14 NOV 2023 · Martin Powell has written hundreds of stories, both for comics and prose, in numerous genres for Disney, Marvel, DC, Dark Horse, Capstone Books, and Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc., among many others. Nominated for the prestigious Eisner Award for his fiction featuring Sherlock Holmes, he has written many of the most popular characters in the industry, including Superman, Batman, Popeye the Sailor, Dracula, Frankenstein, and Tarzan of the Apes. His Tall Tale of Paul Bunyan won the national Moonbeam Golden Award for Best Children's Graphic Novel of 2010. He’s pioneered the retelling of classic faery tales with a freshly relevant 21st Century spin, for such critically acclaimed children’s books as Red Riding Hood, The Ugly Duckling, Rapunzel vs. Frankenstein, and many more. Powell wrote the fan-favorite sci-fi comedy/adventure Mars Attacks Popeye, and he is the creator of The Halloween Legion, a nominee for the Stan Lee Excelsior Award. He’s also been an educational writer for Gander Publishing, dedicated to improving literacy reading skills for students of all ages. Currently, he’s the author of nearly a dozen different Edgar Rice Burroughs weekly online comic strip series’, and the critically acclaimed Jungle Tales of Tarzan graphic novel. In 2017 he received the coveted Golden Lion Award from the Burroughs Bibliophiles for his on-going contributions to the legacy of Edgar Rice Burroughs. https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbmlsN2htTUg4NEdpNEV3UzViZzRsbUlVcUl4d3xBQ3Jtc0ttTlQ1eDN6d1Rzd1RTR1N4eVNsOFFVdVUxX1FtLTRtcHROaUZLNTRFc3NqamNxcEhWS0pZR2ZiV0d4VFI0X1hlNUlqd2preXpaOVNoQTJ0UzUtNmZ3QzUydlNYYnh6bUpZSTl6T0NjNm9UU1JMd3dNaw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fmartin.powell1&v=BAnwqjaSUPE https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa2NRNy0tX1Vib3pnOWt3V3pPYjBfN3dqTXl0QXxBQ3Jtc0tuQkVpcV9tX2JBclZyaU95V3R1bTI1aVJmM3QxeUJad3kwbXFRYUVadWZkOE5QUG5TdUZlMVM1NGNPYzdPYVNKZ19PTlozVi16SUlEYmpZeDE5WnRLLWhDakxvMWpVWlFIb0JrZlRNdTREQlBxSHdCSQ&q=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.amazon.com%2FMartin-Powell%2Fe%2FB001JRXRSU&v=BAnwqjaSUPE