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Normal 40: The Podcast

  • The Psychotherapist -- Navigating Midlife with Dr. Nicholas Samstag

    28 JUN 2024 · What happens when successful individuals reach the pinnacle of their careers only to feel trapped and dissatisfied? You become a psychotherapist, of course. Join me, Lon Stroschein, and Dr. Nicholas Samstag, as we embark on an eye-opening journey of midlife transition and self-discovery. We dive deep into the emotional and psychological struggles faced by those who've achieved much but still yearn for something more. Our conversation unravels the complexities of self-discovery, questioning if midlife reinvention truly leads to a better version of oneself or just a different one. In our conversation, we emphasize the necessity of introspection and understanding one's own psychological roots. We explore the intricate relationship between personal growth, self-reflection, and the patterns that shape our behaviors. By recognizing and addressing deep-seated issues, individuals can break free from unproductive cycles and achieve meaningful change. We also touch on the importance of seeking professional therapy when needed, ensuring a holistic approach to personal development. From the concept of transference in relationships to the construction of self-image and the value of authenticity, we cover a broad spectrum of crucial topics. We highlight the pressures of maintaining a constructed image and the journey towards embracing one's true self. We conclude with a powerful discussion on the importance of curiosity, breaking rigid convictions, and the continuous journey of learning and staying humble. Join us for an inspiring conversation that encourages meaningful actions and invites you to be part of a transformative community. You can follow Dr. Nicholas Samstag here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nicholas-samstag-ph-d-66a68bb/ You can learn more about Lon Stroschein here: https://linktr.ee/lon.stroschein
    Played 1h 2m 4s
  • The Brutal Reality of You — And Your Missing Art

    23 MAY 2024 · Ever felt the weight of a secret life that no one knows about, or found yourself grappling with the stark reality of your own existence? Ever wonder why you don't have clarity for what's next or the energy to chase it? We get it! Join us as we explore the brutal reality of our lives to this point. Lon and Adam have a classic ramble--candidly discussing the spheres that shape our identity and influence the emotional authenticity we bring to our relationships and creative pursuits. With raw introspection, we invite you to consider how the brutal reality of you impacts the overall quality of your lives. Lon and Adam peel back the layers of self-awareness, tackling the tough questions about life satisfaction and the often daunting process of self-discovery. Discover how high achievers grapple with the internal conflict of outward success versus personal fulfillment and why pursuing authenticity may mean confronting uncomfortable truths.  Whether acknowledging the need for change or mastering the courage to seek guidance, this conversation encourages those navigating career and life transitions, offering solace and insights into pursuing a path that resonates deeply with one's core. In celebrating vulnerability and the human spirit, we discuss the nuances of finding one's path and the transformative power of dreaming anew. This episode is a call to patience and a reminder that sometimes, the most profound journeys begin with the smallest of steps. So, come aboard, and let's navigate the waters of self-discovery and personal evolution together, with the promise that, on the other side, a more authentic self awaits.
    Played 1h 21s
  • The Transformation: Navigating Health and Purpose with Dr. Molly Maloof

    2 MAY 2024 · Embarking on life's next act can be a treacherous climb, but it's one some of us have braved with vigor. Join us on a transformative journey along the Normal 40 Highway as we welcome the exceptional Dr. Molly Maloof. This candid conversation is all about sparking change and pursuing a life filled with purpose. Listen in as we unpack the pivotal moments that redefine our biological and psycho-spiritual well-being and share our personal stories of career transitions and the search for a deeper meaning in life. Molly brings her wealth of experience to the table, offering practical tips on health optimization and finding balance amidst the midlife challenges that so many of us face. As we traverse the landscape of well-being, Lon and Dr. Molly illuminate the three pillars of health that can guide you toward a more fulfilled existence. They explore the nuances of creating a lifestyle that supports longevity, including the significance of nurturing relationships and self-actualization. You'll be inspired by this discussion on self-care habits that can dramatically alter your life's trajectory and hear firsthand about the enlightening path from medical student to Silicon Valley's go-to expert in precision medicine. This episode is an invitation to rethink how you live and a reminder that it's never too late to make those bold moves. The episode culminates with reflections on the synergy between wellness and personal development, emphasizing the profound impact of dietary choices and spiritual connections on our overall health. Dr. Molly shares her success story with her book "The Spark Factor," and Lon discusses his Amazon bestseller, "The Trade," encouraging you to consider how these insights can resonate with your life. Whether it's understanding the value of proper nutrition, engaging in community support, or discovering spiritual practices that align with your essence, this episode is packed with thought-provoking discussions that will leave you motivated to embrace your Normal 40 journey with enthusiasm and an open heart. Follow Lon Stroschein: Lon Stroschein: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lon-stroschein-normal40/  ......................................................................................................................................... Dr. Molly Mallof is a licensed doctor in California. She has also built a modern health and wellness media brand that inspires, educates, and motivates people to make the right lifestyle choices so they can actualize their potential. If you want to work with her, check out her website: https://drmolly.co/ Follow her on; Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drmolly.co/ Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mollymaloofmd/
    Played 1h 11m 35s
  • Dismantling Self-Doubt in the Quest for the Extraordinary

