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Living with TBI - Traumatic Brain Injury

  • When, Where, and How to Intervene on Brain Injury

    27 JUN 2024 · In this episode we focus on a crucial aspect of rehabilitation—the intervention. I'm Mark Goode, co-host of “Living with TBI”, alongside Jeff Gould, who brings deep insights and experience to our discussions. Have you ever wondered when it's truly the right time to stage an intervention for a loved one? Jeff shares compelling stories and expert advice on navigating this delicate process.   Crafting the Perfect Intervention Strategy What does it take to craft an intervention? Jeff is not just talking about a casual family meeting; he means a meticulously planned event aimed at providing immediate, life-saving help. Imagine putting in the effort of a party planner and the seriousness of a medical professional simultaneously. Are you prepared for the emotional rollercoaster? How do you handle a loved one's resistance or even outright denial? Jeff unveils layers of strategic planning and emotional resilience needed. Challenges and Real-Life Case Studies Interventions aren't for the faint of heart. Jeff recounts some harrowing, yet transformative experiences. Consider this: What if you had to convince a family to stop enabling harmful behavior, even under dire circumstances? Picture a mother sitting in the driver's seat, covering up for her son's reckless actions. How do you shift from protection to empowerment without losing that essential connection? Jeff's decade-long career offers eye-opening moments and hard-earned wisdom in these real-life drama-filled cases. Key Takeaways and Closing Thoughts If you think an intervention might be necessary for someone you love, remember it's about more than just treatment—it's about pushing someone towards recovery. Jeff leaves us with essential takeaways: leveraging morning interventions, including diffusers like mentors or coaches, preparing for resistance, and having a solid contingency plan if they initially say no. Want to learn the nitty-gritty details? How does one truly turn a ‘no’ into a ‘yes’ in an intervention setting? Listen to the full podcast for a treasure trove of practical, game-changing advice. This episode is not just an eye-opener; it's a call to action. Equip yourself with the knowledge to make a difference. And if you need help, https://tbicoaches.com to see what guidance he can offer you including his assistance in an intervention.
    Played 55m 27s
  • Coming Back: Two TBIs, Alcohol and Drug Addiction, Homelessness, Recovery - Jeff Gould's Story

    12 JUN 2024 · Jeff Gould’s story, as featured in this episode of “my ReMarkable podcast,” is a powerful narrative of overcoming adversity and traumatic brain injuries (TBIs). Despite a challenging childhood and two significant, undiagnosed TBIs, Jeff found himself seeking escape through substance abuse. His turning point came when he chose to address his health, leading to recovery and understanding the underlying causes of his struggles. Now, Jeff thrives as an unconventional expert on TBIs, using his personal experiences to guide others through recovery. He emphasizes functional medicine, lifestyle changes, and compassion. His story teaches the importance of treating mental health conditions seriously and offers hope and guidance to those facing personal challenges. Jeff’s journey is a testament to human resilience and the transformative power of understanding and empathy. For more insights and support, Jeff’s work as a TBI coach can be explored through his https://www.tbicoaches.com/, and https://www.amazon.com/Life-Concussed-Memoriam-Addiction-Homelessness/dp/1734336412/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2G3UDFKL2X1Y6&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.QQxsiXeRku66A8HTU-CXMXQe-eH3Rxb0tVy87F4uv9tqMQxaE6Jzgt1er05ZSJAHFuiwElv1nhsZ-_cNF-D8sGwotjt4hXmywZvcPwUDnLn0TSU4t4Uq9i12RH8yrcAvljjFFWYK2PUJOHoC_UCpnllWGuCfptoOuWiJVHMT-R8YoEbmiTuz64Ul99Bwj-WRRYpXIJquxNG7N8X-zldnDPnKFEogEMo-4ySdKDPACWM.nkSUXBfzra6HV7ZLlSOPLGLp29x5DPWCfI3yiignhR8&dib_tag=se&keywords=a+life+concussed&qid=1715631423&sprefix=a+life+concuss%2Caps%2C166&sr=8-1
    Played 1h 56s
  • Exploring Complex Trauma and Healing through Sacred Traditions with Alejandro Villegas

