What-researchers-uncovered-in-study-on-older-adults-and-sitting "Research suggests physical activity can protect from chronic pain". "MedicalXpress". Link: https://medicalxpress.com/news/2024-03-physical-chronic-pain.html "Monitoring your own blood pressure can save money—and possibly your life". "MedicalXpress". Link: https://medicalxpress.com/news/2024-03-blood-pressure-money-possibly-life.html "Does Long-Term Benadryl Use Increase Dementia Risk?". "Scientific American". Link: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/does-long-term-benadryl-use-increase-dementia-risk/ "List of fruits with the most health benefits: These 8 are expert recommended". "USA Today". Link: https://www.yahoo.com/news/list-fruits-most-health-benefits-120008892.html --- Host: Stephen Carter - Website: https://StressReliefRadio.com - Email: CarterMethod@gmail.com --- Technical information: Recorded with Hindenburg Pro. Edits with Levelator, Hush, Audacity. Final edits and rendering with Hindenburg Pro. Microphone: SE Dynacaster DCM8. --- Key words: brain health, migrainee, longgivity, chronic pain, dementia, migrain relief, stress and aging, high blood pressure, hypertension, Alzheimers disease, Note: Commentary about the various articles copyright of Stephen Carter. See article links for copyright information about each of the articles.
    Played 28m 7s
  • Most Important Blood Tests, Fall Asleep When Your Mind Won't Rest, So Much More

    14 MAR 2024 · Articles and research highlighted in this episode include: "How to Fall Asleep When Your Mind Won't Rest"; "Consumer Reports". Link: https://www.consumerreports.org/health/sleeping/how-to-fall-asleep-when-your-mind-wont-rest-a3069995614/ "6 Important Blood Tests"; "Consumer Reports". Link: https://www.consumerreports.org/health/blood-test/important-blood-tests-a3698124700/ "FDA allowing labels that claim yogurt can help reduce type 2 diabetes risk"; "MedicalNewsToday". https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/fda-allowing-labels-that-claim-yogurt-can-help-reduce-type-2-diabetes-risk "What is age-related macular degeneration (AMD)?";  "MedicalNewsToday". Link: https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/152105#types "Can Fiber Improve Cognition in the Elderly?"; "Psychology Today". Link: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/mood-by-microbe/202403/can-fiber-improve-cognition-in-the-elderly "7 Tips: What You Need To Know About Nutritional Approaches for Musculoskeletal Inflammation"; "National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, NIH". Link: https://www.nccih.nih.gov/health/tips/tips-what-you-need-to-know-about-nutritional-approaches-for-musculoskeletal-inflammation "Menopause May Not Impact Mental Health"; "NeuroscienceNews.com". Link: https://neurosciencenews.com/menopause-mental-health-25703/ "A hearing aid could extend your brain function by years"; "MedicalXpress". Link: https://medicalxpress.com/news/2024-03-aid-brain-function-years.html "Best and Worst Hearing Aid Brands"; "Consumer Reports". Link: https://www.consumerreports.org/health/hearing-aids/best-and-worst-hearing-aid-brands-and-retailers-a1115767262/ "How to Tell If Over-the-Counter Hearing Aids Are Right for You"; "Consumer Reports". Link: https://www.consumerreports.org/health/hearing-aids/are-over-the-counter-hearing-aids-are-right-for-you-a5872519062/ "Are Posture Correctors Useful?"; "Consumer Reports". Link: https://www.consumerreports.org/health/health-wellness/are-posture-correctors-useful-a1211785884/ --- Host: Stephen Carter - Website: https://StressReliefRadio.com - Email: CarterMethod@gmail.com --- Technical information: Recorded with Audacity. Edits with Twisted Wave, Levelator, Hush and final edits and rendering with Hindenburg Pro. Microphone: SE Dynacaster DCM8.
