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IM4SALONS Content & Mindset Podcast

  • You are important! Health & Wellness W/ Vanessa Flores

    29 DEC 2023 · **Show Notes: Content and Mindset Podcast - Episode 1** *00:00:07 - 00:00:37* - Introduction *00:00:37 - 00:00:54* - Introduction of Guest - Guest: Vanessa Flores, a fitness trainer specializing in Kettlebell Fitness. - Topic: Staying healthy as a stylist and more. *00:00:54 - 00:01:27* - Vanessa's Introduction - Vanessa's focus on helping busy working moms prioritize health. - Simplifying fitness routines for hairstylists. *00:01:27 - 00:01:51* - Kettlebell Fitness - Versatility and simplicity of Kettlebell Fitness. - The importance of small, repeatable steps for motivation. *00:01:51 - 00:02:12* - Small Steps Lead to Big Results - Emphasis on making small, manageable changes. - Comparison to building a snowman through gradual accumulation. *00:02:12 - 00:02:30* - The Power of Small Workouts - Highlighting the effectiveness of small, consistent workouts. - Discouraging extreme and unsustainable fitness challenges. *00:02:30 - 00:02:48* - Motivation Through Small Changes - The importance of mastering one change before adding another. - Relating it to the learning process, using hairstyling as an example. *00:02:48 - 00:03:10* - Repeatable and Sustainable - The value of repeatable, simple actions. - Avoiding overwhelm by gradually incorporating changes. *00:03:11 - 00:03:30* - Importance of Starting Small - Analogies to learning hairstyling and mastering new skills. - Starting with 10 minutes of exercise three times a week. *00:03:30 - 00:03:50* - Setting Realistic Fitness Goals - Advice on setting realistic fitness goals. - The analogy of starting hairstyling school and improving over time. *00:03:50 - 00:04:18* - Specializing and Setting Boundaries - Emphasizing the importance of setting boundaries. - Stories of hairstylists adjusting schedules for fitness. *00:04:18 - 00:04:43* - Consistency and Specialization - Focusing on consistency in fitness routines. - Encouraging specialization to enhance success. *00:04:43 - 00:05:04* - Realistic Approaches - Emphasizing the need to be realistic as a hairstylist. - Setting and maintaining bare minimum standards for health. *00:05:04 - 00:05:23* - Setting Boundaries - Importance of setting boundaries for personal and professional balance. - Respecting personal time as a stylist. *00:05:23 - 00:05:48* - Nurturing Health While Working - Planning ahead with nutritious snacks for busy hairstylists. - Emphasis on mobility and mini-stretches during breaks. *00:05:48 - 00:06:14* - Health Foundation - Planning for longevity in hairstyling careers. - Putting health first as a foundational element. *00:06:14 - 00:06:41* - The Mental Aspect of Fitness - Mental shift in understanding fitness as a foundation. - Balancing physical and mental health for optimal performance. *00:07:39 - 00:08:00* - Planning Ahead for Health - Strategies for hairstylists to plan ahead for health. - Bringing nutritious snacks to sustain energy throughout the day. *00:08:00 - 00:08:24* - Focus on Mobility - Integrating mini-stretches into hairstylists' routines. - Counteracting repetitive motions with opposite movements. *00:08:24 - 00:08:46* - Planning for a Busy Schedule - Staying consistent with health goals in hectic schedules. - Incorporating short workouts and planning for nutritious meals. *00:08:46 - 00:09:08* - Mobility and Boundaries - Focusing on mobility for longevity in hairstyling. - Setting boundaries to maintain health routines. *00:09:08 - 00:09:30* - Small Actions for Long-Term Success - Encouraging small, consistent actions for long-term success. - The impact of small changes on overall well-being. *00:09:47 - 00:10:14* - Specialization and Consistency - Exploring the benefits of specialization in hairstyling. - Maintaining consistency and setting achievable standards. *00:10:15 - 00:10:43* - The Power of Simplicity - Vanessa's personal journey from complexity to simplicity. - Embracing the concept: "If it's simple, it's repeatable; if it's repeatable, it's effective." *00:11:26 - 00:12:06* - Vanessa's Personal Transformation - Vanessa's struggles with health, body image, and confidence. - Extreme approaches and the realization of the need for balance. *00:12:06 - 00:12:35* - Mental Health and Fitness Journey - Overcoming depression and medication through fitness. - Shifting mindset towards long-term health and well-being. *00:12:36 - 00:13:21* - Family Influence on Health - Vanessa's family struggles with health. - Losing a family member and the impact on Vanessa's perspective. *00:13:21 - 00:13:48* - Health as the Foundation - Recognizing health as the foundation for overall well-being. - Balancing physical and mental health for optimal living. *00:13:48 - 00:14:18* - The Need to Pivot - Vanessa's journey of pivoting towards a healthier lifestyle. - Recognizing the need for change and embracing a growth mindset. *00:14:18 - 00:14:39* - Shifting for Better Results - Encouraging shifts for improvement rather than complete abandonment. - The importance of adapting and making positive changes. *00:14:39 - 00:15:28* - Positive Focus and Mindset - The significance of focusing on positivity. - Choosing a positive mindset to overcome challenges. *00:15:28 - 00:15:49* - Reflection and Growth - Reflecting on past experiences and learning. - Healing from habits, traumas, and gradually moving forward. *00:15:49 - 00:16:15* - Traits of Determination - Determination defined through the example of Vanessa's children. - The importance of bouncing back after setbacks. *00:16:15 - 00:16:38* - Focus on Positivity - "Where your focus goes,
    Played 23m 13s

