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Landscaping to the Point

  • Customer Issues

    30 JUN 2024 · Live ON this episode, I'm joined with Special Hosts Jc- Boxer- @JCTheLawnCareGuy , Josh - Ghost - @currivangreencompanyinc320 and Me the legend- Scott- @landscapesbyacme. Today we are going to talk about a great new topic with Scott, Josh, JC and Josh. We are going to talk what been going on. We ask the hard questions? And we ask a question that you the viewers can help solve the debut on. So watch or listen and help us answer and solve it. So we can get straight to the point. Such a great episode. Come join us Come join us and have a laugh with us. and learn some tricks of the industry. Listen to us on @Spotify / @iHeartRadio / Google Podcasts/ Apple Podcasts and also go check out the video on Youtube at @Landscapesbyacme channel Like, comment and subscribe Also go check out our sponsor - @kujoyard wear for all your shoes and boot needs. Click on the link https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa2FERjcyai1ya2lxdDdpcW1yYThMT0RhTHB6Z3xBQ3Jtc0tuUjZ4a1pPUVpyY3FDRzRIRl9rYUZGdHdEQVBNYkU5OXBPaTQyZ2xITkZGR2hERjJfUkZ1Ny13Znh4azV0clI1MURGN1Via1A0SnJlZXZ6TlpOS0JNeHU0RkpXcFdaaEJwV1VXSGhzYy1kXzVRbWF5bw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.kujo.com%2F%3Fref%3Dacme&v=mFLGiB47GiQ use code Acme when checking out and save 10% on everything.
    Played 53m 28s
  • Fathers Day2024?

    30 JUN 2024 · Live ON this episode, I'm joined with Special Hosts Jc- Boxer- @JCTheLawnCareGuy , Josh - Ghost - @currivangreencompanyinc320 and Me the legend- Scott- @landscapesbyacme. Today we are going to talk about a great new topic with Scott, Josh, JC and Josh. We are going to talk what been going on. We ask the hard questions? And we ask a question that you the viewers can help solve the debut on. So watch or listen and help us answer and solve it. So we can get straight to the point. Such a great episode. Come join us Come join us and have a laugh with us. and learn some tricks of the industry. Listen to us on @Spotify / @iHeartRadio / Google Podcasts/ Apple Podcasts and also go check out the video on Youtube at @Landscapesbyacme channel Like, comment and subscribe Also go check out our sponsor - @kujoyard wear for all your shoes and boot needs. Click on the link https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa2FERjcyai1ya2lxdDdpcW1yYThMT0RhTHB6Z3xBQ3Jtc0tuUjZ4a1pPUVpyY3FDRzRIRl9rYUZGdHdEQVBNYkU5OXBPaTQyZ2xITkZGR2hERjJfUkZ1Ny13Znh4azV0clI1MURGN1Via1A0SnJlZXZ6TlpOS0JNeHU0RkpXcFdaaEJwV1VXSGhzYy1kXzVRbWF5bw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.kujo.com%2F%3Fref%3Dacme&v=mFLGiB47GiQ use code Acme when checking out and save 10% on everything.
    Played 58m 22s
  • Promo

    19 MAY 2024 · Live ON this episode, I'm joined with Special Hosts Jc- Boxer- @JCTheLawnCareGuy , Josh - Ghost - @currivangreencompanyinc320 and Me the legend- Scott- @landscapesbyacme. Today we are going to talk about is a contract with Scott, Josh, JC and Josh. We are going to talk what been going on. We ask the hard questions? And we ask a question that you the viewers can help solve the debut on. So watch or listen and help us answer and solve it. So we can get straight to the point. Such a great episode. Come join us Come join us and have a laugh with us. and learn some tricks of the industry. Listen to us on @Spotify / @iHeartRadio / Google Podcasts/ Apple Podcasts and also go check out the video on Youtube at @Landscapesbyacme channel Like, comment and subscribe Also go check out our sponsor - @kujoyard wear for all your shoes and boot needs. Click on the link https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbENVZ3FuakFONE8xamRvNmNnUXNZcmFscnBCQXxBQ3Jtc0tsQjFxanRGdnI1RTU1OHFtcjg1NFQ0dTVQektNMktibzBzd2R5V1NpUkRYMjlSbTdqSzlJZlRrajd2c01aVU9TNWRVSzlKZFItRmR6UW80RTdndjhMTDNKVWZCNEhMZWtZNTRIZ3pZdmVmUHk3OU1pUQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.kujo.com%2F%3Fref%3Dacme&v=gOhLWANqya4 use code Acme when checking out and save 10% on everything.
    Played 55m 56s
  • Which Mower?