    5 JUN 2024 · In this episode of "Living with TBI," Jeff Gould, https://tbicoaches.com and author, delves deep into the fascinating world of trauma and healing with his guest, https://www.firstmemory.one/about—a practitioner with rich knowledge in South American shamanic traditions and modern biohacking techniques. This episode is the first in a three-part summer series aimed at exploring complex trauma and its impact on individuals, providing listeners with ground-breaking insights and methodologies that promise real healing. The discussion kicks off with an exploration of what trauma truly is—an event that overwhelms the nervous system, causing physiological and emotional disturbances. Jeff and Alejandro discuss how trauma affects the brain, emphasizing the dysregulation between different areas, such as the prefrontal cortex and the amygdala. But here's the twist—Alejandro bridges this modern understanding with ancient shamanic traditions, offering a unique perspective on trauma as an energetic disruption in the body. You might wonder, how do these time-tested sacred practices align with modern trauma theory? The answers are both startling and enlightening, suggesting a deeper, almost mystical, approach to healing. Alejandro shares vivid anecdotes, including his very first healing ceremony involving a cancer patient. Imagine guiding a person through an extraordinary journey back to their traumatic experiences, providing them with the opportunity to reintegrate fragmented parts of their energy and consciousness. This journey—the soul retrieval process—not only relieved the patient of pain but also led to the complete remission of his cancer. It’s hard to believe, but such miraculous recoveries underline the intrinsic power of aligning body, mind, and spirit. Can these ancient techniques truly alter long-standing ailments and trauma? The podcast holds the answers. The episode continues with a thorough look at plant medicines and their sometimes controversial role in trauma healing. Alejandro offers balanced insights into both the incredible benefits and potential risks of these substances. His emphasis on rigorous preparation and expert guidance ensures that listeners understand the gravity and complexity involved in such healing processes. Curious about the other transformative stories Alejandro has witnessed? Or how modern technology can harmonize with ancient wisdom to heal trauma? This riveting episode is a treasure trove of insights waiting to be explored. Four Key Takeaways: - Trauma is not merely a psychological event but a physiological disruption that can be healed through both modern and ancient practices.  - The sacred tradition of soul retrieval allows individuals to reintegrate dissociated parts of their energy and consciousness, leading to profound healing.  - Modern trauma theories align remarkably well with ancient shamanic perspectives, suggesting a holistic approach to healing. Rigorous preparation and expert guidance are crucial when using plant medicines for trauma healing to avoid re-traumatization and ensure safety.  Dive into the podcast to uncover the full spectrum of healing methodologies discussed by Jeff and Alejandro, and discover how these can change the lives of those grappling with complex trauma and traumatic brain injuries. Jeff can be reached https://tbicoaches.com.  Alejandro can be reached https://www.firstmemory.one/about.
    Played 1h 1m 58s
  • An Interview with Dr. Charan Ranganath, author of “Why We Remember”