    29 DEC 2023 · **Show Notes: Episode with Samantha from Boston** **Introduction:** - Welcoming Samantha Mazola as a special guest from Boston, a life coach specializing in health and wellness, and a personal trainer. - Samantha shares her journey, starting with becoming a parent at 18 and the subsequent focus on family and stability. - A transformative experience during the pandemic led Samantha to reevaluate her life and make significant changes. **Shifting Mindsets and Views:** - Samantha emphasizes the importance of viewing setbacks as opportunities for learning and growth. - Recommends the use of affirmations to shift mindset and shares her personal practice. - Mentions the book "Mind Control" by Dr. De Silva on training the brain for a positive mindset. - Stresses the choice of happiness every day and acknowledges that being happy is a continuous effort. **Maintaining a Growth-Oriented Mindset:** - Discusses the challenge of choosing to be happy daily, irrespective of life circumstances. - Highlights the misconception that being healed means being happy all the time. - Emphasizes the importance of making the choice to be happy every day. **Incorporating Fitness into Busy Lives:** - Samantha addresses the common concern of time constraints for fitness, especially among busy moms. - Advocates for organizing daily routines, delegating tasks, and prioritizing self-care. - Stresses the significance of preparation, including meal prepping and finding time for workouts. **Compound Interest and Investing in Yourself:** - Talks about the concept of compound interest and relates it to personal development. - Encourages investing more time in oneself than in a regular job. - Highlights the need for a hard conversation with oneself to identify areas for improvement. **Mindset Evolution and Key Influences:** - Shares the evolution of her mindset, moving from a negative place to a positive outlook. - Attributes the positive shift to understanding the impact of healthy foods and incorporating therapy. - Recognizes the gym as a transformative element in her journey, providing stress relief and a positive mindset. **Upcoming Projects and Resources:** - Samantha reveals her upcoming projects, including a cookbook and a podcast called "Talk About It with Sam." - Emphasizes her focus on men's mental health within the black community. **Positive Closing Words:** - Offers affirmations for the community, emphasizing self-worth and the importance of trying every day. - Encourages speaking positive words out loud to influence the subconscious. - Recommends love affirmations, such as "I love myself, I love my family, I am enough" as daily rituals. **Closing:** - Expresses gratitude to Samantha for sharing her insights and knowledge. - Teases the possibility of having Samantha back for future episodes to share more tips in the upcoming year. **Outro:** - Promotes Samantha's website (coachingintotransformation.com) and Instagram (@training.w.sam) for further engagement. - Mentions Samantha's meal guide and upcoming cookbook in spring 2024. - Highlights Samantha's podcast, "Talk About It with Sam," available on various platforms.
    Played 20m 21s
  • Getting Comfy with the F-word: Mastering Money Management for Salon Owners