    11 APR 2024 · Are you living up to your potential, really? This episode gives hope to anyone wrestling with impostor syndrom. Lon Stroschein's co-host Adam Eaton returns to the airwaves to share his raw and insightful experiences with personal adversity and transformation. Adam shares some of the pitfalls that can find any of us who are on the Normal 40 highway. Adam shares his struggle with self-doubt and the courage it takes to step away from the grind and to live out his "Normal 40 Moment" to forge a path--his own path. This is a deep and candid conversation, in real-time, of the internal narratives that hold us back. We invite you into our conversation about imposters, self-deception, self-doubt, jealousy, separation anxiety, trust and friendships for the journey.  Adam and Lon peel back the layers of starting new ventures, addressing the realities of self-doubt, procrastination, and the pursuit of perfection. They share actionable insights and support those embarking on their own creative or professional journeys. They also reaffirm the power of community and the shared human experience as we all navigate the unpredictable roads of life and leadership.  Tune in for an episode that promises to touch hearts, stir minds, and maybe, just maybe, inspire your next bold move. This episode is an anthem of solidarity for anyone who's ever felt like an imposter in their own story. My thanks to Adam Eaton for being a dude to know.  Also, thanks to Damien Boudreau for the incredible theme music...it's the best in all of podcasting.  When you join The Insider, you can join Lon Live twice every month. It might be the best $25 you ever spend.  Find us here: https://linktr.ee/lon.stroschein Lon Stroschein: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lon-stroschein-normal40/ Adam Eaton: https://www.linkedin.com/in/adam-eaton-21646a4/  Damien Boudreau: https://www.linkedin.com/in/damien-boudreau-2a498912/
    Played 1h 7m 24s
  • The Other Bets - Crypto Currency with Ben Wiener

    29 MAR 2024 · In the new life Lon has built, he reserves every Friday to work on what he calls "Other Bets," investments that are outside of Normal 40 but also part of Lon's long-term future. Listen in as Lon Stroschein takes you through a transformative journey from a corporate executive to a lifestyle engineer -- and where his interest in cryptocurrency takes shape. Including the time he lost more money than he wants his wife to know about.  You'll hear the story of Lon's hard lessons in Crypto, and what he does now. As one of Lon's "Other Bets," he is an investor in and advisor to Benaiah Capital, a boutique investment firm that specializes in digital assets. In this Normal 40 Podcast, Lon talks with the founder of Benaiah Capital, Ben Wiener. This narrative isn't just about financial ventures; it's about the personal growth and education required to navigate the complexities of crypto investment.  There is plenty to talk about, but this is NOT a sales pitch. It's just one way Lon shares about how he diversified out of his corporate concentration and into something that is anything but a guarantee. Lon and Ben tackle the common misconceptions surrounding cryptocurrency custody and how Benaiah aims to provide clarity and confidence to those considering integrating high-risk assets into their wealth management strategies.  You can follow Ben Wiener here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/benjamin-wiener-benaiahco-nrp-holdings/ You can learn more about Lon Stroschein here: https://linktr.ee/lon.stroschein
    Played 1h 5m 2s
  • The Unfolding — A Story of Incredible Resilience and Irony in Peru

