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London Vārta

  • Why I Filed An FIR Against PM Modi: Qurban Ali

    4 JUL 2024 · This programme is in Hindi/Urdu. Senior journalist Qurban Ali made headlines when he approached his local police station in New Delhi to register an FIR against the prime minister for making communal and inflammatory remarks about Muslims at an election rally on April 21, 2024 at Banswara in the state of Rajasthan.  Qurban Ali is in conversation with broadcaster Pervaiz Alam in Cine Ink series, London Vārta, discussing why he felt compelled to take the extreme step of filing a case against the PM.  In another case, the Supreme Court is already hearing Qurban Ali v Union of India, a Public Interest Litigation, filed against the alleged hate speech at the Dharam Sansad in Haridwar and by Hindu Yuva Vahini in Delhi. Qurban Ali has been a journalist for than 40 years. He has worked with BBC Hindi Service & BBC Hindi TV as a reporter and producer. He has also worked with Rajya Sabha TV, Doordarshan News, UNI and Ravivar Patrika. London Varta has been produced by Cineink, UK. 
    Played 1h 46m 39s
  • My Journey From Slumdog Millionaire to The Girl With The Seven Lives: Vikas Swarup, Novelist

    17 JUN 2024 · Back after 10 years with a new novel 'The Girl with the Seven Lives’, Vikas Swarup unravels the mystery behind his success as a novelist in conversation with broadcaster Pervaiz Alam on Cine Ink podcast “London Varta”. This podcast is in Hindi/Urdu.  There’s huge excitement in the fiction world. The blurb promises Swarup's new book is filled with the same evocative prose, immersive narrative and propulsive energy that made his first book Q&A (Slumdog Millionaire) a global bestseller, getting 10 Oscar nominations. In this podcast, Vikas Swarup shares fascinating stories about his novels- Q&A, The Accidental Apprentice, The Girl with the Seven Lives- and how the books have been adapted for the screen. Produced by Achala Sharma, Cine Ink Podcast 'London Vārta' features authors, journalists, artists and newsmakers. 
    Played 53m 16s
  • There Are No moral Doubts Once You Dehumanise Palestinians: Israeli Journalist Gideon Levy

    11 JUN 2024 · “When you put 2 .3 million people for 18 years now in the biggest cage in the world, you should expect any kind of resistance and struggle, even the most brutal and cruel and criminal one. And this is what we faced. And then the aftermath,” says Israeli journalist Gideon Levy in conversation with Pervaiz Alam on “London Vārta”, a Cine Ink podcast series. Once the British daily, The Independent, described Gideon Levy as the most hated man in Israel – and perhaps the most heroic. Israeli columnist and commentator writing for the newspaper Haaretz, Gideon Levy has emerged as a long-time critic of his country’s leadership.  Born in 1953 in Tel Aviv, Levy tells Pervaiz Alam how his grandparents were murdered in the Holocaust but somehow his parents survived and came to Israel as refugees. His father earned his living through a bakery shop. In his youth days Levy was a zionist and joined the Israeli Defence Force as a radio reporter. He worked as an aide and spokesman for Simon Peres, the Labour leader, who went on to become the PM and President of Israel.  Levy has authored two books; “The Punishment of Gaza”  and “The Killing of Gaza: Reports on a Catastrophe”.
    Played 28m 51s
  • Political Satirist Dr Medusa: I Use Satire As A Protective Armour To Speak My Mind

    1 JUN 2024 · A PhD in Linguistics from the Jawahar Lal University of New Delhi, she is a political satirist known for posting short videos on social media as Dr. Medusa, not her real name. She says she won’t be able to live a life without expressing her dissent. However, self preservation is equally important, therefore, to avoid trolling by two-rupee trolls she uses satire as a protective armour. Dr Medusa is in conversation with broadcaster, Pervaiz Alam.  Originally from Assam, she’s a Sangeet Visharad from Lucknow, and loves reciting the poetry of Faiz Ahmad Faiz and Habib Jalib.  Her specialisation as a linguist is in developing the diagnostic tools in the field of Alzheimer as language deficits are frequent in dementia. This programme ‘London Vārta: Freedom of Speech” was recorded on 30 May, 2024, for Cine Ink podcasts, based in London. 
    Played 1h 2m 21s
  • London Vārta: Hold A Press Conference, If I Were To Advise PM Modi: Pankaj Pachauri, former Media Advisor To PM Manmohan Singh