    29 DEC 2023 · Episode Title: Getting Comfy with the F-word: Mastering Money Management for Salon OwnersIntroduction: - Guest: Krista McLellan, bookkeeper from New Hampshire, sharing her journey from financial struggle to helping over 200 businesses and individuals with money management. Segment 1: The Accidental Bookkeeper - Krista introduces herself as a bookkeeper by trade, having stumbled into the profession, with her daughter now a CPA and a family history in bookkeeping. - Reflects on her financial awakening after her husband's passing, realizing she needed to handle money better. - Acknowledges her own financial struggles, hiding her car from the repo man, and the irony of helping others with money despite her initial challenges. Segment 2: From Struggle to Helping Others - Krista talks about her personal journey, going from hiding her car from the repo man to helping others manage their finances. - Highlights gamifying financial decisions with her children, making tough choices, and turning her experience into helping businesses and families with debt management. Segment 3: Recognizing Financial Issues - Discusses the importance of recognizing financial issues, especially for salon owners. - Highlights the red flag of dreading taxes and emphasizes the need for consistent financial tracking throughout the year. - Encourages proactive financial conversations within the family, with clients, and even with vendors. Segment 4: Getting Comfy with the F-word - Krista explains her motto, "get comfy with the F-word," which refers to getting comfortable talking about finances. - Stresses the significance of open communication about money in relationships, both personal and professional. - Encourages understanding accounting jargon to have meaningful conversations with accountants and save on taxes. Segment 5: Tracking Finances and Write-Offs - Advises salon booth renters and small business owners on tracking expenses and using tools like QuickBooks Online or Google Sheets. - Explains the concept of write-offs, emphasizing that they reduce taxable income. - Lists common write-offs for booth renters, such as mileage, back bar supplies, education, advertising, and office expenses. Segment 6: Confidently Charging for Services - Guides small business owners on confidently setting prices by understanding the going rates in their area. - Recommends analyzing profit and loss to determine hourly earnings and adjusting prices accordingly. - Highlights the importance of knowing personal financial needs to set income goals. Segment 7: Future Plans - Krista shares her focus on helping people streamline back-office processes and her e-book, "Getting Comfy with the F-word," aimed at empowering individuals to understand and take charge of their finances. - Advocates for debt management and financial control. - Recommends QuickBooks Online and introduces Ledger for invoicing clients. Conclusion: - Krista emphasizes the importance of taking control of money and recommends getting QuickBooks Online or Ledger to streamline financial management. - Encourages salon owners to face financial fears and take charge of their financial well-being. Outro: - Host: Freddie D - Guest: Krista McLellan - Closing remarks and gratitude.
    Played 32m 20s
  • Uncover Your Light and Transform Your Life with Jacquelyn Rodriguez

    29 DEC 2023 · **Show Notes: Uncover Your Light and Transform Your Life with Jacquelyn Rodriguez** **Introduction:** - The host kicks off the podcast, expressing excitement about the upcoming conversation with Jacqueline Rodrigues, a Clean Beauty business coach based in Virginia. - Jacqueline's wealth of knowledge is emphasized, setting the stage for an insightful discussion. **Segment 1: Meet Jacqueline Rodrigues** - Jacqueline introduces herself as the Clean Beauty business coach from Virginia, the owner of a holistic salon with 24 years of experience in the beauty industry. - She shares her unconventional entry into the beauty industry, revealing her initial struggles with vitiligo and the bullying she faced. **Segment 2: Beauty School Challenges** - Jacqueline discusses her journey through beauty school, highlighting the societal perception of the industry and the challenges she faced. - The struggles in beauty school, including the lack of interest and support from peers, are explored, emphasizing the need for positive change in beauty education. **Segment 3: Transition to Holistic Practices** - The host delves into Jacqueline's transition to holistic practices, exploring how her personal experiences and motherhood led her to reevaluate the toxicity in the beauty industry. - Jacqueline shares her pivotal moment of opening a holistic salon, emphasizing the importance of creating a clean, non-toxic environment for both clients and staff. **Segment 4: Differentiating in the Industry** - Jacqueline provides insights into differentiating in the beauty industry, emphasizing the significance of aligning one's values and purpose with the business. - The discussion covers practical tips on marketing and attracting clients who resonate with the salon's unique values. **Segment 5: Building a Sustainable Business** - Jacqueline talks about her holistic approach to running a salon, focusing on reducing toxins, promoting sustainability, and taking care of the well-being of the staff. - The concept of "quick wins" and the gradual implementation of holistic practices are discussed, encouraging salon owners to make sustainable changes over time. **Segment 6: Jacqueline's Future Plans** - Jacqueline shares her future plans, expressing a desire to support more stylists in creating holistic, sustainable businesses. - She highlights her role as a co-founder of the Green Beauty Community, dedicated to empowering and educating beauty industry professionals on green, clean, and sustainable practices. **Segment 7: Motivational Insights** - The host delves into Jacqueline's motivational insights, prompting her to share a favorite quote: "Anything is possible." Jacqueline emphasizes the power of dreaming and envisioning one's ideal business. **Segment 8: Audience Engagement** - Jacqueline discusses her engagement with the audience, including speaking on stages, participating in podcasts, and contributing articles to share her knowledge. - She encourages listeners to follow her on Instagram at Clean Beauty Biz Coach and explore her podcast, The Salon Owner's Holistic Blueprint, as well as the Green Beauty Community. **Segment 9: Salon Transformation Tips** - Jacqueline offers starter tips for transforming a salon into a holistic space, advising salon owners to start with small, achievable changes and gradually build on them. **Segment 10: The Power of Meditation** - The host explores Jacqueline's meditation practices and its role in her daily life. Jacqueline shares the transformative impact of meditation on her creativity, problem-solving, and resilience as a salon owner. **Segment 11: Pivoting and Learning** - Jacqueline reflects on her experience of creating a makeup line, admitting to closing it down as her values evolved. She emphasizes the importance of pivoting and learning when necessary. **Closing Segment: Community Offer** - The host announces a special offer for podcast listeners, providing free access to the I Am for Salons community with the code "free2023." **Outro:** - The host expresses gratitude to Jacqueline Rodrigues for sharing her insights and knowledge.
    Played 27m 57s
  • Unleashing Potential and Overcoming Limits with Leslie Zwick