    10 MAY 2024 · In this episode of "Living With Traumatic Brain Injury" (LWTBI), co-hosts Mark Goode and Jeff Gould delve deep into the complexities of the human brain, specifically focusing on memory and the effects of traumatic brain injuries (TBI). Their guest, https://charanranganath.com/, a recognized expert in the field of brain science and author of the book "Why We Remember," sheds light on how memories are formed, stored, and how TBIs can affect this intricate process. The Prefrontal Cortex and Traumatic Brain Injury  One of the episode’s highlights is Dr. Ranganath's explanation of the prefrontal cortex's pivotal role in memory and executive functions. This area of the brain, accounting for about one-third of its volume, becomes significantly impaired with frontal head injuries. He describes such injuries as potentially causing the brain to act similarly to a piece of jello, shaking back and forth, leading to both direct damage and disconnection within the white matter that facilitates brain area communication. This disruption severely affects one's ability to concentrate, keep information in mind, and resist impulses, among other executive functions. Memory: A Multifaceted Process  The discussion transitions into a broader exploration of memory, with Dr. Ranganath offering personal insights and professional findings. He describes memory not as a simple storage system but as a complex, episodic recollection that integrates who, what, when, and where into a coherent whole. Remarkably, emotional intensity and unique associations significantly enhance memory retention, with smells and sounds acting as strong cues to trigger past experiences stored in our brains. Dr. Ranganath also touches upon the fascinating intersection of memory and interventions like EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing), sharing anecdotal evidence of its effectiveness in recalling and processing traumatic memories. This part of the conversation underscores the dynamic relationship between various senses and memory recall, hinting at the profound emotional components inherent in our memories. Life with TBI: Strategies and Interventions  Towards the episode's end, practical advice is offered for individuals navigating life post-TBI. Emphasizing the importance of creating an environment that compensates for impaired executive functions, Dr. Ranganath suggests strategies such as minimizing distractions, using reminders, and establishing structured routines to support daily tasks. These interventions mirror his personal strategies for managing ADHD, highlighting the universal benefit of structured support for cognitive disorders. Additionally, Jeff Gould shares insights on improving memory and brain health, emphasizing activities that challenge the brain, like learning new languages or engaging in tasks that deviate from one's comfort zone. This proactive approach advocates for neuroplasticity, encouraging the development of new neural pathways to mitigate the effects of memory impairment caused by TBI. Episode Takeaways This episode offers a rich exploration of the brain's complexity, particularly focusing on memory and the aftermath of traumatic brain injuries. Through Dr. Ranganath's expert lens, listeners gain a deeper understanding of how TBIs affect memory, alongside actionable advice for those looking to improve their cognitive function post-injury.  Whether you're a TBI survivor, a caregiver, or simply fascinated by the human brain, this episode is a must-listen, packed with insights that enlighten and empower. Dr. Ranganath’s contribution, alongside the thoughtful dialogue with the hosts, makes for an educational and inspiring discussion, shedding light on the resilience and adaptability of the human brain. For more information about Jeff Gould or to contact him, visit his website athttps://tbicoaches.com
    Played 41m 37s
  • Growing Through Adversity: A Conversation with Aaron Volpatti, Hockey Enforcer

    18 MAR 2024 · Aaron Volpatti was an up and coming hockey player when tragedy struck at the age of nineteen.  While playing around with a campfire, he accidentally burned himself, so seriously that he had to be airlifted to a burn unit where he faced months of very painful recovery.  During that difficult time, Aaron discovered the power of visualization, something that would change his life. Against all odds he not only recovered from the burns, but he went on to win a hockey scholarship from Brown University and then, remarkably a place on his hometown hockey team, the Canucks.  Our co-host, Jeff, learned about Aaron and his remarkable story a few months ago.  Convinced that Aaron’s story and visualization practice could assist people suffering from a TBI, Jeff invited Aaron to be a part of today’s show. Listen as Aaron takes our host, Jeff Gould, through the recovery and discovery process.  And learn about the power of visualization, a practice Aaron not only maintains but teaches. By the way, check out https://www.tbicoaches.com to learn more about his experience in helping people with TBI. His practice is focused on helping people suffering from TBI and he works with clients both locally (in Dallas) as well as across the country.  You can learn more about Aaron Volpatti, his book, and his coaching practice https://www.aaronvolpatti.com.
    Played 1h 14m 26s
  • Neuroadaption, Neuroplasticity, and Neurofeedback

    13 FEB 2024 · In this episode, Jeff Gould is joined by Cameron Center, a BCIA Board Certified Neurofeedback Clinician with https://www.johnsonmedicalassociates.com/ in Richardson, TX. Jeff and Cameron discuss neuroadaptibility, neuroplasticity, and neurofeedback in the context of recovering from a traumatic brain injury (TBI). Cameron discusses the key elements of good health that everyone should follow (diet, exercise, sleep) and then what things can be done by someone suffering from a TBI to recover from that injury. Jeff discusses his coaching strategies and techniques that have proven effective with his coaching clients. You can learn more about Jeff's coaching here, at https://tbicoaches.com.
    Played 1h 8s
  • Coaching Through Complex Trauma

    30 NOV 2023 · In today's episode, Jeff Gould discusses a variety of issues associated with TBI including: - Trauma informed TBI coaching and counseling - The book, "How the Body Keeps Score" - Adrenal fatigue - The amazing incidence of TBI among high school and college cheerleaders - And a case study of domestic violence and TBI Jeff is now consulting to the Dallas-based https://johnsonmedicalassociates.com, a care provider that offers an integrated approach to medical care. Jeff can be reached https://tbicoaches.com, a Dallas-based practice offering TBI coaching and support both in the Dallas-area as well as nationally through remote support tools and systems.
    Played 45m 21s
  • Slip Through the Cracks - Why TBI Sufferers Slip Through the Cracks and What You Can Do