    17 MAY 2024 · Pankaj Pachauri is in conversation with Pervaiz Alam in Cineink’s podcast series: London Vārta - Freedom Of Speech. In a wide-ranging interview, former Communication Adviser to PM Dr Manmohan Singh, Pachauri says: If I were to advise PM Narendra Modi, I would try to convince him to hold a big press conference for at least two hours at the new Media Centre in New Delhi. Let the journalists ask all sorts of questions. This would help him in changing his image of a ‘dictator’. Personally, I think he should do it because he is a great interviewee.  Pachauri adds: I hope PM Modi will hold a press conference during the ongoing election campaign. There’s a perception that PM Narendra Modi does not believe in democratic values whereas questioning the govt is actually a democratic value. ‘London Vārta - Freedom Of Speech’ podcast is available in both audio and video formats on Apple, Spotify and YouTube.  “No, I do not ever want to write a book about my working with  Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. This is what I promised to Dr Singh when I saw how betrayed he felt when his former media adviser Sanjay Baru’s book (Accidental Prime Minister: Making and Unmaking of Manmohan Singh) came out,” says Pankaj Pachauri, former Communication Adviser to PM Manmohan Singh (2012-2014). Pankaj adds, Dr Singh told me at that time “I have been stabbed in the back.” PM Manmohan Singh’s Last Press Conference: The preparation and a last minute surprise… Pankaj Pachauri reveals: PM Manmohan Singh addressed 167 press conferences in his 10-year rule. But his last press conference as PM was a masterclass. It took us three months to prepare for the presser. Anticipating at least 100 possible questions, we sought facts and figures from various govt departments, and prepared a 100-page document to assist Dr Singh but he barely looked at it. He just skimmed through the information we had collected.  Pachauri explains: One hundred and thirty journalists attended the press conference on 3rd January 2014 in New Delhi. This was the last press conference of PM Singh. Sixty two questions were asked. Dr. Singh was spot on. However, we were ambushed by one question, asked by a journalist from Assam. I confess, we had not anticipated this question. The journalist asked: What steps the govt has taken to address the depleting population of rhinos in Assam.  Before joining Dr. Manmohan Singh as his communication advisor, Pankaj had reported from Delhi, Hong Kong, London & Boston. He started his journalistic career at the Patriot, followed by The Sunday Observer, India Today, BBC and NDTV. He was producer of news and current affairs at the BBC World Service & Hindi Service in London for 6 years.  At NDTV, he anchored popular TV progs such as Money Mantra and Hum Log. He was also channel’s Managing Editor.  BBC is not the BBC it used to be… Discussing the state of media in India, Pankaj criticised the restructuring of BBC in India. According to BBC, in the month of April, 2024, its operation in India separated in two. BBC said the changes were being made to meet the country's foreign investment rules. A new Indian-owned company called the Collective Newsroom has started producing content for the BBC's six other Indian language services. BBC admits that the move came a year after BBC India's Delhi offices were searched by Indian authorities. Those searches by income tax officials came weeks after the broadcaster aired a documentary in the UK - but not in India - critical of PM Modi. “BBC is not the BBC it used to be. By outsourcing its news output, it has become another media outlet just like other media companies of India. Therefore, it ought to be treated just like any other Indian outfit, now, and has to face same pressures.  Pankaj founded an online platform GoNews in 2017 and ran it for 5 years. Ayodhya Temple and a Qabristan in its vicinity… Talking about his work as a reporter in the 1990s, Pankaj says: I have been covering Ayodhya issue since 1987. It’s all politics, full of contradictions. AB Vajpayee said guilty should be punished after the demolition of the mosque. LK Advani called it the saddest day of his life. Once I reported from Ayodhya that there used to be a Muslim graveyard near the site where the new temple has come up.  Pankaj Pachauri has been a member of the Academic Councils at the IIMC, Jamia Millia & MA National Urdu University. He has been a Guest Faculty at the Kautilya School of Public Policy, Hyderabad.  Cine Ink (http://www.cineink.com) has been founded by former BBC broadcasters, Achala Sharma and Pervaiz Alam. 
    Played 1h 27m 56s
  • London Vārta: The Process Is The Punishment Says Paranjoy Guha Thakurta