    29 DEC 2023 · Introduction: - Welcome to the show! In today's episode, our guest is Leslie Zwick, a holistic performance coach based in Orlando, with a passion for helping clients overcome emotional and mindset obstacles to achieve their goals. - Leslie shares insights on her unique approach to coaching, combining mindset coaching and energy practices to empower clients in their personal and professional lives. Segment 1: Meet Leslie Zwick - Leslie introduces herself as a holistic performance coach specializing in clearing emotional and mindset blocks hindering clients from reaching their goals. - The conversation starts with Leslie's connection to Disneyland and how she brings a touch of Disney magic to her coaching. Segment 2: The Holistic Approach - Leslie explains her role in helping clients overcome hurdles in mindset, energy, and emotional well-being to actualize their goals. - The importance of addressing the underlying emotional and energetic aspects that impede progress is highlighted. Segment 3: Developing a Solid Work Ethic Foundation - Leslie shares valuable insights on developing a strong work ethic foundation, emphasizing the significance of making commitments and keeping them. - Small, consistent steps are crucial, and she advises against overcommitting without ensuring follow-through. Segment 4: The Shift Process - Leslie introduces the "Shift Process," an acronym outlining the steps to initiate positive transformation: Seek change, Have a plan, Initiate action, Face fears, and Transform. - Facing fears is identified as the key to breaking the cycle of feeling stuck, hurt, insecure, and trapped. Segment 5: Daily Habits for a Growth Mindset - Leslie advocates for setting realistic daily goals, maintaining a short to-do list, and reflecting on accomplishments rather than focusing solely on future objectives. - The importance of self-care, boundaries, and recognizing personal growth is emphasized, especially during busy seasons. Segment 6: Inspirational Quote - Leslie shares her favorite quote: "If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change the way you look at it." She discusses the power of perspective and its impact on personal growth. Segment 7: Handling Pressure in Busy Seasons - Leslie provides advice on handling pressure during busy seasons, emphasizing the importance of boundaries, self-care, and maintaining a healthy work-life balance. - She encourages stylists to prioritize their well-being to better serve clients and attract positive energy. Segment 8: Connecting with Leslie Zwick - Leslie invites listeners to connect with her on Facebook (Leslie Weiss Zwick) and shares details about her upcoming Shift course, one-on-one coaching, and subscription-based community group. - To learn more, visit her website: setresetrebuildrestore.com/opportunity. Segment 9: Circle of Connection - Leslie introduces the "Circle of Connection," highlighting communication, understanding, reality, and likability as key elements for building trust and connection with others. - Techniques for stylists to deepen connections with their clients through effective communication are discussed. Segment 10: Client Success Story - Leslie recounts a recent success story where a client, struggling to bring in new clients for months, experienced a breakthrough after a coaching session. The client signed up her first new client in six months. - The significance of clearing underlying limiting beliefs to make positive affirmations effective is emphasized. Conclusion: - Leslie leaves listeners with a powerful message about deepening connections with others and the impact it can have on personal and professional growth. - Connect with Leslie Zwick to embark on a transformative journey and unlock your full potential.
    Played 27m 16s
  • HEALING & GROWTH W/ Jessica Ann