    Played 27m 8s
  • Smart Ideas to Avoid Falls, Improve Brain Health, So Much More

    16 FEB 2024 · Research and articles shared in this episode include: "Older adults rely more on trust in decision-making. It could open them up to scams". "MedicalXpress", February 12, 2024. Link: https://medicalxpress.com/news/2024-02-older-adults-decision-scams.html "Breakthrough in Battling Noise-Induced Hearing Loss". "NeuroscienceNews.com". February 12, 2024. Link: https://neurosciencenews.com/zinc-noise-hearing-loss-25602/ ""How Mediterranean and MIND diets could improve cognitive health". "MedicalNewsToday.com". February 11, 2024. Link: https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/how-mediterranean-and-mind-diets-could-improve-cognitive-health "How many calories should I eat a day?". "MedicalNewsToday.com". "MedicalNewsToday.com". December 21, 2023. Link: https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/245588 "Heartburn: Why it happens and what to do". "MedicalNewsToday.com". February 9, 2024. Link: https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/9151 "How to spot and treat a heart attack". "MedicalNewsToday.com". February 9, 2024. Link: https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/151444 "Scientists Found 5 Factors to Improve Brain Health and Lower Dementia Risk". "Prevention.com". February 10, 2024. Link: https://www.prevention.com/health/memory/a46673691/brain-health-habits-lower-dementia-risk-study/ "Feeling Unsteady? Take These Steps to Improve Your Balance". "ConsumerReports.org". February 4, 2024. Link: https://www.consumerreports.org/health/exercise-fitness/how-to-improve-your-balance-a8238322384/ "Are Probiotic Sodas, Stress-Relieving Tonics, and Other So-Called Healthy Drinks Good for You?". "ConsumerReports.org". February 1, 2024. Link: https://www.consumerreports.org/health/beverages/are-so-called-healthy-drinks-good-for-you-a6472102341/ "What to Do With an Unneeded Life Insurance Policy". "BottomLineInc.com". Link: https://www.bottomlineinc.com/money/insurance/what-to-do-with-an-unneeded-life-insurance-policy --- Host: Stephen Carter - Website: https://StressReliefRadio.com - Email: CarterMethod@gmail.com Listen to previous episodes: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/healthy-and-happy-senior-living--2575301 --- Technical information: Recorded with Hindenburg Pro. Edits with Twisted Wave, Levelator, Hush. Final edits and rendering with Hindenburg Pro. Microphone: SE Dynacaster DCM8. ---
    Played 24m 42s
  • How to Disrupt Pathways of Aging, a Sweet Way to Potentially Lower High Blood Pressure, So Much More

    24 JAN 2024 · Articles and studies shared in this episode include: "Disrupt the 11 Pathways of Aging". "Bottom Line, Inc. Link: https://www.bottomlineinc.com/health/aging/disrupt-the-11-pathways-of-aging "Give Foot Pain the Boot". Bottom Line, Inc. Link: https://www.bottomlineinc.com/health/pain/give-foot-pain-the-boot "Rheumatoid arthritis: 30-minute session of exercise may help lower blood pressure". "MedicalNewstoday.com". https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/rheumatoid-arthritis-30-minute-aerobic-exercise-help-lower-systolic-blood-pressure "Could dark chocolate have a blood pressure-lowering effect?". "MedicalNewsToday.com". Link: https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/dark-chocolate-hypertension-blood-pressure-lowering-effect "Why dancing may be better for weight loss than other forms of exercise". "MedicalNewsToday.com". Link: https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/why-dancing-may-be-better-for-weight-loss-than-other-forms-of-exercise "Improving social isolation and loneliness may reduce mortality risk by up to 36%". "MedicalNewsToday.com". Link: https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/improving-social-isolation-loneliness-reduce-mortality-risk "All that sitting at work is shortening your life". "MedicalXpress.com" . Link: https://medicalxpress.com/news/2024-01-shortening-life.html "You’re sick. Is it RSV, a cold, COVID or the flu? Here’s how to tell the difference". "Yahoo Life". Link: https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/youre-sick-is-it-rsv-a-cold-covid-or-the-flu-heres-how-to-tell-the-difference-235239489.html?.tsrc=daily_mail&uh_test=0_00 "Walk like a penguin: Tips on keeping your balance in winter". "MedicalXpress.com". Link: https://medicalxpress.com/news/2024-01-penguin-winter.html --- Host: Stephen Carter - Website: https://StressReliefRadio.com - Email: CarterMethod@gmail.com Two places to listen to previous episodes of "Healthy and Happy Senior Living": https://StressReliefRadio.com - click the "podcasts" tab and, Dedicated landing page: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/healthy-and-happy-senior-living--2575301 --- Technical Information: Recorded with WavePad. Processing with Twisted Wave, Audacity, RX7, Hush, Levelator. Final edits and rendering with Hindenburg Pro. Microphone: ATR2100X. --- Key words: hypertension, foot pain, aging, anti-aging, safe winter walking, ---