    8 MAR 2024 · It takes trust--an awkward amount of trust--to let things simply unfold before you. To let them play out, to see them untangle, to give them space, and to live in that moment, trusting it. This podcast is a conversation recorded from the streets in Quillabamba, Peru. Join Lon Stroschein on a transformative trek through the heart of Peru, where he is joined by a remarkable guide, Carlos...only 72 hours after meeting, but already a mountain of trust. Carlos shares a slice of life from the streets of Quillabamba to the emotional journey back to his family home, which he visited for the first time in ten years--the first time since his mom passed away. This story is about the courage to follow the path less traveled and the power of new friendships to change our lives. Venture with Lon to the Yanatile jungle, where Carlos's life story unfolds. From his childhood in Cusco to the life-altering decision to leave New York and return to his roots, Carlos's tale is one of deep cultural connections and the sacrifices made for his family. His commitment to preserving the Andean values and promoting responsible tourism alongside his partner, Laura Diaz, illustrates a life led by purpose and passion. This conversation touches on the emotional resonance of grief and the resilient spirit that leads to a profound appreciation of life. It culminates with the Gift of Stones, a symbol of the connections we make and the adventures that await. Tune in to experience Peru through the eyes of those who cherish its heritage and welcome you with open arms.
    Played 1h 29m 24s
  • The Unscripted Journey -- Lon’s Journey into the Peruvian Highlands, alone.

    22 FEB 2024 · Have you ever had a calling you could feel in your gut? Have you ever felt called to do something on a whim, and you weren't sure why? Have you ever cut through the irresponsibility of how it feels, and then chased the call simply to see where it goes? Have you ever carved out eight days, flown to a land where you don't speak the language, don't have an event, and don't have a friend to host you? Have you ever arrived alone, to a place where you don't speak the language, you don't have a hotel reservation, a car rented, or a driver to deliver you somewhere--anywhere? Have you ever followed a feeling and let it lead you unscripted? Well, two weeks ago, I hadn't either. I mean, really, who does that? Now I've done it. And I talk all about it here. "There I was, with Carlos, a guy I hadn't known for more than 48 hours, deep in the Yanatile jungle, abandoned by our driver, and we were about to walk the last mile to the place where Carlos was born. A place where his aunt and uncle live. A place he hadn't been back to in ten years. A place he hadn't returned to since his mother died. And nobody knew we were coming -- they didn't have phone, internet or mail." Join Lon as he reconnects with Adam Eaton for a heartfelt discussion that charts his transformative travels through Peru. This dialogue weaves through the power of new experiences and the profound insights gained when one heeds the inner call to seek a life of fulfillment. Come with us into the heart of Peru's spiritual landscapes as Lon and Adam share the touching act of leaving a token of home at Machu Picchu, feeling connected with an ancient civilization. We explore the balance between the thrill of uncharted paths and the natural apprehension they evoke, highlighting the ongoing journey of self-discovery. We reflect on the beauty of unscripted adventure, the role of accountability in personal endeavors, and the nurturing of spousal support that facilitates these solitary quests for meaning. This episode isn't just about travel; it's about the transformation that comes with stepping outside the "normal 40" work week. Lon delves into the liberation experienced in the Yanatili jungle, detached from the usual demands of life, and discusses the universal relevance of such a break for self-improvement. Tune in for a dose of inspiration, and perhaps you'll find yourself ready to pursue the unscripted adventures that beckon. Do you want to connect with Lon personally or want to hang out with a few hundred of us as we talk about things like this (in The Insider)? Find it here: https://linktr.ee/lon.stroschein
    Played 1h 3m 58s
  • The Transition -- Two Weeks Notice with Dan Mayer

    12 JAN 2024 · Ever dreamed about quitting your job to chase a dream? Well, meet Dan Mayer. Dan Mayer is a seasoned sales expert who resigned from his VP position and is starting his own venture -- NEXT WEEK! This ramble offers a wealth of insights into this life-changing decision. Through his personal experiences, including family challenges, a Wrigley's Gum commercial, and a stand-up comedy stint, Dan articulates the delicate balance of pursuing dreams and fulfilling obligations, providing a roadmap for those contemplating a similar leap. Dan's journey underscores the importance of self-belief, the power of genuine connections, and the role of empathy in sales—a skill harnessed from his mother Denise. His candid sharing on redefining success and the magic of aligning one’s profession with personal values is bound to resonate with many. This conversation is more than just a story; it's a heartfelt invitation to join a community of dreamers and doers. This episode was recorded in September, only a few weeks after Dan resigned and before he had clarity on what was next. As we eagerly anticipate Dan's new business launch, we celebrate the essence of entrepreneurship and encourage all our listeners to support his venture. For anyone seeking to reconnect with their passion or redefine their career path, this episode is a testament to the strength found in vulnerability and the courage to pursue what truly matters. You can follow Dan Mayer here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dmmayer/ Learn more about Lon Stroschein here: https://linktr.ee/lon.stroschein
    Played 1h 16m 11s
  • The Journey: From ER Doctor to Middle-School Teacher: Keith Pochick's Story