    29 DEC 2023 · **Show Notes: The Aim for Salons Content and Mindset Podcast with Jessica Ann** **Introduction:** - Host expresses gratitude for the listeners and introduces the episode featuring Jessica Ann. - Acknowledges Jessica's connection to Kansas City and the Kansas City Chiefs. **Guest Introduction:** - The host invites Jessica to introduce herself. - Jessica shares her background as a registered nurse turned somatic healer, energy healer, and business coach. - Describes her rebellious approach to healthcare and her journey towards empowering individuals in their healing. **Healing and Mindset Evolution:** - Jessica delves into her journey of mindset evolution, starting with a pivotal moment during her pregnancy. - Talks about her introduction to Reiki and its impact on her negative mindset. - Discusses the Choose Again method and the importance of awareness in mindset transformation. - Highlights the profound shift she experienced through energy work and somatic practices. - Emphasizes the role of energy, positivity, and surrounding oneself with like-minded individuals. **Challenges in Growth-Oriented Mindset:** - Explains the challenges of maintaining a growth-oriented mindset, including outgrowing relationships. - Shares personal experiences of growth and change, both in personal relationships and professional life. - Discusses the difficulty of letting go and surrendering, especially in relationships. **Mindset Shifts and Motherhood:** - Narrates her mindset shift during pregnancy and the realization of the need to change. - Describes her emotional struggles and the impact of Reiki on her healing journey. - Explores the Choose Again method and its application in reframing negative thoughts. - Stresses the significance of daily practices, including forgiveness and positive affirmations. **Nurturing a Growth Mindset:** - Talks about the importance of adaptation and embracing change, using the example of receiving help in her business. - Discusses the challenge of receiving money and the mindset shift required for abundance. - Highlights the role of trust, patience, and compromise in maintaining growth-oriented relationships. **Healing the Inner Child:** - Explores the concept of healing the inner child and its impact on one's capacity to give and receive. - Discusses the formation of self-limiting beliefs during childhood and the influence of parental actions. - Shares personal experiences related to emotional trauma and the ongoing process of healing. **Building Strong Relationships in the Salon:** - Discusses the role of mindset in building strong relationships with clients and coworkers. - Emphasizes the importance of trust, safety, and open communication in creating authentic connections. - Advises on being open in surface-level conversations to establish a foundation for deeper connections. **Daily Habits for Mindset Nurturing:** - Shares her daily habits, including morning rituals that involve body and energy work. - Stresses the importance of checking in with oneself and identifying personal needs before starting the day. - Recommends connecting with desires and setting a positive energetic tone for the day. **Inspirational Quotes and Books:** - Shares a favorite quote related to the energy one puts into the universe and its impact. - Recommends the book "Super Attractor" by Gabby Bernstein for manifestation and elevating vibration. **Upcoming Services and Opportunities:** - Promotes her Facebook group, "An Energetic Evolution for Entrepreneurs," focusing on energy healing and empowerment. - Announces the upcoming Somatic Energy Practitioner Certification starting in February. - Mentions private mentorship opportunities and encourages interested individuals to connect with her. **Motivational Takeaway:** - Encourages listeners to tap into their desires and recognize that they are meant for more. - Emphasizes the belief that desires are already fulfilled and advises working towards them every day. **Encouragement for Dream Chasers:** - Recommends tapping into the higher version of oneself in the future. - Suggests envisioning the future self and incorporating daily actions to align with that vision. - Encourages dream chasers to focus on the energy they are putting into the universe. **Closing:** - Expresses gratitude to Jessica for sharing her insights and energy. - Provides Jessica's social media handles for listeners to connect with her. --- *Disclaimer: The transcription provided may not be verbatim but captures the main ideas and key points of the conversation.*
    Played 25m 45s