    Played 20m 16s
  • Supplements That Can Supercharge Your Health, Hearing Aids Can Lower Mortality Risk, New Gas Station Scam, So Much More

    9 JAN 2024 · Here are the articles / studies focused on senior wellbeing shared in this episode: "Tips for being realistic with New Year's health resolutions". "MedicalXpress.com". Link: https://medicalxpress.com/news/2024-01-realistic-year-health-resolutions.html "Wearing Hearing Aids May Reduce Mortality Risk". "NeuroscienceNews.com". Link: https://neurosciencenews.com/longevity-hearing-aid-25419/ "Most Popular Articles in Consumer Reports Health for 2023". "ConsumerReports.com. Link: https://view.email.consumerreports.org/messages/1704038638758e2dd0ca9332f/raw "How to Protect Your Credit Score After You Retire". "BottomLineInc.com". Link: https://www.bottomlineinc.com/money/retirement-planning/how-to-protect-your-credit-score-after-you-retire "Supplements to supercharge your health in 2024 (that actually work)". "Yahoo! Health Finance". Link: https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/supplements-supercharge-health-2024-actually-070000244.html "Watch Out for This Gas Station Scam: ‘Pump Switching’ and How To Avoid It". "Yahoo! Life". Link: https://finance.yahoo.com/news/gas-station-scam-pump-switching-190107842.html "What are the most healthful vegetables?". "MedicalNewsToday.com". Link: https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/323319 "Nondrug DIY Treatments for Depression". "BottomLineInc.com". Link: Link: https://www.bottomlineinc.com/health/depression/nondrug-diy-treatments-for-depression "The Mental Health Benefits of Decluttering". "BottomLineInc.com". Link: https://www.bottomlineinc.com/health/mental-health/the-mental-health-benefits-of-decluttering "High-Fat Diets Impact Health, Immunity, and COVID-19 Risk". "NeuroScienceNews.com". Link: https://neurosciencenews.com/diet-immunity-covid-brain-25412/ --- Host: Stephen Carter - Website: https://StressReliefRadio.com - Email: CarterMethod@gmail.com Website for previous episodes: https://www.spreaker.com/show/safe-living-today --- Technical information: Recorded with WavePad. Edits with Twisted Wave, Audacity, Levelator. Final edits and rendering with Hindenburg Pro. Microphone: ATR2100X. Note: Hush not applied. --- Key words: hearing aids, depression, non drug depression treatments, senior credit scores, senior depression, decluttering, healthy food,
    Played 32m 46s
  • Fall Asleep Faster and Easier, Cold Meds Removed From Shelves, Home Health Care, So Much More

    14 DEC 2023 · Research articles discussed in this episode include: "What to know about home care services". "MedicalXpress.com". Link: https://medicalxpress.com/news/2023-12-home.html "What Should You Think About to Fall Asleep Faster?". "Greater Good Magazine". Link: https://greatergood.berkeley.edu/article/item/what_should_you_think_about_to_fall_asleep_faster "Best Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detectors of 2023". "Consumer Reports". Link: https://www.consumerreports.org/home-garden/smoke-carbon-monoxide-detectors/best-smoke-and-carbon-monoxide-detectors-of-the-year-a9237799621/ "Why you might not find your favorite cold meds at the pharmacy". "MedicalXpress.com". Link: https://medicalxpress.com/news/2023-12-favorite-cold-meds-pharmacy.html "Sore throat? Try these 5 home remedies for relief". "MedicalXpress".com. Link: https://medicalxpress.com/news/2023-12-sore-throat-home-remedies-relief.html "Are Grapes Good for You?". "Consumer Reports". Link: https://www.consumerreports.org/health/nutrition-healthy-eating/are-grapes-good-for-you-a2599909928/ "Healthy plant-based diet reduces diabetes risk by 24%, finds study". "MedicalXpress.com". Link: https://medicalxpress.com/news/2023-12-healthy-plant-based-diet-diabetes.html "CDC warns of deadly tick-borne illness in people traveling to Mexico". "MedicalXpress.com". Link: https://medicalxpress.com/news/2023-12-cdc-deadly-tick-borne-illness-people.html "The health benefits of volunteering". "MedicalXpress.com". Link: https://medicalxpress.com/news/2023-12-health-benefits-volunteering.html "Doctors discover many inflammatory bowel disease patients screen positive for malnutrition". "MedicalXpress.com". Link: https://medicalxpress.com/news/2023-12-doctors-inflammatory-bowel-disease-patients.html "How unhealthy are ultra-processed foods?". "MedicalXpress.com". Link: https://medicalxpress.com/news/2023-12-unhealthy-ultra-processed-foods.html "Drinking too much diet soda may raise the risk of liver disease, researchers say". "MedicalNewsToday.com". Link: https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/diet-soda-consumption-liver-disease-risk "Personalized lifestyle changes could improve Alzheimer’s risk profile by 145%". "MedicalNewsToday.com". Link: https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/personalized-lifestyle-changes-could-improve-alzheimers-risk-profile-by-145 "Light therapy may help improve symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease". "MedicalNewsToday.com". Link: https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/light-therapy-may-help-improve-symptoms-of-alzheimers-disease "What personality traits are associated with lower dementia risk? Study offers new evidence". "MedicalNewsToday.com". Link: https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/conscientious-personalities-lower-dementia-risk --- Host: Stephen Carter - Website: https://StressReliefRadio.com - Email: CarterMethod@gmail.com. --- Technical information: Recorded with WavePad. Edits with Twisted Wave, Levelator, Hush, final edits and rendering with Hindenburg Pro. Microphone: Neat King Bee. --- Key words: dementia, Alzheimer’s, sore throat remedies, inflammatory bowel disease, IBD,
    Played 27m 12s
  • Heart Health, Early Signs of Gluten Intolerance, Cognitive Health, Reduce Colon Cancer Risk, So Much More

    29 NOV 2023 · This episode includes summaries of research for senior health and psychological wellbeing including: "FDA warns consumers not to purchase or use certain eye drops from several major brands due to risk of eye infection". Link: https://www.fda.gov/drugs/drug-safety-and-availability/fda-warns-consumers-not-purchase-or-use-certain-eye-drops-several-major-brands-due-risk-eye#eyedrops Tech for Seniors - Tech for Senior website: https://www.techforsenior.com/ Note: It's "senior" not seniors. "Body fat percentage charts for men and women". From "MedicalNewsToday". Link: https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/body-fat-percentage-chart "Vitamin D dose guidance may not be high enough for heart health". From "MedicalNewsToday". Link: https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/vitamin-d-dose-guidance-may-not-be-high-enough-for-heart-health "50-year-old muscles just can’t grow big like they used to – the biology of how muscles change with age". From Yahoo News and "The Conversation". Link: https://news.yahoo.com/50-old-muscles-just-t-130737439.html?guccounter=1 "Linking Stress to Comfort Food Cravings: A Brain Chemical’s Role". "NeurscienceNews.com". Link: https://neurosciencenews.com/stress-comfort-eating-25269/ "Which foods may increase, and which may lower bowel cancer risk?". "MedicalNewsToday". Link: https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/which-foods-may-increase-and-which-may-lower-bowel-cancer-risk "What are the first signs of gluten intolerance?". "MedicalNewsToday". Link: https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/322050 "Living alone doesn't have to mean being lonely, says study". "MedicalXpress.com". Link: https://medicalxpress.com/news/2023-11-doesnt-lonely.html "3 or more servings of whole grains may help slow cognitive decline". "MedicalNewsToday". Link: https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/more-than-3-servings-of-whole-grains-may-help-slow-cognitive-decline "Active Lifestyle Halts Memory Loss: New Alzheimer’s Insight". "NeuroscienceNews.com". Link: https://neurosciencenews.com/lifestyle-coach-alzheimers-25258/ "What to eat to prevent dementia". "MedicalNewsToday". Link: https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/foods-that-prevent-dementia "Giving thanks can be good for your well-being". "MedicalXpress.com". https://medicalxpress.com/news/2023-11-good-well-being.html Link for "Easy Stress Cures" Podcast Episodes: https://www.spreaker.com/show/mind-over-stress --- Host: Stephen Carter - Website https://StressReliefRadio.com - Email CarterMethod@gmail.com --- Technical information: Recorded with WavePad. Edits with Twisted Wave, Hush, and Levelator. Final edits and rendering with Hindenburg Pro. Microphone SE DynaCaster DCM8. --- Key words: heart health, colon cancer, colon health, muscle building in seniors, gluten intolerance,
    Played 27m 39s
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