    8 MAY 2024 · Arm-twisting through legal means and harassment of journalists by the current govt in India is to create “a chilling effect”. And there’s a word for it, SLAPP, Paranjoy Guha Thakurta explains:  Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation. The process is the punishment, Thakurta says.  Thakurta is one of India’s best known journalists. But he’s controversial too.  Besides having been questioned by Delhi Police for freelancing with a news portal which is under investigation by the govt, Thakurta also faces various allegations in multiple court cases for his writings, primarily, the defamation. Paranjoy was one of more than 180 editors, investigative reporters and other journalists around the world who were selected as possible candidates for surveillance by government clients of the surveillance firm NSO Group, according to Amnesty International.  Paranjoy is in conversation with broadcaster Pervaiz Alam, discussing the challenges faced by journalists in protecting the freedom of speech in India. Having worked with Business India, BusinessWorld, The Telegraph, India Today, The Pioneer, Television Eighteen (now Network 18), Lok Sabha Television and other networks, Paranjoy joined India’s prestigious Economic and Political Weekly as its Editor in 2016 but had to resign amid a controversy.  He has been a visiting faculty member at the prestigious Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Ahmedabad. Thakurta has published, authored and collaborated with other writers on more than 30 books, including, Gas Wars, Sue The Messenger and Flying Lies. 
    Played 47m 18s
  • London Vārta: I will keep questioning the government / Abhisar Sharma, TV Anchor

    27 APR 2024 · “I will ask questions. I’m not backing off. Let me make this clear to this government,” says Abhisar Sharma, famous Journalist and television anchor, in this long interview with broadcaster Pervaiz Alam on Cine Ink’s new podcast series London Vārta: Freedom of Speech.  Abhisar Sharma is an award-winning journalist and has worked with BBC Hindi, NDTV, Zee TV, Aajtak and ABP as a reporter, presenter and anchor of news and current affairs programmes in London and Delhi. The series London Vārta: Freedom of Speech is available both in video and audio formats on YouTube, Apple, Spotify and other major podcast platforms.  Abhisar Sharma was summoned twice by the Delhi Police for questioning in connection with a case filed under anti-terror law UAPA of India, following charges that he was involved with a news portal which was accused of spreading pro-China propaganda. He has also been questioned by India’s Enforcement Directorate as well in another case.  London Vārta: Freedom of Speech will be profiling some of India’s leading television anchors and journalists who have launched their own YouTube channels, attracting millions of viewers to get their alternate news and current affairs. In conversation with broadcaster Pervaiz Alam, the guests share their journey from mainstream media or ‘Legacy Media’ to Social Media as the space for independent journalists shrinks day by day in India. 
    Played 1h 9m 9s
  • London Vārta- Freedom Of Speech: Social Media & Algorithm Unplugged by Utkarsh Amitabh