    29 DEC 2023 · **Show Notes: Content and Mindset Podcast Episode with Bridget Sobus** *Intro:* - The Content and Mindset podcast aims to curate content to inspire creatives in the salon industry. - Highlighting the significant growth of the salon industry beyond local communities. *Introduction of Guest:* - Guest: Bridget Sobers, owner of Power and Joy Coaching Academy, joining from Pittsburgh. - Bridget shares her journey in the salon industry since 1993, starting as a master certified hair colorist. - Transitioned from working in various businesses to owning a salon, facing challenges and eventual success. *Background and Transformation:* - Bridget's salon ownership journey started in 1993, facing challenges in dysfunctional businesses. - Bought a salon and realized she lacked business knowledge, leading to a loss of income. - Introduced to coaching and consulting, increased business by 30-40% yearly, became an award-winning salon. - Specialized in mindset work, helping salon professionals overcome limiting beliefs and negative emotions. *Coaching and Mindset Work:* - Bridget emphasizes the impact of mindset on success in the salon industry. - Discusses common fears in the industry, such as fear of self-promotion and raising prices. - Recommends scripts and strategies for asking clients for referrals, highlighting the importance of consistency. *Social Media and Marketing:* - Shares insights on effective social media practices for salon professionals. - Emphasizes showcasing work, giving tips, and adding personality while avoiding negative content. - Consistency in communication and positivity is crucial for attracting clients. *Revealing Breakthroughs:* - Bridget recounts experiences where clients and salon owners achieved breakthroughs through mindset shifts. - Shares a story of a salon owner increasing her personal salary by 535% within a year after mindset coaching. *Overcoming Challenges:* - Stresses the significance of mindset in achieving success in any craft. - Encourages focusing on what one wants and setting specific goals. - Recommends a journaling exercise for overcoming a bad day by expressing negative thoughts, focusing on desires, and practicing gratitude. *Future Plans:* - Bridget discusses plans for growing her coaching academy and launching a hypnosis certification. - Aims to increase awareness and acceptance of hypnosis for personal development. *Key Takeaways:* - Reinvention is possible at any age or time. - Inner self-worth is crucial for personal and professional growth. - The combination of power and joy leads to a fulfilling life. - Gratitude and presence contribute to happiness. *Outro:* - Listeners are encouraged to revisit the episode for additional insights. - Appreciation expressed for Bridget Sobers, and anticipation for future episodes. *Closing:* - Signing off with peace and gratitude.
    Played 30m 31s
  • REFERRAL PROGRAMS W/ Maria Fontana

    29 DEC 2023 · Maria Fontana Show Notes: **Introduction** - Host introduces Maria Fontana, a 30+ year salon owner turned online coaching consultant, who shares her wisdom on mindset and success in the beauty industry. **About Maria Fontana (00:00:54 - 00:02:36)** - Maria Fontana is a veteran salon owner, hairstylist, and online coaching consultant. - She emphasizes the diverse avenues in the beauty industry beyond traditional salon work. - Maria highlights her journey, including hardships, success, reinvention, and the importance of inner healing and mindset work. **Getting Started in the Salon World (00:02:36 - 00:03:37)** - Maria started her career after attending a vocational school with the goal of making money quickly. - She opened her first salon at 19 and emphasizes the importance of knowing oneself and staying true to personal values. - Maria shares her experience of losing everything in a divorce, reinventing herself, and the value of resilience in the industry. **Adapting to Changes in the Industry (00:04:00 - 00:08:17)** - Maria discusses the transformation of the beauty industry over the years. - She emphasizes the significance of personal branding, especially through Google Business, as a million-dollar secret to growing a salon brand locally. - Maria advises stylists to simplify their online presence and marketing strategies for consistency. - The importance of knowing your ideal client and specializing in a niche is discussed. **Engaging Clients for Referrals (00:08:52 - 00:10:56)** - Maria emphasizes the importance of personal development in building a successful salon business. - She shares strategies for engaging clients in conversations about referrals and how to offer value without discounting services. - Maria highlights the significance of mindset and inner work to navigate challenges and criticisms in the industry. **Finding Your Niche (00:11:52 - 00:16:49)** - Maria explains how one's niche may change over time and suggests finding what feeds the soul and feels authentic. - She encourages stylists to be clear about who they are talking to, focusing on specialized services. - The importance of collaborating with salon leaders and being in the right salon environment is emphasized. **Being Featured in Salon Today (00:17:14 - 00:20:36)** - Maria shares her experience of being featured in Salon Today and how it felt like a dream come true. - She expresses gratitude for the opportunity to touch more lives and help others with her message. **Books and Charity Work (00:20:36 - 00:23:48)** - Maria discusses her books, including "Love and Light," her journey of healing, and two bestsellers written with other authors. - The books focus on personal growth, creating joy, and making a positive impact. - Maria emphasizes her mission to give back to communities and charities through book sales. **Motivational Quote (00:23:48 - 00:24:23)** - Maria shares her motivational quote: "What you think of me is none of my business." - The quote encourages focusing on personal growth, intuition, and forward-looking goals, rather than external opinions. **Next Steps and Mission (00:24:49 - 00:26:58)** - Maria's mission is to expand and help beauty and wellness professionals create additional streams of income. - She emphasizes the need for professionals to think bigger, offering examples like private labels, online courses, coaching, and consulting. **Closing and Where to Find Maria (00:26:58 - End)** - Maria provides information on where to find her online, including her website, podcast, and various social media platforms. *Note: Timestamps are approximate and may vary slightly.*
    Played 28m 52s
  • How to be Joy Fueled W/ AMY HAGER