    21 DEC 2023 · Who quits their job as an ER physician to be a middle school science teacher? Well, this guy. There's something magnetic about a story that breaks the mold, and Keith Pochick's leap from the corridors of the emergency room to the halls of a middle school does just that. Join Lon Stroschein as he sits down with Keith Pochick, whose life took an extraordinary turn when he traded his stethoscope for a teacher's marker. Keith shares his heartfelt transition from being a medical doctor to inspiring young minds as a middle school science teacher. His story is a testament to the courage and self-discovery required to follow one's passion, revealing the intricate ties between personal fulfillment and professional identity. Keith's insights give hope to anyone considering a bold career move, proving that it's never too late to reshape your path. Throughout this conversation, Lon and Keith navigate the complexities of making life-altering career shifts, particularly when it involves stepping away from a well-established role into the realm of the unknown. They discuss the psychological battles, the importance of aligning with personal values, and the delicate balance of family obligations and self-realization. This discussion is an intimate exploration of the internal conflicts that come with such a significant change, coupled with a vibrant reminder that the pursuit of change, while daunting, is essential for growth and personal satisfaction. Come along and be part of this inspiring narrative reaffirming the power of taking action toward the life you envision. You can follow Keith Pochick here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/keith-pochick-md-92a664119/ Learn more about Lon Stroschein here: https://linktr.ee/lon.stroschein
    Played 1h 12m 25s
  • The Move: A Ramble with my First Coach, Brendan Burns:

    7 DEC 2023 · Have you ever thought hiring a coach was a waste? Lon Stroschein did, until ... Join Lon as he sat (back) down with his first coach, Brendan Burns, to discuss his transformation from a public company executive to a lifestyle engineer and career coach on a mission to inspire others. This candid conversation touches on Lon's journey of leaving a successful career, the power of LinkedIn, the importance of taking action before you're ready, and how unexpected life events such as death, divorce, and mental health challenges have shaped us. Together, they share personal experiences and insights that offer valuable advice for listeners seeking to make changes in their lives -- while at the top of their game. Brendan shares his story of turning down a job opportunity in Europe to become a successful coach, and how that trade has shaped his life. Including his launch into podcasting with guests like Matthew McConaughey, Jack Canfield, and many others. This discussion underscores the significance of authenticity and overcoming perfectionism. Brendan's experience of transitioning from a successful career to starting his own coaching business will inspire those grappling with their fear of taking the first step. Listen in as Lon and Brendan tackle the conflict between ego and image, the impact of ego on our true selves, and how our desired image often stems from low self-esteem and a need for love and attention. They underscore the importance of embracing our true selves to find our purpose and fulfillment. This conversation encourages listeners to reflect on their own lives and make changes for a better future. Don't miss out on this empowering conversation. You can follow Brendan Burns here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/brendanhburns/ You can learn more about Lon Stroschein here: https://linktr.ee/lon.stroschein
    Played 1h 12m 47s

I left the rat race while at the top. I was making the most I had ever made, and I was offered a promotion. But I was tired of the...

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I left the rat race while at the top. I was making the most I had ever made, and I was offered a promotion. But I was tired of the travel. The work no longer inspired me. I was sick of answering emails all night and while on vacation. It was what I chased, but I felt trapped - like it was impossible to leave - because I was the provider. I went to bed most nights with a pit in my gut, hoping that one day I would wake up and take back my life - before my kids had grown and moved out.

So, I resigned. No plans. No resume. No guarantees. Just me - and it has been fantastic!

When I left, thousands of people wanted to know how I did it, how I knew it was my time. How I knew I had enough. How I worked this out with my family.

It wasn't until I left that I realized what I felt was normal. I realized it happens to most high-achievers. And I realized I wasn't alone, but that nobody was leading these leaders. That's when I created Normal 40 - a movement chartered to help people regain control over their lives - a place where you don't have to do this alone.

This podcast tells the stories of those who have done it, those who are doing it, and those who hope to someday have the balls to start. This podcast is your story, and you're not alone.

My mission is to inspire a thousand people to write their second-half story -- and live it.

My metrics will be a thousand notes of thanks from people who have made "The Trade" and will never look back with regret.

That’s what’s in me. That's my mission. That's why I'm here.

This is the shit nobody talks about. This is the Normal 40.

Lets Ramble!
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