    24 APR 2024 · In this first episode of “London Vārta: Freedom of Speech”,  Utkarsh Amitabh, CEO of Network Capital, is in conversation with broadcaster Pervaiz Alam. Amitabh has recently authored a book: Passion Economy And The Side Hustle, published by Penguin.  He is also the Chief Marketing Officer of http://5ire.org/, a blockchain unicorn valued at $1.5 Billion.  Utkarsh Amitabh is a writer at Harvard Business Review, Chevening Fellow at University of Oxford and a World Economic Forum Global Shaper who represented the community at the Annual Meeting in Davos. An engineer by training, Utkarsh read philosophy at Pembroke College, University of Oxford and earned his MBA from INSEAD Business School (France) where he was recognised as the Andy Burgess Scholar for Social Entrepreneurship.  Utkarsh worked at Microsoft for 7 years across US, Europe and India, leading business development for big bet projects. He is a TED speaker, Raisina Fellow, and the recipient of the INK Fellowship.  He is also a trained actor and played “Major Metcalf” in one of the world's longest running plays. He loves to travel and has been to more than 80 countries. London Vārta: Freedom of Speech  Meet some of the most prominent journalists and broadcasters from India, discussing their journey from ‘Legacy Media’ to Social Media via Youtube in a series of podcasts, London Vārta: Freedom of Speech, produced by Cine Ink, a hub of podcasts based in London.   Background: A report by the Reuters news agency in April, 2024, headlined the phenomenon “Critics of India's Modi migrate online as mainstream media stays deferential.” With more than 800 million people online, India is the country with the largest YouTube audience, 462 million, in the world. With more than 400 million WhatsApp users, the country is seeing a record number of exchange of good, bad and ugly internet links. A report “The 2024 Indian Elections: The Strategic Use of Journalism, Social Media, and Internet Governance in a Modi-centric Election” by Ralph Schroeder, Neeraj Shetye and Maknoon Wani, published in April 2024, for the Oxford Internet Institute, the University of Oxford, says: The Worrying State of Indian Journalism - India’s ranking in the  World Press Freedom Index has consistently deteriorated over the past few years, touching a record low of 161 out of 180 countries in 2023, falling 11 positions compared to 2022. One of the main issues leading to the downgrade is the concentrated ownership of Indian media  where businesses such as Reliance Industries, which is close to the Prime Minister, has been able to buy more than 70 media outlets in the country. This has significantly affected Indian journalism: As Antara Dev Sen observes, “An independent journalist is the bedrock of responsible media as opposed to embedded journalists, enlisted by dominant political, ideological or business interests”.  The report adds: Disinformation on social media played an important, though not decisive, role in the previous two elections. 2014 is sometimes dubbed the ‘Twitter election’ and 2019 the ‘WhatsApp’ election. 2024, with YouTube among the main outlets that Indians use for news may come to be known as the ‘YouTube election’.
    Played 1h 11m 18s
  • EP 01: Prof Tahir Mahmood on Uniform Civil Code and Muslim Personal Law

    2 SEP 2023 · The year 2023 has seen been witnessing one of the the most heated debates on the idea of having a Uniform Civil Code (UCC) in India. The framers of the Indian constitution endeavoured to have a common set of laws governing personal matters such as marriage, divorce, inheritance, and adoption for all citizens, irrespective of their religious affiliations. Both Muslims and Christians have expressed their reservations about the idea which is yet to be presented in a legal format. Various tribes and other minority groups in India are also opposed to the introduction of a UCC. Why? Prof. Tahir Mahmood, India’s renowned jurist specialising in Islamic Law, Hindu Law, Religion and Law and Law Relating to Minorities, and Former Member, Law Commission of India, is in conversation with Pervaiz Alam. He says Indian Muslims have been let down by their scholars as most Muslim countries in the world, including Pakistan, have codified the Islamic family law. “According to Islamic law, triple divorce is illegal. All Muslim countries have abolished it.” But in India Muslim scholars are still divided over it. Prof. Mahmood has authored more than 20 books on law and has been Dean, Faculty of Law, University of Delhi, Chairman, National Commission for Minorities and Member, National Human Rights Commission. The Supreme Court of India has cited his scholarly work on Islamic laws in some of its judgments.
    Played 1h 7m 30s
London Vārta is a podcast series in Hindi and Urdu about the latest political discourse in India, presented by broadcaster Pervaiz Alam.
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