    28 AUG 2023 · Podcast host, Jeff Gould, the owner of a https://www.tbicoaches.come, begins this episode discussing his own TBI injury at the age of 13 and how his doctors, though well meaning, completely missed his diagnosis of a traumatic brain injury, even though, four days after his injury his personality began to significantly change as a result of the injury. Forty years later, Jeff's works to help others find help with their traumatic brain injury (TBI). However, as he discusses in this episode, many medical practitioners still miss a correct diagnosis of TBI and many do not know what to do when TBI related symptoms and problems emerge. Jeff discusses two tests, now widely available, that can help determine if someone has had a TBI and what the behavioral implications might be in their lives. The first test is a https://www.amenclinics.com/approach/why-spect/ and the second is a https://www.amenclinics.com/services/qeeg/. Both of these go beyond simply determining whether a person has suffered a concussion, a blood clot, or a fractured skull. Rather, they use novel and proven techniques to connect the functioning of a person's brain with behaviorial symptoms. To learn more about Jeff and how he (and these scans) can help you, please contact him through this https://www.tbicoaches.com.
    Played 34m 27s
  • Traumatic Brain Injury and Chronic Pain - How to Help Reduce Pain

    4 AUG 2023 · Many people suffering traumatic brain injuries (TBI) suffer from chronic pain. In this episode, Jeff Gould, the podcast's co-host, discusses his own experience with chronic pain (and his TBI), various reasons why people with TBI suffer from chronic pain, and some strategies for helping reduce chronic pain that results from these injuries. By the way, check out Jeff's website to learn more about his experience in helping people with TBI. His practice is focused on helping people suffering from TBI and he works with clients both locally (in Dallas) as well as across the country. Here's the https://www.tbicoaches.com.
    Played 47m 38s
  • Helping Heal TBI through Diet and Fasting

    4 JUL 2023 · In today’s episode, Jeff interviews his sister https://www.misci.org/team_member/gina-gould/, an evolutionary biologist, paleontologist, and geologist who is the President of the Museum of Science and Innovation in Schenectady, NY. In their wide ranging discussion, Jeff and Gina discuss a number of topics relevant to those struggling with TBI. They begin with a discussion of the weather and how the summer heat can affect some people’s mood. Similar to SAD (a winter-time disorder), a similar phenomenon affects certain people including Jeff. Gina and Jeff discuss ways to address this summer time malady. They then turn their attention to recovery from injury, something relevant to anyone with a TBI. But in this case, Gina discusses how animals process recovery after they’ve been injured and Jeff then contrasts that with how many people mistakenly approach the injury recovery process. Next, Jeff and Gina discuss diet and how that impacts recovery from TBI. Jeff discusses his own experience with a low-carb diet, sustaining ketosis, and how that benefitted (and continues to benefit) him. And finally Gina discusses the groundbreaking work of the Russian psychiatrist, Dr. Yuri Nikolayev. Nikolayev discovered (and many have confirmed) that fasting is a powerful therapeutic mechanism that can help the body heal from a number of illnesses. (See links below). https://nationalpost.com/health/therapeutic-fasting-741073 https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2210982/?ref_=ttpl_ov - documentary
    Played 55m 19s

Jeff Gould, the show's co-host, grew up in Tucson Arizona where he suffered a crippling and life altering head injury - a traumatic brain injury - at the age of...

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Jeff Gould, the show's co-host, grew up in Tucson Arizona where he suffered a crippling and life altering head injury - a traumatic brain injury - at the age of 13. Turning to substance abuse for relief, Jeff would ultimately descend into homelessness and despair which he has thoughtfully described in his published memoir ‘A Life Concussed’.  

Now working as a mental health professional, Jeff brings his personal and professional experience to bear on coaching patients who have suffered traumatic brain injuries.  You can learn more about Jeff's practice at TBIcoaches.com

In this podcast, Jeff discusses his own experience with TBI and strategies he’s learned to live with and recover from his injury. He provides actionable guidance on how to identify TBI, what steps to take to recover, and how to support friends and loved ones suffering from a brain injury.

The co-host and executive producer of this show is Mark Goode.
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