    28 APR 2024 · Live ON this episode, I'm joined with Special Hosts Jc- Boxer- @JCTheLawnCareGuy , Josh - Ghost - @currivangreencompanyinc320 and Me the legend- Scott- @landscapesbyacme. Today we are going to talk about is a contract with Scott, Josh, JC and Josh.  We are going to talk what Mowers are best.  We ask the hard questions? And we ask a question that you the viewers can help solve the debut on. So watch or listen and help us answer and solve it. So we can get straight to the point. Such a great episode. Come join us Come join us and have a laugh with us. and learn some tricks of the industry.  Listen to us on @Spotify / @iHeartRadio / Google Podcasts/ Apple Podcasts and also go check out the video on Youtube at @Landscapesbyacme channel Like, comment and subscribe  Also go check out our sponsor - @kujoyard wear for all your shoes and boot needs. Click on the link https://www.kujo.com/?ref=acme      use code Acme when checking out and save 10% on everything. We are Calling out all Mower companies comeon and tell us why your mower comany is the best.
    Played 51m 31s
  • Community of Green Professionals

    21 APR 2024 · Live ON this episode, I'm joined with Special Hosts Jc- Boxer- @JCTheLawnCareGuy , Josh - Ghost - @currivangreencompanyinc320 and Me the legend- Scott- @landscapesbyacme. Today we are going to talk about is a contract with Scott, Josh, JC and Josh.  We are going to talk the green industry and all that engage with us.  We ask the hard questions? And we ask a question that you the viewers can help solve the debut on. So watch or listen and help us answer and solve it. So we can get straight to the point. Such a great episode. Come join us Come join us and have a laugh with us. and learn some tricks of the industry.  Listen to us on @Spotify / @iHeartRadio / Google Podcasts/ Apple Podcasts and also go check out the video on Youtube at @Landscapesbyacme channel Like, comment and subscribe  Also go check out our sponsor - @kujoyard wear for all your shoes and boot needs. Click on the link https://www.kujo.com/?ref=acme      use code Acme when checking out and save 10% on everything.
    Played 51m 44s
  • 75 hard

    14 APR 2024 · Live ON this episode, I'm joined with Special Hosts Jc- Boxer- @JCTheLawnCareGuy , Josh - Ghost - @currivangreencompanyinc320 and Me the legend- Scott- @landscapesbyacme. Today we are going to talk about is a contract with Scott, Josh, JC and Josh.  We are going to talk about 75 day hard.  We ask why is  the 75 day hard challenage? And we ask a question that you the viewers can help solve the debut on. So watch or listen and help us answer and solve it. So we can get straight to the point. Such a great episode. Come join us Come join us and have a laugh with us. and learn some tricks of the industry.  Listen to us on @Spotify / @iHeartRadio / Google Podcasts/ Apple Podcasts and also go check out the video on Youtube at @Landscapesbyacme channel Like, comment and subscribe  Also go check out our sponsor - @kujoyard wear for all your shoes and boot needs. Click on the link https://www.kujo.com/?ref=acme      use code Acme when checking out and save 10% on everything.
    Played 51m 44s
  • Crazy Spring Rush