    29 DEC 2023 · Episode #4: How to be Joy Fueled W/ AMY HAGER Description:In this uplifting episode of the IM4salons Content and Mindset Podcast, Host Freddy D. sits down with the delightful Amy Hager to explore the transformative power of joy in marketing. Amy, a true marketer at heart, draws on her rich experiences to share invaluable insights and strategies applicable across diverse businesses and industries.Amy's passion for joyful marketing is evident in her role, supporting both current and future clients on their entrepreneurial journeys. As a Facilitator and Coach for The Confident Expert Program, Amy empowers students to embrace joy in their marketing endeavors.Key Highlights: - Unveiling the essence of Joyful Marketing - Amy's journey as a marketer and mentor - Strategies for infusing joy into business practices - The impact of joy on client progress and satisfaction Main Topics Covered: - The Heart of Joyful Marketing - Understanding the philosophy and principles. - Amy's Marketer's Journey - Exploring Amy's professional evolution and experiences. - Strategies for Infusing Joy - Practical tips for incorporating joy into marketing efforts. - Joyful Marketing Success Stories - Real-world examples of businesses thriving with joy-centric approaches. Featured Guest: AMY HAGER Amy Hager is not just a marketer; she's a Joyful Marketing enthusiast with a mission to bring happiness to businesses. As a Facilitator and Coach, Amy extends her expertise to The Confident Expert Program, making a positive impact on aspiring entrepreneurs.Listener Interaction: Join the conversation! Share your thoughts on Joyful Marketing using #JoyfulMarketing and tag us on social media [@IM4salons].Resources Mentioned: - [Amy Hager's Website/Profile] https://joyfulbusinessrevolution.com/ How to Connect: - Follow us on Instagram: [@IM4salons] - Visit our website: [IM4salons.com] Support the Show: If you're enjoying the IM4salons podcast, leave us a review on your favorite podcast platform, and share this episode with your fellow salon enthusiasts.Thank you for tuning in to the IM4salons Content and Mindset Podcast! Get ready to infuse joy into your marketing journey with Amy Hager. Until next time, stay joy-fueled and empowered!
    Played 27m 55s
  • BIG CITY DREAMS W/Megan Watson Redken Educator

    12 DEC 2023 · On this episode we have the legendary MEGAN WATSON, Redken educator stop by! You wont want to miss this!
    Played 40m 52s

We're all about empowering you to forge your path, build your brand, and grow your salon business like never before.As we embark on this journey, we'll bring you expert insights,...

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We're all about empowering you to forge your path, build your brand, and grow your salon business like never before.As we embark on this journey, we'll bring you expert insights, powerful discussions, and thought-provoking content designed to transform the way you approach your business. We'll tackle everything from the nitty-gritty of content creation to the broader mindset needed to navigate this fast-paced industry.This podcast is a culmination of my journey, my experiences, and the lessons I've learned along the way. And, I'm here to share that invaluable knowledge with you. So, buckle up, as we venture into the exciting world of content marketing and mindset growth. Stay tuned for inspiring guest interviews, engaging Q&A sessions, and a wealth of information, all tailored to help you thrive in the salon industry.

Welcome to the im4salons content & mindset podcast. Let's grow together.
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