    7 APR 2024 · Live ON this episode, I'm joined with Special Hosts Jc- Boxer- @JCTheLawnCareGuy , Josh - Ghost - @currivangreencompanyinc320 and Me the legend- Scott- @landscapesbyacme. Today we are going to talk about is a contract with Scott, Josh, JC and Josh. We are going to talk about Crazy Spring Rush. We ask why its a crazy spring rush? And we ask a question that you the viewers can help solve the debut on. So watch or listen and help us answer and solve it. So we can get straight to the point. Such a great episode. Come join us Come join us and have a laugh with us. and learn some tricks of the industry. Listen to us on @Spotify / @iHeartRadio / Google Podcasts/ Apple Podcasts and also go check out the video on Youtube at @Landscapesbyacme channel Like, comment and subscribe Also go check out our sponsor - @kujoyard wear for all your shoes and boot needs. Click on the link  https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbnJJdUF2MUdOZDVDWVAtMGVIajVWQzJRZXVGUXxBQ3Jtc0trbEI4aXY1Rl83UTY3aG14YTdRdDBsc2x2TklwMi1HbWFzQUlISzE0b0Rsc2psNF9QZVM1RUVGZnZ6aHlQNDhndVJGcDVUbHRPS1YzekFlYW1XRU1oUjRwOThqem1BLXl2WS1MZW40M0puOVoxQ3NqNA&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.kujo.com%2F%3Fref%3Dacme&v=wybMQNcrKMk use code Acme when checking out and save 10% on everything.
    Played 54m 26s
  • Ferris?

    19 MAR 2024 · Live ON this episode, I'm joined with Special Hosts Jc- Boxer- @JCTheLawnCareGuy , Josh - Ghost - @currivangreencompanyinc320 and Me the legend- Scott- @landscapesbyacme, We are also joined by Colton from Ferris Mowers- @ferrismowers_coltonmedin Today we are going to talk about is a contract with Scott, Josh, JC and Josh.  We are going to talk about Ferris Mowers.  We ask why are Ferris mowers better than all the rest? And we ask a question that you the viewers can help solve the debut on. So watch or listen and help us answer and solve it. So we can get straight to the point. Such a great episode. Come join us Come join us and have a laugh with us. and learn some tricks of the industry.  Listen to us on @Spotify / @iHeartRadio / Google Podcasts/ Apple Podcasts and also go check out the video on Youtube at @Landscapesbyacme channel Like, comment and subscribe  Also go check out our sponsor - @kujoyard wear for all your shoes and boot needs. Click on the link https://www.kujo.com/?ref=acme      use code Acme when checking out and save 10% on everything.
    Played 49m 36s
  • Trolls, Irish, Solo vs Crews

    17 MAR 2024 · Live ON this episode, I'm joined with Special Hosts Jc- Boxer- @JCTheLawnCareGuy , Josh - Ghost - @currivangreencompanyinc320 and Me the legend- Scott- @landscapesbyacme  Today we are going to talk about is a contract with Scott, Josh, JC and Josh.  We ask the question what Are u Irish. And we ask a question that you the viewers can help solve the debut on. So watch or listen and help us answer and solve it. So we can get straight to the point. Such a great episode. Come join us Come join us and have a laugh with us. and learn some tricks of the industry.  Listen to us on @Spotify / @iHeartRadio / Google Podcasts/ Apple Podcasts and also go check out the video on Youtube at @Landscapesbyacme channel Like, comment and subscribe  Also go check out our sponsor - @kujoyard wear for all your shoes and boot needs. Click on the link https://www.kujo.com/?ref=acme      use code Acme when checking out and save 10% on everything.
    Played 57m 30s
  • Tough Decisions

    10 MAR 2024 · Live ON this episode, I'm joined with Special Hosts Jc- Boxer- @JCTheLawnCareGuy , Josh - Ghost - @currivangreencompanyinc320 and Me the legend- Scott- @landscapesbyacme Today we are going to talk about is a contract with Scott, Josh, JC and Josh. We ask the question what is Tough Decisions. And we ask a question that you the viewers can help solve the debut on. So watch or listen and help us answer and solve it. So we can get straight to the point. Such a great episode. Come join us Come join us and have a laugh with us. and learn some tricks of the industry. Listen to us on @Spotify / @iHeartRadio / Google Podcasts/ Apple Podcasts and also go check out the video on Youtube at @Landscapesbyacme channel Like, comment and subscribe  Also go check out our sponsor - @kujoyard wear for all your shoes and boot needs. Click on the link https://www.kujo.com/?ref=acme use code Acme when checking out and save 10% on everything.
    Played 58m 58s
Coin join me and lets talk. Lets talk business, life and have some fun while doing it.

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